Invert the universe

Chapter 240 The remaining four bridges

Next is the silver bridge in front of us. The whole body in front of us is made of gold, and the whole body in front of us is all made of silver. The style and size are exactly the same as the golden bridge. Even if some of the carving patterns around it are exactly the same, Li Chuan does not believe that the level set up is still exactly the same.

Step by step, Li Chuan carefully observed all the details around him. It is different from outside. It is dangerous, and he will be indifferent.

What he didn't notice was that under the bridge of the silver bridge, there was a coffin-sized bulge, just at the foot of Li Chuan. This cave deep below the bitter sea has very large restrictions on Li Chuan, and its spiritual knowledge is only limited to a certain range. Basically, it is an inch on the outside of the body. It's not that he doesn't want to extend it again, but it can't be done at all.

Walking quietly, what Li Chuan saw on the bridge was made of pieces like square bricks. The depiction he met on the golden bridge before was still still in that position. Li Chuan also paid special attention to it and did not fall into the real illusion again.

When his mood slowed down a little, Li Chuan suddenly felt empty under his feet, and he seemed to have fallen into the region. The surrounding scenes suddenly changed again. This is a cold world, and there was still heavy snow in the sky, and Li Chuan's face was painful by the bitter cold wind.

Li Chuan immediately realized that he had fallen into the illusion again, but he was now a little puzzled why the ghost world was so real. He still didn't know that this was a trial specifically for him. At this time, his body was still slowly landing in the air.

Looking up, it was dark and there were no stars, and there was no light around, but it was strange to see everything around. According to common sense, there is no light source around, which should be absolutely dark. Even if his practitioners can see it clearly, it should not be like this. The wind and snow around him are getting bigger and bigger, and even Li Chuan's body can't stand it.

Why is there something strange here? It is unreasonable that my body does not swing in the air with such a big wind and snow. Moreover, the wind and snow not only has an effect on the body, but also has been affected in the sea of knowledge. The spiritual knowledge that has been limited is even worse, and now it is also faintly painful.

kept descending, and the scenery below was right in front of him, but no matter how he landed, he could not land on the ground. Li Chuan noticed the difference. This should not be an illusion, but real. This is Li Chuan's intuition. His intuition tells him that everything in front of him is not an illusion. It is real.

If you keep landing like this, your life will definitely be here. The real fantasy before is still lingering, and now it has entered this state again. Li Chuan doesn't want to go on like this and find a way to get rid of this state.

"Do you think this will trap me?" Li Chuan thought with some competition that he was also a little annoyed with the rotation king now. If he didn't want to see himself, he said directly that there was no need to kill people like this.

Thinking like this, Li Chuan's stubbornness in his heart was stimulated. The more difficult you are, the more I want to prove it to you. You can't be flattened by you, let alone hinder your progress.

Quietly closed his eyes and felt that his body was falling down quickly. This was not what he saw with his eyes, but what he really felt in his heart. Li Chuan's hands began to tie the seal. Unfortunately, the power of the seal can definitely break everything in front of him, earthy yellow, Dark blue until the last tan.

"P Regretfully, break it for me!!" Li Chuan roared and immediately looked up and opened his arms. His hair danced with the fluctuation of the regretful seal, with a trace of wildness, and at the same time, a burst of anger erupted.

"Bang!" Everything around disappeared, and Li Chuan had stepped over the silver bridge and strangely came to the bridge made of jade. The situation was no different from the silver bridge of the golden bridge.

"How can this happen, the attack I sent before? Didn't you destroy this place at all?" Li Chuan looked at everything around him in surprise. There was no even a little damage around him. Everything was the same as before. He looked back at the two bridges he had passed. At this time, the golden bridge could not be seen, and only half of the silver bridge was only half, and the other half could no longer be seen.

"The gold and silver bridge has passed, and there is no turning back. If you want to live, you have to move forward. At Li Chuan's feet, these two lines of words slowly emerged. The words were clearly unique to the ghost world, but the strange thing was that Li Chuan could know the meaning.

"There is no way back, and I have never had the idea of turning back. The strong man does not need to turn back. He bravely stepped forward and flatten all the obstacles and finally became the top strong man!" Li Chuan's heart is like a rock.

"Since you want to set up so many obstacles for me, I will flatten everything. I'd like to see how many tricks you have, and everything has been taken over!" After that, Li Chuan carefully checked the jade bridge and there was no special strange place, so he cautiously went on the road again.

Judging from all the previous encounters, this jade bridge should also be similar to the previous gold and silver bridge. They are all very real illusions. If you delay too long in the illusion, your life will be in danger. Even if your body and cultivation are so strong, it will not be helpful, so there is only one word to break the illusion. , that's fast.

This time, the jade bridge is different from the previous two bridges. Li Chuan had just taken a step. When he was about to step out, everything in front of him changed again. A mountain composed of emerald jade appeared in front of Li Chuan, more than ten thousand feet high and went up to the nine mountains.

Li Chuan knew that everything in front of him was an illusion, but this scene was really a little shocking. Li Chuan had no distractions and roared again, breaking the peak in front of him.

"Boom!" Looking at the slow collapse of the peak in front of him, and the broken jade flying around smashed at him, Li Chuan was full of purple-gray airflow and formed a translucent shield with the real element in his body.

The hair was windless and took this second step firmly and calmly. Suddenly, everything in front of him disappeared, and Li Chuan also returned to the jade bridge again. It can be seen that the carvings on the stone pillars on both sides of the jade bridge were broken. Li Chuan has been frowning. If this is the case, there is no article on the bridge, but on the carved jade pillars of the guardrails on both sides of the bridge.

The jade bridge is about ten meters, and there will be two jade pillars facing each other at each half meter. The carvings on the jade columns are different, such as flowers, birds, insects, fish, dangerous stones and dangerous peaks, etc. Gradually, Li Chuan also found the doorway. Each bridge and each bridge is exactly the same, but all The levels and obstacles are different, but the same thing is the real fantasy.

With a method, Li Chuan acted again, and the purple-gray airflow slowly flowed in the palm of his hand, containing a powerful destructive power.

"In this case, I will destroy you when I don't trigger you. Let's see how you can stop me from going, hum!" Thinking so, the purple-gray bomb-like ball formed by Zhenyuan in his hand was accurately thrown by Li Chuan and hit the stone pillar half a meter away from him.

"Bang!" Two sounds sounded, and the green emerald stone pillar was hit by two attacks by Li Chuan. The emerald bridge shook a little, but the stone pillar was not destroyed by a single blow, but only a little damaged.

Huh? I can't see that it's quite hard. Now it's broken. Let me try it. Are you as powerful as before? Thinking that Li Chuan resolutely took steps again, his right foot firmly stepped on the corresponding position of the two pillars.

"Wan...!" Suddenly, a huge sound filled Li Chuan's ears, and a moist sound came to his face. What was carved on the stone pillar was a waterfall, and the flow straight down was very rapid, and the deafening sound was enough to prove the height of the waterfall.

"Huh, can't it be damaged? In that case, destroy it!" Li Chuan doesn't have the leisure to enjoy the magnificent scenery. The scenery here looks pleasant, but the murder is unambiguous. If you don't pay attention to it, you will lose your soul.

Exiting the fantasy again, Li Chuan was rested. It was much easier to find the trick. He increased his attack again and smashed all the stone pillars. After that, he did not encounter the fantasy again.

The third emerald bridge was easily passed by Li Chuan and came to the stone bridge. It is still the old way to carefully observe the whole bridge, and then take the first step to see what the level is. It's much easier to have a method. There are five bridges here when I heard the wheel king's words before. As long as you cross the five bridges, the wheel king will appear. There is no concept of time here. Li Chuan doesn't know how long he will be here, which gives Li Chuan the feeling that the five bridges will not be delayed too long. Gold, silver, jade, stone, Mu, Naihe, this is the words of the previous rotation king, but the bridge is no longer here, and the five corresponding bridges Li Chuan also stepped on them one by one, and finally came to a temple under the sea of suffering.