The stunning favorite concubine of Nirvana

Chapter 37 Strange Feelings

"Oh, hehe!" She laughed and looked at him puzzledly

"Brother, in fact, I like Xiaojiu very much. At least he is really good for him. Why do I mind such a person? Big brother Xiaojiu is not wrong. He is loyal to his master, which is valuable. Big brother is so blessed. She said seriously, hoping that he would not blame Xiaojiu,

"Well, the eldest brother understands that he has grown up with me since he was a child. I know his personality, but he feels sorry for Xiao Si like this."

"Hehe! The eldest brother filtered it. She still smiles. She is not such a calculating person. Usually, it is just a joke between friends with her organization's partners, but it can't be true.

The two smiled tacitly and began to chat from ordinary things to anecdotes of various countries, from astronomy to geology, such as business experience, the scenery of that country and even the military command. There is a feeling of cherishing each other

The same talent, the same excellent and the same gentleness.

It's very harmonious for two people to stay together.

Huaxuan always feels that Xiaosi has a charm and an inexplicable feeling. Over the years, he has visited everywhere. He has never seen any kind of person and learned a lot, but he is the only one who is so special to him. When he first met him, he felt that he was not a simple person but lived a very comfortable life. He fell in love with what he yearned for. , and his pure impurity-friendly smile infected him, and a snack subdued his stomach. Later, he always wanted to see him. Hua Manlou became his most frequent place, because he didn't know where he lived and could only wait for the rabbit here. It was not that he couldn't find it, but that he didn't want this relationship to become impure. He It doesn't matter who it is!

The reason why Sikong Dance is so friendly to him is because of her own feelings. She has always left by her feelings. This person looks gentle but always makes her inexplicably distressed. For no reason, they haven't seen him a few times, and she doesn't know who he is, but she is really attached to it. Once she falls in love, she will be close to each other and like her involutarily.

When Huaxuan talked about a place, his expression and heartfelt love made Sikongwu very happy. She always felt that he was hiding a lot of things and smiled reluctantly, but the look of his sincere love when he said that place could not deceive people, but why was there still a gloomy light in his eyes? Was he trapped like her? What kind of story does he have? She believes that there will be a story under every dark look. Although she wants to know, she doesn't like to force others. One day he will tell it herself.

"The eldest brother's knowledge is so extensive, and I really want to see many places in person." Sikongwu listened to him carefully to talk about the customs and unique places in various places. He is very envious. Although she has gone to many places to do business, she has never really gone far because she is worried about her family. She must go to see it later

"If there is a chance, I will definitely take Xiao Si to see it together," he promised. But later, when he went to fulfill his promises, she didn't care. Some people can't look back once they miss it. Obviously, they have been so close but don't regret it until they lose it. Of course, this is a later story, but friends, please cherish the people in front of you and don't wait to regret it.

"Okay! Brother, we made a finale!" She opened her eyes wide with excitement and said

"Hmm! It's settled." Huaxuan's eyes are soft and spoiled. This little brother made him fall in love. He always wants to spoil him when he is with him. Is it really a problem? Why does he sometimes feel satisfied and happy when he meets his heart pops and happy because of his smile? Even when he fell down just now, he would be confused by smelling the unique fragrance on his body. He couldn't help asking questions in his heart

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Why are you in a daze?" Sikongwu shook his hand in front of his eyes and squeezed his nose

This action brought him back to his senses, and then he blushed away and coughed with a fake cough

"Brother, what's wrong with you, blushing?" She put her hand on her forehead first and then put it on his forehead

"No fever!" She said strangely to herself

Hua Xuan's face turned redder, and his face seemed to be soft with his little hands. His hands were softer than women's hands! Men! There will always be a need. He has an impulse to think that the people under him suddenly become Xiao Si. He has never been indulgent, and the little man is a man. How can he have such an idea about a man! The object is still his beloved brother. Thinking of this, he can't sit still

"Oh! Nothing, Xiaosi remembered that I had to leave in advance." Huaxuan suddenly stood up and threw down this sentence and left, hurriedly as if there was something terrible here. He tripped at the door and ran out regardless

"Big brother, little...heart" She couldn't see him before she finished speaking. Si Kongwu was puzzled by his hurried appearance. He didn't even notice the door frame. After trip, he hurried away. She couldn't help worrying about what was important to make him so anxious, but she was afraid of his eldest brother. She is not an idle person. She believes that he has the ability to deal with it. However, it's the first time to see him look so messy, which is also quite interesting.

Since her eldest brother has left, she also has to go back to her house to face Ling Chen's questioning. Originally, she came out to avoid him. Of course, she didn't think she could avoid it forever, but at least she had to give him time to calm down and think about it and then appear again. What's more, how can he not guess with his intelligence? It's too stupid to talk to smart people. What will he think if he arranges to meet them today? It must have guessed that she had a relationship with Xie Ze, but it was absolutely unexpected that she had contacted Xie Ze as a traceless identity. There were not many people who knew that she was a daughter. She had been hiding it very well. She also knew that Xie Ze had been checking his identity, and even asked a dark organization to check her, and she gave him some fake information. But he is smart and will not believe in others or occasionally test her, so she has avoided more contact with him over the years. It was also a helpless trick for her to take the risk to let him come forward to help Ling Chen this time, but when she incarnated without trace, she not only dressed as a man but also wore a human skin mask. It was not so easy for Xie Ze to find out her identity. Ling Chen is the same. She will never think that she is traceless. Wuhen must not appear as a princess, otherwise she will not be free in her life. How can those people let her go for fame and fortune? She doesn't know whether her decision is right or not, and whether things will go as smoothly as she thought, but so far the situation is still under her control. She can only pray that all this will end soon and she can leave as soon as possible.