reverse song

Chapter 33 Fighting

In the mountain forest at night, two figures came out of the bushes, and then penetrated into another dark corner like ghosts. They didn't see if there was any danger there at all, but did not hesitate to get in. Two figures just got into the dark corner, and then three more figures got in.

"Daw! I can't get rid of them." Xiao Ruo cursed secretly and kept following Long Feiyun.

"It's a master." Long Feiyun looked up at the top of his head in the air, which was still black and numb. But his feeling told him that it was almost dawn. If you can't get rid of the people behind them before dawn, the two of them will be in big trouble.

"What should I do?" Xiao Ruo obviously felt that the speed of the people behind him accelerated a little. Xiao Ruo could clearly feel the pressure brought to him by the people behind him. He knew that the people who attacked them during the day were also among the people chasing him.

Long Feiyun did not answer Xiao Ruo's words, but still carefully analyzed the situation around him, and then took Xiao Ruo into one dark corner after another, trying to get rid of the people behind him. His forehead was already slightly sweaty, and even his hands and feet were a little weak. He hasn't eaten for a day, and he has been in a state of high tension, and now he can't stand it.

Xiao Ruo's situation is not much better. His consumption is greater than that of Long Feiyun. Now he is being chased by the people behind him. He would have been on the verge of collapse. If it hadn't been for his unyielding personality, he would have been unable to move.

The sky outside the forest has turned white, and a crisp bird call sounded from the forest. A ray of sunlight shines through the dense branches and leaves of the jungle. With a bang, Long Feiyun pushed away the branches and leaves in front of him and got in. Behind him was Xiao Ruo. As soon as he saw the sunshine, Long Feiyun's mood suddenly sank. If it was night, he could still rely on the surrounding environment to avoid it, but now it is dawn, so no matter how dense the jungle is, it is much brighter than at night. It will be difficult for the two of them to avoid these people again.

"It's dawn. Damn it." Xiao Ruo wiped away the sweat or dew on her face, stopped, looked at Long Feiyun and continued, "We can't run away. They have caught up."

Long Feiyun also stopped when he heard the words and stood straight behind him. His eyes were very calm and there was no panic at all. He had escaped all night. Since the people behind him caught up, there was no need to escape. Adjusting breathing and some disordered qi in the body, and the overnight escape also consumed a lot of physical strength and energy.

Xiao Ruo looked straight and stared ahead. He didn't see anyone, but he clearly felt that the airflow within 20 meters around him suddenly became chaotic, and then he regained his composure. What a smart hiding method, even the gas emitted by itself can be restrained to such a point. Xiao Ruo praised in his heart. He has adjusted the qi in his body, and now there are less than two-thirds of the qi in his body. After carefully distinguishing the direction of the disorder just now, Xiao Ruo roughly judged the place where those people were hiding, but he didn't know whether he had changed their position. He slowly condensed his own energy and waited for the opportunity to launch.

Qinghong looked at Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun, who suddenly stopped, with some understanding. He didn't understand why they didn't run away, so when he approached the two of them 20 meters, he suddenly found a place to hide, and Bai Hao and Yan Shuang, who followed him, also hid. The three looked so quietly at the two people in front of them who straightened their waists and stood motionless in the jungle.

"Why don't they run away?" Yan Shuang asked in a low voice.

"I don't know." Qinghong couldn't guess the plan of Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun.

"Isn't it that you want to fight with us?" Bai Hao said a possibility. He really guessed it.

Qinghong did not accept Bai Hao's words, because he saw that Xiao Ruo's eyes had fallen on his hiding place. Did he find us? Qinghong guessed himself. But then he saw Xiao Ruo look away. He immediately dispelled his ridiculous speculation. You should know that Qinghong's hiding skills have reached an amazing level, and it is really difficult to find him. He is still guessing what the two will do next.

"Flying, I already know where they are. Wait a minute, I'll attract their attention. You're going to sneak up." After saying that, Xiao Ruo told Long Feiyun the direction she had explored.

Long Feiyun nodded silently, his whole body was full of strength, and his body bowed slightly, waiting for Xiao Ruo to send a signal. Xiao Ruo pulled out his dagger and wiped his left hand on the blade of the dagger. A red light immediately spewed out of the dagger and condensed into a red lightsaber. This is a means that Xiao Ruo himself realized, using his own energy to condense a long sword through a dagger. This kind of sword is extremely destructive and poisonous.

As soon as Xiao Ruo's red sword appeared, Long Feiyun hid. Long Feiyun has already calculated the route and time, and it is the shortest and least difficult route to find. As soon as Long Feiyun disappeared, Xiao Ruo roared and held a long sword. As soon as his body moved, he rushed in the direction of Qinghong's hiding. His speed was very fast, 20 meters away, only three breaths, and Xiao Ruo had rushed to him.

Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun launched very suddenly, and Qinghong and they didn't expect that the two would suddenly make such a move. For a moment, Xiao Ruo had arrived. Bai Hao's reaction was the fastest. As soon as Xiao Ruo approached, he rushed down and rushed to Xiao Ruo. I don't know where Bai Hao pulled out a long sword and blocked Xiao Ruo's violent blow.

Boom, Xiao Ruo's red sword collided with Bai Hao's sword and suddenly spew a fire tongue straight to Bai Hao's face. This time, very suddenly, Bai Hao didn't expect that Xiao Ruo's long sword would be such a strange place. When the flame came, Bai Hao suddenly felt the heat wave coming. Only then did he remember that he was still fighting. He immediately increased his strength, bounced Xiao Ruo's sword, and then hurried back. After Bai Hao retreated, Xiao Ruo caught up with him.

Xiao Ruo didn't intend to give Bai Hao any chance to breathe. He held a red sword and chopped at Bai Hao. Dangdang's voice spread in the forest. After nearly 100 moves in a row, Yan Shuang remembered to help Bai Hao and hurriedly jumped down from the tree. As soon as Yan Shuang moved, Long Feiyun, who had been hiding beside him, took action.

As early as when Xiao Ruo and Bai Hao first met, Long Feiyun had already sneaked behind the three people of Qinghong. All Lai Xiaoruo attracted the attention of the three people, and Long Feiyun's action was not discovered. After Long Feiyun is completely hidden, it will be a little difficult for them to find his figure from the current chaos.

As soon as he saw Yan Shuang jumping down from the tree, Long Feiyun raised his hand and popped out a few black lights. These black lights were extremely fast, but they only made a soft sound when they really got rid of their hands, and then they were in an extremely quiet state. Qinghong, who had been hiding in the tree, heard a soft sound and followed the sound. When he looked at it, the dark lights had already arrived behind Yan Shuang.

"Be careful." Qinghong roared, and a few black lights popped up. But after all, he took a step slower.

Yanshuang has heard Qinghong's reminder, but she is in the air, and now it is difficult to suddenly change her body. Suddenly, her left hand leaned behind her, and a flame spewed out from the palm of her hand. However, she was useless this time. The black light emitted by Long Feiyun has been accurately hit on the back of Yan Shuang. The power of Wuguang is extremely strong, and it also contains the strange atmosphere of Long Feiyun.

was suddenly attacked, and Yan Shuang's whole body was blown out. Then with Wuguang's strength, Yan Shuang's body turned over in the air and removed part of the attack force. Even so, she still spit out a small mouthful of blood. As soon as Yan Shuang fell to the ground, she rushed to the place where Long Feiyun was hiding. When she got there, there was no Long Feiyun's figure. She couldn't help roaring angrily, and flames appeared on her body. With red clothes, she was like a fire god.

"He's there." Qinghong told the hiding place of Yan Shuanglong Feiyun.

With someone's guidance, it's different. No matter how good Long Feiyun is at hiding, he is just a person, and there are two people on the other side, one of whom is also good at hiding skills. Long Feiyun is not so lucky this time. He was chased by Yan Shuang and run around in the forest. He wanted to bring down the man pointed to by the tree, but whenever he was ready to search for the figure, he would find that he could not see the man at all.

"Da Damn it. What should I do now?" Long Feiyun thought while escaping, and the movements in his hands kept moving. He can't confront Yanshuang head-on. After all, he is still good at hiding and assassination.

Yan Shuang bit behind Long Feiyun. Despite Qinghong's guidance, she is not good at hiding, so she has to catch up with Long Feiyun for a while, unless she and Qinghong have a tacit understanding like Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun. Without Qinghong's guidance, Yan Shuang will soon lose the figure of Long Feiyun, which makes her feel very bad. Yan Shuang's roar spread in the forest, and at the same time, her curses spread. These dragon flying clouds turned a deaf ear and fled, sending out attacks from time to time to stimulate Yan Shuang. For him, Yan Shuang's loss of reason is the best thing.

The red light burst out, and Xiao Ruo's sword collided with Bai Hao's sword again. Xiao Ruo's face was red by the red light on the sword, and a smile rose at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were full of wildness. After escaping for so long, I can finally vent to my heart's content today. With a low roar, Bai Hao's long sword was opened. Xiao Ruo's left hand pinched a strange fingerprint, and then his fingers moved slightly, and a firelight suddenly spewed out of his hand. Xiao Ruo followed the fire and chased Bai Hao away.

Bai Hao did not show weakness, and the white projectile collided with the firelight. The firelight was frozen into ice in an instant.

"So it's you." Seeing Bai Hao's means, Xiao Ruo suddenly remembered the person who launched the sneak attack yesterday, and the smile on her face was a little stronger. Such a smile makes Xiao Ruo's face look a little ferocious. The movement of his hand accelerated a little more, forcing Bai Hao to retreat repeatedly.

The more Bai Hao and Xiao Ruo fought, the more frightened they became. Is this still the person who fled for a day and a night? How can his physical strength be so full that his movements are not stagnated at all? Even if the intact person launches a fierce attack, his movements will slow down, but the bigger the person in front of him, the more energetic he is, and the faint speed seems to be a little faster. And what does that strange smile on his face mean? Bai Hao was extremely surprised, but his movements were not full at all, and every time he blocked Xiao Ruo's attack at the most dangerous time.

Who the hell is this guy? Bai Hao sighed in his heart, and at the same time, he was more determined to pull Xiao Ruo into the group.

Bai Hao's long sword shook, and a white light drew from the tip of the sword and circled into a circle. Then the long sword was closed to his side, and his left hand shining white light patted on the white circle formed in the sky. A burst of white fog visible to the naked eye quickly rose in the circle, and then there was a sound, and the white fog turned into a column of water and rushed towards Xiao Ruo. The place where the water column passes is icy.

Xiao Ruo was shocked and hurriedly flashed aside, but the water column followed Xiao Ruo closely. Looking at the scene where all the frozen vegetation was broken, Xiao Ruo couldn't help but feel numb. He didn't want to be hit by such a perverted attack.

Long Feiyun, who was fleeing, suddenly stopped and looked at the angry Yan Shuang who was chasing him. A smile suddenly appeared on his face and gently clicked his right hand to signal Yan Shuang to pay attention to his back.

Yan Shuang looked back cautiously and saw Xiao Ruo rushing towards him with a red sword and a ferocious face at this time, and his heart suddenly abbling. She didn't expect that Long Feiyun took her around for so long to wait for Xiao Ruolai to fight with her. Although she was surprised, she still made the most accurate judgment. Her left hand pinched a fingerprint, her right hand stretched forward into a palm, and the palm of her palm roared at Xiao Ruo. With this low roar, the clothes on his right arm burst, revealing the fiery red tattoo on his arms. As soon as the tattoo appeared, there seemed to be a phoenix sound, and then a fiery phoenix shadow came out of Yan's right arms and flew towards Xiao Ruo with a cry.

Looking at the sudden flying fire phoenix, Xiao Ruo was happy. The long sword that originally pointed to the front suddenly closed and rushed straight to the fire phoenix. He is extremely fast, and he is about to have a close contact with Huofeng in a short time to breathe. Suddenly, Xiao Ruo showed a strange smile on her face. This smile was extremely strange, which made Yan Shuang a little unclear, but when she saw Xiao Ruo suddenly disappear, her face immediately changed, because she saw the water column that had been chasing Xiao Ruo.

How can Yan Shuang not know whose attack this water column will be? But now she has no time to change her moves, so she can only watch her fire phoenix and water column collide. What will happen if two forces of the same power and opposite attributes collide?

With a sound, the fire phoenix plunged into the water column, and bursts of smoke rose from the place where the fire phoenix and the water column touched each other, and then the place where they collided began to expand and continued to expand. With a bang, the swollen place exploded. Yan Shuang screamed and hurriedly escaped from the scene of the explosion. Xiao Ruo had long been taken away by Long Feiyun, but it was still affected by the explosion.

This collision, the power immediately devoured back to the two people who launched the attack. Bai Hao and Yan Shuang spewed a mouthful of blood at the same time, and their faces turned pale and almost fell to the ground. Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun were not much better. They were affected by the explosion. After their bodies flipped in the air, they hit the ground heavily and almost fainted. However, after this, both of them were seriously injured and barely sat up with a wry smile on their faces.

Qinghong suddenly appeared beside Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun and looked at them with his head tilted and said, "You two are very good." A smile appeared on his face.

"Big brother Qinghong, don't laugh at us anymore." Xiao Ruo coughed up a blood clot and then looked at Qinghong with a smile.

Qinghong, the boss of the dragon group, his full name is Long Qinghong. Now he stood straight in front of Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun and looked at them and said, "Are you kidding? Let's see what you have done with Yan Shuang and Bai Hao. I heard that Uncle Xuanyang said that you two went to the mountains to practice and sent some people to test it. I didn't expect you two to be so perverted.

"Are we perverts? Why don't you say you are perverts? Long Feiyun tried to sit up straight, and said to Long Qinghong, "You actually dispatched four groups to surround us two. You think we are gods."

"Didn't you escape?" Long Qinghong still tilted his head. At this time, Bai Hao and Yan Shuang also came to Long Qinghong's side. Bai Hao is the leader of the Tiger Group, Yan Shuang, whose full name is Feng Yan Shuang, and the leader of the Feng Group. Wu Yuan, who did not appear, is the leader of Xuanwu.

"Escape? Aren't you still standing here?" Xiao Ruo moved and looked at Bai Hao and Feng Yanshuang. He hasn't seen these two, so he doesn't know them, but he can guess who they are. There will be no one else except the four groups of people who will appear with Long Qinghong.

"Kid, you can do it." As soon as Bai Hao saw Xiao Ruo, he gave him a thumbs up.

"You two little guys, pay for my clothes quickly." Fengyan roared at Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun, who sat on the ground as if they were two dead snakes.

Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun are just laughing, but they don't have the strength to bicker with Feng Yan now. Although the two seem to have no problem on the surface, they are already in a mess, and their whole body is exhausted. Now even a child can easily understand them.

"Became them back to heal their wounds. If it is not treated again, Uncle Yichen will skin us. Long Qinghong said. At the thought of Yichen's perverted strength, he couldn't help shivering. Long Qinghong and Bai Hao have been trained by Yichen and know how perverted the man's strength is.

As soon as he heard Long Qinghong mention the dust, Bai Hao couldn't help shivering. Only then did he remember Xiao Ruo's apprentice. No wonder this guy is so perverted. He turned out to be a disciple of Uncle Chen. Bai Hao thought so and carried Xiao Ruo. Long Feiyun handed it over to Long Qinghong. Anyway, that guy is also Qinghong's subordinate. There is no leader who doesn't care about his men.

The group slowly came out of the forest.