reverse song

Chapter 17 Empty Mountain

Leaving a room of elders quarreling in the control room, Yi Tian began to wander aimlessly in this strange research institute along the long corridor. He didn't know where to go, because he came in directly in Yang's crazy car before. After arriving, he was taken to a strange instrument for a simple inspection, and then went straight to the examination room, so Yi Tian knew nothing about the situation in the research institute. But even if he comes all the way, he will forget which places he has been through. The corridor and layout of the whole research institute are exactly the same. Except for the occasional signs, if outsiders come in for the first time, they will really get lost. Yi Tian walked along the occasional sign on the wall. It seemed that there was no change in the layout along the way. There were white walls, white lights, and no windows in the corridor, so it was impossible to know where the research institute was built.

I turned around and saw an empty place. There was a huge white light hanging on the high roof, which reflected the whole empty place like daylight. Yi Tian stood at the entrance and looked at this place in a blank way. He couldn't figure out why such an empty place would suddenly emerge from a well-ranged research institute that had always been arranged. Yi Tian wanted to know if there was anyone here, so he coughed gently. The sound echoed in this place, but there was no other sound. He looked around again, but still didn't see anyone, so he took a breath of slightly cold air and walked in.

As soon as Yi Tian entered, he heard a bang behind him. Looking back, the door suddenly closed. Yi Tian hurried forward to push the door, but the door did not move, as if it was locked. Yi Tian felt that it was not safe here, so he shouted, "Is there anyone? Did anyone hear you? Open the door!" After shouting for nearly ten minutes, no one answered, and no one came to open the door. He looked around and seemed to have no other exit, so he casually found a place to sit down, ready to come to find himself when he found that he was missing. This is the best way he can think of at present, at least in his current situation.

In the quiet environment, the faint refreshing smell of vegetation penetrated into Yi Tian's nose, and the crisp sound of birds woke up from his sleep. After wiping the saliva that did not exist at all, Yi Tian woke up in a daze and looked around blindfolded. A green came into his eyes, and soft sunlight fell through the cracks between the leaves, which fell on his skin and looked extremely warm.

This is a forest, a forest that looks extremely primitive, a forest that Yitian has never been to.

Yi Tian messed with his hair, his head was a little dizzy, and his consciousness was still in a state. Probably because he had just woken up, he didn't expect that he fell asleep in this forest. Yawning, he was still a little sleepy. Yi Tian sat on the ground and stretched out, but as soon as he raised his head, his whole body was frozen there.

Forest!!! This is a forest!!!

Suddenly, Yi Tian jumped up from the ground, like a cat stepped on its tail, but his legs were numb because he sat for too long and fell to the ground as soon as he jumped up. Sitting up with difficulty, Yi Tian watched the surrounding scenery fall into a brief state of chaos. Am I not in the research institute? Why did you suddenly run to the forest to sleep? Where the hell am I now?

The sudden transition between the environment makes Yi Tian at a loss. He doesn't think he slept soundly just now, at least he will know if someone moves him. But who will come in when he is in the research institute? Are Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun playing tricks on themselves? After a period of chaos, Yi Tian finally gradually cleared his mind.

"Master! Xiao Ruo! Long Feiyun!" Yi Tian, who woke up from the chaotic state, immediately sat on the ground and shouted. Because he really can't remember how he ran from the research institute to the forest, he can only play the most instinctive behavior, which is to ask for help. No one responded to Yi Tian, and his voice echoed in the empty mountains and forests. His voice echoed with the crisp sound of birds.

"Da Damn it. Where the hell is this? How could I come here?" Feeling that the numbness on his legs had disappeared, Yi Tian stood up from the ground and looked at the top of his head. The trees were so dense that there was no way to tell the direction, so he casually chose a place that seemed easier to pass through. In fact, this kind of behavior is extremely dangerous, but Yi Tian does not have this awareness, or to be more bluntly, he does not know how dangerous it is to walk blindly in the mountains and forests.

The mountain forest is extremely quiet, and the occasional bird calls from far or near make the whole mountain forest quieter. From time to time, some large or small animals pass through the bushes and make a rustling sound. A snake with a sea bowl more than three meters thick coiled on a branch, and its cold shuttle-shaped eyes stared at Yi Tian passing under the tree. It spit out letters, watched Yi Tian move, then quietly slid down from the tree and slowly walked towards Yi Tian. The snake moved so gently that it didn't even make any sound when it walked over the ground full of dead leaves. It has locked the target of Yi Tian, and now all it has to do is wait for the best opportunity to send a fatal blow.

While complaining about the too many trees in the mountains and forests, Yi Tian pushed away the tall bushes in front of him, and occasionally looked up at the thick zenith made of leaves above his head. The leaves here are extremely dense. Occasionally, you can see a line of sky outside from the gap between the leaves and leaves, so that Yi Tian can judge whether it is still day, but he doesn't know what time it is. The soft wind blows through the forest, which brings coolness and makes people tiredness. Yi Tian didn't know how long he had walked, but he just felt a little tired, but he didn't plan to stop, because once he stopped, he couldn't let himself move forward, so he still walked persistently.

The snake that slipped down from the tree still quietly followed Yi Tian. It was not in a hurry to launch an attack, but followed Yi Tian, waiting for the most suitable time to launch an attack. Instinct told the snake that the person in front of him was not easy to mess with, but it did not feel any danger from Yi Tian, but its instinct told him to be careful. Yi Tian still hummed while pulling away the branches and other things in front of him.

Did you push away a branch in front of him, and Yi Tian heard a thud. A group of birds hiding somewhere in the mountains suddenly flew up and flew high, and some smaller animals also ran in the direction of Yi Tian, as if they had encountered something. The sudden flying birds scared Yi Tian. He cursed casually. When he was not aware of any danger in front of him and wanted to move forward again, the big snake that had followed Yi Tian also stopped. His frightened eyes appeared in his shuttle-shaped eyes. After hesitating again and again, he turned around and left. He did not want to follow Yi Tian again. Waiting for the opportunity to move. When the snake left, it hooked the bushes and made a sound of sand. Yi Tian was shocked by the sudden noise and hurriedly turned around. He didn't find anything wrong, so he continued to move forward.

A shocking beast roar came from the depths of the restored quiet mountains and forests, and then a bad wind came. Yi Tian, who heard the beast roar, was shocked and hurriedly stopped and looked ahead in a stunned manner. He didn't know what kind of thing came. When the beast roared, he had already sensed the danger ahead, but now it was too late to think about retreating, because vaguely, he had seen a beast rushing openly towards him in the distance. The speed of the beast is extremely fast, which can be said to be in front of Yi Tian in the blink of an eye.

When he saw the beast clearly, Yi Tian's heart skipped a beat, and it was too late to escape. It was a snow-white beast, like a tiger, with long fangs, but a horn in the middle of its forehead, with sharp claws on its limbs like a tiger, but a scorpion's tail behind it. The beast stared at Yi Tian coldly, and its behavior was like a person. The beast was not in a hurry to launch an attack. It was waiting for the moment when Yi Tian showed a panicked look. Only at that moment can it be sure that its prey can't escape. The beast has always been careful. Only by being careful in the forest can it live forever.

Yi Tian looked at the beast motion. It was not that he didn't want to move, but that he was so scared that he couldn't move. His muscles were stiff and he didn't obey the command of the brain at all. When he couldn't move, Yi Tian also began to observe the beast. He had never seen such a strange creature, and he even suspected that he was not on the earth, but on another planet. Although there are already a few alien colonies, I have never heard of anyone leading alien species back to Earth, so this strange creature can only be in an alien planet. After all, things without natural enemies are the most difficult to control.

When the beast saw that the person in front of him was motionless, it also made a low roar. With a slight force on the beast's limbs, its body bowed. Now as long as Yi Tian has a slightly flustered look, the beast can launch an attack immediately. Yi Tian felt that his hands began to tremble slightly, and his legs began to tremble. Finally, his whole body shook uncontrollably and violently. The moment his body moved, the calm expression on Yi Tian's face immediately collapsed. His legs were soft, and Yi Tian fell down and sat down.

When Yi Tian's body began to tremble, the beast roared, his limbs were strong, and he opened his blood basin and rushed to Yi Tian like a sharp sword, and bit Yi Tian's neck with strong bloody teeth. The beast came, but Yi Tian fell to the ground. The beast did not bite Yi Tian's neck, but pressed on Yi Tian's body, and his body weighing more than 100 catties suddenly crushed Yi Tian.

found that he had not been able to bite down the prey. The beast roared angrily, and then found that the prey had been pressed under him, and a pair of cold eyes immediately flashed with human joy.

With a low roar, the beast raised its right forearm, popped out its sharp claws and grabbed Yi Tian's face. At the time of danger, Yi Tian's eyes flashed with silver light, and his hands forced him to push the beast away. After rolling a few times in the air, the beast's body hit the ground with a bang, and the beast made a cry of pain. Yi Tian's body floated slowly and straight. His feet hung an inch from the ground. His eyes had completely turned silver, and his body no longer trembled. At this moment, there is no longer fear in Yi Tian's heart, but only cold killing.

made an angry roar, and the beast stood up again and looked at Yi Tian fiercely. There was a low and dangerous snoring sound in his throat. A one-foot-long spike popped from his tail, and a faint green light flashed on the spike, which was obviously poisonous. With a roar, the beast suddenly rushed forward, a little faster than before. As soon as it approached Yi Tian, it threw its tail out and stabbed Yi Tian's chest.

Stretched out his silvery right hand and flicked his finger at the thorn. A silver light came out and faced the thorn. Looking at Yi Tian's reckless move, a trace of joy flashed in the beast's eyes. His body sank, and his tail shook strangely. He actually dodged the silver light that Yi Tian popped up, and changed his angle but still stabbed Yi Tian's chest.

A trace of surprise flashed on Yi Tian's face, and his body hurriedly retreated back and his right hand was blocked in his chest. With a bang, the sharp thorn made a dull sound in the palm of Yi Tian's hand. Yi Tian's body flew back, the beast's tail was stagnated by the anti-shock force, and his body also fell into a short period of paralysis. Yi Tian was terraffected. He didn't expect this beast to have such a trick and strength. The beast was also extremely frightened. The person who originally looked extremely weak and ordinary also had such power. It couldn't help but be more alert to the person in front of it.

As soon as the feeling of paralysis disappeared, the beast rushed to Yi Tian again. This time, it did not use its tail again, but waved its claws and patted Yitian when it approached Yitian. As soon as Yi Tian stabilized his body, he saw the beast rushing over and also made a low roar. His eyes were full of silver. He jumped into the air and hit the beast's head with his right hand.

The fist approached with a silk fist wind. The beast's tail swept away and actually wanted to use its tail to force Yi Tian's hand back, and its claws were about to catch Yi Tian's body. The silver light in Yi Tian's eyes suddenly became strong, and the beast's body twitched violently as if it had been struck by lightning. The claws that had originally popped out also softened, and the tail also lost strength to stop Yi Tian's hand.

Bang, Yi Tian's fist hit the beast's head fiercely, and the iron-like fist hit the beast's head and immediately smashed the beast's head into pieces. Bright red blood sprayed Yi Tian's face with white brain. The silver light in Yi Tian's eyes retreated and fell to the ground gasping. Seeing the beast lose its head and being stained with red and white, he spit it out. He behaved like this, but he didn't know how he killed the beast just now.