reverse song

Chapter 198 Beast

In the face of the overwhelming beast tide, seven flexible bodies like leopards are shuttling quickly. They have no fear. Even if they are likely to be unable to resist the first wave of beast tide, they still do what they should do in no panic. Jijik pulled out a thumb-thicked arrow from the arrow pot, pulled away the long bow, and flew out with a roar and a shadow.

Poof, the blood spring splashed, and the arrow with the thickness of the thumb penetrated from one end of the beast's neck, came out from the other end, and then penetrated into the neck of the other beast. Because of inertia, the two beasts killed by an arrow still ran forward for a short distance before falling to the ground and rolling out of the ground for a long distance. The rest of the beasts closely following the two beasts did not expect such a situation and bumped into the two dead beasts one after another. Suddenly, it was in chaos, and the roar of the beast suddenly came out. The beast next to it brazenly pounced on the two dead beasts and opened its mouth to bite desperately. The smell of blood attracted a small range of beasts to grab the body, and soon the two beasts didn't even have bones left. In the short battle, several beasts clashed, but there were several more injured beasts in the beast tide.

Around these injured beasts, the rest of the beasts are staring at them and waiting for the opportunity to move. However, a majestic roar suddenly came from the herd, and the beast that was ready to move suddenly calmed down and continued to run in the direction of Yu'an City.

A horned wolf rushed out of the herd at a very fast speed. The horned wolf flashed with a faint blue light, and a trace of wind was constantly emanating from it. The horned wolf stared at Jijik, who was attacking, and his wild eyes were full of murder. With a roar, the horned wolf suddenly turned into a wind, and the herd broke away at a more terrible speed and rushed towards Jijik.

There was a whistle in his mouth. Jijik looked at the horn wolf that was fast and constantly changing the direction of progress without any fear. He narrowed his eyes slightly and chased the fast-moving horn wolf. At the same time, he gently put his right hand on the string and pulled it hard, and the arrow on the string rushed out. As if directly penetrating the space, Jijik's arrow appeared extremely abruptly in front of the attacking horned wolf, and the sharp arrow penetrated into the horned wolf's forehead without any suspense.

The sound of skin rupture and bone fragmentation. The two sounds are mixed almost at the same time, followed by red blood and white brain plasma. Without even a cry, the wind around the wolf suddenly collapsed, and then its body banged on the ground, and then wiped the ground and rolled forward. Rolling to the front of the Babu in front, the horned wolf's body completely stopped. By this time, the horned wolf had completely lost its vitality.

Babu laughed, cut off the head of the horned wolf with a machete pinned to his waist, and then threw it behind him and threw it in front of Jijik, while he himself kicked the headless body of the horned wolf and kicked the body away. Jijik raised his hand to catch the body of the horned wolf, looked up and dripped the still dripping blood into his mouth, gently smashed his mouth a few times, and then grinned, revealing his blood-stained teeth. Jijik's face was also full of wolf blood, and with his terrible smile, Jijik was as horrible as a devil crawling out of hell.

A roar from the herd seemed to be dissatisfied with the death of the horned wolf at the hands of Jijik. The beast tide rolled forward a little faster. In just two or three breaths, the beast tide has arrived in front of Babu and others. Jijik only had time to shoot three arrows. After barely shooting nearly ten beasts, he had to put away his long bow and rush to kill them for a short distance with a tree spear.

Only when you really face the beast tide at close range can you understand what that shocking scene is like. If a group of people stand in front of the tide of beasts composed of hundreds of beasts, they will be directly swallowed up by this fierce wave, but Babu are different. They have been destined to be hunters' lives since they are born. As soon as they walk back, walking around the tribe with knives and cutting the bodies of dead beasts. When they reach ten years old, they will go into the mountains to hunt wild animals. Only the best hunters can survive in the mountains and return to the tribe. The cruel way of survival has sharpened the personality of Babu and others. Even if they are dying, they will not have the slightest fear, because they have been walking on the edge of death.

"Brothers, kill it. I can guarantee that even the elders of the clan have never seen such a scene, hunting so many beasts. This is our glory." Babu tore his throat and roared, and his body was stained with animal blood, but he still kept dancing the tree spear in his hand, and the black sharp light kept erupting from the tree spear, twisting all the beasts to pieces. When the flesh and blood were sprayed, it was stained with Babu's body.

"This is our glory." Those people responded to Babu's words and also danced the spears in their hands.

They are as agile as leopards, as fast as lions, and more united as wolves. They kept hunting the beasts, but there was no fear at all. Their bodies were full of blood, but they did not show any bloodthirsty desire. Their eyes were as quiet as water, and there was no expression on their faces. Their movements were crisp and without any hesitation. Every blow fell to the point, and any beast facing them had only a chance to face each other.

In a while, the seven people of Babu were already full of beast corpses, and the sticky blood stained the ground red and flowed to the feet of Babu and others to affect their movement. And the seven people were also full of wounds. They didn't know whether it was a beast or their own blood. There was no expression on their faces, and they were indifferent and almost cold, which made them look even more horrible. If they fight against the enemy, their current appearance can definitely subdue people without fighting. No one will want to fight against the murderer. Unfortunately, they are now facing a group of beasts, a group of fierce beasts that have been rushed by the smell of blood.

These crazy and fierce beasts have no fear. They only know how to obey the orders of the beasts behind and attack the seven bloody creatures in front of them that are completely different from them. Either low or high roars kept coming from around, and bloodthirsty red light flashed in the eyes of the beasts around them. Regardless of life and death, they rushed to the seven people of Babu one after another.

In the face of so many beasts, Superman will be exhausted, not to mention that the seven Babu are not Superman. They are just ordinary people, a group of ordinary people without fear. When the speed of their swinging the tree spear began to slow down, the beast rushed up faster.

With a bang, the spear in Jijik's hand pierced the neck of a beast, but a dark shadow flashed, and the other beast opened its mouth and rushed over before Jijik could take back the spear in his hand. The big mouth of the blood basin exudes a strong smell. If he is bitten by this beast, even if he is not killed, he will definitely be infected.

It was too late to say that, just as the beast was about to bite Jijik's arm, a dark shadow next to it directly pierced the beast's head, and hot red blood sprayed out, spilling Jijik's face. It was not until then that Jijik took the spear back.

Babu also knew that their group had almost exhausted their physical strength. If they didn't retreat, they would really not be able to leave. They are hunters, but not fools. At first, it was just out of a hunter's instinct that they rushed out of the city without hesitation. At this time, their physical strength was almost exhausted, and they were ready to retreat.

"Let's go back." Babu roared, and the black light burst out during the spear dance, stirring and smashing the beast that rushed to his head. But his footsteps retreated without slowness.

Now that the seven people of Babu are under siege, and suddenly want to break through the siege, it is not easy to retreat in the direction of Yu'an City. As soon as the seven people retreated, the beast rushed faster, and what was more desperate was the roar of the sky-high beast. A red figure suddenly jumped out of the herd and roared with a condescending mouth.

The thick red light hit with a rolling heat wave, and the flame erupted from the mouth of the red beast and hit the seven people below. The sudden beast turned out to be a beast with fire powers, and the time of the beast's attack was so clever that it was just when the seven Babu were ready to retreat.

The flames swept in, and before the flames approached, the overwhelming heat wave had directly scorched some of the beasts around the seven people of Babu. The rest of the beasts let out a howling and hurriedly fled around. These beasts can attack one after another in the face of the deadly attack of Babu and others, but in the face of the attack of high-level beasts, they have the idea of escaping just by feeling the breath. At this time, the indiscriminate attack comes, even if these beasts have no intelligence, they will dodge the attack according to their instinct.

As soon as the surrounding beast dispersed, only the seven Bab attacked the flames of the beast. Babu looked up, and his eyes were full of red flames. And the flame is covering seven people at a very fast speed. With a low roar, Babu stabbed the tree spear in his hand into the flame, and the black light burst out from the tree spear, directly breaking the flame like a sharp blade, and then the black light shook and directly shattered the attacking flame.

As soon as the flame shattered, it immediately turned into fire and rain and shot around. The beast that had already escaped did not expect such a sudden change. Before they could escape, several unlucky beasts were stained by the flames and turned into a pile of flying ashes after a howling. The rest of the flames fell to the ground, igniting a blazing fire, and the rest of the disturbing beasts kept running away. But then a beast roar came, and the beasts that were still running gathered together again and rushed in the direction of Yu'an City.

blocked a flame attack head-on. Although the strange function of the tree spear can break the power, the anti-shock force still made Babu's arm numb, and a sharp opening directly on the tiger's mouth, and bright red blood gushed out of it.

Babu and others have never met a supernatural beast. They also knew that they had encountered something difficult to deal with and did not dare to fight at all. Taking advantage of the beasts that had not gathered again, Babu hurriedly took the rest of the people to retreat in the direction of Yu'an City. As soon as they moved, the red beast roared and stepped forward to chase the seven people. And behind the beast burning with flames all over his body, another beast with blue light came. The blue beast was also a horned wolf, but the horned wolf was much bigger than the one just now.

With a flash of blue light, the horned wolf caught up with the pace of the seven people of Babu, raised its front paws and grabbed it. A gust of wind sounded, and the horned wolf directly compressed the wind to form a wind blade and attacked Babu and others. The speed of the wind blade was so fast that it caught up with Babu and others as soon as it was released. Hearing a sound, the clothes on Bab and others were all shattered, and three blood-red claw marks appeared on their chests, and red blood came out of the wound.

Suddenly, he was attacked, and Babu, who was at the end of the team, suffered most of the strength of this blow. Babu only felt his chest tight, opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and his originally bright eyes dimmed. Even so, Babu did not dare to slow down at all and roared at Jijik and others who wanted to slow down and pull him, "Go quickly." With that, he grabbed Jijik's long bow, quickly shot three arrows at the horned wolf.

But how smart this horned wolf was. When he saw three sharp arrows coming, he opened his mouth and spewed out a whirlwind, disturbing the flight trajectory of the three arrows. Three arrows fell to the ground. The speed of the horn wolf is not slow, and the speed of the chasing red beast is not behind. As soon as the red beast approached Babu and others, its tail flicked, and a fire whip suddenly attacked.

The attack range of this whip is extremely large, and the cutting angle is extremely tricky. Even if there is a broken spear in the hands of Babu and others, it may not be able to block this whip. The seven people retreated quickly, but the red beast was unrelent, and the tail whip still pulled straight to Babu among the seven people. The red beast is also smart and knows how to attack the heaviest injured one.

As soon as the whip of the red beast arrived, Jijik stabbed the tree spear in his hand. The black light burst into a light curtain on the side of Babu, protecting Babu's body in the middle. The sound of glass cracking sounded, and the red firelight and black light curtain shattered at the same time, while the tail whip of the red beast was unimpeded.

This whip was very strong. Yi Babu's physical quality was also pulled aside by this whip, and he was almost blown out. Fortunately, Jijik pulled him in time to stabilize his figure. His body was stable, but the force was not removed. Babu only felt that his body was hit by a hammer, and the right hand bone hit by the tail whip was directly broken, and his internal organs were also shaken, and his mouth spewed out blood.

Bablian was attacked, but Jijik and others were red-eyed. Anger appeared in the originally quiet eyes, and the indifferent face was also twisted. Three of them roared, and the black light of the tree spear in their hands suddenly exploded and attacked the two beasts. Where the black light passes, the sharp breath shred the surrounding vegetation.

The two beasts were also smart and did not dare to touch them at all. They hurriedly slowed down, and then chose to chase the seven people in a roundabout way. The two beasts made a detour, giving Babu and others a chance to breathe. In this short time of less than two breaths, Babu and others immediately retreated behind the trap they had arranged in advance. With the protection of the trap, they were slightly relieved, but in the face of such a fierce beast, they did not dare to relax at all and hurriedly retreated in the direction of Yu'an City. Now the only chance to survive is to enter the city, not through formal channels, but to climb the city wall. Now, even if they want to enter through the gate, it is impossible. People in the city will never open the door to let them in. Although the two iron fences can't play a role in facing such a fierce beast.

Faced with the surging tide of beasts again, the temporary traps did not have much effect. Where the beast tide swept by, all the traps were completely destroyed before they could play a role, and the horn wolves and red beasts that chased the seven people of Babu have approached Babu and others again. Before it was fully approaching, the horned wolf spew out a whirlwind to try to stop the footsteps of Bab and others. The red beast directly opened its mouth and sprayed dozens of fist-sized fireballs at Bab and others.

The fist-sized fireball flew extremely fast, but it came to Babu and others in a while. Babu was used to it. He picked up the tree spear and stabbed the incoming fireball. Unexpectedly, as soon as the tree spear touched the fireball, the fireball burst open. The huge anti-shock force is much stronger than the previous flame.

Shocked by the explosive force, the tree spear in his hand almost flew out, while Babu's face turned pale and his figure shook in the explosion. This is just the impact caused by the explosion of a fireball. If the remaining fireball explodes at the same time, how much will the impact force be?

Sometimes it's true that whatever you are afraid of comes, and many fireballs just flashed into his mind. The fireballs suddenly lit up, bursting one after another, with a roar, and the bodies of Bab and others who rushed together with waves of shock waves after wave after wave flew away quickly, and the seven of them opened their mouths at the same time and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The blood gas filled the mouth, making the seven people of Babu very uncomfortable. Before they fully recovered, there was a roaring wind behind them.

The attack laid by the horned wolf has also arrived.