reverse song

Chapter 230 Practice

In a less lively tavern in a small town inland, A Xing is sitting at a wooden table with a look of regret. The secret code he left on Yu has disappeared, which means that the Yu he knew has disappeared.

"It's a pity that I thought I could have many friends, but I didn't expect to have an inexplicable enemy. Life is really impermanent. A Xing poured a glass of wine and poured it down. The spicy smell of wine made him frown slightly, but his whole stomach seemed to be burned. Although he was not used to drinking, A Xing still drank several cups in a row. When his face began to turn slightly red, he stood up, settled the bill, and walked out slowly.

Now that the man has rushed out of the seal, someone should come to find him next. Although he was confused, A Xing's thinking was very clear. I'm afraid it will be the end of such a leisurely drinking day.

As soon as I walked out of the pub, a wind of strange power came. There is no need to identify it carefully. A Xing also knows that there is an old monster coming out, and the one who came out is still his old acquaintance. A obscurity of energy popped from his fingertips and pulled down the passing wind. Just by relying on the breath attached to the wind, A Xing understood the general idea.

" Even Yanluo woke up. It seems that the seal has been completely destroyed. A Xing's mouth was full of alcohol, but his body staggered in one direction. "It's time to find them. I'm afraid the world is going to be chaotic. With vague words and a drunken expression, people on the road only think that A Xing is an ordinary drunkard, and some people see A Xing walking like this and hurriedly avoid getting out of the way to avoid being filthed by A Xing.

A Xing kept saying vague words, occasionally laughing wildly, staggering towards the distance. The people behind him looked at A Xing's distant figure as if they were looking at a madman. Some of the elderly people couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing.

It's night, the sky is slightly cool, the frost falls, and the moon is also hazy. A Xing staggered out of the thatched hut outside the town, and the wine had already receded. His eyes were as clear as stars in the sky. He took a bottle in his right hand and could still hear the sound of water in it. Looking firmly in one direction, A Xing turned the bottle in his hand upside down, and the wine in the bottle flowed out.

"This bottle of wine toasts you, and you will be the enemy when we meet later." A Xing sighed softly. Although I don't know each other, I was happy to get along with him for a short time later. The two have a good temper and are a little lazy, so they inexplicably became friends after a fight.

Although he did not recover the key that was stolen, A Xing repeatedly warned Zhen not to participate in Mr. Rui's business. Unexpectedly, Yu still didn't listen to his advice after all.

There are not many bottles of wine, and they were dumped by A Xing for a moment. Shaking the empty bottle in his hand that would not drip out a drop of wine, A Xing threw the bottle behind him very chicly. With a bang, the bottle broke, and A Xing's figure disappeared in place.

A ghostly figure ran fast on the empty road. The wind roared by the ear, and the half-long hair flew back because of the speed of running. The wind twitched faintly on his face, but A Xing was not aware of these at all. He needs to think calmly about the current form. Even if he didn't have to see it with his own eyes, A Xing also elaborated many things from the information he had and the news from Tang Mu.

He can be sure that he is possessed, but it is unknown what it is. But this is not good news for A Xing. He is not sure that he can do it when he really faces the current Wei, so he needs to get the simplest comb of his thoughts by running fast.

As the speed of running continued to accelerate, the surrounding scenery began to become blurred, while A Xing's thinking became clearer and clearer. He knows what choice he wants to make, which is not what he can choose. So the first thing he wants to do now is to get along with Tang Mu. Only when he met Tang Mu and others did A Xing know what they wanted to do next.

Ji must deal with it, but as far as their current strength is concerned, it is not difficult to hit them hard. It's rare how to seal it again. After all, the current seal has been broken, and the virtual world of Yanluo has collapsed. It is a little difficult to find another virtual environment that can be restrained in attributes. After all, after that war, many masters have fallen.

"What a headache." A Xing sighed and felt a headache for no reason when he thought of participating in such a troublesome thing. For him who is lazy, things are always as simple as possible, but now it will obviously not be as simple as possible.

"And those old guys, one or two hid in the virtual world and slept, and I was the only one running around the world. It's really unfair, isn't it because my generation is smaller than yours? That's why I'm bullied. There is no love for young children at all. After straightening out his thoughts, A Xing began to chatter while running. He is not in a hurry to catch up with Tang Mu. God knows where Tang Mu and Yanluo will go, so he has to look for it slowly. Now it's just a general direction that he dares to run so freely.

After running all the way, it gradually reached the uninhabited place. This uninhabited place is always creepy. A Xing, a person who is used to walking at night, involuntarily looked around, and then slowly slowed down and casually found a big stone to sit down. He took out a palm-sized metal jar from his pocket, unscrewed the lid, and took a slam. A Xing made a comfortable admiration, and then his face flew with a blush.

Looking up at the hazy moon, A Xing stretched out. He was considering whether to continue to go on his way or just sleep here. After all, it is very tiring to catch up with the road in the middle of the night, and coupled with his lazy personality, it is really impossible for him to catch up with the night. After sitting on the stone and thinking about it carefully, A Xing still decided not to go. Then he lay on the stone and fell asleep, not caring that he was in the wild and might be taken away by passing beasts at any time.

Yi Tian is very depressed now, because he is basically under house arrest and can't act alone at all. This life without personal freedom reminds him of a lot of bad things, which has led him to a bad mood these days. The extremely satisfactory Yanbao was lying at his feet obediently, while the little Yanbao was drilling around at Yitian's feet and didn't know what he was playing.

Mohr sat quietly behind Yi Tian. Compared with Yi Tian, who looks slightly thin, Moore is like a hill, and the bright bald head looks brighter in the light. He lowered his head and closed his eyes, and a slight snoring came from his nose. He has fallen asleep.

Tang Mu tilted his head and looked at the sleeping Moore. He thought the big man was very interesting.

Yi Tian sat on the chair a little annoyed. He stood up, walked to Tang Mu, looked at him condescendingly and said, "When will you let me go?" He has too many things to do. If he keeps following Tang Mu and others, he can't do anything.

Looking at Yi Tian with an irritable face, Tang Mu had a smile on his face. He waved his hand and said, "Don't worry. You can leave when we find that person. Now it's just to ensure safety. That being said, what's the difference from house arrest?

"I don't even know who that person is. Why does it have anything to do with me?" Yi Tian is very angry. What's the matter? The person they detained disappeared, but they came to trouble themselves. No matter how you think about it, it feels wrong.

"Does it have nothing to do with you?" Tang Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, but there was no meaning in his smile, "You are the person who has been inherited. In the future, he will find you if he finds trouble.

"What's wrong with the inheritance?" Yi Tian didn't think about what was special about him at all. It's just a set of inheritance. Who gets it differently? There is no hatred between you and that person. Why do you have to find yourself?

"If you get it, you have to shoulder the responsibility." Tang Mu still smiled, "Didn't that old man tell you?" He looked at Yi Tian with a smile, which always had a strange smell inside.

Yi Tian was slightly shocked. He never mentioned the old man in the virtual world to anyone, but Tang Mu actually said it. Did he really see it, or did he guess randomly? Yi Tian looked at the smiling Tang Mu and couldn't see his idea at all. What old man?" Yi Tian pretends to be stupid. The virtual old man did explain something to Yi Tian, but it was only possible to do it with Yi Tian's strength, not what he was in a hurry to do.

"Forget it if you don't know." Tang Mu did not force questions, but directly gave up such a question. He looked at Moore and then looked at Yi Tian, "Where did you find that guy?" Moore's water attributes interested him very much.

"I found it in the forest." Yi Tian looked at Moore. If it weren't for this guy, he wouldn't have been separated from them.

How about giving him to me? In that case, I'll let you go." Tang Mu frowned and looked at Yi Tian.

"Forget it." Yi Tian directly refused to answer, "Who doesn't know what you are thinking? Let me go first and then catch me back. At that time, you will say everything. Yi Tian is very sober.

Tang Mu laughed and did not admit or deny it.

Yi Tian is too lazy to talk to him anymore. Since he can't leave, then follow him obediently. Until they found the man. I hope they can find that man earlier. Yi Tian thought to himself, and then sat back in that chair, and his eyes became dull. The room suddenly became quiet again.

Yanluo slowly opened the door and entered the room where Yi Tian was. Looking at Yi Tian, who had a dull face, she turned her eyes to Tang Mu: "How's it going?"

"He has received it." Tang Mu shrugged his shoulders. The wind he released has always been closely related to him, and when one of the winds is collected, the rest of the wind will collapse. As early as the day, he had found that one of the winds had disappeared, and he knew that A Xing had received the message he had released.

"When will he arrive?" Yanluo looked at Tang Mu and hoped that he could give an answer.

"It depends on how diligent he is." Tang Mu knows how lazy A Xing is. Usually, if there is nothing urgent, he will not rush here. Especially now that this matter has become a foreding, there is no difference between earlier and later. With A Xing's lazy personality, it can definitely be delayed.

Yanluo didn't expect Tang Mu to answer herself like this. She just woke up from a long sleep, her strength has not fully recovered, and her brain is not very flexible, so she mainly focuses on Tang Mu in many things.

"What's wrong with this little guy?" Yanluo looked at Yi Tian with a dull face. If it hadn't been for the little guy's blood, she might not have been able to wake up from her deep sleep.

"If you want to go, you will be crazy." Tang Mu smiled and said.

Yanluo said "Oh" and didn't know what she meant. The room has returned to that strange quiet atmosphere again. Yanluo looked at Yi Tian curiously. She has been busy these days. She has never carefully observed Yi Tian, and she has not had such an opportunity until now.

It's not a very outstanding appearance. The hair looks a little messy because it hasn't been took care of for a long time. It's about 1.75 meters high, slightly thinner, and it doesn't look like a person who has been inherited from ancient times. A pair of eyes have no brilliance, but the silver light that occasionally flashes in the depths of their eyes gives people a feeling of palpitation. However, there was no energy fluctuation on his body, and it seemed that he had specially restrained his breath. There is an alert in the seemingly dull expression, which seems to be an instinct formed in a relatively tense state for a long time.

What a strange person. Yanluo thought so in her heart. She has never seen a person who has been inherited not use the power of inheritance well, but uses the extended power from the end.

"What do you do so seriously?" I don't know when Tang Mu appeared beside Yanluo and whispered to Yanluo with a joking smile.

After being said by Tang Mu, Yanluo found that she had been looking at Yi Tian for so long, and she couldn't help but have a red glow on her face. However, she quickly covered up her embarrassment and turned to Tang Mu and said, "Are you free?"

"It's okay." Tang Mu smiled and looked disrespectful. He understood the meaning of Yanluo's words, but he still jumped directly into it, looking like he didn't hesitate.

"Then practice with me." Yanluo said this simply. She urgently needs to fully activate her strength, otherwise she will not know how to respond to the enemy if she meets that person.

"I'll forget it. That boy is just right for you." Tang Mu pointed to Yi Tian, which was obviously the act of pushing people into the fire pit.

However, it was strange that Yanluo did not refuse. She went straight to Yi Tian and looked at Yi Tian and said, "Come out." Simple and domineering words, such a tone is really surprising from such a gentle woman.

Yi Tian came to his senses from his dull state and looked at Tang Mu and Yanluo in a daze. He didn't know what had happened, but when Yanluo approached him, his muscles couldn't help tightening, but he soon thought of where he was, so there was no excessive reaction.

"What's the matter?" Yi Tian looked at the two people in front of him blankly. Tang Mu had a bad smile on his face, and there was still no expression on Yanluo's face.

"Practice with me." Yanluo opened her mouth again, but her tone couldn't help softening. After all, the boy in front of her doesn't owe her anything. She has no reason to be fierce.

"In the city?" Yi Tian looked at Yanluo in surprise. Although he has never been to this city, he also knows that no city prohibits power people from fighting or practicing in the city. After all, the lethality of the powerless person is too great. In case an ordinary person accidentally hurts, it will be troublesome, so all cities have an unwritten rule that does not allow the power person to fight in the city. Although few people really abide by such a rule, Yi Tian doesn't want to do too much and is naturally willing to follow it.

Yanluo didn't have so many scruples. She nodded seriously, saying that she wanted to practice in the city.

Tang Mu saw Yi Tian's worry and said, "Don't worry, I will protect myself. Unless you can release an attack twice as strong as me, it is impossible to break through my defense. Tang Mu told the truth. Although Yi Tian's strength is also good, it is still too weak in Tang Mu's opinion.

Before Yi Tian could make a statement, Yanluo took him to the mid-air with a roll. And Tang Mu also followed.

In mid-air, the night wind was slightly cool. Before Yi Tian could see Tang Mu's movements clearly, Tang Mu had already laid a layer of protection around him. Then Tang Mu clapped his hands and said, "Don't worry, it won't hurt anyone." This is really too much.

But what can Yi Tian say?

Yanluo is even more rude. As soon as Tang Mu's "play" word came out, she shouted delicately and raised her hand to pop up more than a dozen faint blue rays.

After seeing the horror of Yanluo's virtual world, Yi Tian's attack on Yanluo did not dare to be careless. Seeing the blue light coming, he hurriedly urged his energy into fire. As soon as a layer of red light flashed from him, the dozen blue rays came to his side. Without any hesitation, Yi Tian raised his hand and punched more than a dozen blue light. Each punch used ten cent of the strength, and each punch was extremely strong.

Boomed, and the red light suddenly appeared all over the sky. However, when this powerful fist met more than a dozen faint blue rays, it was gently broken like a piece of paper. The red light broke, and the fire and rain fell all over the sky. It was so beautiful.