Invert the universe

Chapter 123 Break through the illusion

Walking slowly, Li Chuan didn't know where he would go. He only knew that he had been walking forward according to the method he had found. He hoped to find the exit.

However, after a long time, he has not found an exit. Li Chuan knew that there must be something wrong with him, so he stood up again and closed his eyes to feel the surroundings carefully.

I have sensed dozens of marks left by myself under myself. If it is true, then I have come to a place dozens of meters away from here. Why haven't I found the exit yet? This should not go wrong, but why is it still in this state?

Everything around has not changed, and Li Chuan has not found anything else wrong. At present, the only stupid way is to walk through the corridor completely to see if there is an exit. In case there is no exit, it will return to the previous position and leave here along the hole where he entered here. .

After the road was worry-free, Li Chuan let go of his courage and went on like this according to his previous experience.

There is no concept of time and no concept of space. Some can only feel their own marks, which have stretched up nearly 10,000 meters. Looking for this, you should come to the ground quickly.

Sure enough, after Li Chuan walked for a long time, he finally felt a trace of unusual light, and the air was no longer static. There was a slight wind, and he also felt some sand flying inside. The clear feeling is that the lines under his feet are gone, replaced by a layer of sand. Li Chuan felt the direction of the wind and walked forward against Sha Shuo.

Li Chuan did not stop Sha Shuo from hitting him in the face. He hasn't had this feeling for a long time, and he actually gave birth to some nostalgia. There is no concept of time under the ground, but Li Chuan feels that the time should not be too short.

About an hour later, Li Chuan finally saw everything in front of him. The dark yellow light reflected his shadow and pulled out a long shadow.

"Wow, it finally came out. This is actually the ground, and it is a very hidden place. So what is below?" Li Chuan breathed fresh air and thought to himself.

He took out the map to determine his location. When he determined his location on the map, he was a little stunned. He was thousands of kilometers away from the position where he dived underground. This is really a little ridiculous. Who set this illusion array? What secrets will there be below?

Thinking of this, Li Chuan came up with the idea of exploring again and took a break. After marking the hole on the map, Li Chuan began to go down to the cave again, ready to find out.

The journey below

is much simpler. Because of his own marks, Li Chuan came to tens of thousands of meters underground very smoothly, and then began to go down again.

The method is still the same. Li Chuan felt that after diving nearly 10,000 meters again, he found the abnormality again. This time, Li Chuan was no longer surprised, but excited.

He felt the aura, yes, it was aura.

Although he was excited and not in a hurry, he walked slowly and walked down. When he opened his eyes, he still saw the colorful light, and the wall was still a crack in the stone. However, he closed his eyes and felt it carefully with his spiritual knowledge. The surrounding walls changed and turned into murals.

The whole hall is made of black magic stones, and the huge stones are very flat, and there are steps at the end of this corridor. This step is also very strange, and it is suspended. And about nine meters high in the hall, a huge platform hangs quietly there.

The whole platform is emitting white light to illuminate this hall. Li Chuan looked around and saw that there was no other danger. He picked up a few broken swords on the ground and controlled the way.

After confirming that there was no danger, he carefully walked to the corridor and slowly approached the steps. He came to the steps and looked around, but still did not find any danger.

Is there no danger? Then why did thousands of flying swords cut people randomly when they first entered here? This is very unusual. It shouldn't be just this organ and in such a hidden place.

Li Chuan thought that he did not dare to touch the mechanism again. The injury on his body has not healed yet. It can be seen that the power of the flying swords just now is strange everywhere, and he can't help acting carelessly.

After careful observation for a long time, Li Chuan found the secret of this suspended step, a mechanism that may be fatal if he doesn't pay attention.

In the center of each step, there is a row of patterns, which are different. Moreover, the order of the pattern of the second step and the pattern of the first step is messy. It is difficult to find it without careful observation, because this pattern is hidden in the depths of the steps, not embossed, but more like embedded in the steps.

And these patterns are constantly rotating and changing positions, which is even more mysterious, and Li Chuan is more interested in the scene on the upper platform.