Invert the universe

Chapter 187 Ujin Helmsman

Waiting quietly, Li Chuan could be sure that the man of Moyangzong must be hiding nearby, and he actually had a secret skill that even Li Chuan's spiritual knowledge could avoid, which could only make Li Chuan vaguely feel near this street.

As long as you keep an eye on this energy, you don't have to worry about finding the right owner. Li Chuan has such an idea and is ready to wait for the rabbit. Although he is quite angry, calmness is one of his advantages. He must keep a calm mind at any time. Anger can't solve any problems. Only keeping calm is the most beneficial. The best way to solve the problem.

As expected, after a quarter of an hour, the Moyang Sect man really appeared. There were few people coming and going on this street, and now the guards have blocked the city and are only allowed to enter or leave. They are searching in the city. There are also several teams of people here who have searched here and turned towards something else without finding any trace. Go in the direction.

The surroundings were silent. After confirming that no one came, the man of the Demon Yangzong came out of a shadow. With a slow move to the energy above, he integrated the energy into the body. At the same time, the action returned to normal, and his face was no longer snow-white and restored to ruddy.

After looking around and seeing no one else, he walked to the other side of the street with a strange smile on his face, looking very proud. He thought that his hidden ability had deceived everyone, and now he can become another person by changing his figure and face, getting rid of all doubts. Unfortunately, he underestimated Li Chuan's ability.

As soon as he took two steps, he stopped, and the proud expression on his face solidified in an instant, because a sharp breath locked him. The feeling was like entering an ice cave. He was very sure that as long as he dared to take another step, he would be ruthlessly killed.

"If I guess correctly, you are from Moyang Sect, right?" Li Chuan's cold voice came from behind.

After confirming the identity of this person, Li Chuan came silently behind this person, and the jade knife instantly touched the back of the person's head. At this time, Li Chuan's face was not happy or sad, but his momentum was quite strong. As long as the person dared to act again, the end would be a different place.

"It's you, it's you who killed No. 1! Damn it!" The man of Moyangzong said with a ferocious face. Although he could not see Li Chuan's facial expression clearly, he could also know that only this person could threaten his life.

"Well, you Demon Yangzong repeatedly hit me. Who only stipulates that you are allowed to kill people?" Li Chuan secretly hated and said that the energy in his hand flashed and detained this person.

There is nothing he can do. His strength is not as good as Li Chuan. Even if he struggles, it is meaningless. If he wants to live, he has to cooperate. In his opinion, nothing is important to live, but he doesn't want to lose his identity and put down his identity to compromise.

Li Chuan was also surprised. He thought that this guy's strength was not weak, and it should not be so easy to take him down, but it was unexpectedly easy. After careful analysis, he couldn't imagine why this guy was like this, so he didn't care about it. He scattered his spiritual knowledge and checked around to confirm that this person didn't have After sliding, he directly grew up and went in the direction of the city lord's mansion.

Li Chuan returned to the city master's mansion in less than half an hour after he went out, and there was still a person beside him, which shocked the team members again, and then relieved that Li Chuan's strength was absolutely strong. If he couldn't catch the murderer, he probably wouldn't have the whole holy world. Several people can be caught.

"Damn guy, I'll kill you!" When Long San saw the man detained by Li Chuan, he knew that it was the person who almost killed Xiaobao. Although his body shape and face changed greatly, he knew that Li Chuan would never make a mistake.

"Long San, calm down!" Dark night roared at the red-eyed dragon. He knew that if Li Chuan wanted to kill him, he would have killed him long ago. There must be something important about detaining him now.

Long San woke up instantly by the roar of the night, and then looked at Li Chuan. Li Chuan looked at everyone who sat down again and said very gloomyly, "Brothers, the person who almost killed Xiaobao is in front of me. I can be very sure that the stronghold I was looking for in the inner circle before is a person of the same force as him. I have something important. To ask, when everything is clear, I will definitely give you an explanation!"

Everyone knows that if Li Chuan doesn't have something important to ask, he will never keep his life like now. He will definitely kill him at the first time. Through the look when he just saved Xiaobao, it can be seen that Li Chuan's hatred for this person will never be much less, or even more than them.

After saying that, Li Chuan entered the house with the person in his hand. He was ready to ask for some information about Moyang Sect. If he did not cooperate, he was ready to use means to search for all the information in his mind, which would save trouble and there was no need to ask.

"What do you want to know? I will tell you everything I know, but I have a condition!" This man was also knowledgeable and said to Li Chuan very calmly.

"Typ!" Li Chuan was also quite indifferent and looked at the man with his hands around his chest.

"I just want to live. If you want to know everything you want, you have to help me get rid of the curse on my body first!" The man looked into Li Chuan's eyes and said very seriously.

Li Chuan frowned when he heard this. This is really a problem. Last time Sosa just said a few words about the Moyang Sect, he was burned by a mysterious force and became a piece of ashes in the blink of an eye, which was really a little weird and hateful.

Now as soon as he heard this person's words, he suddenly felt that the secret methods of this Moyang Sect were really strict. Looking at the people of the Moyang Sect sitting cross-legged in the house, Li Chuan thought for a while.

"If you want to know everything, you must cooperate with me!" This man was quite calm. He expected Li Chuan to know everything about the headquarters.

"First of all, what's your name? It can't be without a name, right? Li Chuan looked at the man and asked.

"You can call me Wujin, or Wujin Helmsman!"

"Did you control the previous monsters? What means did you use to control it? Li Chuan asked curiously.

"This is a skill of my family. I can't say it yet. I promise to tell you when you help me untie the curse! And teach it to you!" Wujin's helmsman** said to Li Chuan.

"Why should I believe you?" Li Chuan was a little disgusted with this feeling and asked coldly with a frown.

"Because I have everything you want to know, such as. About...! Unless you don't want to know, then you can give me a good time!" Wu Jin looked at Li Chuan and smiled proudly.

Li Chuan is really a little angry. If it hadn't been for his use, he would have died a long time ago. How could he be so arrogant? But reason told him that he couldn't do this. He finally found a person in the Demon Yangzong and was willing to cooperate with him to tell him the secret, but it was just a little troublesome.

"Okay, I can cooperate with you, but you must swear to tell me everything you know after helping you untie the curse, and tell me the way to control Warcraft!" Li Chuan looked at the helmsman of Wujin and said with a blank face.

After that, the matter was simple. Li Chuan and Wujin's helmsman swore and expressed their attitude, which made each other relax and cooperate together to help Wujin's helmsman get rid of the curse.

"Well, swearing is useless to me at all. If I don't fulfill my oath, I won't be punished by the demon god, but you can't do it. How can I spare you if I almost destroyed Xiaobao's life? You are not qualified for that yet!" Li Chuan thought to himself.

"Hey, when you help me get rid of the curse, I can use secret techniques to escape from here and will not be retaliated by the headquarters. From now on, the family inheritance cannot be cut off from my generation, otherwise I will be ashamed of my ancestors!" Wujin Helmsman also beat Xiao Jiujiu in his heart. Even if he is punished by the Demon God, he will not hesitate to say that as long as he leaves the inheritance of the family, he also has loopholes when he swears.