Invert the universe

Chapter 139 Cute Magic Fox

After Li Chuan collected the magic crystal, the members of the blood slaughter team also basically recovered some physical strength, slowly stood up and gathered in the direction of Li Chuan. There are still tears on their faces, and they have a belief in their hearts that they will follow Li Chuan and travel around the world with the strong in this life.

"Brother, the lives of our five brothers are all yours!" Xue Tu brought everyone to Li Chuan and said affirmatively to Li Chuan. From his tone, he could feel the sincerity and sincerity of his attitude.

Li Chuan didn't say anything and looked at everyone. Although his physical strength had been exhausted for a long time and his face could not be seen clearly, each of them's eyes were bright, and a feeling of reverence and admiration emerged.

Li Chuan did not answer, but smiled and handed over the collected magic crystals to the blood slaughter, and then slowly got up to retrieve the crystals one by one in the five directions of the five elements of the magic array and returned to the original place again.

"Let's take a break for a while, and then we will start a new adventure. Let's follow me!"

Hearing Li Chuan's answer, several people from the blood slaughter team were quite excited. At first, they thought that Li Chuan was just to help repay his plea before and help them avenge the dead Xiao Liu. During the period when Li Chuan went to get back the crystals before he answered, they were also quite nervous. Now a smile appeared on his face when he heard Li Chuan's answer, but it was okay not to smile. His white teeth looked a little penetrating.

They cleaned up their own blood and changed into clean clothes. Several people looked back at the corpse of the devil wolf in the valley and followed Li Chuan in a new direction.

Li Chuan stopped as soon as he walked out and asked Xue Tu, "When I was collecting crystals just now, I saw a fox-like warcraft. It is snow-white and petite and very fast. It is difficult to catch up with me at my speed. Does Brother Xue Tu know what a warcraft is?"

Xue Tu listened to some characteristics of Li Chuan's words, frowned and thought about it. Everyone also listened carefully to Li Chuan's words and recalled what Warcraft said was similar or similar to Li Chuan.

"We have never encountered such a small warcraft, but according to the characteristics of this warcraft mentioned by my brother, I guess it should be a purple pupil magic fox. The size is similar to what you said, and it is also snow-white and belongs to a speed-type warcraft. This small warcraft is the most dangerous. What's wrong? Brother, are you interested in this demon fox? Xue Tu touched his chin and said with little certainty, and finally asked Li Chuan if he was interested in this magic fox.

"I think this magic fox is extraordinary, because he can know my whereabouts like the palm of his hand. His wisdom is very high, and he has been following us all the time. Is it dangerous?"

Li Chuan looked around with some suspicion, but did not find the trace of the magic fox in his mouth. After hearing Li Chuan's words, others were also on guard and looked around nervously. After all, the speed of the magic fox was quite fast. If it launched a raid, it would definitely die in one move, otherwise it would not launch an attack.

"Don't worry, the range of this magic fox has not been found in my surveillance within five miles around us!"

Li Chuan exited again to relax everyone's vigilance, indicating that there would be no surprise. Li Chuan opened his spiritual knowledge at the beginning of entering Wanbei Mountain and controlled the five-mile range centered on them. As long as there is any wind and grass, Li Chuan will warn everyone as soon as possible.

But his intuition told him that the magic fox, which didn't seem to have much attack and danger, had been following them. Even if he can't find its trace, Li Chuan also wants to expand his spiritual knowledge, but five miles is already his limit. If he expands it further, he can't guarantee that any wind and grass can be perceived by himself at the first time. Who knows if this cunning demon fox will hide a series of means?

"Let's go, let's find a temporary station first!" Li Chuan took another step towards a more open place and prepared to take a temporary rest. After a big battle, Li Chuan did not consume much, but he had to consider the consumption of other members of the team.

Traveled about dozens of miles again. This is a relatively open grassland, with sparse unknown grass growing, gently swinging with the wind, but the color is not so bright and still dark.

"Brother, let's stay here. Our team has rested here for a while before, and it is still relatively safe here. If any monsters want to attack, we will definitely be found by us and deal with it in advance!" Xue Tu looked at this open area and suggested to Li Chuan.

"Okay, let's rest here!" The feeling of being followed and monitored reappeared, which was Li Chuan's intuition. He believed in his intuition very much, and it was this extraordinary intuition that saved his life several times, so he believed in his intuition very much.

Standing quietly in the center of the grassland, Li Chuan lowered his head and seriously felt that the members of the team next to him were building tents and other camping facilities. Prepare to eat some simple food.

"It's right there!" Li Chuan suddenly turned his head and looked at a forest in the distance. He sensed that the little guy was watching their every move in the woods.

When Li Chuan looked in this direction, a snow-white petite figure suddenly appeared on the edge of the grass and looked at Li Chuan and others quietly without fear.

All the members of the blood slaughter team also found that the noise here stopped to look in this direction.

"Squeak! S chattering! Squeak! S chattering!"

The snow-white magic fox raised its front legs and kept swinging to the crowd, as if talking to everyone, and crying from time to time.

Li Chuan looked carefully. When he accidentally saw the crystal when he collected it, it quickly disappeared. He didn't pay special attention to it. It was not until he felt that he was followed by this little guy that he felt unusual. Now that I can see its true face, the whole body is snow-white, and there is a small pinch of black hair in the middle of the forehead. Two small ears are facing back and keep shouting at Li Chuan and others.

"Brother, this little guy is communicating with us. He said he wants to follow us!"

Xue Tu came to Li Chuan and explained to Li Chuan that he had been wandering in the Mountain of Beasts for many years, and he also knew many Warcraft languages.

Li Chuan is very different. This little guy is so smart that he knows how to follow people, and first make it clear that his position obviously does not want everyone to misunderstand.

"Brother Blood Butcher actually knows the language of Warcraft?" Li Chuan did not answer first, but asked Blood Tu.

"I can understand, but I can't communicate with them! The Warcraft language of Wan Beast Mountain is basically the same, which is convenient for Warcraft to communicate!" Blood slaughter scratched his head and was a little embarrassed.

Li Chuan nodded, and then moved towards the little guy step by step, with a smile on his face and waved to the little guy from time to let him know that he had no evil intentions.

The little guy saw Li Chuan walking towards him. Instead of panicking, he approached Li Chuan. His delicate little face was actually very humane with a smile. This makes Li Chuan even more different. Is this little guy a demon who has cultivated into essence? But the skills of demon cultivation have basically been lost. Isn't there any in the demon world?

"Why are you following us?" Li Chuan came to the magic fox and asked softly.

In fact, Li Chuan has been guarding against this cute but lethal little guy. Speed is its natural advantage. If you give yourself something unexpected, you will still be very dangerous. You can see the clue from its raised claws.

It is very sharp and extremely hard, and I am not good at it. The little guy scratched his head, rolled on the ground and tried to make Li Chuan laugh, and even put on all kinds of funny postures. Li Chuan was happy and more cautious in his mind. He often died at this time.

Seeing Li Chuan laughing, he stopped his movements vaguely, and looked at Li Chuan expectively. The two little owners put their mouths to make food, and then patted their stomachs. Their happy faces actually looked sad, which was really cute.

"Kong!" Finally, Li Chuan heard the abnormal noise from his stomach.