reverse song

Chapter 159 Jumping off the cliff

The whimpering wind is sad like a crying grave. The rolling sea of clouds is surging with amazing momentum, as if waiting to devour everything in the world. Occasionally, a strong wind hit Elle standing on the edge of the cliff unsteadily and almost fell down. Xiu also stared at the sudden cliff in front of him. The appearance of this cliff was so sudden that it caught Al and Xiu unprepared.

"We are dead this time." Al smiled bitterly. It's not easy to escape from death, but now it's dead again.

The footsteps behind him are getting closer and closer, and there is a roar full of anger. These people will not build a way for Al and him to make a living at all. They planned to kill two people from the beginning.

The mountain wind came to my face, and the messy hair was blown up even more messy. A wry smile also appeared on his face in response to Al's words: "We are really dead." However, he didn't seem to have much regret, and there was a little relief after the bitter smile on his face.

"It's worth dying with your brother." Xiu said lightly, without any pretentious or fear before death. During this period of time, facing the threat of death every day, he has long been numb.

Al glanced back in surprise. He had never heard Xiu say such a thing, even at the most difficult time. However, it's not too late to hear it now. At least he is not dead yet.

"Let me down. I think we should face the last moment together." The expression on Xiu's face was still faint, and a trace of blue light emanated from his body. After such a long rest, he had recovered enough energy to support his activities.

Al did not object and let go of the repair. He knows that Xiu is right.

Xiu flew away from Al's back and turned to look at the forest with the sound of footsteps. Those people are getting closer and closer to hear their whining breathing.

"It's a pity that I couldn't see Yi Tian again." Xiu's face was full of a faint smile, a smile that saw through everything. Life, old age, illness and death, everyone has to face, even the power is no exception.

"Yes, I don't know how he is now." Al answered, and he also turned around and looked in the direction of the sound. He has seen vague figures appear in the forest. Those people rushed out of the forest without hiding their bodies at all.

Huhu, several figures appeared in front of Xiu and Al. They gasped, but the hands holding the spear were very hard, and the expressions on their faces were also very strong. Everything they showed was so hard that it was frightening. They hated Xiu and Al hard and were angry, as if they could express their emotions without exerting so much effort.

"These people are really wonderful." Al said, his eyes fixed on the dark spear in Babu's hand, "It's obvious that ordinary people can force the two of us into this situation. It should be said that they are awesome. He actually expressed a trace of admiration, admiring the wonderfulness of these people.

"Indeed." Xiu also thought of the wonderful use of the tree spear in their hands. "If only I could make friends with them. It's not so tense."

"In the next life. I don't think there will be a chance in my life." Al laughed so brightly that tears came out.

Al smiled, and Xiu also laughed. The two laughed loudly, echoing on the top of the cliff, and then were blown away by the strong wind and disappeared above the sea of clouds. Crystal water droplets scattered in the wind, showing colorful light in the sunlight.

Babu and his party looked at two people who suddenly laughed inexplicably. They didn't understand why they laughed. However, these are not important. The important thing is that they have finally caught up with the disaster and finally been able to eliminate the harm of the people. They raised their hands holding the tree spear, and the black light on the tree spear began to flash, and the sharp breath gathered momentum.

"We should go." Stopping laughter, there was a faint wind around Al. He took a step back and stood on the edge of the cliff. Xiu beside him also stopped laughing and flew back a little.

Al reached out and wrapped his arms around Xiu's shoulder, and Xiu also wrapped around Al's shoulder. The two looked at the Babu and his party, who were ready to attack with smiles.

"Thank you."


After saying a word, the two of them fell back. The strong wind blew around them, with the sound of sobs, like the sound of crying graves. The sea of clouds below is churning, waiting to devour the bodies of the two people.

The faint blue light on the body was broken by the wind and turned into a wind around him. The wind on Al's body is constantly entangled with the strong wind. Even if the two are wind powers, they still have no resistance to the power of nature. The wind on the cliff can't be controlled by two people at all. Their bodies are constantly falling towards the sea of clouds, whining with the whimper of the wind. With a faint smile on their faces, the two closed their eyes and waited for the arrival of death.

Babu watched the two disaster stars fall back. They didn't understand the last two sentences, and they didn't understand the language of Xiu and Al at all, but they understood the smiles on the faces of the two disaster stars, which was a happy smile to die. But they don't understand why the two disaster stars seek their own death. Aren't they disaster stars? Won't it bring disaster to their ethnic groups? Why did you die like this?

As soon as the doubt came to his mind, Babu suddenly let out a roar. He suddenly lost his prey and what he deserved. That kind of power, the power that is enough to lead his people to a higher peak has disappeared.

Babu rushed to the edge of the cliff like crazy and roared down. As soon as his arm tried, he threw out the tree spear in his hand. As soon as the tree spear was thrown out, it was blown away by the wind on the cliff. Babu watched the figures of the two disaster stars quickly become smaller, and finally fell into the sea of clouds and never saw them again. Babu roared sadly, and unwilling emotions and tears appeared on his face.

His people didn't understand why Babu suddenly shouted like crazy, and they didn't understand why he suddenly cried. All this was inexplicable, but they still walked to Babu and patted him gently on the shoulder.

"Babu, let's go back." Someone opened his mouth. Then someone took Babu's arm, pulled him up from the ground, and walked in the direction of the forest. The disaster star is dead, and they should go back and tell the priests and patriarchs.

The cliff returned to silence, and only the whining wind was crying sadly, making an extremely sad sound like a woman crying from the grave. The sea of clouds is still churning, making a sound like waves.

In the wilderness, just after a fight, the blood on the ground has not dried out, and the bloody smell has completely dissipated. The bodies of some beasts fell to the ground. Yi Tian, who was sitting in front of a pair of bonfires and roasting meat, couldn't help shivering, but there was no chill at all. He casually wiped his nose, pushed the half-long hair hanging in front of him behind his head, and continued to roast the meat seriously. Next to him was a bald man with fair skin and a delicate face with a pair of sapphire-like eyes, a tall nose bridge and a slight lip.

The big man squatted there, his hands drooped naturally, gently pressed the ground, and focused on watching Yi Tian's barbecue. A trace of saliva hung from the corners of his mouth to the ground, and from time to time he smelled the smell of barbecue like a beast.

"Mor, how many times have I told you, don't squat, sit down. And wipe the saliva from the corners of your mouth. It's so ugly." Yi Tian looked at the drooling Hanmore and said.

Mohr didn't know if he understood Yi Tian's words. He just nodded naturally and then sat on the ground, but his hands were still very natural and gently pressed on the ground, and his ears unconsciously ** a few times. Totally alert.

Looking at Moore's behavior, Yi Tian couldn't say anything about him. Originally, a humanoid beast who dominated the forest was brought out of the forest and taught others language and various etiquette. It is amazing to be able to teach a humanoid beast full of beast habits into this in just over a month.

"Meat, eat." Moore opened his mouth and stammered two words that were completely meaningless.

"Wait a minute. It's almost ready." Of course, Yi Tian understood Moore's words, so his natural interface turned over the barbecue on the fire and took it away from the fire without sprinkling anything. Yi Tian tore a leg and threw all the rest of the barbecue to Moore beside him.

After taking over the barbecue, Moore didn't care whether the meat was too hot or not. He opened his mouth and tore off a large piece of meat, snored three mouthfuls and swallowed it twice.

Yi Tian couldn't help laughing when he looked at Moore's devouring. Speaking of being able to subdue this humanoid beast, barbecue still played a great role. Otherwise, Yi Tian would not be so easy to teach such a guy full of beast habits.

The two quickly finished the barbecue in their hands. Looking at Moore touching his belly and looking dissatisfied, he didn't seem to be full, but Yi Tian ignored Moore's begging eyes. The intact beast on the ground was dragged over, peeled and stuffed it into a huge bag made of animal skin behind Moore, and casually chose a direction and walked away.

He doesn't have a map of this place at all, and he doesn't know where he is going or which direction he takes.

Morr made a dissatisfied whine from his throat like a tamed puppy and followed Yi Tian with a animal skin bag on his back. He walked very distinctively. His body was slightly bent, and his hands naturally drooped, almost hanging to the ground. Several times he wanted to press his hands on the ground to walk. However, after Yi Tian turned around and stared at him, Moore immediately gave up the idea and obediently straightened up a little and followed Yi Tian.

"Remember, you are a human, and someone should walk. Don't walk on all fours." Yi Tian began to talk again in front of him, which was a habit he had developed during this period. As long as he has time, he will keep instilling all kinds of things in Moore, regardless of whether Moore understands it or not.

Mohr was very cooperative and kept making a um-huh sound in the back, and I don't know if he really understood.

"Luckily, I brought you out at that time, otherwise I would have been bored to death." Yi Tian yawned and saw that it was getting late. He was going to find a shelter to set up a temporary camp for a rest.

"Let's take a night off here." Yi Tian found a slightly shelter from the wind, cleaned the ground casually, dug a hole, and raised his hand to pop up a fireball. The flames are burning, and there is no need for firewood or anything like that.

Mohr smiled happily as soon as he saw the campfire, but his smile did not make any sound, just cracked his mouth and exposed his white teeth inside. He immediately threw down the two leather bags behind him and grabbed a stripped and clean animal meat from one of them and handed it to Yi Tian. At this time, Moore is the happiest time of the day, because there is delicious barbecue to eat.

Yi Tian looked at him helplessly and said to himself, "If only you learn things so diligently, you won't be able to speak meat and eat until now. Oh, why didn't you ask the old man if there was any medicine that could make people extremely smart when he came out? After saying that, he sighed heavily.

and Xiu and Al were separated, which made Yi Tian extremely unaccustomed. Since he came out of the virtual world, he has been with these two people, and many things have been handed over to him by Xiu and Al. Now, he was left alone. He had left a contact for them, but the jade card used for contact was lost by Al. It's really extremely unlucky.

"I don't know how they are doing now." Yi Tian muttered to himself. He didn't expect to be separated from Al and the others. I thought I could be with them all the time.

"However, they always go to the city. Then I'll go to the city and wait for them." Yi Tian thought. He has made up his mind to go back to Yu'an City first. That's the only city he has been to, and only there is the best chance to meet Xiu and Al. Unfortunately, he doesn't even know where he is now, let alone how to go back to Yu'an City.

"You can only take one step at a time." Yi Tian looked at the grease on the barbecue dripping into the fireball and made a sneer, but made the fireball burn more vigorously.

The extinguished fire light reflected the expression on Yi Tian's face constantly changing. Moore was still staring at the barbecue on the fire, and from time to time he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips. The night is about to pass by with the crackling sound of flames.

In the darkness, Yi Tian seemed to hear the voices of Al and Xiu, which was far away and ethereal, but it seemed to be in his ear. Yi Tian struggled to find the source of the sound, but it was not until then that he found that his body could not move at all. He could only stand in a daze and listen to the vague words of Xiu and Al. There was also a low roar in the words. Yi Tian was shocked and bounced up.

A fishy wind came, and a white figure rushed in front of him to block the fishy wind. Then came a more ferocious roar.

After hearing the roar of beasts around him, Yi Tian suddenly woke up and knew what he had encountered. Originally, he would not have slept so heavily when camping in the wilderness, but today he didn't know why he would unconsciously let these beasts get so close. If it hadn't been for Moore, he would have taken half his life off.

When the cold sweat hit, the beasts couldn't wait any longer and also rushed towards Yi Tian.

Moore's deep roar sounded in the night, and the blood rain sprayed out, and a beast was torn in half by him. Yi Tian was relatively gentle. He raised his hand and poked out more than a dozen wind blades and strangled all the beasts that attacked with wind blades. He dares not use fire rashly. Using fire in such a place is equivalent to finding death.

The smell of blood aroused the fierceness of Moore's heart. With a beast roar, a blue fire glow burned in his eyes, and a layer of cold fog appeared on his hands. There is no suspense at all. All the beasts near Moore are frozen into ice. Moore made a whirling sound and smashed all the ice cubes.

After strangring the attacked beast, Yi Tian was too lazy to take action again. There is no skill to deal with these beasts at all, and the pure collision of these beasts is not enough to make Yi Tian do his best. So it is enough to have Moore, a humanoid beast, to deal with these beasts.

Yi Tian walked to the bonfire easily and naturally, raised his hand and popped out another fireball to make the flame burn more vigorously. He looked up at Moore, who was fighting, and shouted, "Moor, don't always tear those beasts to pieces. Those beast skins are very useful.

Hearing Yi Tian's voice, Moore turned around and grinned at him and continued to tear the bodies of the beasts. He didn't understand Yi Tian's words. Moore just habitually looked back at Yi Tian. Yi Tian also knew that his words were not of any use, so he went to the bonfire and began to roast meat.

Mor, who smelled the smell of meat, roared excitedly and fought faster. Soon the remaining beasts were scared away by Moore's ferocity. Mohr laughed and laughed beside Yi Tian. He looked at the barbecue above the flame with burning eyes, closed his eyes and enjoyed sniffing the barbecue spreading into the air with his nose.

Yi Tian turned the barbecue, and the fat on the meat kept dripping into the flames and making a sneer. Moore's saliva also dripped from the corners of his mouth to the ground and sank into the soil. The two sat quietly by the bonfire and watched the barbecue slowly turn golden. Just as Moore took over the barbecue in Yi Tian's hand, an exclamation broke through the darkness and came from afar.