reverse song

Chapter 26 Beast Attack

Long Feiyun did not believe in evil. He picked up five stones from the ground and calculated the time to throw the stones to Yitian one by one with all his strength. He still doesn't believe that Yi Tian can avoid his half-truth attack with his eyes closed. Although Long Feiyun's skill is not as high as Xiao Ruo, the difference will not be too far. If Xiao Ruo is standing opposite him, then Long Feiyun will definitely believe it, but Yi Tian is standing opposite, no matter how talented Yi Tian is. There may be such great progress. However, Long Feiyun did not know that Yi Tian had obtained a very strange skill, and the means of using his own Qi were extremely strange, so Yi Tian could perform like this.

The five stones seemed to shoot at Yi Tian at the same speed, but the bright-eyed man could see at a glance that Long Feiyun used a very strange control technique. The last stone flew to the front, while the other four stones were auxiliary, completely blocking Yi Tian's escape route. If Yi naively can "see" these stones, then he can find a way to escape, and if he can't, he will be hit by one of the five stones.

How far is the distance of ten meters? It's just a momentary thing for a stone that flies as fast as a bullet.

Within less than one breath, the five stones have entered the three meters that Yitian can perceive. This time, Yi Tian's mind is no longer the kind of completely full picture before. He has just mastered this method and is not perfect in control. Before Long Feiyun was not serious, he could still catch those lost things. Now that Long Feiyun is serious, Yi Tian can't stand it. Within three meters of perception, the air began to become a little disordered, making Yi Tian unable to grasp the trajectory of those stones for a while. However, just as the stone was about to reach Yi Tian's body, a white light suddenly flashed in Yi Tian's mind and went more to the side, avoiding the stone that arrived first. But before he could catch the trajectory of the second stone, he was hit by the stone.

I only heard a muffled sound, and a stone hit Yi Tian fiercely. Fortunately, Yi Tian's physical fitness has improved these days, otherwise Long Feiyun's strength will definitely make Yi Tian seriously injured. However, even if Yi Tian's physical fitness improves, he still can't resist Long Feiyun's attack, which is the gap in strength. As soon as the stone touched Yi Tian's body, Yi Tian felt that his body seemed to be hit by a huge hammer, and his whole body was thrown out.

This loud noise even woke up Xiao Ruo, who had been thinking cross-legged by the lake. As soon as he turned around, he saw the picture of Yi Tian being beaten away, and he didn't care about anything else and hurriedly got up and rushed in the direction of Yi Tian. Long Feiyun saw that Yi Tian had been blown away, and his heart was also panicked. He scolded himself and rushed in the direction of Yi Tian. However, Yi Tian finally hit the ground fiercely, and then bounced up more than ten centimeters and fell back to the ground again. Yi Tian wowed and felt a fishy sweetness in his throat, but he opened his mouth but didn't spit out anything. Yi Tian felt his ears rumble, and the things in front of him were also swaying. Until Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun came to him, Yi Tian felt better.

Xiao Ruo checked Yi Tian, and then looked at Long Feiyun and cursed: "You don't know that Xiaotian has just begun to practice and has tried his best." Then there was another crackling scolding. Xiao Ruo loves this younger brother very much.

Long Feiyun scratched his head with great embarrassment. Although he grinned, he also knew that he had gone too far just now. He opened his mouth and just wanted to apologize to Yi Tian. Yi Tian said first, "Brother, don't blame Brother Long. I asked him to do his best. It seems that I haven't mastered it yet." He said the last sentence to himself.

Yi Tian sat up and crossed his legs to figure out what he was not doing well. Long Feiyun's last attack gave him a strange feeling, and the distance was short, so it would be difficult for Yi Tian to catch the trajectory of the five stones. But he also knows very well that this situation will happen before he has mastered this method. The feeling of airflow disorder within the perception range made Yi Tian deeply remember.

"You are an idiot." Xiao Ruo knocked Yi Tian's head fiercely, "Do you know how powerful he is? How dare you let him do his best and don't kill you. Xiao Ruo began to teach Yi Tian a lesson.

Yi Tian touched the place where Xiao Ruo hurt and said to Xiao Ruo, "I just want to try something I just learned."

"What has been learned to make him try his best to experiment." Xiao Ruo was so angry that he knocked on Yi Tian's head fiercely.

"Nothing. It is to perceive the attack of the other party by qi. Yi Tian didn't think so. "But I haven't fully mastered it yet." Finally, he added this sentence again.

Xiao Ruo was shocked when he heard Yi Tian's words. He had just realized this method, but Yi Tian had already mastered who this boy was. So Xiao Ruo looked at Yi Tian and asked carefully, "Can you feel it?"

Yi Tian nodded, thought for a moment and said, "But I can only feel something within three meters. No matter how far away it is, there is nothing I can do." He reported his most confident scope.

Xiao Ruo turned his head and looked at Long Feiyun. Just now, Long Feiyun accompanied Yi Tian to practice, so Xiao Ruo wanted to confirm from him whether what Yi Tian said was true. Long Feiyun nodded affirmatively and said, "I was beaten just now because he didn't dodge."

Xiao Ruo was overjoyed, and a smile appeared on her face. He thought that his younger brother was indeed a genius. Although he didn't know what method he used, he could use the method he had just come up with, which showed that he was indeed extraordinary. Xiao Ruo has been worried about how to make the qi run outside the body along the veins. Now he can ask Yi Tian directly.

"Tell me, how did you do it?" Xiao Ruo crossed his legs to Yi Tian's side. Of course, Long Feiyun knew how smart Yi Tian mastered this method, so he also sat down cross-legged and quietly waited for Yi Tian to answer.

However, as soon as the three sat down, they heard the sound of the forest, and then a bad wind blew, and a shadow jumped out of the forest. As soon as the shadow came out, it roared at Yi Tian and the other three, and then rushed over. Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun had excellent eyesight. As soon as the shadow appeared, they saw the appearance of the shadow clearly. It turned out to be the beast they met in the forest that day. The two were immediately scared out of a cold sweat and hurriedly pulled up Yi Tian and rushed in the direction of the cabin.

Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun know the abnormality of this beast, even if it is strong, but the two of them can still deal with it, but this beast seems to have an immortal body. No matter what kind of attack is effective, it can even imitate other people's attacks. Can this not make Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun, two bold people, be scared?

The beast's speed was very fast. As soon as it came out of the forest, it roared and rushed to Yi Tian and the others. When the beast rushed out nearly ten meters away, Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun pulled Yi Tian and ran in the direction of the hut. Yi Tian felt the sound of wind in his ear, but he didn't know what Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun saw and were so gaffe. Yi Tian reluctantly looked back, which shocked Yi Tian. A tiger-sized strange beast followed them closely, less than five meters away from them. Yi Tian suddenly shouted, "Hurry up. That thing is about to catch up. He roared loudly, and even his voice became a little sharp.

Yi Tian finally understood why Xiao Ruo and the other two were so out of their temper. He was also shocked. He didn't expect that there would be such a horrible beast in this mountain forest. If he accidentally walked into the mountain forest, he would only die. Yi Tian was run away by Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun, so he didn't have to estimate the escape route at all, so he had time to think nonsense.

Just as Yi Tian was thinking, the beast behind him suddenly roared, and a red fireball spewed out of its mouth. As soon as the fireball came out, Yi Tian and the three suddenly felt a burning heat behind them. Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun did not dare to look back and ran desperately in the direction of the cabin. Usually it is a very short walk, but it seems so long at this moment.

The beast roared again, and the fireball suddenly expanded and exploded with a bang. The rolling heat wave and strong shock wave immediately caught up with the three people who fled in front of them. Affected by the shock wave, Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun's footsteps were chaotic and fell to the ground at the same time, and Yi Tian was also thrown far away. Before the three got up, the beast emerged from a fire. Its green eyes looked fiercely at the three people of Yi Tian who fell to the ground and made a low roar. The beast walked slowly to the three people.

Yi Tian was thrown far away, so it was farther away from the beast, but Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun directly came face to face with the beast. The two deserved to be people who have experienced hundreds of battles. As soon as the beast appeared, they rolled on the ground, and then their limbs bounced up from the ground with force at the same time. At the moment when the bullet was fired, Long Feiyun grabbed a few stones from the ground and threw them at the beast. Xiao Ruo shot out with a red projectile. The two cooperated very tacitly, and even Yi Tian, who was not far away, couldn't help but admire it.

Looking at the stones and red projectiles, the beast roared with great disdain, shook its tail hard, and a pale blue wind blade greeted it. The stone broke, and the red projectile collided with the blue wind blade. There was a crisp sound. The red projectile was split in half and flew towards the beast, and the blue wind blade hit the air.

"Explosion!" Xiao Ruo looked at the projectile approaching the beast and roared. He knew that the beast was extremely smart, and it was absolutely impossible to succeed if he was allowed to fly to the beast's side and then launch it again, so he chose to launch it in front of the beast.

Only the red light flashed, and the strong wind forced the beast that had been advancing to retreat. Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun did not want to fight with the beast. Seeing that the beast was blocked, they hurriedly accelerated and set up Yi Tian to run towards the hut. The speed of the two is not fast, but after all, it is still slower than the beast.

As soon as the three of them didn't go far, they heard the roar of the beast behind them, and then there was a flower in front of them. The beast somehow rushed in front of Yi Tian and the three people and blocked their way. Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun stopped abruptly, and it was too late to change direction. The beast had launched an attack.

This time, the beast did not send out a fireball or wind blade, but directly rushed to the tiger, waved its sharp claws and grabbed the necks of the three people. Xiao Ruo hurriedly handed Yi Tian over to Long Feiyun, and then pulled out his dagger and greeted him. With a sound of a bang, sparks burst out, Xiao Ruo was shaken back a few steps, and the beast fell back to the ground unaffected at all, which was another tiger. The goal of this beast is Yi Tian.

Since just now, Yi Tian has been protected by Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun, and his god has not done it. The smart beast saw at a glance that Yi Tian was a soft persimmon, so he did not hesitate to choose the weakness that both Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun should take into account. I have to say that the beast's move is extremely wise, but also extremely dangerous, because it chose to attack Yi Tian, which means that it has to deal with Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun at the same time, which increases its danger a little.

Long Feiyun saw the beast rushing towards him, hurriedly pushed Yi Tian behind him, and then greeted him. The beast's eyes watched Long Feiyun rush towards him. A trace of joy flashed in his green eyes, hurriedly spit out a fireball from his mouth, and then sank down. After landing on his limbs, his whole body rushed to Yitian like an arrow shot out.

The speed of the beast is really fast. When Long Feiyun knew that he had been fooled and didn't have time to react, the beast had already rushed past Long Feiyun and rushed to Yi Tian.

Yi Tian has never seen such a horrible beast. Even the last time he met the strange beast in a semi-intelligible state in the research institute. Now Yi Tian suddenly saw this fierce beast rushing at him, and his heart was extremely panicked. The training in the past few days doesn't seem to have any effect. After all, it is training to deal with known dangers, but now this situation is too sudden. Yi Tian felt that his mind was blank. Although he knew he wanted to avoid it, he just didn't listen to him.

"Dodge!" Long Feiyun and Xiao Ruo roared at the same time, but there was no time to save Yi Tian.

At the critical moment, the most basic survival in his heart could have made Yi Tian respond. He pulled out the dagger given to him by Xiao Ruo and then blocked it horizontally. After a while, the whole person was bounced out. The beast followed, threw Yi Tian to the ground, opened its mouth and was about to bite Yi Tian to death.

Long Feiyun and Xiao Ruo are crazy. They didn't expect to encounter such a danger, let alone Yi Tian. The two roared at the same time and rushed to the beast. At this moment, the speed of both of them broke through their own limitations, and the air around their bodies was slightly distorted, which was caused by the speed reaching a limit.

The beast did not estimate the two people behind him, but still desperately bit Yi Tian's neck.

Yi Tian also roared. His instinct for survival made him burst into unprecedented potential, and a silver light burst out of him. The silver light was extremely dazzling. The beast that was just about to bite Yi Tian's neck was illuminated by this sudden silver light. It roared and retreated repeatedly. At this time, Long Feiyun and Xiao Ruo had already rushed up.