Invert the universe

Chapter 145 Ground Milk?

The blood slaughter team has an orderly division of labor, waiting for the arrival of Li Chuan. They have done all the follow-up work, explored the retreat and other things, and returned to the original place again, waiting for Li Chuan to come back.

"Ye Zi, observe carefully and be sure to do a good job of early warning. The black ape is not easy to mess with!" Xue Tu said to Ye Zi at the tip of the tree.

Ye Zi did not answer and made a gesture under the tree, which means that everyone understood and understood the meaning.

After that, Xue Tu looked at the madman lying on the ground listening, and the madman also made the same gesture. Xiaobao and the cannon sat down, and the blood slaughter guarded around, and the three took turns to guard.

Li Chuan set out quietly, his feet about an inch high from the ground, and approached the valley without making any sound or fluctuation. While approaching, all kinds of noisy sounds came to my ears.

He knew very well that this was also the time when he had just finished eating and rested. At this time, the black ape was jokingly. Li Chuan chose this time, and all the black gold apes approached when they were relatively relaxed.

"Gaga!" Jijiji"

Li Chuan slowly climbed up the hillside, and below was a valley. Almost all the black apes gathered in this valley. No monsters dared to provoke their territory, and there were not many adult magic apes patrol vigilance.

When he came to the top of the mountain, Li Chuanyun's eyes and saw the whole valley clearly. The population of Wujin ape was not very large. There were only dozens of adult magic apes, and there were about a dozen other little magic apes, chasing each other with his mother.

In the center of the valley, there was a bulge. Li Chuan clearly saw that the bulge was a cave. At the mouth of the cave, a huge magic ape sat there quietly, watching the surrounding magic apes play, and did not leave for a moment, as if guarding something. Sometimes nervously staring at other areas where other monsters may come in.

"The size of this magic ape should be the patriarch of this group of black apes, and its strength is also quite strong, with the peak strength of the fifth level, which cannot be underestimated! But looking at his nervous appearance as if he was guarding something, is there any mystery in this cave?

He thought to himself that there was no act rashly. Li Chuan wondered if the secret stronghold of Moyang Sect was here, so that the magic ape could cover it? Thinking that it is really possible, their means are quite powerful. At the beginning, He Wuyang was controlled by them, and the magic ape was also controlled by him as a cover.

Thinking of a way, Li Chuan tried to make some noise, but unfortunately did not attract the leader of the demon ape away. In the end, Li Chuan spent a lot of money and cruelly threw the star stone into the distance to see the reaction of the magic ape.

It doesn't matter. Almost all the magic apes found the star stone, swarmed up, took the star stone in their hands, looked around, and found nothing abnormal before they came back and handed it over to the central magic ape.

The central magic ape took the star stone on its huge palm and looked at it carefully, sniffed it, and then looked around in an attempt to find some clues in the air. Unfortunately, Li Chuan was not stupid. He didn't let the Star Stone stain any of his own smell before throwing it out.

After spending dozens of star stones, the magic ape in the center was finally shocked and began to walk around the mouth of the cave anxiously, as if hesitating. When this kind of stone suddenly appears around, it can feel that it has great benefits for itself and can enhance its strength. However, the underground things have also been guarded by itself for a long time, and the whole ethnic group is also very needed.

Seeing the effect, Li Chuan ruthlessly took out nearly a hundred star stones again, and then controlled the star stones scattered in all corners of the valley.

This time, the demon ape leader can't help **. Although he knows that someone wants to leave by himself, he feels that as long as he doesn't leave too far, he will definitely come back as soon as the thief appears, and then drive him away or kill him.

Li Chuan hid all his breath. Now it doesn't matter much to make a large formation. It can only make the magic ape more alert and improve its defense. Li Chuan's purpose is to enter the cave, so he has to lead this horrible guy away for a period of time before he will have a chance.

Finally, the leader of the ape couldn't help shouting at the other magic apes. At the same time, the star stone in his hand swayed to all the magic apes, signaling them to start looking for this kind of stone. Li Chuan saw that the leader of the demon ape was 100 meters away from the cave, put down the hidden formation around him, and slowly walked towards the cave step by step.

is closer, less than 200 meters away, and the leader of the magic ape is also surrounded, trying to see if he can find it. From time to time, he looks back at the cave. Whenever it turns back, Li Chuan will stop and no longer move. Looking at the demon ape's doubtful eyes, he held his breath.

When Li Chuan came to the cave and found a fragrance floating out of the cave, it smelled very good.

"It must be a treasure of heaven and earth. Is this fragrance... Ground milk?" Li Chuan has been dealing with the elixir Lingcao Tiancai Dibao for many years. He knew that there must be Tiancai Dibao here, and it is estimated that there is a high probability of earth milk.

Thinking of this, Li Chuan couldn't help but be excited. He didn't expect that there would be such a natural treasure here. He always thought that the demon world was almost insulated from the natural resources and earth treasure, and there was no natural treasure. No wonder this demon ape did not leave this cave. It turned out to be the reason.

No longer hesitated, Li Chuan slowly entered the cave and went straight down along the cave. The surrounding air was very fresh and there was no other unpleasant smell. The dry wall of the cave was extremely wide, and Li Chuan, who could accommodate the body of the black ape, could certainly pass through smoothly.

Walking down quickly, Li Chuan felt that it had reached a depth of nearly 1,000 meters, and the cave began to no longer face down, but turned and stretched forward.

"B... Bo... Bo...!" The weak voice came into Li Chuan's ears. Is it true that the sound formed by falling down is so pleasant?

After walking about 50 meters, the front suddenly opened up. This is an open cave similar to a secret room. There is a stone bed on the left of the cave. It can be seen that it has been inhabited by humans. On the right is a stone table. The stone basin above is integrated with the tabletop. There is a huge stone stalactite above the table, pointed This is the source of the sound.

quickly approached and found that there were footprints of the black ape around. Most of the blood-red ** in the stone basin rippled, and a drop of red ** from the stone stalactite drips from it every once in a while. The whole room is full of fragrance and charming, which makes people feel comfortable.

How can there be such a dense place here? Look at the setting here should be artificially built, but why is a stone stalactite formed? This red ** is not the milk of the earth. Li Chuan has seen the milk of the earth. It is milky white, and the taste is different. Although it is fragrant, it is absolutely different.

There was not much time. Li Chuan took out the jade bottle and began to pour the red ** into the jade bottle. After loading all the **, he found that the stone bell milk on it no longer secreted this ** and began to become dry. Li Chuan hesitated a little. It was estimated that these black gold apes also survived by this spiritual liquid. If Isn't it a little violent to destroy it like this?

Thinking of this, Li Chuan poured half of his bottle into the stone basin, but as soon as the spiritual liquid entered the stone basin, it quickly dropped part of it. After the stone bell milk above secreted a drop of spiritual liquid again, but it was not as much as before and not so frequent, more than twice as before and small. About half a drop.

In this way, Li Chuan observed a circle in the secret room and found nothing else. He thought that he should be satisfied with collecting this kind of good thing comparable to ground milk, and he should not expect too much. After that, he went back home.

It has been explored here. There is no other mystery, and it should not be the secret stronghold of Moyang Sect. Keep this firmly in mind, and wait until these spiritual liquids are used before coming here to get them.

While walking, Li Chuan came to the mouth of the cave, but as soon as he approached, he found that the leader of the black golden ape had sat at the mouth of the cave again and checked the surrounding movements from time to time. This time, Li Chuan is very difficult. How can we get out without being discovered?