reverse song

Chapter 77 sneak in

Patrol vehicles on the ground, patrol boats in the sky and patrol soldiers passed by the hiding place of Yi Tian from time to time, but no figure of Yi Tian was found. This also benefits from Yi Tian's mysterious means. Although he is not as good at hiding as the people in the dragon group, it is extremely easy to avoid the eyes of these people without moving. Yi Tian is confident that even high-tech detection radar may not be able to find them. Although it can ensure that their group will not be found, the three of them dare not make any changes. After all, the soldiers patrolling outside are equipped with high-kill weapons, and even if they resist with the bodies of the powers, it will not be beneficial.

"What should I do? Do we have to hide all the time?" Xiu lowered his voice and asked Yi Tian.

"Wait a minute. We must sneak in at night. Yi Tian knew very well that once it was dawn, the possibility of their exposure would increase, and it was impossible for soldiers who wanted to secretly avoid patrols during the day.

"How can we get in with so many people?" Xiu asked again. It's a big problem to hide here now.

Yi Tian is also considering the question, but he has no good way now, so he can only wait and see. If Yi Tian comes alone on this trip, it is not a big problem to quietly enter the alliance. But now they are still following the two people. Although they know that the strength of Xiu and Al is not weak, Yi Tian doesn't know how their hiding skills are. Yi Tian didn't want to join the league alone, but he was not familiar with the situation of the league. Although Yi Tian had lived in the alliance for a long time, he stayed in the orphanage for a longer period, and not long after he left the orphanage, he was taken away by Xiao Ruo. In desperation, Yi Tian could only find Xiu and Al, two people who knew more about the alliance, to accompany him.

"Is there any way for you two to avoid these patrol soldiers?" Yi Tian asked this question. Because he really can't think of a better way, he can only use the stupidest way to dive in directly.

"Avoid these people? Easy." A confident answer. He does have this self-confidence, because even those powers mixed with ordinary people are just some of the lowest-level powers, and it is impossible to find him.

"What if you don't conflict with them?" Yi Tian is still a little worried.

"No problem." This time it was Al who answered. He was also sure that he could avoid these patrolling soldiers and not clash with them. After all, Al's strength is similar to that of Xiu.

"That's all. We are ready to sneak into the alliance now. Are you two ready? Yi Tian looked at the still dark night sky, calculated the time a little, and knew that there was still some time before dawn. But during this period, it was enough for the three of them to sneak in.

"I'm ready." Xiu and Al answered at the same time, and the expression on their faces became extremely serious. They all know that sneaking into the league is not an easy thing, and they know that it is a matter of death.

"Let's go." Yi Tian calculated the short blank time of the patrol. As soon as he closed the ban, he took the lead and plunged into the darkness and began to go to the nearest secret passage.

When Xiu and Al saw Yi Tian disappearing in front of their eyes, they knew that Yi Tian had gone out and hurriedly followed him. There was no light flashing on both of them, but their footsteps were extremely light and did not make a sound. Both of them have shown their own family skills.

The edge of the alliance is not as flat as imagined, but with high and low ups and downs, and even continuous hills. This complex terrain slowed down the three of Yi Tian's march, but it also gave the three people a lot of shelter. After all, the more complex the terrain, the more conducive it is for three people to hide, but on the other hand, there may also be more traps.

It is impossible for the alliance to put such a good terrain for nothing, so there are still some dark whistles or traps in this complex place. Fortunately, Yi Tian's divine knowledge is extraordinary, and these dark whistles and traps are like nothing. The three also avoided far away from the dark whistle and traps and chose another safer road.

Three people walked through a messy stone hill. There are twelve hidden whistles and more than 20 traps in this small and chaotic stone hill. This is still discovered by Yi Tian, and those who have not been found are unknown. This shows what a terrible line of defense the alliance has laid on the edge. However, even though there were so many dark whistles in this chaotic stone hill, the three easily avoided the dark whistles and traps and passed through the chaotic stone hill without danger.

As soon as the chaotic stone hill appeared in front of the three people was a forest that could not be seen at a glance. As the saying goes, you can't enter the forest, but except for this forest that can't be seen at a glance, only the chaotic stone hills behind them can leave.

The three stood outside the woods and hesitated for a moment and plunged into the woods where the situation could not be seen clearly. To be said, the terrain in the woods is better and more complicated than other places, because there are many creatures living in the woods in addition to hidden whistles and traps that can be detected. These creatures are so numerous that even if they have intentions, it is unlikely. But at present, in this situation where there is only a way out, the three have no choice but to go into the woods.

As soon as you enter the forest, the light outside seems to be cut off, and there is no way to shine into the forest. However, from time to time, there was the sound of insects and the cry of other animals. These calls keep echoing in the woods, making it impossible to distinguish the specific source of the sound.

The lack of light in the woods is not a big deal for the three of Yitian, and it does not affect the march of the three. You should know that the three of them are not ordinary people, and their five senses are far beyond ordinary people, so it is extremely easy for the three people to travel in the dark woods, but they are afraid that some animals hidden in the woods will be shocked by the three people. Animals that live in the woods all year round are very easy to find foreign creatures, and animals are always very hostile to outsiders. This is what the three people are really worried about.

The three stopped as soon as they entered the forest and did not dare to move at all. They are not familiar with the terrain in the forest, let alone where there is a dark whistle. Yi Tian released his mind to explore around and found that there were many small animals around the three people, including some highly poisonous animals. Although the three are not afraid of these animals, the sound caused by the attack by these animals may still alarm the people in the dark whistle.

Yi Tian carefully analyzed the route and selected a route for at least a variety of small animals before he began to look for the dark whistle in the woods. However, Yi Tian searched three times in a row but couldn't find the secret whistle, which made him confused and alert.

"It's really strange. There is no secret whistle or trap around. Yi Tian whispered the results of his exploration.

"None?" Xiu asked in a low voice. He didn't believe such a result. No matter how complicated the woods were, there could not be a secret whistle around it.

"There is no one." Yi Tian replied with great affirmation, "However, we'd better be careful. There are many poisonous animals here. Protect your body with energy so that you won't be attacked. After saying that, the blue light on Yi Tian's body flashed slightly and disappeared, but there was a thin layer of water film on his body. At the same time, Yi Tian isolated his breath and let himself integrate into the woods as much as possible. This will prevent him from being attacked by the animals in the forest.

After listening to Yi Tian's words, Xiu and Al also flashed slightly, and airflow began to circulate slowly around them. Both of them chose to arrange the wind around, so that close things could be blown away from their bodies due to the influence of the airflow. After taking protective measures, Yi Tian took the two people into the road with fewer small animals just selected.

The three dared not walk too fast, let alone make a slightest noise, for fear of alarming the animals around them and making a sound to attract attention. The three walked carefully and slowly step by step, paying attention to the situation around them. The first section of the road passed without danger, but when they stopped, Yi Tian suddenly issued a soft warning and hurried to the side.

There is a secret whistle not far from the three people. If Yi Tian hadn't pointed out, Xiu and Al would not have seen that it was a secret whistle at all. There was a half-person-high bush less than 50 meters away from where the three people came out, and there was nothing special about this bush. Even after Yi Tian explained that it was a dark whistle, Xiu and Al still didn't see it.

Yi Tian suddenly understood why there is a road with fewer animals in the woods of so many small animals. This is the road that these secret whistles have taken. If they follow this path again, no matter how careful they are, they are very likely to be found. Fortunately, it was discovered early this time, and the whereabouts were not found by the other party.

"Is that a dark whistle?" Al looked at it for a while and didn't see anything wrong.

"It's indeed a dark whistle. However, the dark whistle here is a little strange. Yi Tian replied. The dark whistle here is really strange. Yi Tianming has checked here before, but he did not find the existence of this secret whistle. It was not until near Yi Tian felt an extremely weak energy fluctuation that he found such a dark whistle.

Are there some other powers who are good at hiding? Yi Tian thought that if that was the case, it would be troublesome. In such a complex terrain as woods, it is difficult to find people who are good at hiding.

"We have retreated a little. Pay attention to the situation around you. Yi Tian turned around and whispered to Xiu and Al.

The three quietly retreated, moving softly, and did not dare to disturb the small animals around them at all. The three retreated to the edge of the woods before stopping, and then Xiu and Al looked at Yi Tian and wondered if there was anything he could do.

Yi Tian knows what the two of them think, and he is also thinking about how to cross the woods here. Although he didn't stay around the dark whistle for a long time, Yi Tian saw it clearly that the dark whistle blocked the only road in the woods, and the sight of the dark whistle was so good that he could easily observe the surrounding situation. It is extremely difficult for three people to sneak past even if they want to choose a place close to the road. Although there are shelters everywhere in the woods, the denser the place, the more unknown factors there will be. Under the premise of unknown circumstances, the three people don't want to do anything at all.

"What should I do now? Exit?" Xiu looked at Yi Tian, and a pair of flashing blue eyes were like the eyes of a beast in the dark, emitting a faint cold light.

"Avoid them. We went deep into the woods. Because there is no whistle there. Yi Tian finally made up his mind to go deep into the woods and avoid these dark whistles far away.

"Are you crazy? If we don't know anything in it, we will go deep!" Xiu was a little surprised by Yi Tian's decision. This is by no means the Yi Tian he knows. The Yi Tian he knows has always been a cautious person.

"Don't worry. It's absolutely no problem for me to open the way. In addition, you two took this pill, which can suppress the human breath on you as much as possible. Yi Tian said and threw a green pill to Xiu and Al. The pills emit a faint phosphorescence in the dark.

Even though Xiu and Al followed Yi Tian to see his strange pills, it was the first time they saw this kind of pill that emitted phosphorescence. The two hesitated for a moment and swallowed the pill. The entrance of the green pill turned into a clear stream and entered the abdomen along their throats. When the pill entered the abdomen, the two immediately felt a cool feeling from their abdomen, making them feel that the pores of their whole body seemed to be open. Then they clearly felt that there was a small stream of air in the woods as if they penetrated into their bodies along the pores of their bodies. This slight change surprised both of them. Both of them are wind powers, which are extremely ** for the change of airflow in the air. When they felt the strange airflow of the woods entering their bodies, both of them noticed that they seemed to have some subtle feelings about their control of the wind.

You should know that both Xiu and Al can be regarded as the peak of superpowers at their level. If you want to go further, unless there is any adventure. But now Yi Tian just gave them a pill to make them feel a little, which made them feel Yi Tian's mystery again. However, the two did not have much time to understand what they had gained, because Yi Tian had already explored the way ahead.

Xiu and Al can't help but say a pity in their hearts. If they start to understand the insights immediately, they are absolutely sure to break through the current bottleneck, but it is obvious that the current situation is not enough for them to do so. They can only wait until they are free to understand, but the benefits will be much less then.

Yi Tian naturally knew the benefits of the pills he took out to Xiu and Al. However, he can't let them understand now. After seeing that the two had swallowed the pills, he left and began to lead the way. Yi Tian's body exuded a cold breath and enveloped the three people in it. Although this breath is extremely cold, it does not have any murderous intention. On the contrary, it gives people an extremely comfortable feeling, just like a cool breeze blowing in the hot summer.

The animals in the woods that looked a little irritable because the three of Yi Tian suddenly stepped into their own territory immediately calmed down when they felt the cold smell from Yi Tian's body, and still stayed in place obediently without moving at all. Some night insects that were still cooing stopped barking after making a long sound when they felt the cold breath.

Yi Tian and the three of them did not do anything special because of the changes in the surrounding environment. The three of them still moved forward carefully and did not dare to relax at all. Yi Tian led the way in front and released a divine spirit to explore the surrounding situation. After discovering the secret whistle just now, Yi Tian was more careful when using divine insight to explore the surrounding situation, and did not dare to make a mistake at all. This is a move that affects the lives of three people.

Xiu and Al followed Yi Tian closely. Because of the pill, the human breath on their bodies was extremely suppressed. In addition, the cold breath emitted by Yi Tian also enveloped them, and the only trace of human breath left on the two bodies did not leak out. If the two did not take the pills given by Yi Tian before stepping into here, they would be attacked by all the animals around them as soon as they stepped into here. Now the two just need to pay attention to the surrounding situation, because the breath of the two people has gradually merged with the environment in the woods.

The three walked a distance in the woods without any accident. This made the three people who were originally nervous couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The three felt that they should be able to walk out of the forest not far away. Although the simple map drawn by Yi Tian does not indicate how big the forest is, the three can also know how big the forest is based on the distance of the entrance of the secret passage.

"Take a break first. Now even if we go out, it's almost dawn outside. Yi Tian stopped and chose a clean place to sit down.

After listening to Yi Tian's words, Xiu also calculated the time and knew that Yi Tian was telling the truth. He also sat down and looked at Yi Tian and said, "I think we should rest here for a day."

"Indeed. It's too dangerous to go out during the day. It's better to stay in the woods. Yi Tian strongly agrees with the proposal of repair.

"But there are too many animals in the woods during the day, and I'm afraid it will disturb the people of the alliance." Al said her worries.

Obviously, Yi Tian and Xiu didn't think of this before, so after hearing Al's words, both of them were obviously stunned, and then nodded cautiously to agree with Al's words.