reverse song

Chapter 83 implicated

The firebird made the last cry and turned into a little ignition light and disappeared into the air. However, the fire power guarding the entrance of the firebird did not change at all, and still attacked the three people together with the wind power. The two cooperated very tacitly. At the moment when the firebird was extinguished, the wind power suddenly unfolded and approached the three, while the fire power protected them.

After extinguishing the firebird, the red big hand did not disappear, but the surface light was dim, still suspended in the air, burning flames. The powers who jointly launched the fireman did not expect that the joint attack of the two would be so strong. After all, according to their previous guess, they could only draw with the firebird. Now after extinguishing the firebird, the fireman can still survive. When they saw the wind power of the alliance attacking them, the two hurriedly urged the fireman to catch the wind power. But just as they urged their big hands to be wind powers, the fire powers of the alliance took action.

The fire powers of the alliance are the best time to choose to take action, when the two fire powers urge their big hands to grab the wind powers. At this time, the big hand had just been stimulated, and there was a chance to change direction, and the fire powers of the league took action at this time. His attack was extremely simple, throwing two purple fireballs at two fire powers. The purple fireball began to sway towards the two fire powers with high heat.

One of the two fire powers caught a glimpse of the swaying fireball. He was shocked and hurriedly urged his strength to pull back the big hand that grabbed the wind power. However, he forgot that this big hand was not controlled by him alone. Just as the two moved in different directions, the two extremely harmonious fire attribute energies that had condensed in the fire hand began to collapse in an instant and constantly eroded each other. However, the two powers who urged the fireman ignored the appearance of this abnormality and still urged the fireman. Suddenly, the fireman burst into a strong flame, which burned in an instant, and the whole fireman disappeared in the flame. As soon as the fireman was extinguished, the two very close powers spit out a mouthful of blood, and their already pale faces were even more white and scary.

The two never expected this to happen, but the two had not recovered, and the attack of the two powers of the alliance had reached them. The two roared unwillingly at the same time, but at this time, no matter how unwilling they were, they could do anything. Seeing that the attack was about to attack.

The two can't move at all when they see each other's attack, let alone stimulate energy to resist. The retrograde of qi and blood caused by the burst of the fireman just now does not return to normal in an instant. At this moment, the two of them are desperate, and although they are angry, they can't help it. At the same time, the two roared unwillingly, closed their eyes and waited for death.

When the skin on the face of the fierce wind was painful, the two suddenly felt a coolness coming from behind, and this coolness quickly wrapped around their bodies. The two only felt that the originally disordered energy became stable in an instant, and their uncontrollable bodies seemed to have recovered their ability to move. The most direct feeling was that although they heard the whist wind in their ears, the fierce wind seemed to be separated by something. The two only felt that this was the illusion before their death, so they opened their eyes to see the world for the last time.

The two opened their eyes and saw a blue one. The two just wanted to move their bodies, but suddenly saw that the other party's wind power had rushed to the front and raised his hand to hit the blue light outside fiercely. The blue wind suddenly burst, but it failed to break through the defense of the blue light. After the attack of the wind power arrived, the attack of the fire power also arrived, and the purple fireball emitted an unbearable high temperature and penetrated into the blue light. With a sound of white smoke, the purple fireball was extinguished in an instant. The two fire powers in the blue light finally knew that they had escaped, and they did not dare to stay at all. Although they did not know what was going on with the blue light, they quickly retreated.

With two bangs, the two fire powers withdrew from the blue environment one after the other, and it was not until then that the two found out where they had just been. The water power man on the same team looked pale in front of him, and bean-sized sweat kept dripping from his forehead, and the water power burst into blue light on his hands and stretched forward, blocking the attack of the two power men of the alliance.

Seeing his companion get out of his predicament, the water power hurriedly collected the energy released, and the whole person shook a few times and seemed to stand unsteadily. The two fire powers are not treacherous. After getting out of the predicament, one came forward to pull the water powers, while the other stood in front of them, carefully staring at the two powers of the alliance. They now lack a layer of defense, so they naturally need to be more careful.

The two powers of the league did not stay at all after failing to win a blow. The wind powers just turned back in the air, offset the impact, and then rushed to the three again. The fire power that sent out the fireball kicked his feet on the ground, and his whole body rushed towards the three people like a rocket. The two seem to have been discussed for a long time, acting almost at the same time, and the distance between the two is also excellent. Although they can take excellent care of each other one after the other. No wonder the alliance sent these two people here to guard the entrance.

The three did not expect that the two alliances would launch attacks without any intervals. Although they were surprised, they knew that now was not the time to retreat. The two fire powers took a step forward, and the flames on their bodies burned up, while the water powers took a step back, and water balloons floated around him with the blue light flashing. These three are ready to do their best to fight with the power of the alliance. They all know that if they can't repel these two power, it is delusional to get out of this channel safely.

The two people in the league didn't seem to see each other's determination to fight to the death, and still rushed towards the three at the previous speed. The color of the wind power became darker and darker, and finally turned green, like leaves, while the fire light on the fire power turned black and red. From a distance, the whole person looked like a demon born with black fire. With a low roar, the fire power opened his mouth and spewed out a flame. The moment the black-red flame appeared, it immediately turned into a black-red firebird. As soon as the firebird appeared, the wind power also took action. He bounced his hands and directly popped out a few emerald green lights and sank into the firebird.

The seemingly inconspicuous green green light immediately dispersed as soon as it sank into the firebird's body. The firebird let out a painful cry, with one wing, and the black and red flame on its body soared a little, and the whole body of the firebird grew several times in an instant. At this moment, in addition to the black and red firelight, there is also a faint blue light flashing on the firebird. After hovering around in the air, the soaring firebird locked the three powers, made a crisp cry, and dived towards the three.

The three did not expect that the two people in the alliance would repeat their old skills, but when they saw the firebird rushing towards them, although they were a little surprised, they were not afraid at all. Two fire powers looked at each other and once again joined hands to send out a huge fireman. As soon as the fireman appeared, it rose a little in the storm and grabbed the swooping firebird. The two thought that this grab could easily extinguish the firebird released by the other party, and a proud smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

The furrowing firebird made a cry, and the black-red flame on its body flashed with the blue light and instantly became like a saw, and the speed of the firebird's dive accelerated a little with the change of the flames on its body. To the captured fireman, the firebird just drilled into the palm of his hand and heard a pumping sound. The firebird pierced through the huge fireman and dragged a long black and red tail flame on its body.

After the pierced fireman flashed a few times, it completely disappeared, and the firebird rushed towards the two fire powers at an unabated speed after hovering in the air.

The moment the fireman was extinguished, the two fire powers were devoured by energy. They spewed out a mouthful of blood at the same time, and their faces withered pale. When they saw the firebird swooping down at no reduced speed, the two felt sad again and knew that this time it was more or less auspicious. However, the two still held a glimmer of hope that the water power could suddenly save them as they did just now. But they don't know that the water power at this time is also insurable.

The wind power on his body is hovering in the air and looking at the white-faced water power below. There was a faint smile on his face. There was cruel emotion in this smile. He was watching the life of the water power disappear in his hand little by little. The wind power man flicked his fingers, and a few small wind shuttles set out and made a sharp sound to attack the water power.

Naturally, it is impossible for a water power to sit and wait for death. Seeing the other party attack, he hurriedly urges the energy on his body to move the water ball around him to build a water wall in front of him to try to resist the opponent's attack. But no matter how fast he reacts, he still can't catch up with the wind. With a bang, then a blood mist spewed out, and a wind shuttle pierced the thighs of the water power. The water powerman let out a cry of pain, and his whole body shook and knelt on the ground.

The attack of the wind power did not stop. After sending out the wind shuttle, he sent out several wind blades in a row, but the wind blade did not directly attack the water power but surrounded the water power after winding around the air. From time to time, the wind power man controls the wind blade and cuts a wound on the water power man, and the bright red blood is immediately brought up by the wind and floats in the air. The wind power man smelled the blood in the air with great enjoyment, and then he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face. He stretched out his right hand and held it in the void. A green long gun appeared on the right hand of the wind power, aimed at the water power who had completely lost his resistance below. He raised his hand and threw out the long gun in his hand.

The emerald green gun flashed through the air with a harsh sound of breaking the air. With a sound, the long gun penetrated the body of the water power and stabbed the ground. The water power struggled several times to try to pull the long gun out of his body, but he felt that his strength was passing away little by little, even the same. His eyes began to become blurred, and the scenery in front of him began to become blurred.

Seeing that Chang* wore the other party's body, the bloodthirsty smile on the face of the wind power became stronger and stronger. He stretched out his right hand to the long gun and shook it and shouted "explosion" in a low voice. Hearing this sound, the emerald green gun that pierced the body of the water power flashed a few times and burst. The violent wind instantly twisted the bodies of the water powers into pieces, and the red blood was stained with an invisible and colorless wind, blowing a red wind with a disgusting smell in the field.

The moment the body of the water power was crushed, the two fire power was also burned into coke by the black and red flame. Originally, the team of five people, now there are only two wind powers and young people with young people jumping away.

Chasing these two people is the middle-aged man with yellow light on his body. This person is a native power. The earth power who is not good at speed wants to catch up with the wind power is simply a fool's dream, even if the wind power is running away with a person. Wind power is famous for its light and flexible body skills.

The wind power with young people does not confront middle-aged people at all, but constantly avoids the other party's attacks and tries to find a way to break through. However, even if the indigenous powers do not grow up at speed, the trapped people are definitely good at it. The layers of defense laid by middle-aged people are extremely ingenious, and it is unlikely that they want to break out for a while with the flexible body of wind powers. And once the wind power slows down and wants to break through, middle-aged people will quickly catch up and want to take them down in one fell swoop. This makes wind powers and young people feel depressed.

In this way, the scene of two people fleeing and chasing one person appeared in the channel. It's hot over there, but there are continuous shouts and curses here. Even with the calm personality of middle-aged people, they will feel angry after being escaped by the other party one after another.

After escaping for a while, the two suddenly heard the explosion and saw their three companions fall at the same time. But even if they see such a situation, they can't do anything at all. The middle-aged people chasing them will never give them a chance to escape.

While shouting and scolding, middle-aged people try their best to reach the limit to catch up with wind powers and young people. In the process of chasing, the flashing yellow light on his body gradually became strong, and the land around him vibrated with every move, and every time the earth shook, a thrust suddenly appeared on the ground to stop the fleeing two people.

The two people who escaped reacted quickly. To be precise, the reaction of the wind power is fast. As soon as he felt that the energy in the air was slightly different, he would rush to the direction of escape. However, with the extension of the escape time, there are more and more thorns protruding on the ground. The dense earth thorns made the speed of the two people escape immediately slow down, and over time, the middle-aged man gradually caught up with the speed of the two.

Seeing the middle-aged people catch up, the young man was shocked and hurriedly turned around to try to find a route for them to escape. But his eyes were full of yellow thorns, and there was no other place for them to escape. And the wind power seems to be extremely afraid of middle-aged people. He dares not stop to fight with middle-aged people at all, but just fled.

As their companions were killed, the other two powers of the alliance also came this way. Although the two did not walk fast, they put great pressure on the two fleeing. What's more frightening is that there is a wind power in the same speed among them. He is also a wind power, but when the other party does not bring a person, the person with a young man is absolutely faster than the other party.

When approaching the defense circle laid by middle-aged people, the wind power of the alliance suddenly raised his body and looked down at the situation nearby. At a glance, he saw the two young people fleeing around. A smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, and then shouted to the middle-aged man, "Old dog, do you need my help?" His shout shocked the two young men.

The middle-aged man, who was called an old dog, snorted coldly in his nose and roared in the air: "Bad boy, if you call me an old dog again, be careful that I knock down your teeth one by one." After saying that, he didn't care about the man and still chased the two young people.

"Cut, you're not a local dog, what is it?" The wind powerman said such a sentence with some disdain. But as soon as he said, he felt that the air under his feet seemed to be a little inappropriate. He hurriedly dodged aside, and then saw an earthy shadow rushing up from the ground, which turned out to be a thorn.

As soon as he saw what suddenly appeared beside him, the wind power man cursed: "Old dog, do you want my life, damn bastard." A series of unpleasant curses kept pouring out of his mouth.

But the old dog didn't hear it and still chased the two young people.

When the young man quarreled with each other, he checked the situation around him, and then pointed out a direction to the person with his own wind power. The wind power rushed in the direction of what the youth said without any pause. And the direction they went was exactly where the three Yi Tian hid before.