Invert the universe

Chapter 143 Cold-sicked Python

Li Chuan was angry and fell quickly. He stepped on the python and stamped fiercely. The python roared in pain. Suddenly, Li Chuan felt that there was another attack behind him, and his thin tail was faster and mixed with a fishy wind attacking Li Chuan's head.

"Hmm!" Li Chuan quickly moved forward and came to the seven inches of the python and stamped his feet again.

"Roar!" The python rolled and rolled on the ground in pain, and its weakness was attacked. It could not leave quickly again and roll on the ground.

Li Chuan looked at the right time and quickly came to the seven inches of the rolling python, holding the seven inches of the python with his hands like pliers. Whether it is a magic python or an ordinary python, seven inches are a fatal weakness.

The python roared and rolled. Li Chuan was angry and didn't want to result it by other means. In this way, he pinched the python to death. No matter how it rolled, it could not get rid of Li Chuan.

At this time, the blood slaughter team also found the movement here and rushed here with weapons. Although they were very relieved about Li Chuan's strength, they still couldn't avoid nervousness.

In 30 breaths, Li Chuan still pinched the python, and the python was soft and subdued by Li Chuan. Although he was not dead, he was still dying. The whole python is more than ten meters long, and its scales are dark and shiny, and it emits a trace of cold air. Even Li Chuan's defense can't help it.

"Brother, are you all right!" Xue Tu was the first to rush and watched Li Chuan and the python entangled and ran quickly, with a knife to the head of the python.

Unfortunately, the defense of the python was very strong. The knife of the blood slaughter was not slashed. Mars shot everywhere, leaving a white mark on the scales above its head. The python did not react, and it no longer roared in pain and had no strength.

Several other people also quickly followed, came to the python, pulled up Li Chuan, and pressed the python to death.

"It's okay. This python is really cunning. It didn't find it and almost swallowed the white fox! It's really abominable!" Li Chuan looked fiercely at the motionless python lying on the ground. He was really careless.

"Xiaobao, kill the cold-squalled python. Usually we can't beat this guy. The cold-squall python is full of treasures!" Xue Tu saw that Li Chuan was fine and gave an order to Xiaobao.

" boss, our knife can't break its defense. The scales are really hard and not easy to do!" Xiaobao was also very excited, but he cut several knives hard and couldn't even break the scales.

"I'll do it!" Li Chuan looked at Xiaobao and said with a smile.

"Brother, starting from the jaw, the python skin of the cold-sicked python can be used as a protective shirt, which is extremely defensive! Don't cut it." Xue Tu was nervous and excited to guide Li Chuan.

According to the command of Blood Tu, Li Chuan began to control the extremely sharp jade knife from the jaw of the python and against the jaw of the python.

Xiaobao, Ye Zi, cannon and the madman laboriously turned the giant python over, let its belly face up and straighten it, waiting for the python skin to be peeled off.

"Damn, such a big cold-scale python is enough for us to make a few pieces of inner armor!" Xiaobao looked at the python lying quietly on the ground and praised it.

"Wait a minute, snake blood is also a good thing! It's poisonous, and there's snake gall! Don't waste it!" He said that the blood slaughter was going to take out a container, but Li Chuan had an extra jade bottle in his hand, indicating that the blood slaughter would use this to release snake blood.

"Puff!" The jade knife stabbed hard against the jaw of the python, and the hard and abnormal snake scales and snake skin were easily broken. There was a small mouth. Blood slaughter did not hesitate to put the mouth of the jade bottle next to the wound and collected a drop of snake blood without waste, and collected three jade bottles to make the blood slaughter and others secretly smack themselves.

"If this guy gives it some more time, he will advance and become the fifth-level snake king. Unfortunately, you met the Li Chuan brothers, and it's your turn to die!" Xue Tu sighed that without Li Chuan, they would only have run for their lives when they met this python, and would never have the slightest desire to fight, because they knew very well that this big guy was absolutely horrible and could not be dealt with by them.

"Stab!" Li Chuan controlled the jade knife to the end, and the whole python was cut open by him. Xue Tu quickly came to the position of the snake gall of the python and took off a human-headed snake gall. Xiaobao and others were also very excited. This cold-scale python alone was worth hundreds of fist-sized magic crystals. They were equivalent to making a fortune. It was this feeling of getting rich overnight. It was amazing.

Li Chuan's spiritual consciousness was extremely strong, and the jade knife also flew up and down quickly peeled off the whole snake skin of the giant python without any damage. The huge python is now **, and its heart is still beating weakly. The blood slaughter is not nonsense. It directly took out the snake's heart and said to everyone, "There is something good to eat!"

Finally, Xiaobao and others all started and shaved all the snake meat. Half an hour later, there was a snow-white and shiny bone spur left on the ground.

"Brother, this python bone spur is also a good thing and a good material for refining weapons. Unfortunately, we can't take it away. It's really too huge, but the cold marrow is the most valuable thing besides scales, python skin and snake gall, and its effect is even stronger than snake gallbladder!" Blood slaughter has gone crazy, and this python alone is enough to match their year wandering in the periphery. Everyone sighed that it was really wise to follow Li Chuan. This is the right way to follow the wrong person at the beginning.

Without Li Chuan's trouble, the five people went up and down to sweep the tail. At this time, Li Chuan took out the little magic fox again and called the blood slaughter to ask if there was anything wrong with the little magic fox.

When Xue Tu saw the symptoms of the little magic fox, he was even more surprised: "Advanced, it is actually advancing!" Now I have begun to fall asleep and remove my hair to welcome the new life! This is a sign of the advancement of Warcraft. This little guy is really powerful. Now he is in the second order, but he didn't expect to start to evolve again!"

Li Chuan was relieved to hear Xue Tu's answer, as long as he was not in danger, and he was also happy for this little guy.

"But it's not right. This little guy is less than 100 years old, and normally he is only about the second level. Generally, he will only advance until he is about 200 years old. This is too exaggerated! You see, the little black hair on his forehead didn't fall off, which is extremely strange."

Xue Tu's words attracted Li Chuan's attention and looked at the little guy's forehead. Indeed, the snow-white body is only the small handful of black hair on the forehead. If you don't look carefully, it is not obvious that it has not faded with other hairs. Is there any mystery to this black hair?

No matter, as long as it doesn't threaten its life, it will be fine. Maybe this magic fox is more intelligent. Other magic foxes are afraid of human beings and can't wait to hide from people, and this little guy actually takes the initiative to ask to follow him, which is really aura.

Put away the little guy, and everyone also cleaned up what was supposed to be. Only Blood Tu looked at the skeleton of the python and sighed. When Li Chuan saw that he really wanted to collect it, he asked, "Can you build weapons?"

"Brother Li Chuan, you don't know this. Boss Xue Tu is not only good at skill, but also a good at refining weapons. Unfortunately, the conditions here are not good, and there is no time to build weapons. Brother Xue Tu is quite powerful!"

"Don't listen to their nonsense. My skills are not good. I just built them blindly and can't be too good!" Xue Tu stared at Xiaobao with hatred and scratched his head and explained to Li Chuan.

"Okay, I'll keep it for you!" After saying that, he raised his hand and received the huge skeleton into the storage bracelet. His bracelet is large enough to hold dozens of bracelets.

"This is really great, wow, haha, after we go back, our team's weapons can be upgraded again!" Let's go back. The snake heart is quite delicious.

Everyone hugged Li Chuan and walked towards the camp. Xiaobao was drooling and urged him to hurry up as he walked. He couldn't wait.

Everyone returned to the camp, took out a cutting board, and cleaned the cutting board very cleanly. In the eyes of everyone's expectation, Xue Tu first cut a piece with a dagger and sent it to Li Chuan first. The others did not move. They waited for Li Chuan to open his mouth before eating.

"Brother, calm down is very suitable for us to eat when we practice! Try it. There are no seasonings. Although the taste is not very good, the effect will definitely surprise you!"