Invert the universe

Chapter 59 Inheritance

The raging energy around him became more violent with the entry of Li Chuan, but Li Chuan was quite close to this raging energy, and even his body began to gradually absorb small amounts of energy and converge to the position of Dantian. Li Chuan could clearly feel the gradual fullness of energy in his body, and even faint signs of breakthrough.

Others don't know this situation, but Li Chuan is very clear. How long has it been since he made a breakthrough? If he absorbs such a little energy, there are signs of a breakthrough. So if so much energy is absorbed, what level will he reach?

This unexpected surprise does not surprise Li Chuan much, but is a little worried. Absorption is okay, but if you absorb too much, will you be broken by this violent energy or have any side effects?

Zhao Huoxuan looked nervously and excitedly on the periphery and muttered, "Really, I, Jinguangdong, will definitely win the whole world of cultivation and become eternal in the future!" The other two also stared at Li Chuan's back, with complex eyes and mixed feelings.

Quietly feeling the changes in the body, his body moves uncontrollably towards the prominent high platform, which is slow but real.

When it was still two feet away from the high platform, it was very close. Li Chuan could not move his body at all, so he could only passively float slowly towards the high platform, and the surrounding scene also changed.

In the eyes of Zhao Huoxuan and others, Li Chuan's body gradually rose, and then the surrounding energy suddenly stagnated, the sound of the storm also disappeared, and the falling needles around him could be heard. And they can't move any more. They can only passively watch what happens in front of them.

Li Chuan and the scene they saw are completely different. The surroundings are no longer a violent energy flow, but gradually quiet, and they can even smell the fragrance of flowers, and the blurred scenes around them gradually become clear, with mountains and flowing water in the distance and thatched huts nearby. In the thatched hut, there is a clear pool, in which you can see koi swimming. The air around is fresh. If it hadn't been for the previous energy turbulence, Li Chuan would really be a real world. On the shore of Qingtan, an old man sat quietly, casually holding a fishing rod in his hand and fishing.

Li Chuan quietly suspended in the air, looked at everything around him, and looked around at the surrounding scenes. If only his heart could fall to the ground. As soon as I had such an idea, my body came to the ground lightly, and the feeling of being down-to-earth was so real.

Li Chuan was a little surprised. What is this place? It's a fantasy, but it's not like he can clearly feel the earth on the soles of his feet. My consciousness is still there, but why can't I move my body, but my thoughts will appear wherever I want? Curious space.

Li Chuan was still thinking that there was a movement in the angler's place, and a fat koi was caught. Li Chuan looked carefully, and there was no line on the fishing rod at all.

"Wow, young man, you are blessed! I've been fishing here for so many years, and you caught one as soon as you came, uh-huh, that's good!" The old man seemed to jump up very excitedly, grabbed the lively koi, and then said to Li Chuan.

Li Chuan wanted to speak, but he couldn't speak and still couldn't act.

"Hey, this is my space. I know everything you think. Collect it!" The old man nodded to Li Chuan's forehead, and Li Chuan felt that a strange force had been dissipated by this.

"What's your name!" The old man asked while cleaning up the koi.

"Don't you know everything in my heart? Still asking!" Li Chuan regained his mobility and exited to the old man.

"Hey, boy, that's good. Test me, right? Don't think about who I am. If I wanted to hurt you, you would have died a long time ago!" The old man smiled at Li Chuan.

Li Chuan frowned and said to the old man, "Dare to ask your name, where is this?"

"I told you that the world here belongs to me. My name is Zhao Wuji, and I don't know if you have heard of it!" The old man said proudly to Li Chuan.

"Is the predecessor Zhao Wuji, the ancestor of Jinguang Cave? You didn't sit down. Are the rumors false? Li Chuan asked in surprise. This time, Li Chuan was really surprised. Thousands of years ago, he actually appeared in front of him vividly. What a deep cultivation he had to be.

"Kid, I am an idea of Zhao Wuji. The ontology has dissipated for many years, and the ontology has left me to wait for your arrival!"

"Me? Why?" Li Chuan is a little puzzled. Has his appearance been predicted by Zhao Wuji for a long time? He will know his arrival.

"Hey, you are his successor. Of course, I need to wait for your arrival!" At this moment, the old man cleaned up the koi and walked in the direction of the thatched hut.

Li Chuan walked forward with the old man, thinking that he was the successor. Is it true that he would become the owner of Jinguang Cave in the future as Zhao Huoxuan said?

"You come here to show that your constitution is eligible!" As the old man spoke, he began to make a fire, and then raised his hand to stew the koi.

Li Chuan was still chewing what the old man said, tilting his head and thinking about something, but he had no clue.

"Don't think about it. Your physique is the same as mine. You are destined to go against the sky!" The old man said happily and sadly that there was no longer the previous relaxation and comfort, and the movements in his hands stopped, and his eyes looked deep at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

Li Chuan quietly tasted the old man's words, and the two were silent. The air around them seemed to be affected by the old man's mood and was a little depressed.

What is the system of the fairy demon body? Please solve one or two puzzles for the younger generation!" After about dozens of hours of silence, Li Chuan asked again.

The old man also came to his senses and looked at Li Chuan, his eyes were extremely complicated, and he looked at Li Chuan quietly.

"The fairy demon body is a powerful constitution. As long as the fairy demon body appears, it will set off a bloody storm and accept grinding to promote its growth. Everyone with this physique is a person with a heavy responsibility. If this person does not complete the mission, then someone will continue to appear and accept the mission and continue to complete it!" The old man looked at the distance with deep eyes and muttered a little.

Li Chuan listened quietly. Through the old man's narrative, Li Chuan felt that he came to this world unusually and various strange encounters, which filled himself with mysteries. Is all this destined or deliberately arranged by someone?

"I stayed here to wait for your arrival. You are a fairy and demon physique, which is the candidate to inherit the heavy task of mission! Well, don't think about that trouble. This koi is good. Xiaochuan, you have a good mouth!" What the old man said was so colorful that it seemed that he was very greedy for this koi.

A pleasant fragrance came from the pot, which smelled very delicious. It is also a great appetite. Although it no longer depends on food, this aroma is too tempting and no longer thinks about anything else.

The old man called out a wine gourd and said with a smile, "Kid, have a mouthful of wine, it's very good!" He handed over the gourd.

Li Chuan took the wine gourd and pulled out the cork. The seductive smell of wine immediately came out. Li Chuan sighed, "Good wine!" Then look up and drink.

The old man looked at Li Chuan drinking wine with a smile without saying a word. He looked at Li Chuan like that, with a long and kind look in his eyes.

After taking a sip, Li Chuan wiped the liquor stuck to his mouth, then handed the gourd to the old man, burped his mouth, and said to the old man, "Senior, what kind of wine is this? Why is it similar to the wine my grandfather used to drink?

Li Chuan's eyes showed nostalgia. At this time, he thought of secretly drinking his grandfather's medicinal wine when he was a child, and he was a little distracted for a moment.

The old man looked at Li Chuan without saying anything, but sent the koi to Li Chuan and said to Li Chuan, "How about tasting this fish? It's delicious!"

"The younger generation has already drunk the wine of the seniors, isn't it...!" Before Li Chuan finished speaking, he was stopped by the old man and said, "Eat it. You only have this chance today, and this place will collapse in the future. If you want to eat again, you will have no chance. I have had enough for hundreds of years!" It's not bad."

"How did it collapse? The predecessor's mana is profound..." Li Chuan is a little eager. Since he came to this world, there are few people who have left a good impression on Li Chuan and are really good to him. Li Chuan is actually a little eager.

The old man stopped Li Chuan's words again and said with some sigh, "This is the arrangement of fate. I failed, and the next heavy responsibility will be handed over to you. I am just a residual idea, and the completion of the mission will disappear! Hundreds of years are not short, and it's time for me to return to my origin!" The old man looked a little sad.

"Well, let's not talk about this, eat the fish quickly, and then accept the inheritance and mission!" The old man said to Li Chuan with some urging. Obviously, he didn't want to talk too much to Li Chuan, and his eyes were also a little complicated.

Li Chuan seemed to feel something. He saw something in the old man's eyes and could feel his reluctance. He had been staring at him, but he couldn't understand what kind of feelings it was.

A little reluctantly, Li Chuan swallowed the koi into his stomach, and then quietly looked at the old man sitting opposite him and waited for his next step.

"Xiaochuan, when you finish eating the fish, it means that you have inherited my inheritance. That fish contains all my inheritance. When you leave here, you will know everything. I will no longer talk nonsense with you. The way to cultivate immortals is like sailing against the water and retreat. You have to practice well. Strive to become an immortal within a thousand years, and then you will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Work hard! Well, my mission has been completed, and it's time for me to dissipate. I'm really uncomfortable. I'm back to the source! If you succeed, we will have a chance to meet again!" The old man looked at Li Chuan reluctantly. The surrounding space was gradually collapsing. Now Li Chuan could no longer move at all. In this way, he watched the old man gradually dissipate into light spots in front of him, and the surrounding scene was also broken. Finally, it turned into the original energy, and the stagnant energy gradually began to rage.

Looking outside, it's just that Li Chuan is standing upside down and sitting on the high platform facing his head, and then there is some scattered energy fused into the surrounding energy. You can clearly see that the confused light converges towards Li Chuan's eyebrows and then disappears into Li Chuan's eyebrows.

lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and the picture has always been in a fixed state. Zhao Huoxuan is even more excited to see this scene. Others don't know him very well. This young man has begun to accept inheritance, so he will have a chance...

Thinking like this, Li Chuan's place changed again. He gradually reversed his body and began to sit on his knees automatically cross-to-legged. The hands were complicated and quickly knotted, so fast that their hands were a little confused. Only Zhao Huoxuan looked at the three people outside the venue and became more excited. Although they couldn't see clearly, they would never forget.

Hundreds of years ago, he saw his father Zhao Wuji's seal with his own eyes, which was the same as the seal of Li Chuan at this time. Zhao Huoxuan's eyes were full of envy and jealousy, and finally his eyes turned sharp to Li Chuan. The expression on his face is uncertain, and I don't know what he is thinking.

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