reverse song

Chapter 191 Inhuman

The bright white light reflects the whole channel brightly. Although it looks extremely bright, it is also quiet and terrible. Only the footsteps of Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun echoed in the whole channel. Although they had slowed down as much as possible, it was inevitable that they would make a sound. This passage is not very long. After going down for a while, the road will be smooth.

After driving away the five Duguliang, Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun could safely start their tasks. However, they just follow the command and come here to sabotage. If possible, they will find a piece of information. However, judging from the situation that Du Guliang and others shocked the people in the room just now, the possibility of finding the information does not seem to be very high. If you can't find anything, you can only destroy it. For this, the two still like it very much.

At the end of the channel, there is a metal gate, and there is a control panel similar to fingerprint recognition hanging there.

As soon as I saw the control panel, Xiao Ruo whistled happily: "There is a password lock. How about it? Shall I violently dismantle it or do you crack it? With that, he had put an evil smile on his face and gently pressed his right hand on the handle of the knife. As long as he is given half a breath, he can cut this seemingly indestructible metal gate in half.

"Let me do it. In case there is a self-explosive device or something in it, there will be a big trouble. Long Feiyun squeezed out Xiao Ruo standing in front of the control panel, looked at the panel carefully, then took out a mobile phone-sized instrument and connected it and began to calculate it quickly.

When Long Feiyun began to crack the password, Xiao Ruo stood aside boredly and kept looking at the channel that was only more than two meters high. He would like to draw a knife to see how strong the metal-built passage is, but he is also worried that once the great mechanism is touched, the two of them will be buried alive here. With the thought of trying, Xiao Ruo turned her eyes back to the control panel.

At this time, Long Feiyun was doing the last paragraph of the calculation. About half a minute later, Long Feiyun exhaled heavily, reached out his hand on the control panel, and then said slowly, "It's time to witness the miracle."

As he spoke, the metal door slowly opened, and a chill came out of it. The two felt the cold breath and couldn't help shivering.

"We won't break into someone's freezer, will we?" As soon as Xiao Ruo urged his body to be energetic, a layer of red light flashed on his body to dispel the chill. Long Feiyun's figure blocked the cold air from his body after a burst of blur.

Both did not walk in rashly, but stood outside the door, squinting slightly for a while. After the cold fog completely dissipated, the two slowly and carefully walked in.

Behind the door is a row of display cabinets with different categories of food, drinks and drinks, but nothing is dangerous. Well, the only thing that can be regarded as dangerous goods is probably a handful of ice chisel on the cabinet.

"We have really entered other people's freezers." Xiao Ruo picked up the bottle and looked up and down, and then shook it a few times. It seems that he wants to open the wine and have a taste, but because he is on a mission now, it is difficult for him to do so.

"It's really interesting. A freezer must be hidden underground for fear that people will know." Xiao Ruo put back the wine in his hand, but looked around and looked for something. Long Feiyun hasn't opened his mouth since he came in. He has been walking along the four walls, as if he is looking for something. Long Feiyun, who was constantly knocking on the four walls, gently pressed on a wall lamp and heard a dull sound. Xiao Ruo's strange cry also suddenly sounded in the quiet freezer.

"Damn it, Long Feiyun, if you want to start the organ, I almost fell down." Xiao Ruo looked at a big hole that suddenly appeared in front of him, opened his mouth and began to curse. He was just looking for all kinds of food on the display cabinet. He didn't think that there was a sudden tremor under his feet. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and didn't fall down.

For Xiao Ruo's scolding, Long Feiyun just curled his lips and said nothing. After walking to the entrance to check it, he immediately jumped down. Xiao Ruo also jumped into the entrance.

This is a completely vertical passage nearly five meters deep, with stairs on the wall, but it is not very useful for Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun. The two controlled their bodies and fell lightly to the ground. Stepping on the hard ground, the two breathed gently and immediately controlled their breathing to observe the situation around them. At the bottom of the channel is another horizontal channel. The passage is empty, and there is nothing but bright white lights.

"There seems to be no one." Xiao Ruo listened carefully, and there was no sound, "Go and have a look."

The two walked along the passage and soon passed through an open metal door into a room. The entrance of the room is a wall with several unclear shorthand letters and a strange pattern that can't see what it is. There is a door on each side of the wall. As soon as they entered the door, they immediately separated and went to the two doors to secretly observe the situation inside the door.

The two doors lead to the same place, and behind the door is a room with metal cabinets and various instruments. Except for these things, there is no one in it.

"It's really strange that there is no one in such a place. There are no other protective measures." Xiao Ruo muttered to herself as she walked around the room and looked at some records.

"Aren't those people outside?" Long Feiyun refers to those powers and ordinary people who just met outside the house

"Those people were sent to guard these things?" Xiao Ruo snorted, "That's too much of their strength."

"There should be nothing good here. Otherwise, how could we come in so easily?" He hasn't partnered with Long Feiyun for a day or two, and he still knows the danger of their mission. This task is too simple.

"Look at what this is." Long Feiyun pressed a button and slowly pulled open a metal wall in front of him, revealing the huge glass tube placed inside.

The glass tube is full of light blue unknown **, and some people are floating in it with their knees in their arms. There are five such glass tubes, and there are five people of different ages in the tube. The youngest one is about five years old, and the oldest one is in their early twenties, and these people are all women.

Standing in front of the huge glass tube, Xiao Ruo narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the people in the five glass tubes carefully and said softly, "What is the relationship between these five people? Why does it look so similar?

After Xiao Ruoyi's reminder, Long Feiyun also found that the faces of these five people were eight points similar, and the only difference was probably the age group. Long Feiyun said casually, "I didn't expect it to be a * person."

Xiao Ruo didn't seem to hear Long Feiyun's words. He looked carefully at the woman in his early 20s. He felt that he had seen this face and must have seen it, but the time made his memory a little blurred, so he couldn't remember it for a moment. Suddenly, Yi Tian's appearance flashed in his mind for no reason. Xiao Ruo shouted, "It's her. It turned out to be her." He didn't expect to meet the person Yi Tian had been looking for under such circumstances. He stared at the people in the glass tube for fear that he would recognize the wrong person.

After repeatedly confirming, Xiao Ruo finally confirmed that the person in the glass tube was the white lotus that Yi Tian had been looking for. Xiao Ruo has seen the photos of Bailian now, and naturally has an impression of Bailian's appearance. Now it's more certain to see the real person, but he doesn't understand. Shouldn't Bailian be in the league? Why did it appear here?

Xiao Ruo's gaffe attracted Long Feiyun's attention, and he hurried forward to ask Xiao Ruo what was wrong.

"Maybe we should find a way to inform Yi Tian." Xiao Ruo pointed to the humane in the glass tube, "She is Bailian."

"White Lotus?" Long Feiyun was also shocked. Of course, he knew that Yi Tian had been looking for this person, but he didn't expect that the * person in front of him was Bai Lian. But he soon calmed down.

"She is not Bailian. They should be the * people of Bailian." Long Feiyun's face became gloomy. He didn't expect that the people of the alliance would * Bailian. If they really let these * people go out, then Yi Tian would be in trouble.

After listening to Long Feiyun's words, Xiao Ruo obviously has also thought of the key relationship. He looked pale and whispered, "What an alliance has done such a thing." If Yi Tian appears again and these * people go out again, it will be difficult for Yitian to find the real white lotus.

"Notify the headquarters to hand over. We must not let these * people come out." Long Feiyun is going to check if there are the same * people hidden elsewhere, and if so, take them all back at once.

Just as the two contacted the headquarters, the top of the glass tube quietly stretched out a thin hose, and the hose flowed out of the dark blue transparent**. These ** are not conspicuous in the whole light blue transparent **, and Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun did not find the changes in the tube and were looking for other dark compartments.

A crash sound came from the glass tube, and the five people in the tube began to twist abnormally. The muscles of the whole body sometimes bulged, sometimes sunken down, and the face began to become ferocious. Finally, it broke apart and melted in the blue transparent **, and there was not even any residue left.

When Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun found the situation inside the glass tube, the five people inside had already completely disappeared. The two suddenly became angry and didn't notice such a change. While the two were waiting to look for something else, a white shadow suddenly burst out of the door.

Long Feiyun was shocked and shouted, "Who?" He chased out in the direction of the white shadow disappearing.

Immediately after Long Feiyun chased Xiao Ruo. Neither of them thought that someone was hiding beside them, but they didn't realize it at all. Among them, Long Feiyun is also the best master of the dragon group who is good at hiding and anti-hidden. Thinking of the danger, Xiao Ruo couldn't help feeling a numbness in her scalp. Although all kinds of ideas came to his mind, Xiao Ruo caught up with Long Feiyun's footsteps without slowness.

The two chased Bai Ying all the way out of the room, but they didn't expect that Bai Ying was extremely fast. They could only see a figure quickly fleeing in front of them. And from the beginning to now, that person has not shown any power.

Secretly sighed that the other party's strength to escape was abnormal, but Long Feiyun chased the other party tightly. Bai Ying had no intention of stopping at all. When he found that he was going to be overshadowed by Long Feiyun, the white shadow's body flashed and flew into the air, and then his whole body turned into a light wind and fled forward.

Seeing that the other party used his power, Long Feiyun also showed no weakness and appeared in mid-air like a ghost, and then his feet stepped out in the void. In mid-air, he did not fly, but ran as if he were on the ground. Long Feiyun was not worried about what kind of ** his shocking behavior would cause. This area was already extremely remote, and he was not worried that it would be seen at all.

Xiao Ruo, who chased behind, also let out a low roar. When the red light flashed on his body, it turned into a red light and flew into the air. His speed was slightly slower than that of Long Feiyun, but he also bit behind the white shadow without any relaxation.

Bai Ying fled more and more frightened. He never thought that these two guys would be so difficult, and he didn't expect that their speed could catch up with himself as a wind power. After escaping quickly, he could not get rid of the two guys behind him.

Between escaping and chasing, Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun have gradually approached the white shadow in front of them. Long Feiyun looked at Xiao Ru behind him and said, "I'll go to intercept him. You can find a way to trap him." Both of them know that wind powers are the most flexible. If they can't trap each other at once, it will be troublesome.

Xiao Ruo's clear roar is a response to Long Feiyun, and his right hand has touched the handle of the knife, and the red light in his hand is faint. As long as there is a chance, he can take out the knife in the shortest time. Long Feiyun stepped in the air, and his whole body disappeared in mid-air.

Bai Ying, who was running away quickly in front of him, suddenly felt a great pressure in front of him, and his figure was involuntarily stagnant, and then he saw Long Feiyun's figure appear in front of him. Because the speed was too fast, Bai Ying didn't have time to change the direction of flight, and the whole person bumped straight into Long Feiyun.

Long Feiyun, who suddenly appeared in front of the white shadow, just snorted coldly and stretched out his hand to pat the void in front of him. The visible air ripples continued to spread out with his palm as the center, blocking the fast-moving white shadow.

The white shadow slowed down, and Xiao Ruo, who caught up behind, let out a clear roar, and the long knife in his hand fell straight down. The sharp knife fell from the top of the white shadow with the firelight all over the sky. This knife is very powerful, and it directly covers the surrounding area of nearly 20 meters. Even if the white shadow is fast, it is impossible to fly out of the area covered by this firelight at once.

In desperation, the white shadow could only fall to the ground quickly. He has no other way to go.

As soon as the white shadow moved, Long Feiyun shook his body and disappeared into the air. However, Xiao Ruo, who cut down with a knife, had no intention of withdrawing the attack at all. A knife still fell straight down, with a powerful fire. He can't let Bai Ying escape at the last minute.

The white shadow, who was still waiting for an opportunity to escape, was forced by the firelight above his head. He could only lower his body again and again and saw that he was about to fall to the ground, but the man above his head still waved his knife and fell down. In a hurry, Bai Ying let out a shrill, and the blue light suddenly lit up on his body. A whirlwind rolled up from his body and directly shattered the incoming firelight.

As soon as the firelight broke, the pressure from the top of his head suddenly emptied. However, before Bai Ying could breathe a sigh of relief, Xiao Ruo shook the long knife in his hand, and a firelight appeared again, and this time the momentum was a little stronger than before.

Bai Ying could only make a unwilling roar and hurriedly pushed the wind away to protect her body. Everyone knows that the fire bursts. If you are really hit hard by a knife, even ten white shadows will be seriously injured.

As soon as the wind wall opened, Bai Ying saw a ripple in the air in front of him, and as soon as he felt a bad feeling, he saw that the wind wall he laid suddenly cracked, and Long Feiyun appeared in front of him with a faint smile. Before Bai Ying could react, he heard loud laughter from the top of his head, and the fire suddenly subside. Then he felt cold on his neck, and a bright knife had been mounted on his neck.

"I didn't expect you to be so capable of running that I almost couldn't catch up with you." Xiao Ruo sneered and gently pressed Bai Ying's shoulder with a knife to make Bai Ying dare not move at all.

"Who are you? Why destroy those things?" Long Feiyun looked into Bai Ying's eyes. Silver wore a pure white mask on his face, revealing only a pair of bright black eyes.

"Do you still need to ask these questions? He must be sent by the alliance, and he is afraid that we will know their research to destroy those things. But this guy is very bold and has just acted under our eyes. Hearing Long Feiyun's question, Xiao Ruo interrupted him impatiently and said to himself, "If you want me to say it, let's see what this guy looks like first. He wears such a mask sneakly." The knife in Xiao Ruo's hand pressed down slightly again, forcing Bai Ying to lower her body slightly.

Long Feiyun was confused by Xiao Ruo's words. For a moment, he didn't know how to continue his questioning. He could only watch Xiao Ruo reach out and take off the other party's mask. He also wants to see what this person who dares to act under his own eyes looks like.

When Xiao Ruo's hand was about to touch the other party's mask, suddenly a sharp sound came. A small green shadow came, forcing Xiao Ruo to quickly swing his knife away. Hearing the sound of metal bang, a huge force came. Xiao Ruo stepped back several steps to stabilize her body, but her arms were numb.

"Who is it?" Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun shouted at the same time, and the fierce power burst out from the two.