Invert the universe

Chapter 237 Looking for Duan Linger

At the beginning, I entered the fantasy world when refining and manufacturing fusion elixir. In the fantasy world, I met my grandfather, and my grandfather also told me that it was he who guided him to embark on the road of cultivation.

But now after Li Chuan heard Zhao Wuji's words, he began to doubt what Grandpa wanted to do. Did Grandpa design and arrange all this by himself? Li Chuan is a little disbelieving. At present, it seems that everything is moving towards a good side. But from the information obtained from the old man Guiguzi, grandpa is not the only one who controls everything behind it, but also several people.

"Senior Zhao, do you know where the passage from the ghost world to the world of cultivation is?" Li Chuan is eager to know that after all, he can't stay here all the time, and Zhao Wuji is his previous generation of immortal demon body, so he should know everything.

"This... Li Chuan, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but that the top doesn't let me tell you. Everything is up to you, and I can only help you as much as I can!" Zhao Wuji was a little embarrassed. He must have known it, but he couldn't say it.

"You mean you have connections with the people behind you? Can you tell me how to contact them? Li Chuan was surprised again when he heard Zhao Wuji's words. He didn't expect that someone was really monitoring everything about him.

"I still can't tell you about this. In fact, I can't contact several seniors. They all take the initiative to contact me when they have something to do! They didn't contact me when you came here, and I didn't know in advance!" Zhao Wuji looked at Li Chuan with a helpless face.

Li Chuan's face is full of depression, and the situation is still not very clear. Although he knows that everything about him is controlled, he is unable to get rid of it and has no ability to resist.

Quietly thinking about these, Zhao Wuji did not disturb Li Chuan's thoughts. He knew what Li Chuan was thinking now, because he also had a similar idea when he first arrived here. The last king of hell was the fairy demon body before him, and he was left in the ghost world to succeed him because he could not break through. The position of King Luo.

After sitting quietly in the Hall of hell for a while, Li Chuan thought a lot, but he was still messy and had no clue. He couldn't figure out what the real purpose of the people behind him was. Why did he cultivate them? Was it just to take over some important work?

"Ha ha, Li Chuan, don't think about what you can't figure out. Follow your feelings. I believe that you will definitely succeed with your qualifications. It's much better than us. I'm very optimistic about you!" Zhao Wuji looked at Li Chuan with a tangled look and said to Li Chuan with a smile.

Zhao Wuji sat in his seat, with a very heavy book on the desk. From time to time, he drew something with a red pen in his hand. Seeing this, Li Chuan thought of something and looked at Zhao Wuji and asked, "Elder Zhao, I would like to ask you to do me a favor!"

Zhao Wuji put down the pen in his hand, looked at Li Chuan with some doubts, and asked, "What's the matter? As long as I can do it, I will definitely help you!"

Li Chuan organized the language and didn't know how to say it to Zhao Wuji. After all, nearly 300 years have passed, and I don't know if it can be found.

"Can the practitioners be found hundreds of years after his death? Has it been reincarnated? Li Chuan wants to ask these questions first.

"We usually stay in hell for a long time, which is based on their cultivation!" Zhao Wuji heard Li Chuan's words, frowned and thought for a moment, and explained to Li Chuan.

"What is the state of the person you are looking for before death?" After saying that, Zhao Wuji asked Li Chuan.

"Fed-building period!" Li Chuan said this state with some trembling. For them now, the foundation period is already very low. After all, they have just stepped into the threshold of cultivation and will not stay here for a long time.

"What's his name?"

"Duan Linger!"

After Zhao Wuji heard Li Chuan's words, Zhao Wuji quietly closed his eyes, and the red pen in his hand was slowly placed on the pen rack. After that, the thick booklet on the desk began to emit a dark light.

"Wang!" The book began to turn on its own and make a sound.

After a quarter of an hour, the book stopped, then closed itself and slowly floated. Li Chuan looked a little puzzled. He knew that Zhao Wuji was looking for records about Duan Linger.

Zhao Wuji's hands slowly turned, and he saw the thick book tremble in the air. Then he opened it again and began to roll again.

Judge Cui and black and white impermanence stood aside quietly, and no one squeaked. They watched Zhao Wuji quietly consulting the information and then looked at Li Chuan. They didn't know what they were thinking.

As time passed, Li Chuan felt uneasy. After such a long time, he had not found it. Will he have been reincarnated? If so, let her forget everything in her previous life and become a new ordinary person.

After searching for a long time, Zhao Wuji's forehead was sweating, but unfortunately he has not found it until now, which makes Li Chuan a little frustrated and no longer has hope. Is Duan Linger really no longer in the ghost world and reincarnated? She was a little depressed, but Li Chuan still blessed silently in her heart, hoping that she would not step on the road of cultivation and be an ordinary mortal.

"Li Chuan, I have carefully checked all the life and death book from the first 500 years to now. There is no person you are looking for!"

Zhao Wuji opened his eyes with some weakness. At this time, the thick book had returned to its original appearance and lay quietly on the case. Zhao Wuji looked at Li Chuan doubtfully and said this sentence.

"Impossible!" Li Chuan was a little shocked when he heard Zhao Wuji's words. He clearly saw that Duan Linger had died and buried it with his own hands. How could he not have her name in the life and death book? It was absolutely impossible.

"Li Chuan, don't worry. Maybe she is special. There are many monks in special situations, so she won't appear in the life and death book!" Zhao Wuji saw that Li Chuan was so excited, so he got up and came to Li Chuan to comfort him and said.

"Is there no other way to find it?" Li Chuan is a little anxious, and he is now a little worried. He doesn't know what happened to Duan Linger. How can there be no record about her in the life and death book?

Zhao Wuji paced next to the case. Obviously, he was also a little embarrassed. Li Chuan looked at Zhao Wuji quietly, and his eyes were full of hope. Now he was eager to know everything about Duan Linger. If he gave up like this, he would be uneasy.

"It seems that's the only way!" Zhao Wuji stopped, with a firm look on his face, obviously as if he had made a great determination.

"Your Excellency, it's not right!" Judge Cui saw the firmness on Zhao Wuji's face and hurriedly came forward to comfort Zhao Wuji.

"Yes, King of the Fall! This method is not appropriate!" Black and white impermanence also looked nervous. They came to the king of the ory to kneel down to persuade him. Their faces were obviously a little uneasy.

Li Chuan felt a little nervous when he saw this situation. Is the method that Zhao Wuji said a little difficult, and there are still hidden things in it?

"You don't have to persuade me anymore. I've made up my mind!" Zhao Wuji looked at the three people kneeling on the ground with a firm look on his face. He was also embarrassed before, but now he is in a firm position.

"Your Excellency, please think twice, that will cause unnecessary trouble, and the whole ghost world will be in chaos!" Judge Cui looked frightened and looked up at Zhao Wuji to comfort him again.

Li Chuan also frowned when he saw this situation. He didn't want to lick Zhao Wuji too much trouble because of his own affairs. Seeing that Judge Cui and Black and White Wuchang were so nervous, he thought that Zhao Wuji's method should be more risky, so he asked, "Senior Zhao, what method are you talking about?"

"Check the record of reincarnation!" Zhao Wuji said to Li Chuan in a low voice.

"Li Chuan, please advise the king of the world. Once the reincarnation stops, countless creatures will not be reincarnated because of this. The consequence is that they will never be born! Heaven will bring down the punishment!" Judge Cui turned to persuade Li Chuan that he was really anxious.

Hearing Judge Cui's words, Li Chuan was also a little embarrassed. He did not kill innocent people indiscriminately. He did not want to bury thousands of lives because of his selfishness. In that case, his sins would be serious.

"Senior, is there no other way? The younger generation doesn't want to drag down the hell because of these!" Li Chuan looked at Zhao Wuji and said to him gratefully.