reverse song

Chapter 137 Inside the City

Walking all the way to Yu'an City not far away, Yi Tian and the three were particularly relaxed, because it only took half a day to walk the journey for two or three days, which was really fortunate. Although it is already dusk, the noise of any city will be three times more prosperous than during the day when night falls.

The three are still a little far from the city at this time, but the general outline of the city can be seen far away, instead of the tall buildings they could see before. With the purple moonlight and various lights in the city, you can faintly see a long wall around Yu'an City, but because the distance is too far away, you can't see it clearly.

The occasional people on the road gradually became dense, but they closed the door early and hid in the house for dinner. Yi Tian and the three walked on the road like lonely ghosts. None of the three said anything. Li Xingfeng lowered his head, probably thinking about his younger siblings. Al frowned slightly and stared at the city in the distance, but his attention was not on that city. Only Yi Tian has been staring at Yu'an City. The cities he has been to are limited, and he has been in a state of rushing since he came out of the virtual world. If he really say it, he has really hasn't seen any kind of city.

After a long journey, the city that originally looked far away is now close at hand.

Outside Yu'an City, there is really a wall nearly five meters high, but the wall is a little old, and even the soil on it has fallen off, revealing the stones and other things inside. The place where the cement and soil are connected is a big gate, which is not locked or guarded. I think this wall was built here to prevent beasts from attacking. However, now the population here is so dense, and the gathering place of beasts is far away from the city, so the gate is not locked after nightfall.

From time to time, some young people came out of the gate in groups, with cheerful smiles on their faces. They should have come out to play outside the city at night.

"Is this Yu'an City?" Yi Tiandao. He asked this when he knew that there was only one city nearby.

He nodded vigorously, indicating that he had not taken the wrong way, and Al also came to his senses when Yi Tian was talking, looked at the towering and slightly old wall, and took a slight breath of cold air. He thought that he could finally confirm the conjecture in his heart. If it's really as I thought, I don't know how to arrange the next thing. He was actually thinking about how to explain things here to Yi Tian.

"Go in." Yi Tian looked at the cheerful young people coming out of the city. These people of his age seemed to have no worries and could live such a simple and casual life. And what about him? He is dying, and the only two people who are a little close to him are now life and death.

At the thought of Bailian and Yi Yun, Yi Tian sighed slightly. Now he really doesn't know what to do. With the strength he has now, it is unrealistic to go to the league to get people back. Thinking of his strength, Yi Tian clenched his fist slightly. He already had a vague plan in his heart, which could only be implemented after Al figured out the situation here.

passed by the people who left the city. The three of them passed through the long dim gate corridor, and then only felt that their eyes were bright and had entered the city. There is a bulletin board near the gate, which shows a map of the city, where the official place is located, so that strangers can quickly understand the general layout of the city.

The three stayed in front of the map for a while, and then Al took the lead and led the way in front of him. Yi Tian and Li Xingfeng looked at the surrounding scenery in the air. Li Xingfeng's last time entered the city was nearly two years ago. At that time, he still came with adults and did not stay in the city. He left as soon as he finished his work. He didn't know how lively the city's night was. The only thing he knew was that there was such a city here.

Yi Tian looked at the surrounding scenery. This is very different from any city he has ever been to. Unlike the high-tech and prosperity of the alliance city, it is more popular, and it is also different from the dilapidated and depravity of underground cities and marginal areas. People here have a relaxed expression on their faces, without the indifference and madness after the fall. Yi Tian rarely felt a trace of relaxation, which was a feeling that had never been felt in the alliance or on the edge.

And Al, who led the way in front of him, looked more and more ugly after looking at the surrounding buildings. When he first entered the city, he had seen something that could confirm his guess, but he still didn't want to believe it, or he still had a trace of luck, hoping that this was not the center of the place he guessed, but a relatively marginal place. However, looking at the situation in this city now, that kind of fluke seems unlikely.

After walking around the city, Li Xingfeng was about to ask Al where he was going to take them, but Al stopped moving forward and stood in front of a slightly quaint building. He raised his head slightly, looked at a sign above the building, and then entered the building without saying a word.

As soon as you enter the door, there is a hall, with several benches for people to rest on both sides, and after passing through the hall, there is a larger room with several terminal machines in it, and the screen above is flashing with fluorescence. Several people are standing in front of several machines. Al stopped and then chose an unmanned machine to operate skillfully on the screen. He is looking for something.

Yi Tian and Li Xingfeng couldn't understand what Al was doing at all, so they simply didn't look at it, but looked curiously at the situation around them. There seems to be no one managing here. People who want to come in can come in, and people who want to use machines can also be used at any time. Yi Tian was very curious to walk to an unmanned extreme, reached out and clicked on it. A long list of words immediately popped up on the screen, followed by an input interface of account number and password. Yi Tian was dumbfounded. He didn't know what account number and password he could enter at all. So he could only walk back to Al and stand.

After coming out of the virtual world for so long, he encountered such a high-tech thing, and he had no chance to encounter these things in the orphanage earlier.

I don't know what Al is looking for, and the expression on his face changes. When he exhaled and exited the operation, he sat directly on the ground as if he was out of strength, and the expression on his face changed several times before he gradually returned to normal.

"Have you found anything?" Yi Tian asked in a hurry.

Al smiled bitterly and didn't know how to answer Yi Tian's question, but this answer was really terrible. He really didn't know how to answer Yi Tian's question for a moment. Just shaking his head, Al stood up and said, "I'll talk about it after meeting Xiu." After saying that, he stood up and seemed to shake his body uncomfortably.

Yi Tian didn't know what Al had found, but since Al didn't want to say it at this time, he didn't want to ask any more questions. Anyway, you will know when you go back, so you won't be in a hurry.

The three came out of the building and once again integrated into the lively crowd. But at this time, they can't integrate into the crowd anyway. Al is trying to explain what he verified so that Yi Tian and Xiu can quickly understand his current situation. Yi Tian was thinking about what Al wanted to say. Only Li Xingfeng didn't have to think about anything and just walked with the two people.

Crossing a street, a grunting sound suddenly came from Li Xingfeng's stomach, which interrupted the thoughts of Yi Tian and Al. Both of them looked at Li Xingfeng with great embarrassment and remembered that they had not eaten anything since noon.

Al smiled and said, "Let's go, I know there are some special snacks in this city. We can try it." Al took the lead, then recalled some signs on the map, and then identified where he was now leading the way.

Yi Tian and Li Xingfeng followed him with inexplicable faces. They thought that Al had never been to this place. How did they know that there were special snacks here? Did he go to check the special snacks here?

Such as the two guessed Al's thoughts in their hearts, they followed Al to find food. Xiu, who was staying with Li Xingfeng's three younger brothers and sisters, sat downstairs and roasted a horned wolf, occasionally looking up at the purple moon above his head that never went down the mountain. He guessed that Yi Tian and the other two should arrive in Yu'an City almost. Although he knew that Yi Tian would not use his own power at will, he will always use some in this situation.

The three children surrounded the body and stared at the horned wolf leaning against the fire. The shiny saliva flowed from the corners of their mouths and dripped to the ground, and they did not notice their ugliness at all. However, all three children don't care if they notice their ugliness.

The grunt kept coming from the three children's stomachs. Xiu heard this sound and smiled slightly. When he saw the greedy appearance of the three children, he smiled even more happily. At the same time, he had a warm feeling in his heart. He hasn't felt this way for a long time. He reached out and patted the head of the youngest child closest to him and said, "If you put up with it, you will be able to eat it soon." With that, he turned over the bracket to make the horned wolf meat hotter more evenly.

And the child beside him swallowed saliva when he heard that he was about to eat, and his eyes lit up.

Seeing this, Xiu smiled again, picked up a dagger next to him, cut a small piece of barbecue and tried it. When he felt nothing, he said, "It's edible."

As soon as he said this, the three children cheered and neatly picked up the bowl beside him and handed it to Xiu. This is a habit that the three children have developed for a long time. It doesn't matter who is full or not, as long as they can eat something. Seeing the child's movements and his eager eyes for food, Xiu felt that his nose was a little sore. He patted the heads of the three children and said, "We don't use bowls today. Uncle let you eat until you are full, but be careful not to burn them." Xiu spoke in a rare gentle tone, and both the eyes and the expression on his face were extremely gentle.

The three children don't understand Xiu's words. They never eat all the food at once, even if there is obviously a lot of food, but they still obediently put the bowl in Xiu's hands and wait for Xiu to distribute food. Looking at the clever movements of the three children, Xiu Zhen felt that his nose began to become sore, but he still forced himself to bear the discomfort, and then put aside the bowl in his hand, turned the dagger in his hand, cut off a large piece of meat and handed it to the three children.

Looking at the large piece of fragrant meat handed to them, the three children hesitated. They wanted to take it over and eat it, but they felt that it was wrong to do so. The two younger children turned their eyes to the biggest one at the same time, waiting for their brother to make a decision. And my brother also hesitated and dared not pick up the big pieces of meat. He was afraid that if he was full, he would not have the next meal. After all, he was only slightly smaller than Li Xingfeng. He already knew a lot of things.

"It doesn't matter, eat it." Xiu said softly. He really didn't want to look at the three children like this, so he stuffed the meat into their arms.

The barbecue was in their arms. The aroma and the sense of authenticity in their hands completely dispelled the concerns of the three children. When they grabbed the barbecue, they began to bite it. Sometimes they chewed in the overheated place and sucked cold air.

Xiu couldn't help laughing happily as he looked at the three children devouring the barbecue in their hands. He smiled and said, "Eat slowly and don't choke. There are many more here." He was really happy, especially when he saw someone devouring his baked food.

At night, under the purple moonlight, there was only the sound of three children eating barbecue and the howling of beasts from afar.

In the same night, Li Xingfeng was sitting next to Yi Tian with a sad face, and Al opposite him was also sad. Yi Tian took a shallow sip of tea, raised his head and looked at the purple moon outside through the glass. He is not in the mood to pay attention to two sad people now. It is a rare clean time, and he also takes this opportunity to sort out his messy thoughts.

In this case, the atmosphere between the three people becomes a little strange. There is no communication, but it gives others the feeling that the three people are talking at this time.

Looking at the exquisite and delicious snacks on the plate, Li Xingfeng sighed and said, "It would be nice if you could let the others try this thing." While he was depressed, Li Xingfeng swallowed a snack again, and the strong smell made him feel that he was about to cry.

Hearing the fierce self-spoken, Yi Tian looked out of the window, but said, "Then take some back to them." He didn't think about preservation at all.

Li Xingfeng didn't answer. He knew that there was no way to save this kind of thing for a long time. In addition, it would take them nearly three days to rush back, so even if they brought it back intact, it would be bad and they couldn't eat it at all.

But Yi Tian didn't know what Li Xingfeng thought, but directly ordered a few more plates of food. He doesn't care whether he has money to pay the bill or not. He doesn't have to think about so many things at this time.

Al opposite still frowned and looked sad. Yi Tian saw him and said, "If there is anything wrong with Al, just say it directly. Don't hold it alone." He is now dissent. Although he still hold his own things back, at least he won't think too much about messy things.

Al came to his senses as soon as he heard Yi Tian calling him, but he didn't know what Yi Tian had said to him, so he could only look at Yi Tian with a confused face.

He gently knocked on the table with his fingers, and Yi Tian said, "If there is anything, just say it, or don't pretend to have a bitter hatred." He felt that his thoughts had been interrupted by Al's bitter and vengeful look.

Al didn't know how to answer the words at all. He had been thinking about how to tell the matter of this place, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he had to worry about, and the more so, the more he felt that he could not speak clearly about this place. He has been cycling like this, and there is no way out. If Yi Tian hadn't interrupted his thoughts, he would have wanted to hurt him for a while.

"Say it. What the hell is this place? What's wrong?" Although Yi Tian did not intend to ask Al this question at the beginning, Al had been in this state of frowning, which made Yi Tian extremely uncomfortable. He simply asked some questions to relax Al's thoughts.

"This is not the earth." After looking at Yi Tian for a while, Al finally said such nonsense.

"Nonsense, of course I know this is not the earth." No one will feel that he is on the earth when he sees the purple moon overhead, and the time here is obviously different from the time on the earth. No matter how ignorant Yi Tian is, he can still judge these things.

Al was choked by Yi Tian's words and was stunned for a while before saying in a low voice, "This is the drift sand star field." After frowning all night, Al finally said the name of the place under Yi Tian's pressure, but Yi Tian, who was sitting opposite him, looked at Al confusedly.

Yi Tian doesn't know anything about the current sand star domain at all, or he doesn't know anything outside the earth.