reverse song

Chapter 91 Absolute Zero vs Ice Age

The strong energy fluctuation suddenly burst out on Yi Tian's body shocked Xuanbing, but after all, she was also a person who had experienced hundreds of battles, and even if she was surprised, her face was calm. She looked at Yi Tian and sneered, "If you dare to intercept me here, you really have some skills."

"I dare not say anything. Anyway, I was forced to do this by the alliance. Yi Tian snorted coldly, and his heart became cold when he thought of the past. "Some old accounts still need to be calculated by the alliance."

"Accounting? Just by you?" Xuan Bing looked at Yi Tian coldly, "What a murderer's son can become."

"Oh. I'm the son of a murderer." Yi Tian saw the contempt flashing on Xuanbing's face, but he did not attack immediately, but continued, "I don't know what you are? Defender or murderer? What is your child? With your current status, I think there should be a lot of people who died in your hands, so you are really a murderer. Yi Tian said, but the white light on his body became colder and colder.

Xuan Bing didn't expect Yi Tian to say this, but he couldn't find a rebuttal for a while. She looked at Yi Tian coldly, and her eyes were full of murder. Is the person in front of her really the ordinary person Yi Tian who escaped in those years? Such a question arises in Xuanbing's heart. After all, the reason why Yi Tian was able to escape the assassination of the alliance was that there was a congenital power beside him, and then a dragon group suddenly appeared. At that time, Yi was just an ordinary person.

"Are you really Yi Tian?" Since you have doubts in your mind, say it. Xuanbing asked questions rudely.

"Do you think I don't look like me? Or do you have to confirm it after seeing my face, or do you need to perform an iris scan? Yi Tian sneered, "You are surprised why I can live until now, and suddenly have a power, right?"

Although Xuan Bing didn't say anything, he really thought as Yi Tian said. With her understanding of that country, she knows that place will never create supernatural powers by other means. After all, the martial arts in that place has reached a strange point. Has Yi Tian practiced martial arts in that place? However, it will take a long time to achieve success. Yi Tian in front of him has already had such strength after disappearing for a few years. A lot of ideas came to Xuanbing's mind.

Yi Tian was also happy to think about Xuanbing. At this time, he could drag on as long as he could. He wants to make sure that they escape as far away as possible, so that even if the league knows the direction of their escape, it is impossible to catch up with them. Even if they caught up, they didn't know where to hide by then.

"Since you don't believe it, I'll show you my true face. Anyway, my appearance has spread in the alliance for a long time. Yi Tian is very clear that he made such a big noise in the underground city before and wanted the people of the alliance not to pay attention to themselves, let alone his appearance. After saying that, Yi Tian took off the black "Night Xiao" mask covering his face.

Yi Tian, who took off his mask, smiled at Xuanbing and said, "Believe it now." His eyes have been completely covered with white light, and there is no way to see his eyes at this moment.

"A smooth-mouthed person." Xuan Bing snorted coldly, and the white light on his body suddenly flashed, and his whole body launched an attack without warning.

Xuanbing's speed is extremely fast. She is a powerman who has broken through that hurdle. Her strength has stepped into another level, similar to the unity of heaven and man in Chinese martial arts, but she hasn't really reached that far.

While the Xuanbing wrapped in the white light rushed forward, the white light on her body flashed slightly, and a pair of silver-white armor covered her body. This set of armor is completely made of ice. As long as Xuanbing does not stop the energy supply, this pair of armor will not disappear. While the armor appeared on his body, Xuanbing had already punched Yi Tian. She punched very early, and when she was halfway through the distance, her fist had already waved. But a strange scene happened.

Yi Tian, who had been standing still, suddenly felt that the distance between himself and Xuanbing had suddenly shortened, and in the blink of an eye, Xuanbing's fist had reached Yi Tian. If there is someone next to him at this moment, he will see that Yi Tian's body suddenly appears in front of Xuan Bing's fist, and he is still defenseless.

Although this scene is extremely strange, Yi Tian is also an experienced person. At this time, it was impossible to dodge. The white light on his body suddenly became strong, and then he heard a crack, and Xuanbing's fist hit the white light.

The white light in front of Yi Tian dissipated, and an ice wall appeared in front of Yi Tian. And Xuanbing's fist hit the ice wall. Xuan Bing saw that his attack was blocked, and his fisted right hand was slightly hard, and the crackling sound came from the ice wall, and then the ice wall collapsed in an instant. While the ice wall collapsed, Xuanbing and Yi Tian took action.

White light appeared on the two bodies at the same time, and the cold air emitted from them at the same time. Because of the cold air on the two people, the surrounding air also made a crackling sound, and the water vapor in the air was frozen into small ice particles and fell to the ground in an instant. The ice wall has not completely collapsed, and the cold air on the two people has touched a piece. The same white fog and the same cold attributes, the two cold air are entangled and devouring each other, and no one wants to take a step back.

The sound of crackling kept coming out of the fog, and it seemed that more water vapor was frozen into small ice particles and fell to the ground in the fog. The ice wall, which had begun to collapse, completely scattered to the ground under the pressure of two cold air. The ice wall fell to the ground, and Yi Tian and Xuan Bing punched at the same time.

There is a trembling chill everywhere the white fog-wrapped fists. After touching it, their fists touched a piece without any suspense. The white fog immediately surged, and a series of crackling sounds kept coming out, and countless small ice particles fell to the ground. The two's fists left at a touch, and then white fog kept emerging from them, covering their figures, and neither of them did move. The banging sound kept coming out of the white fog. Although it is impossible to see the situation in the white fog, the shocking roar triggered by each touch of their fists is still frightening.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the fog, and then a black figure shot out of the white fog and turned several times in the air before falling back to the ground. The person who fell to the ground was still surrounded by white fog, and there was no way to judge who the person was for a while.

After a figure of the white fog of the two fought fiercely just now, it began to roll violently, and then the white fog continued to shrink, and the last figure appeared from the fog, which was Yi Tian, who stood still without moving at all. At this time, Yi Tian's clothes were slightly messy, but there were no wounds on his body, and his body was still wrapped in white fog.

"People who come out of there are really not ordinary people. No wonder you make trouble in the league. The white fog on Xuanbing's body also rolled and immediately became light. She wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth and looked at Yi Tian fiercely.

"You are too much." Yi Tian looked at Xuan Bing coldly. He knew that Xuanbing obviously connected himself with the young man who escaped from the alliance, thinking that the ** within the alliance was caused by him. However, Yi Tian has no intention of explaining. Anyway, he and the alliance are also immortal. There is not much difference between one more crime and one less crime.

Xuan Bing snorted coldly and did not answer, but turned his hands over, and the white fog immediately condensed in her hand. Then she shook her body and rushed straight to Yi Tian again. Xuanbing is very angry now. Since the day she became one of the generals of the Fourth World War, she has never been injured in front of people, but the person in front of her actually hurt her. How can this not make Xuanbing angry? With a low roar, Xuanbing patted his hands in the air several times, and ice cones with thin arms suddenly appeared in the air and pierced Yi Tian under Xuanbing's command.

The white ice cone exuded cold air and brought a white shadow towards Yi Tian. The Xuanbing that emitted the ice cone did not deliberately control those ice cones, but still rushed to Yi Tian. At this time, the white armor that originally covered her body had disappeared, and it was still replaced by her black tights. She gave up her extra defense just to make her body more flexible.

Seeing the ice cone thrust towards him, Yi Tian not only did not want to avoid it, but shouted "Good come", and the whole person had to rush towards the ice cone. Yi Tian did not pay attention to the ice cone, but locked his eyes tightly on Xuanbing, who was hiding behind the ice cone. When the ice cone approached, Yi Tian's feet only clicked a few times on the ground, and his body twisted slightly, avoiding many adventual ice cones.

Xuanbing was not surprised that Yi Tian could avoid the ice cone he sent so easily. Her face did not change at all, and her whole body turned into a white light and rushed towards Yi Tian.

It's getting closer, and the distance between the two is getting closer and closer. A silver light suddenly flashed in Yi Tian's eyes covered with white light, and then his left hand leaned forward and grabbed the void. A huge white palm suddenly appeared in the air. This white big hand is completely condensed from cold air. As long as Xuanbing is held by this hand, it will definitely be frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant, even if she is an ice power.

The white big hand has been aimed at Xuan Bing's figure and grabbed it. Xuanbing looked at the big hand grabbing at him, and the expression on her face remained the same, but the white light on her body became stronger and stronger, and then the white light suddenly became stronger, and the white fog burst out to wrap her whole body. After covering the black ice, the white fog still rushed forward at a very fast speed and didn't pay attention to the big hand that caught.

With a crack, the white hand grasped down in an instant and grabbed the white fog in his hand. The white fog that was caught escaped from the fingers of the white big hand and seemed to have completely dispersed. However, an incredible scene appeared. The white fog that should have completely dispersed seemed to be pulled by something and began to condense together, and then rushed towards Yi Tian at a very fast speed. The distance between the big hand and Yi Tian is not far, and the white fog that escaped has passed through the white big hand, which is only a few steps away from Yi Tian. So when the white fog condensed and rushed to Yi Tian again, it was just a blink of an eye before Yi Tian. And Yi Tian didn't have time to react at all.

The white fog enveloped Yi Tian in an instant, and then passed through Yi Tian and appeared behind Yi Tian. And Yi Tian's body was already covered with a layer of white crystals. His eyes looked ahead in disbelief, as if he had seen an incredible scene in the fog. The white fog that appeared behind Yi Tian gradually condensed into the shape of a person, which turned out to be the appearance of Xuanbing.

Xuanbing suddenly turned around and looked at Yi Tian, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, and a smile appeared on his face. Although he was injured in this guy's hand before, he finally died in his own hands. How can this not make Xuanbing happy? She stretched out her hand and flicked on the surface of the ice sculpture, then walked to Yi Tian, looked at Yi Tian's eyes inside and said, "I know you are still alive now, and I know you are very unwilling. But this is the truth. Don't worry, I will save your life, because I have to take you back to the league. Xuanbing laughed, but a beautiful face suddenly looked extremely ferocious.

Xuanbing in the wild smile did not find that Yi Tian in the ice sculpture blinked his eyes, and a strange smile appeared on his face. Because Yi Tian's smile was fleeting, and Xuan Bing did not pay attention to Yi Tian's expression. In Xuanbing's experience, anyone who was frozen by her could not control his body, let alone break through the ice wall to escape.

In the quiet wilderness, only the laughter of Xuanbing echoed in the air. But in this wild laughter, there was suddenly a very incongruous sound. Only a sudden crackling sound was heard in the laughter. However, this crisp sound made Xuanbing, who was laughing, suddenly stop smiling and look at the ice sculpture beside him with a shocked face. When she saw a crack on the ice sculpture, an incredible expression appeared on her face. However, when she saw Yi Tian in the ice sculpture blinking at her, Xuanbing was scared. She shouted and immediately mobilized her strength. The white light on her right hand flashed and turned into a fist and hit the ice sculpture. She can't let Yi Tian get out of the ice sculpture, so the only way is to destroy the ice sculpture and Yi Tian's body.

Before Xuan Bing's fist hit the ice sculpture, the ice sculpture suddenly collapsed. Pieces of fist-sized ice fell to the ground, making a crackling sound. And Xuanbing's fist did not stop, and still hit Yi Tian.

With a bang, a burst of white smoke rose, and Xuanbing's fist directly pierced Yi Tian's chest. Xuanbing's face showed an unbelievable look again. She didn't expect that her punch pierced the other party's body so easily, but then she noticed something wrong. Before Xuanbing could carefully figure out what was wrong, Yi Tian, who had been pierced by Xuanbing, suddenly grinned at her, revealing his white teeth.

When he saw Yi Tian's smile, Xuan Bing felt a chill in his heart. When he was about to pull out his hand, he was surprised to find that the person in front of him was still Yi Tian. He was obviously just an ice sculpture that turned into Yi Tian. Xuanbing doesn't know when Yi Tian changed his body, let alone where Yi Tian is now. She only knows one thing, that is, her disaster is coming.

When the idea of disaster first appeared in Xuanbing's mind, Yi Tian's voice came out of the darkness.

"I didn't expect that you could elementate your body, and I was almost fooled by you." Yi Tian said with a smile and appeared from the darkness. He was only one step away from Xuanbing, but even at such a close distance, Xuanbing did not find him.

Yi Tian's strange appearance surprised Xuan Bing again. She couldn't figure out what means Yi Tian used to hide in such a close place without letting herself find it. In Xuanbing's memory, only the people of the dragon group will have such a mysterious means.

Dragon Group? You are from the Dragon Group. Xuan Bing roared, and she was angry and frightened. Being targeted by the people of the dragon group was tantamount to being targeted by a ghost.

"You can't kill me. The alliance has an agreement with you. You can't kill the people of the alliance. Xuanbing was finally scared, and her body trembled violently. No one wants to have a grudge against the people of the dragon group, not to mention the other three group members behind the dragon group.

"I'm not from the dragon group." Yi Tian approached Xuanbing with a smile. Now he is less than a foot away from Xuanbing. As long as Yi Tian is willing, he can kill Xuanbing with one blow, but he is not in a hurry. He still has something to see. If I kill you, I won't be bound by the agreement at all.

"You lied!" Xuanbing felt that she was going crazy. When she saw the light smile on Yi Tian's face, she was even more crazy to kill the young man in front of her.

"I'm lying to you. However, you are about to die." Yi Tian said, leaning out his white right hand and gently pressing it on Xuanbing's shoulder.

Yi Tian's hand just touched Xuan Bing. The white light on Xuanbing's body suddenly flashed, and Xuanbing's whole body suddenly turned into a white fog and hit Yi Tian. Xuanbing's laughter came from the fog: "Yi Tian, no matter how powerful you are, he didn't expect me to be elemental at this time. It will be you who will die here today." After saying that, Xuanbing let out a scream, and the fog rolled with a trembling chill completely wrapped Yi Tian's body.