Invert the universe

Chapter 205 Complete annihilation

The regrettable seal controlled by Li Chuan suddenly increased the speed, while Li Chuan's figure retreated backwards. The regrettable seal suddenly appeared beside the Moyang ancestor and was about to hit the Moyang ancestor in an instant.

However, Moyang Laozu also instantly raised his speed to the limit and wanted to distance himself from the small earth ball that suddenly appeared beside him. Unfortunately, he underestimated Li Chuan's ability.

Regretfully, the seal will not only burst after the collision. With him, he has raised his speed to the extreme, so that the small earth ball is close to his body and does not hit him, but the ancestor of Moyang still broke out in a cold sweat.

After discovering that the small earth ball did not hit him, Moyang Laozu was relieved, but the next moment a violent explosion surrounded him. He couldn't escape even if he wanted to escape. He also used his secret skills. He can't attack until the secret art is successful, and he can only control his body movement.

Li Chuan also saw this, so he decided to fight. If he succeeded, Moyang's ancestor would be injured anyway, and he consumed all the remaining real yuan, which was much better than Moyang's ancestor. Moreover, don't forget that Li Chuan has another identity, that is, the elixir, who carries a lot of elixir with various effects. Li Chuan has this confidence and condition, so he dares to fight. If it were anyone else, he would have no confidence and courage to fight like this.

Li Chuan resolutely launched a secret technique, which is to deplete his true element and raise his spiritual knowledge to a higher level. This price is actually very high. After all, the real yuan is exhausted. If the loss is not replenished in time, it is equivalent to a mortal, and any person can threaten his life.

decisively launched the secret art, and Li Chuan's spiritual consciousness soared in an instant. After that, Li Chuan did not hesitate to burst out all his spiritual knowledge. A soul screamed and disturbed the spiritual consciousness of the Moyang ancestor, making it impossible to make a normal judgment. After that, he controlled all his spare power and came to Moyang's ancestor almost teleport.

Seeing that Moyang's ancestor could actually improve his speed when he was disturbed by himself, Li Chuan was fierce again and decisively cut off his connection with the regretful seal. Li Chuan controlled the regretful seal to burst before it was cut off.

After that, he quickly retreated and slowly landed on the ground. In this process, Li Chuan had several jade bottles in his hand, and not many of them were sent to his mouth. After that, these elixirs instantly turned into Zhenyuan to supplement Li Chuan's consumption.

Regretably, the seal exploded, and the Moyang ancestor was surrounded in the middle and did not escape. Li Chuan also retreated quickly, because this storm was several times stronger than the first collision between the two.

Li Chuan's speed plummeted when he launched the secret art, because his Zhenyuan could not support his fast speed. In addition, both of them were quite fast, which caused the effect of Li Chuan as if he was retreating. Now Li Chuan really began to retreat again, but his eyes were staring at the middle of the explosion. Heart.

After retreating for hundreds of miles, Li Chuan slowly stopped. At this time, the storm was in front of him, but it did not endanger Li Chuan's safety, so Li Chuan quietly faced the storm and still looked at the explosion in the distance.

A huge earthy-brown fist smashed down from the sky angrily, as if the god was angry and magnificent. The earth trembled violently and raised a lot of sand and dust. A wave swept away like a storm and rolled in all directions. Go.

This process is slow, but in fact it only happened in the blink of an eye. Li Chuan fixed on the ground like a nail and looked at the fist hit the ground fiercely. His eyes were full of purple and golden glory, and his face turned red with the previous paleness. The obvious elixir worked and filled the lack. Zhenyuan.

The explosion lasted for a full quarter of an hour. Li Chuan also stood quietly and watched for a quarter of an hour. When the explosion was over, several beast kings also came to Li Chuan to ask if Li Chuan was injured. Li Chuan did not answer, but stared at the place where it had just exploded.

Several beast kings also know something. After all, they also saw the confrontation between the two in the air and knew that Li Chuan was watching whether Moyang's ancestor would still stand up or escape.

Until the explosion subsided and everything calmed down, there was no movement in the center of the explosion again.

"Brother, is that guy dead?" The Magic Dragon King asked with some uncertain exit.

The Golden Bull King also looked at Li Chuan, and the dragon scale stared at the big pit in the distance as dead as Li Chuan. Hearing the question of the Dragon King, he put his hands around his chest and said, "Is it dead or alive? Just look at it and you will know!"

The dragon scales wanted to act, but Li Chuan walked to the position of the big pit ahead of him, and the speed was not slow. After that, the dragon scales, the Taurus King and the Magic Dragon King also moved forward together. Their speed was not very fast, and obviously they were also afraid that Moyang's ancestors did not die and hurt people again.

About half a quarter of an hour before, everyone came to the edge of the pit and looked around, but they did not find the figure of Moyang's ancestor. The four began to take action and checked the whole pit, but still found no trace.

"Did the attack just burn him directly?" The Taurus King looked at Li Chuan with some doubts.

"No, Moyang's ancestor will not be so weak. If he defends with all his strength, he will be seriously injured at most and will never be directly bombarded into ashes!" Li Chuan frowned and explained that he had dealt with the Moyang ancestor. Although his regretful seal was very strong, he had collided with the Moyang ancestor before, which consumed a considerable part of the energy and absolutely did not have the power of the regretful seal.

According to Li Chuan's estimation, the strength of the regret is only 70%, and the strength of Moyang Ancestor is absolutely not weak. Even if the explosive power is enough, it is not fatal enough, so Moyang Ancestor is definitely not dead. But now it makes everyone a little anxious. Can they escape under everyone's eyes?

Li Chuan thought to himself and quietly searched at the bottom of the pit. At the same time, his spiritual knowledge could no longer be used with all his strength. He could only release some outside his body and could only ask the three beast kings to help him find it. Several beast kings were also quite dedicated, slowly walking at the bottom of the pit, slowly looking for them without letting go.

When the dragon scales walked a few meters away from Li Chuan, there was a new discovery. At the same time, several beast kings also found some suspicious places and looked at the location of the dragon scales. When Li Chuan saw that all three of them looked there, he went straight in the direction of the dragon scales.

"Don't come over, I feel his vitality slowly recovering!" The dragon scale warned loudly, and at the same time, his hands hit the ground, and the earth and rocks flew around, smashing a small pit again.

The Taurus King and the Dragon King also came forward in an instant, protecting Li Chuan behind him and surrounding the pit. Looking inside, Moyang's ancestor lay ragged in the pit, angry and was dying without resistance. But a vitality flows in its body and is recovering from the seriously injured body.

When the three beast kings saw that they had no spare strength to resist, the dragon scales were even more direct. They raised their huge horseshoes and wanted to give it to Moyang's ancestors again. They wanted a complete result, but they were stopped by Li Chuan.

Li Chuan went forward and turned over the Moyang ancestor. Without finding the stone tripod, he handed over one of his rings. After that, he said to several beast kings, "Retain his life first and detain him!"

Li Chuan quietly looked at the quaint ring in his hand and was secretly happy. This is a storage ring, which is much better than his own storage bracelet. Now there are few storage rings. With the status and status of the ancestor of Moyang, it is estimated that there will be many treasures.

The three beast kings worked together to seal the Moyang ancestor, making it unable to wake up. Li Chuan sat cross-legged, and the Zhenyuan in his body recovered, but Li Chuan used his secret skills. His spiritual consciousness is now unprecedentedly weak and unable to remove the ring, and the ring of Moyang's ancestor must be erased before it can be opened again. Li Chuan, several beast kings, did not want them to help, so he had to wait until he recovered.

After pouring a handful of elixir into his mouth again, Li Chuan began to adjust his state and recover quietly. The three beast kings are also quite righteous and quietly stay by Li Chuan to protect his law.

At this time, the team members also finished fighting and annihilated these people. Now everyone and Warcraft are covered in blood. Of course, most of them are enemy blood. Everyone is quite tired, and their nerves are also a little numb. They only know how to kill! Until the last person was killed, they fell to the ground and took a big breath.

When everything calms down, there is only one thought in everyone's mind, which is to kill the enemy. In the end, the flame reacted quickly and said to everyone, "Get up and go to see Brother Li Chuan!"

After that, they ran in the direction where they were. Only then did everyone realize that although they were tired, they got up here as soon as they heard Li Chuan's name, their eyes were full of fighting spirit and ran in the direction of Li Chuan.