reverse song

Chapter 178 Assassination

There is a conspiracy. This is a sentence that appeared in the hearts of Xiu and Al at the same time. They shouted to kill before. Why did they become a god of bullshit as soon as they saw this ring token? Looking at the middle-aged man, they were still so pious and respectful. Although the two of them believe that Tang Mu does have the strength to convince these people, they are not convinced enough to be respected by them. You should know that Xiu and Al are both powers. If they still believe in the existence of God before obtaining the power, then after obtaining the power, they both think that the so-called God is just a person who has acquired the power. No one will be strong and self-respecting, unless that person is crazy.

But what Xiu and Al don't know is that although Tang Mu is not a god, he is also an old monster for many years, and his strength is enough to make people respect him a god. It's just that Tang Mu and others never think they are gods. In their concept, only those who have realized more reason than them can be regarded as gods, such as those who were far stronger than them in ancient times.

The two are still speculating about each other's conspiracy. The middle-aged man on the other side has begun to whisper with another middle-aged man behind him, which is nothing more than God watching their family's poverty and sending God to help them. Then Xiu and the two are not bullshit at all. They just came in to ask for directions. If they knew that such a misunderstanding would kill them, they would never want to come in.

I don't want to return, but now the misunderstanding has caused that it is impossible to explain. Explain, what is the token in your hand? If you are not a messenger of God, then you are a demon, a disaster star, or a blasphemer, and you should die under a mess. Although Xiu and Al did not understand what kind of special status God had in the minds of these people, the stakes were still very clear, so after defending a few sentences and finding that the other party's eyes were not right, they no longer defended. Instead, they put up their airs and looked at them with a so-called arrogant attitude.

Of course, they have two, one is responsible for singing white faces and the other is responsible for singing black faces. Xiu looked arrogantly at these people and looked disdainful to deal with them, and the middle-aged man also talked to him as if he was unreasonable. Al was full of smiles and his tone was extremely gentle. No matter who spoke to him, he looked gentle and did not look arrogant at all.

The enthusiasm and arrogance of the two formed a wonderful combination, which made those who were still suspicious of them more convinced that the two were God's messengers. You see how noble they are, so noble that they disdain to deal with them ordinary people; you see how peaceful they are, so peaceful that they always speak with a smile on their faces and are also gentle.

Al smiled so much that his face was almost cramped, but these people still didn't want to stop talking, especially the middle-aged priests. Poor Al hasn't laughed like this since he was a child, and he feels that his face is about to be fixed. Finally, Xiu saw that he couldn't stand it anymore, so he said coldly, "I'm tired. Prepare a room for me. I want to rest." After saying this, he stopped talking with a cold face, and the breath from his body was also to stay away from strangers.

After being repaired, the priests found that they were still standing in the center of the village, talking to the envoy, and not even preparing a cup of tea or a chair, which was really disrespectful to God. The middle-aged man hurriedly apologized, and then hurriedly ordered those people to clean a clean room for the two gods to rest.

After a burst of busyness, a group of people headed by priests and patriarchs gathered the two gods, Xiu and Al, to rest in the room.

After finally dismissing the enthusiastic group of people, Al hurriedly closed the door and took a heavy breath. With a tired look on his face, he felt that he had never been so tired of fighting with people. After rubbing his sore cheeks, he felt that the muscles on his face were cramped. Looking at Xiu with a cold and gorgeous posture, Al said, "Are we having a big time this time?" Although he said so, there was a prank-like smile on his face.

"Play big hair? I don't think so." Xiu sat by the bed and stretched out before he continued, "I just didn't expect that the master would be respected as a god. Haha, I haven't seen God for half my life, so I became a disciple of God. His face was also full of mischievous smiles. Although he thought the token was useful, he didn't expect it to be so useful.

"However, we always have to go. It is impossible to stay here all the time as a magic stick. Let's think about the reason for leaving." Al sat in a chair and gently rubbed her legs.

"This is easy, just say that God sent us to travel around to promote God's morality." On the contrary, I came up with a very convincing reason.

"I don't care about this. Just leave it to you." Al also stretched out and stood outside chatting all morning. She was not tired.

After thinking for a moment, Xiu frowned slightly and said, "I'm just worried that the boy will trouble us. You should have noticed it too."

Al nodded, indicating that he had also noticed the person who Xiu said it, and there was more than one person who behaved like this.

"Babu, what should we do? They will never let us go." A group of young people in the clan followed Babu into the forest with a tree spear and asked. These were the people who followed Babu to kill the two disaster stars, Xiu and Al. Who governor moved through the country, the two disaster stars turned into gods.

"I know they won't let us go, and I had a fight with them just now." The facial features on Babu's face are about to be twisted into a ball.

"How did these two damn guys come back again? Is it for us?" A young man thrust the tree spear into the ground and said with a melancholy face.

"very likely. I think we should be careful." Another young man with a bow and arrow behind him squatted on a tree pole and said. His eyes narrowed slightly and he had caught the figure of his prey. He quickly took off the bow and arrow, took the arrow to open the bow and release the string. With a sound, the arrow flew out, through the dense bushes, and directly pierced the neck of a beast.

The bright red blood sprayed out, and the beast fell to the ground and twitched a few times before it stopped moving.

"If they want to kill us, we'll do it first." Babu gritted his teeth with a gloomy face. With a strong arm, the originally hard tree spear made a crackling sound.

"Good." The young man with the bow on his back jumped gently and jumped directly in the direction of the prey. He is as light as an ape.

Babu didn't seem to hear his answer at all and looked grimly in the direction of the village, where there were two people who forced him into such a situation.

It soon became dark, and Babu and his party dragged the bodies of several beasts back to the village. At this time, the central position of the village and a raging bonfire were raised. A group of men and women either sat around the bonfire and chatted, or stood a little far away looking at the purple moon above their heads, while the priest's group of middle-aged people gathered together to discuss something in a low voice.

Babu did not disturb anyone when they came back, or no one went to see these people who came back from hunting. For such a hunting group, it is normal for them to come back after nightfall. Bab didn't say anything. He silently dragged the hunted beasts to the pool, and naturally someone would deal with the skin and flesh of these beasts. After doing this, they sat by the bonfire to keep warm. The night in the mountain forest is still a little cold. If there is no bonfire for warmth, your hands and feet will feel cold for a while, even Babu, these young, strong and vigorous young people.

"Why didn't you see the divine messenger?" The young man with the bow on his back handed the dagger to the fire and roasted it while whispering to the people beside him.

The man shook his head to show that he didn't know, and then continued to roast the meat in his hand seriously. Babu also took the animal meat from the side and roasted it on the fire. After running for a day, they were also hungry. Watching the grease dripping on the flame, the meat gradually turned golden yellow, and the fragrance floated out, and Babu couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

While Bab and others were having a barbecue, the priest's group had stood up and walked towards the house where Xiu and Al were resting. They want to invite God to eat, although they don't know whether God uses it or not. Babu was very full of looking at the group of priests, and then continued to bow his head and roast meat.

Xiu and Al soon appeared next to the bonfire with the priest and others. Xiu still held that arrogant and indifferent look, ignored the people around him, and only answered one sentence after asking ten questions. Al is full of smiles and is extremely kind to anyone, and she doesn't feel like she wants to be thousands of miles away. The priests gathered around Al and talked. In their opinion, Al, the envoy, was relatively easy to deal with. At least he gave people a gentle feeling, unlike the envoy like an ice cube.

In fact, Xiu and Al were specially invited out of the house, just to let the people see the gods at dinner, so as not to cause any conflicts in the future. Al originally planned to take this opportunity to resign tonight, but the other party was too enthusiastic to make him embarrassed to say what he wanted to leave.

A dinner was spent in laughter, and it didn't break up until late at night when everyone was exhausted. Xiu and Al had no choice but to return to the room. They were so enthusiastic about these people that they were completely speechless. I really don't know what to say. The other party has arranged food and accommodation for them, and it's really hard to say.

Hiding into the house, the two floated cross-legged in mid-air, shaking gently, like willow catkins moving with the wind.

"Do you feel it?" Al said this headlessly.

Xiu's face was with a smile. He looked at the wall made of wooden boards and said, "What do you think?" He smiled meaningfully, making people feel that he was plotting some kind of conspiracy.

Al smiled, shook his body gently and appeared directly in **. He fell asleep and said to the monk who was still floating in mid-air, "Aren't you giving them a chance?" It's brainless again.

"Of course I will give it." Xiu also appeared in another ** and hid in the quilt. "But these guys are really bold. You dare to come to trouble us at such times. Sure enough, it's a terrible future life. He said with a smile, and he had heard slight footsteps outside.

As soon as you hear the footsteps, you will know that the other party is trying to control the strength of the foot, so as not to disturb others. There are really few people like this in the middle of the night except those who commit evil.

Outside the house, a series of seven figures shuttled quickly and lightly, walking towards the house where Xiu and Al rested. Their movements are fast and gentle, just like cats. They all held a long tree spear, which flashed black light. These are the people who are willing to follow him.

These are seven bold guys who chose to attack the gods at night.

Lightly opened the door, and seven people filed in. They moved quickly without making any sound. As soon as the seven people entered the room, the last person who came in quickly closed the door again. Seven people squat in the dark in seven directions. These are all excellent hunters of the younger generation. They have an excellent understanding of hiding nature, and they also have great patience. An impatient hunter is not a competent hunter.

As soon as they entered the house, the seven people did not act rashly. They just stood in the dark and carefully observed the environment of the room, and the location of the two gods. Their eyes were very sharp. Although it was dark in the room now, they still saw the situation in the house clearly with the hazy moonlight scattered outside.

The room is not big, a hall, and then a room. There are two beds in the room, and Xiu and Al are lying asleep. Bab stood at the door and gestured to the remaining six people. The seven quickly checked what was in their hands, and then gently entered the room like a cat.

The movements of the seven people were very soft and agreed. When approaching Xiu and Al, the seven people involuntarily tightened their fists and held the tree spear in their hands tighter. When approaching a certain level, the seven people stopped at the same time. After being hunters for so many years, they certainly know what distance they are closest to. At a safe distance, Bab made a simple assignment. Three people deal with the two people in groups, and the remaining one is used as a helper. In case of an emergency, that person can help.

After the division of labor, the six people who were ready to act raised the tree spear in their hands. Under the flash of black light, the tree spear stabbed out.

Puff, six muffled sounds came, and the sharp spear directly penetrated the bed board, but it did not hurt anyone. Xiu and Al, who were still lying in **, didn't know when they disappeared. The attack of Babu and others failed.

"It's not good." The helper suddenly shouted and turned around with a tree spear and stabbed. But his movements were still a step slower, because Al had appeared in front of him and reached out and patted him gently. A gust of wind suddenly rolled up and then tied the man in place.

Xiu shook his right hand directly, and the almost transparent white silk came out, twisting in the air like a spiritual snake. After two circles around the six people, he directly tied them up. It's just a face-to-face, and the seven-person sneak attack team of Babu was completely destroyed, while Xiu and Al didn't even hurt a hair.

"Why did you come to our room so late?" Al lit the lamp. Yes, light the lamp. This group is still doing something similar to ancient oil lamps, but it is not oil as fuel.

As soon as the fire flashed, the whole room lit up. Correction knocked on his legs and sat on a chair and looked at the seven people who were restrained with interest. Al took the lamp and walked to Babu. He knew that this guy was the head of this group of people.

"Can you tell you what to do in our room in the middle of the night?" Al smiled. How could he not understand why these people came in? Just look at the murderous face of the leader. However, he still needs to ask knowingly.

Babu snorted coldly and did not answer. He disdained to answer Al's question. In his opinion, since it has fallen into the hands of the other party, it is up to them to fight or kill.

Don't say? Have ambition." Al still smiled, "Then hand you over to the patriarch. Originally, I was still worried about how to find a reason to leave, but now I have the best reason. Al laughed out loud and was very happy.

Babu and the others didn't seem to hear Al's words, and their faces didn't change at all. They seem to have put life and death aside for a long time.

The priests and patriarchs quickly rushed over. Because Xiu made a very unscrupulous scream. This scream seemed so harsh in the quiet mountain forest, and his current identity was special, so as soon as they heard the scream, the priest and patriarch hurriedly rushed over without even clothes.

As soon as they entered the room, they saw the tied babu sitting on the ground, with no expression on their faces and no emotion in their eyes. They looked quietly at the priests and patriarchs who suddenly rushed in.

"What's going on?" As soon as the patriarch saw his people tied up and thrown on the ground, he couldn't help asking questions. Although he knew that this was the room of the divine messenger, his people are now treated like this, and even the divine messenger can't do so.

"It's a little troublesome to explain. If you don't mind, you can sit down and listen to me talk slowly. Al looked at the patriarch with an unhappy face and said slowly. He is still thinking about how to add fuel and vinegar. Of course, he also wants to talk about the reason for leaving. He doesn't want to be a god here for the rest of his life.