Invert the universe

Chapter 176 The Existence of the Seventh World Warcraft

PS: Hurry up and finally finished this chapter. Radish knows that there have been no manuscripts recently, and there are many things to do during the Spring Festival. The quality of the text is not very good. Today, the collection has been dropped again. The radish has apologized to all book lovers. The radish will try their best to correct it. I hope that all book lovers will continue to support the radish. Thank you. Finally, I will send a new one. Spring blessings, happy New Year to all book lovers! Everything goes well. Congratulations on making a fortune!

Li Chuan made a state of thinking. At this time, he thought of the previous question, as if he was very concerned about the gender of his false master? If it has something to do with the little devil fox, it should be a devil fox, and the devil fox is generally dominated by women, so Li Chuan said hesitantly and looked at the look of the two beast kings.

He could see anxiety and excitement in the eyes of the two beast kings, so Li Chuan said uncertainly, "I personally feel that I prefer women, and the master's voice deliberately changed his voice, so I can't tell the real gender! But the voice is a bit like a man's voice!"

The two beast kings nodded and asked Li Chuan again, "What does the little demon fox beside you have to do with your master?" The two beast kings were more concerned about this problem and stared at Li Chuan without blinking.

"Every time the master finds me, I can see this little guy. Later, the master said that I needed to practice and said that she had something to deal with at the moment, so he gave the little guy to me to take care of it. After a while, he will pick him up and leave and let me take good care of him!" Li Chuan began to talk nonsense. These were his own fictions, but the more mysterious the two beast kings believed them.

Li Chuan looked at the two beast kings with a burst of ecstasy and suddenly felt that this little guy was definitely an unusual warcraft with a big *, otherwise he would not have made the two beast kings at a loss.

"What, two brothers, my master's identity..." Li Chuan also wanted to talk more, so he began to ask rhetorical questions.

"Brother, have you heard of the names of our two predecessors in Wanshou Mountain? Didn't your master mention the name Xiaoyue to you? Seeing Li Chuan's doubtful eyes, Long Linma asked Li Chuan proudly.

"No, but I once heard the master mention one of her sworn ends! But I didn't mention the name, and I dare not ask more!" Li Chuan followed the words of the dragon scale horse.

"That's right. We have confirmed that your master is a senior of our Wanshu Mountain, and her cultivation has reached a terrible seventh-order transformation period. Hundreds of years have passed, and now we don't know how horrible her cultivation is. Brother, you are quite lucky to be able to enter. Her magic eye has become her old man's apprentice!" The Green Bull King looked at Li Chuan with some envy and said.

Li Chuan was quite shocked when he heard this. He had heard from Dark Night and Blood Tu that there was a seventh-order warcraft in the core inner circle, and this was also confirmed by the Fire-eye Golden Eye Beast, but the best words of the Fire-Eyed Golden Eyed Beast were absolutely not Letter.

But this time I learned from the two beast kings that it is absolutely true. After all, I am a cheap disciple of the legendary seventh-order Warcraft. How would I feel if this seventh-order Warcraft knew that he had a cheap disciple of human beings unconsciously?

"Really? I have always felt that the identity of the master is very mysterious, and I dare not ask about it. The master is very strict with me. Usually, I am not allowed to ask more about her identity, saying that when I am strong enough, I will naturally know everything, and let me come to the mountains of beasts, so I came here! Can the two brothers solve one or two puzzles for my younger brother? Li Chuan wants to know some more detailed information.

"Since you want to know, brother, I will tell you everything you know, but if you see the master in the future, you must say more words for us!" The dragon scale horse looked like Li Chuan, but he didn't know that Li Chuan didn't know one of the real hegemons of the World of Warcraft at all.

"Of course, I absolutely guarantee that there are few benefits!" Li Chuan is also the sound of chest patting.

"Speaking of the two predecessors, there is also a story that has to be told. At that time, we were still cubs. Just as in the second and third levels, the Xiaoyue demon wolf clan produced a great wolf king, leading the Xiaoyue demon wolf clan to dominate the Warcraft grassland in the northwest and become the master there. After that, you human elders Tian alone broke through the Beast Mountain and encountered the Xiaoyue Demon Wolf King. The two fought from the grassland to the forest. At that time, the sky collapsed and the earth broke. It took three days and two nights to stop. Except for the two of them, no one knows who was the winner or loser of the battle. Ba Tian has never come to the Beast Mountain again!" Qingman Niuwang said with some recollection respect. Li Chuan did not interrupt and listened quietly.

"After that, a powerful spirit fox appeared in the four-eyed spirit demon fox clan. In just 200 years, his cultivation actually chased the moon demon wolf king and became the existence of the beast mountain no less than the roaring moon demon wolf king. At that time, there were still several predecessors who were both in the sixth level. Unfortunately, in the end, only the Xiaoyue Demon Wolf King and the four-eyed Demon Fox broke through the shackles and successfully transformed. Other predecessors failed one after another and finally dissipated in heaven and earth. Speaking of this, the two beast kings also lamented a little. After all, they are now in the sixth level and are facing the huge challenge of transformation. Success will step into another world, and failure will face death.

After a while, the green bull king continued to say, "After the transformation, the Xiaoyue demon wolf king was greedy for the beauty of the four-eyed spirit fox and wanted to marry the four-eyed spirit demon fox predecessor. Originally, the two did not violate the river, but by the marriage of the Xiaoyue demon wolf king, the four-eyed spirit fox suddenly turned against him, and the two fought a big fight. More than 100 years have passed. At that time, we have stepped into the sixth level and were lucky to witness this battle, but the last two predecessors drove us away from the battlefield, and the final result is unknown. Since then, we have never seen the two predecessors and have disappeared!"

Li Chuan listened quietly and didn't expect that there would be such a story about the two warcrafts in the metamorphosis period, which was really beyond Li Chuan's imagination, but he felt that the two warcrafts fought not because of this so-called marriage proposal or the greedy beauty of the roaring moon demon wolf king, and there should be other hidden feelings.

"Well, brother, that's about it. We don't often see those two predecessors, so we don't know much. Everything I know is told you! In the future, if I see your master, I hope my brother can say more words and say that we have something important to ask her for help. I hope she can spare some time. We will always wait here for her!" The dragon scale horse also returned to normal, and his thick hooves rested on Li Chuan's shoulder and said.

"I dare to ask the two brothers, what can I do for you?" Li Chuan guessed that they were so eager to find the seventh-order monster to ask about the shape and ask for some experience about the shape.

The transformation of Warcraft is not as easy as that of monks. It can only be transformed through the approval of heaven, but it is difficult for the body of Warcraft to feel the existence of Tao. It can be said that there is no understanding of the state of mind. Before the sixth level, it was basically based on the cultivation of blood and instinct that it gradually reached the level of the sixth level, such as With the experience and guidance of the seventh-order warcraft that has been transformed, the hope of their successful transformation will be greatly hurt a lot.

But don't forget that Li Chuan is a pharmacist. Although Dandao has fallen now, Li Chuan has invaded ** Dandao for more than a hundred years. Although he has not collected many Danfang, he has seen a strange Danfang in the Magic God Auction House.

This elixir has no other effects. It is just that there is a chance to choose your own body after taking it. After changing, you can no longer change back to its original appearance. You can only use the changed body to appear in the world, and you need to go through several painful processes after the transformation.

At that time, Li Chuan did not care about this elixir, and the materials needed were relatively strange. Even he had never heard of a few spiritual materials, but he still looked through a lot of information to know that there was such strange spiritual materials. This elixir was identified by the demon auction house as a elixir with no use value. The materials needed are strange and even difficult to find, and the effect is just a change of body shape, so no one cares.

However, Li Chuan wrote down this elixir, thinking that if it could be collected, it might be used. He guessed that this elixir might have the same effect as the legendary metamorphic elixir. Nowadays, these six-order Warcrafts are facing the difficulties of transformation. If they can help them, they will not be stingy. Of course, they need to find the materials themselves.