reverse song

Chapter 97 Being Cheated

The Fireprint Fair is a huge fair that all marginal areas have. The biggest feature of this fair is that it only recruits fire powers, and most fire powers who are unwilling to join the alliance or other countries usually voluntarily join the fire tattoo party. Because this fair will give them maximum freedom. Of course, when the fair needs help, these powers must help the union overcome difficulties. Because of this, the Fire Pattern Association established branches in all marginal areas at a very fast speed after its establishment.

In area 13 at the edge, in a small room of the branch headquarters here, Grant is sitting leisurely on a wide sofa, and his whole body is deeply immersed in the sofa, giving people a feeling of laziness. There was elegant music in the room, and the sweet smell of wine filled the air. Grant gently took a small sip of the glass of wine, and then enjoyed it in his mouth, letting the wine slowly flow down his throat. When all the wine in his mouth flowed into his stomach, Grant smashed his lips reluctantly and put out his tongue to lick it gently.

"It's really a good wine, but it's too expensive." Grant opened his eyes and looked at the pale red wine in the wine glass with an obsessive look. Now he is in a very good mood. Although the matter has not been fully confirmed, it is enough to make him happy and let him buy a good bottle of wine to celebrate.

"I don't know how the little guys are dealing with things?" Moving his body deep in the sofa slightly, Grant made himself sit more comfortable, then took a sip of the glass of wine, closed his eyes, and slowly tasted the wine.

If the matter is handled well this time, he is very likely to be transferred to the headquarters, and then Grant will also be a good-known figure. Although it is also a good job to be a branch president in such a marginal area that is not remote, it is close to the league after all. If he can be transferred back to the headquarters and stay away from the alliance, then he can no longer live such a restless life.

Thinking of the happy place, Grant laughed out loud. The slightly hoarse laughter echoed in the small room and soft music, fully expressing Grant's joy at this time.

Outside the room, in the entertainment hall of the branch of the Fireprint Association, many powers are roaring and shouting, expressing their excitement at this moment through the most primitive behavior. They never thought that they could do such a beautiful business with this president, and the most important thing is that they didn't have any casualties. No casualties is indeed a festive event for these power people who live with their heads every day. So when Grant hid in the room to taste wine alone, these powers also spontaneously organized a messy dance.

Just as these people were reveling and falling into endless joy, three people with gloomy faces and bad moods were flying rapidly in the air.

Yi Tian, who got the news from Feng Yan and Long Yan, took Xiu and Al to fly away to the revelry fire party. All three of them were as angry as water, but their hearts were furious. They never thought that these people would be so bold that they suddenly attacked their residence and kidnapped Yi Yun after they left. According to the news given by Feng Yan and Long Yan, it was definitely planned for the Fireprint Association to attack their residence, but beyond the people of the Fire Pattern Association, Yi Tian and others did not live there. Among them, of course, this also made the fireman easily abduct Yi Yun, who has no self-contained ability.

For the fire pattern fair, the most thorough understanding should be repaired, and then Al. As for Yi Tian, he has never heard of any fire pattern fair. All he knows is that this fair has abducted Yi Yun, so he doesn't need to be polite to the people of this union. Xiu and Al were shocked when they learned from Yi Tian that it was the people of the Fire Pattern Association who had kidnapped Yi Yun, but then their surprise was swallowed up by anger.

Even if the fire pattern fair is a powerful fair, it is useless. Although Xiu has nothing*, he is not afraid of wearing shoes barefoot, and he has no doubt about Yi Tian's strength, not to mention that there is a mysterious dragon group behind Yi Tian as a support group. Al was previously affiliated with an underground city, and he didn't see the fire pattern at all. Yi Tian is fearless, but even if he knows it, he will not be afraid. This can be seen from the fact that he dares to fight against the people of the alliance.

At this time, Yi Tian did not have any energy fluctuations, nor did he cause any dazzling brilliance because of the stimulating energy, but there was amazing pressure on his body that made it difficult to breathe, as well as fierce anger and murderous intent. The silver-covered eyes have no emotion at all, but only the ice cold like stubborn black ice. He is flying away in the direction of the fire pattern party at a crazy speed.

Xiu and Al, who followed Yi Tian, barely kept up with Yi Tian's speed, but the pressure from Yi Tian made them extremely uncomfortable. Although Yi Tian's pressure was not directed at them, because Yi Tian was already in a state of anger at this time, it was impossible to control his breath well, so the two people who followed him were inevitably affected. However, fortunately, Yi Tian's pressure is not on Xiu and Al, otherwise this pressure will make Xiu and Al tired of dealing with it.

I don't know how long the three of people have been away and finally arrived at the position given by Feng Yan. This is a place similar to a manor. Such a huge manor can be built in such a place where land resources are extremely scarce, which shows how powerful the Fire Pattern Society is. Unlike Lucas's low-key approach, the Fireprint will try its best to regard them as luxury as the decoration of the branch.

There is only one house in the middle of the whole manor. The house has only three simple floors, but it occupies a very large area. The luxurious decoration outside the house made the three Yi Tian and three people who were hovering in the air breathe. The house is surrounded by an empty grassland, and the wall is surrounded by a row of tall trees to replace the wall. There are chains between trees, and the top of the trees covered with leaves is equipped with some hot weapons. These weapons are well covered with leaves and hidden, which can't be seen at ordinary times. If someone suddenly invades, they will be caught off guard by the hot weapons at the top of the tree.

The three did not rush into the scope of the manor, so they did not inspire many hot weapons hidden on the top of the tree. Yi Tian hovered in mid-air, and the silver light in his eyes flashed slightly, and the huge consciousness suddenly spread, covering the whole manor. Although this manor covers a wide area, it is not difficult for Yi Tian to cover such a large area with divine consciousness.

The spreading consciousness constantly fed back the situation in the manor to Yi Tian, while Yi Tian's gloomy face analyzed the feedback. When all the news was analyzed, Yi Tian was stunned to find that he did not find Yi Yun's figure, and even Yi Yun's breath could not be felt from this manor.

Have you been cheated? After analyzing the news, Yi Tian suddenly raised this speculation.

But he immediately denied his guess. Feng Yan lied that he had nothing to say, but Yi Tian was unwilling to believe that Long Yan would lie to him.

Seeing that Yi Tian suddenly stopped after the rapid flight, he didn't say a word for a while, and then his face began to become uncertain again. Xiu and Al didn't understand what had happened to Yi Tian. Why Yi Tian's face suddenly became so ugly, and the breath that had never existed in his body became a little unstable. All these phenomena show that Yi Tian's inner struggle at this time.

"What's wrong with Yi Tian?" Xiu asked softly. Since you don't understand what's going on, just ask.

The silver light in his eyes flashed a few times. Yi Tian exhaled slightly and said in a low voice, "Yi Yun is not here." Although he tried to make his tone as plain as possible, he still couldn't hide a deep loss.

"Yi Yun is not here? How come?" Xiu was shocked. Previously, Yi Tian got the exact news from Feng Yan and Long Yan, but now when he arrived at the destination, Yi Tian said that Yi Yun was not here at all.

"I don't know. I didn't notice the breath of Yi Yun. Yi Tian's eyes began to become cold. After returning from the league without success, he has been in a bad mood, but as soon as he returned to the edge, he found that Yi Yun was gone. Now it's hard to get a clue and break it, which makes him feel good.

"Let's go down and ask them." Al listened to Yi Tian's words and said in a low voice.

"No." When he found that Xiu and Al were going to lower their bodies, Yi Tian suddenly opened his mouth to stop them, "You go a little farther away and protect your body with the wind." Yi Tian opened his mouth and told Xiu and Al.

Although I don't understand why Yi Tian suddenly said this, after getting along with Yi Tian for a long time, Xiu and Al also believe that Yi Tian will not say such a thing for no reason. After looking at each other, the two did not ask Yi Tian why, but urged the wind to retreat a little, and at the same time, the wind on their bodies completely protected their bodies. The two looked at Yi Tian hanging in mid-air from the air without any glitter on their bodies.

"This is what you forced me to do. In that case, don't blame me for being rude." His eyes flashed a few times, and Yi Tian's voice became extremely cold in an instant, without any emotion.

As soon as the words fell, Yi Tian put his hands on his chest, palms facing each other, and a slight silver light began to flash on his hands. At the moment when the light appeared in his hands, Yi Tian's hands began to change his fingerprints. The silver light kept circulating on his palm and transformed into various graphics with the change of the two-handed prints.

With the continuous change of the movements of Yi Tian's hands, the silver light on his hands gradually began to become brighter and brighter. In this bright silver light, there is a little strange light. These rays are also silver, but they will not be covered by other silver lights, as if they exist independently.

The movements of Yi Tian's hands changed faster and faster. When the light in his hand was strong to a certain extent, a trace of silver began to overflow from the light in his hand, as if a tank was full of water, and the rest of the water overflowed. The overflowing silver light entangled and changed in the air and began to build into mysterious and strange runes. These runes flash silver light, but they seem extremely illusory and unreal, as if as long as a gust of wind blows gently, these runes can be completely blown away.

The runes transformed from silver silk began to circle slowly around Yi Tian's body. These runes rotate very slowly, but as if they could distort the space. Yi Tian's body wrapped in runes began to gradually twist and become unreal, and silver rays appeared within the range of runes, completely covering Yi Tian's body.

Yi Tian seemed to be unaware of the changes around him. His silver-covered eyes still stared ahead, but the movements on his hands did not stop at all. As the runes began to surround him, the change of the shape of the silver light in Yi Tian's hand began to slow down, and the previous various illusions gradually became a kind, and the silk silver light floating around the silver light also began to condense to Yi Tian's hands.

With the integration of silver wire, the silver light in the silver light began to become brighter, and even the bright silver light around Yi Tian could not hide the light of these silver light. These silver lights are like stars in the night sky.

The silver light was prominent, and the movements on Yi Tian's hands began to slow down, and the ever-changing silver light on his hand condensed into a sphere and no longer changed. As soon as the silver ball appeared, the movements on Yi Tian's hands also suddenly stopped, and then shouted in a low voice: "Ning!"

As soon as the word condensed, the silver runes surrounding him suddenly flashed a few rays as if the silver ball in Yi Tian's hand was constantly condensed as if it had been pulled by something. There seems to be a bottomless hole in the silver ball that constantly integrates these runes into it, but the volume has not changed at all.

With the integration of runes, the silver runes that previously surrounded Yi Tian gradually emerged in the silver ball, but at this time these runes seemed to be more solid. One rune after another floated from the inside of the silver ball, printed on the silver ball, and slowly protruded from the inside of the silver ball to the surface of the silver ball, just like engraved words. As runes continued to emerge on the surface of the silver ball, Yi Tian's hands gradually separated from the silver ball floated in front of Yi Tian.

When the surface of the silver ball was completely covered by silver runes, a strong energy fluctuation suddenly came from the silver ball, and then a strong light flashed. The strong light on the silver ball flashed, followed by a faint silver light on the surface of the silver ball. Those lights seemed to be unable to illuminate the surrounding environment, and there was not even a trace of light on Yi Tian who was close to him.

There is a little silver light flashing in the silver ball, which looks like a little starlight flashing in a silver planet from a distance. These silver light are not covered by the light of the silver ball itself at all, and it seems to be the light of isolated existence.

Looking at the silver ball engraved with runes engraved on the surface and shining with a slight light, a bright light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes covered with silver light, and then stretched out his right hand to gently hold the whole silver ball. After turning the silver ball, Yi Tian's left hand also covered the silver ball, and there was no light flashing on his hands. Then he heard Yi Tian shouting, "Break!"

With this low drink, Yi Tian's hands exerted a slight force and heard a crackling sound from the quiet night sky, and the silver light ball suddenly split in half from the middle and broke up.

As soon as the silver ball was broken, the silver light trapped in the silver ball kept pouring out of it like a flying Firefly and flying away in the direction of the manor. The seemingly small silver ball actually contains a silver light that is enough to cover the whole manor sky. These silver awns flew extremely fast, and it was only three breaths from the silver ball to the sky that completely covered the manor. In these short three breaths, all the silver light flew out of the photosphere and covered the whole sky of the manor.

When the silver light flies out, the silver light ball also winds into a silver light and scatters in the air. After hovering in the air for a week, the silver light turned into Yi Tian's body and disappeared.

At this time, Yi Tian's whole popularity suddenly changed, and the breath that originally did not exist also became stronger in an instant, and the murderous intention of Chongtian was released without concealment. He looked at the silver light in the sky, then looked at the only building in the manor, opened his mouth and shouted, "Grant, get out of here!!!" The voice was as loud as the roaring forest, sweeping away with bursts of anger and murderous intent.

"Grant, get out of here!"

This sentence keeps echoing in the night sky, as if to make the whole marginal area hear this sentence.

After roaring this sentence, Yi Tian had no other movements, just hovering so quietly in the air without the slightest flash of light on his body.

Xiu and Al, standing not far behind Yi Tian, stared at Yi Tian's behavior. Since the silver light appeared on Yi Tian's body, the two have been staring at Yi Tian. When they saw Yi Tian release the silver light in the sky, the two understood how strong Yi Tian's strength was. Although they did not understand what the silver light was, they inferred from the strong energy fluctuations that suddenly flashed on the previous silver light bulb that the energy contained in these silver light was by no means small.

When Yi Tian roared, Xiu and Al's eyes flashed fiercely, and the wind on their bodies was about to go to Yi Tian's side. But as soon as they moved, they heard Yi Tian shout: "You two don't move there. I'll take care of the rest." The domineering tone made Xiu and Al dare not make any more movements. They hovered so quietly in the air and looked at Yi Tian, who did not have any light on their bodies.