Invert the universe

Chapter 138 Five elements disillusionment wolf

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"Wait a minute, I have something to say!" Li Chuan watched the other people who were about to go to their positions and stop them.

He thought of an array, which is not a very large array. It only needs five arrays to form an illusion array, so that the enemy trapped in the array cannot distinguish the orientation and generate a certain illusion. Although Li Chuan does not know what kind of illusion the magic wolf can produce, he will definitely be trapped. In the array.

Taking out five fist-sized crystals are five elements. Li Chuan handed over the five crystals to the blood slaughter and said to them, "Wait here for a moment, I'll be right back!" After saying that, he directly rose into the air, checked the terrain, and arranged the array in the right position.

They don't know what Li Chuan is doing, but Li Chuan will be the main force. Of course, they listen to Li Chuan's words and quietly wait for Li Chuan to come back.

This valley is not very big. Of course, Li Chuan doesn't look very big in the sky. It is a small basin with a diameter of about several miles. Li Chuan quickly remembered the surrounding terrain in his heart and has found the position.

He lowered his figure and asked Xue Tu, "Do you have a map of Xue Tu? Location nearby!?"

"Yes!" Xue Tu answered and took out a map of animal skin painting on his chest.

Li Chuan took the map and looked at it. It was just a very rough map. Li Chuan frowned.

"Brother, what did you say? We'll listen to you!" Xue Tu also knew that his map was a little rough and said to Li Chuan.

"Do you still have animal skins?" Li Chuan asked.

"I have it!" Xiaobao quickly came forward with a roll of animal skin in his hand.

As a result, the animal skin began to depict, drawing the surrounding terrain on this animal skin in detail, marking five positions, and marking the attributes.

"Do you know what the attributes of the stones for you are? Take this map and remember your location and get ready!" Li Chuan gave the animal skin to five people and asked them to refer to it carefully.

Li Chuan's purpose is very simple. He wants to kill himself first and call everyone in when there is no danger to avenge the dead little six. He didn't want to help them because this battle was losing their hands.

"Brother, what is this? Can you kill the wolves?" Although Xue Tu and others did not know exactly what this was, they firmly remembered their position, and then asked Li Chuan for some unknown reasons.

"This is an array. Keep this position and I promise that a magic wolf can't run away, so that it can avenge the little sixth son!"

After that, Li Chuan told everyone the detailed formation method and prepared separately. At the moment of the formation of the illusion array, there will be five elements of divine light flashing, and then there will be no other reaction. As long as you enter the illusion array, you will be trapped and have hallucinations.

Of course, Li Chuan will not be trapped. He also told everyone how to enter the battle and prepared to go separately.

Li Chuan stood quietly in and out of the valley entrance, waiting for the formation of a large array. He began to rush into the array for a while, and then asked them to take revenge when they were almost killed.

"Wang!" After a flash of colorless light, the surroundings returned to tranquility again. Li Chuan knew that a large array had formed and he could start.

There was no unnecessary nonsense. Li Chuan stepped into the array, and then his figure disappeared strangely. If there were outsiders, they could not hear any movement in the valley. There was no change around him, but it was more quieter.


When Li Chuan stepped into the battle, he was found by the magic wolves around him and howled at Li Chuan. Other wolves in the valley also received the news and got up in the direction of Li Chuan.

Li Chuan did not hesitate to attract bloodthirsty and start a crazy killing. Bloodthirsty was also quite excited, and Li Chuan could not control it to let it play freely. It quickly flashed among the wolves, and the places he passed were basically sucked dry by him.

Occasionally, the magic wolf was killed directly by Li Chuan at a distance of a few meters, and it was difficult to get close to him.

" boss, Brother Li Chuan is so horrible. Is the one shining red with his weapon? Why is it so powerful? I look a little scared, as if my blood has been pouring towards it for a long time!"

After the formation of the array, several people quickly gathered together to wait for Li Chuan's call. They watched Li Chuan standing quietly at the mouth of the valley. The valley was full of blood. The scene was chaotic, and the wolves could not escape being bloodthirsty.

The number of magic wolves has been sharply reduced by nearly half, and these magic wolves also began to be afraid. At first, they smelled the bloody smell of their partners, which encouraged their fierceness and attacked the red light one after another. Unfortunately, their attacks were not accurate enough. Instead, they were sucked dry blood by this strange red light and died.

"Wow...!" On the slope at the other end of the valley, a huge red magic wolf roared at the sky, and all the magic wolves began to retreat in the direction of the magic wolf, trying to escape.

In such a while, the magic wolf has been reduced by half again, less than 150. Li Chuan saw this wolf. He knew that this was the wolf king of the wolves, the most powerful, the third-order demon wolf king.

"Bloodthirsty, that wolf will be your booty, and its blood is more delicious!" Bloodthirsty received Li Chuan's idea and returned to Li Chuan. Li Chuan looked at the strange red bloodthirsty and spoke, as if encouraging it.


The bloodthirsty and cheerful singing understood Li Chuan's words, and quickly rushed to the wolves again after surrounding Li Chuan.

"Brother Bloody, it's time to revenge!" Li Chuan shouted to the sky.

At this time, Xue Tu and others couldn't wait for a long time. They stepped into the array one after another and came to Li Chuan with a serious look at the retreating wolves. There were two lines of tears on Xiaobao's face and slowly flowed down.

"Little Six, I'm here to avenge you! Look at it!" Xue Tu roared and took the lead in rushing towards the wolves, and several other people also followed and rushed to the wolves together.

Li Chuan followed, and his spiritual consciousness broke out in an all-round way, covering all five bloody slaughters. In case there is danger, he can rescue him in time, and the team with few people can no longer lose manpower.

Bloodthirsty opened the way in front, and several people began a one-sided slaughter in the middle. Several people were killed with red eyes. They were completely lifeless. They were covered with the blood of the magic wolf and suffered some minor injuries, but they ignored the only idea of killing all the magic wolves in front of them.

"Oh...!" As the largest and red magic wolf fell, the wolf was completely destroyed by a blood slaughter. Several people were bathed in blood and could not see what color their clothes were. They lay on the ground breathlessly, and everyone's eyes were full of tears.

"Little Six! Did you see it?" Xiaobao lay on the ground and choked and roared.

Others were not much better. They were almost out of strength and lay quietly on the ground. When they heard Xiaobao's roar, they also roared one after another.

Li Chuan did not disturb them and let them vent their memories of their dead brothers. It was precisely because of the little six sons that they survived and exchanged their lives for their brotherhood. This is also one of the reasons why Li Chuan wanted to join this team. Li Chuan never liked to fight. He thought this feeling was the best. Of.

Now what Li Chuan can do is to peel off all the skulls of the magic wolf and collect magic crystals. Although he doesn't need these magic crystals very much, the blood slaughter is completely different. In order to survive, they choose to enter the dangerous beast mountain. Of course, they have to collect these.

Bloodthirsty also cleaned the battlefield happily, sucking all the fish out of the net without wasting any waste. Li Chuan didn't care about it and let him fly around the valley happily.

Although the scene was a little bloody and cruel, Li Chuan still had a smile on his face. The message conveyed to him that he could soon evolve, especially after absorbing the blood of the third-order demon wolf king, although he could not speak and communicate with himself, his meaning could be clearly expressed.

If he needs about 100 third-order Warcraft blood, he can speak. This news made Li Chuan quite excited. Isn't this a natural advanced place? Countless monsters, and I have to find a secret stronghold of the Moyang Sect, just on the way to find it, let the bloodthirsty continue to evolve until it reaches its peak.

About half an hour later, Li Chuan searched all the magic wolves and collected more than 200 red magic crystals. This is the essence of the second-order magic wolf. Without this, they are just ordinary beasts. Only when they give birth to magic crystals are the real monsters, that is, the main force of the wolves, which is called Wolf Warriors.