reverse song

Chapter 379 Select

The night wind is cold, but it can't match the coldness of people's hearts. The moon above his head is pale and scary, like a face that has completely lost its blood color. No matter how the night wind blows, it can't blow away the coldness of people's hearts. The moonlight is pale and can't match the paleness of people's hearts. Looking coldly at the depths of darkness, it seemed that you could still hear a cordial call. It seemed that a figure was coming slowly, but when I reached out to touch it, I just caught the wind that missed my fingers, the cold wind.

He tightened his tight clothes and heard the sound behind him. Even if he didn't look back, Yi Tian knew who was coming, but he didn't speak. Because he doesn't know what to say. I don't know how long he hasn't spoken. Since he woke up, he has been silent. Occasionally, he got out of the house at night and looked at the dark night outside, but his eyes didn't know where to look.

The horrible face has been intact under the action of the drug. You can't see the ferocious appearance before, but the cold expression on the face makes people have no idea what to think.

"It's cold outside. Go back to the house." Xiao Ruo looked at Yi Tian wrapped in black, but her face showed sadness for no reason. Yi Tian's performance was very strange. In addition to the madness of that night, he was so silent and calm after waking up, and his abnormal behavior was even more disturbing.

Yi Tian didn't open his mouth. He didn't know how to open his mouth. He was afraid that he couldn't help crying as soon as he spoke. No one can understand the sadness in my heart. He placed all his hopes on Yi Yun, but as soon as Yi Yun died, all his illusions were completely shattered. He doesn't know how to deal with this situation.

The sound of footsteps came again, very light, as if they were afraid of disturbing the two people. However, the footsteps stopped, and Long Feiyun stood beside Xiao Ruo and looked at Yi Tian's back.

"We know you are sad, but you can't come back to life. You will only keep the dead from closing their eyes." Long Feiyun didn't want to say that, but if he didn't say so, did he hide it all the time and didn't mention anything? That will only make Yi Tian more thinking about it. He simply made all this clear.

Yi Tian did not react to Long Feiyun's words. He still stood there, allowing the night wind to pass by him, but his face was cold and frightening.

Standing behind Yi Tian, Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun didn't know what Yi Tian was thinking at all. They couldn't see Yi Tian's expression, let alone the meaning of Yi Tian's behavior at this time. They felt that they could not let Yi Tian be like this. No matter how important Yi Yun was, he could not abandon himself so much.

The long silence is extremely difficult, like a huge ice layer between Yi Tian and Xiao Ruolong's flying clouds. Suddenly, Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun felt that Yi Tian was a little strange. They couldn't help asking, is Yi Tian now still Yi Tian at that time? Or is it the Yitian they are single-mindedly trying to bring back?

However, there is no answer. No one can give them two answers. Even they don't know whether there is an answer to such a question.

I don't know if I'm tired of standing or suddenly want to go back to rest. Yi Tian slowly turned around, and his intact face was hidden in the dark, making it impossible for people to see his face clearly. His breath also became invisible, and finally it was completely hidden. If his eyes hadn't seen it, Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun would have really thought that Yi Tian had left.

They stared at Yi Tian and wanted to see the expression on his face. However, no matter how hard they tried, they could not see Yi Tian's face. They only saw a pair of bright eyes flashing in the dark and then disappeared.

passed by Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun like a ghost without any shock. Yi Tian really disappeared into the eyes of Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun as if they had become non-existent. When the two were shocked, they hurriedly chased after him. When they saw Yi Tian again, they were slightly relieved.

When Yi Tian returned to the house, Xiu and others were slightly relieved. There is no doubt that it is safer in the camp than in the marginal areas. However, William and others who came in with Xiuer and others were a little uncomfortable. After all, they used to be sworn opponents and suddenly entered each other's camp. No matter what, they would not be treated too friendly. Fortunately, Bai Xinyu and others also knew the situation of William and others, so there was no excessive situation.

However, the feeling of sitting on pins still makes William and others feel uncomfortable. They just want to get out of here quickly. Seeing Yi Tian coming back, they were about to say something to Yi Tian, but they found that Yi Tian went straight through them and went into the room to sleep. It's still the same situation as before. They have been surprised by this situation for a long time, and they don't care too much about it. He rested by himself. After a while, Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun also came in.

"Is he back?" As soon as the door opened, Xiao Ruo asked.

"Reep in the room." Xiu pointed to Yi Tian's room, and there was not much change in expression on his face. For Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun, he really didn't know which attitude to adopt. Generally speaking, they are Yi Tian's friends, so Xiu and Al's relationship with him should not be too bad, but this is not the case at all.

Every time they meet, the atmosphere between them becomes inexplicably tense. Maybe it's because I've been living outside for too long, and I've been used to beingware of other people's lives for a long time.

Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun, who got an affirmative answer, breathed a sigh of relief and then retreated from the room. The actions of the two men are extremely strange, but no one will have any objection to it.

As soon as the two left, the atmosphere that fell to freezing in the house returned to normal temperature.

"How long will we stay here?" Cook asked William with a smile. He really doesn't like this kind of life under the shelter of others, which makes him extremely uncomfortable. But for a moment, he couldn't think of a place where they could stay. This is a very contradictory situation.

William doesn't know how to answer this question. So far, he hasn't figured out why he followed Xiu and others into this camp. It is true that it is an important factor for the whole edge to become unstable again after Yi Tian, so what about another reason? They always need a reason to seek asylum.

However, there was no reason. No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of an exact reason, so he was silent. However, the whole room was silent.

I was speechless all night.

The next day, Xiao Ruo came to see Yi Tian early in the morning. As soon as she opened the door, she found that the whole room was empty and there was no human breath. Whether it was Xiu and others or Yi Tian, their breath disappeared. With a trace of uneasiness in his heart, he hurried into Yi Tian's room and was shocked to find that there was already no one in it, and the bed was also cold and scary.

In just a short moment, he understood that Yi Tian and the others had left, and he felt that Yi Tian would never come back after leaving.

"What's wrong with you?" Xiao Ruo's face appeared with sadness and couldn't help saying bitterly.

Wrapped in black, he walked slowly forward. Yi Tian had long found that the person following him, but he never said anything. It was not until dawn that he stopped and turned his head to look at the people who followed him slowly. Looking at those people without saying a word, there was no situation in his eyes. It seemed that Yi Tian wanted to make those people retreat with his eyes. However, those people also looked at Yi Tian without giving in any hesitation, and had no intention of retreating at all. Of course, they had no intention of attacking Yi Tian.

The huge cloak covered the faces of those people, but this did not prevent Yi Tian from recognizing them, but he didn't expect that they would follow.

"Why are you following me?" Yi Tian, who had been silent for so many days, finally opened his mouth to speak. His voice was still a little hoarse and even a little strange. It seemed that he was getting used to talking.

After the words were asked, there was a burst of silence, still so silent that people didn't know how to speak.

Several cloaked men looked at Yi Tian who spoke and thought about how to answer Yi Tian's question. They looked at Yi Tian and looked quietly, with no superfluous emotion in their eyes.

"Why are you leaving?" The cloak man opened his mouth and did not answer Yi Tian's question. Instead, he asked another question, a question that Yi Tian didn't know where to answer for a moment.

"I am an ominous person who will only bring disaster to the people around me." The difficult words flashed with a trace of pain on his face. He felt that he should have listened to the old man and done those things alone instead of involving others. He should have done this a long time ago. However, he forgot the old man's teachings and wandered around the world without rushing to do what he should do.

"The ominous person?" The cloakman's tone changed, "If I hadn't met you, I might still be hiding in the underground city as a street mouse. How can you be an ominous person?"

"If it hadn't been for killing you that day, I wouldn't have been out of the control of the alliance. Are you also an ominous person like this? With that, a cloaked man took off his hood and showed his appearance, William. The rest also took off their hats, but Xiu and others.

They looked at Yi Tian. After what they had just said, they didn't know what to say. Many times words can make people stick to it, but actions can give people more strength. Just like this, Xiu and others gave Yi Tian the feeling.

"Aren't you afraid that I will implict you?" There was still a calm look on his face, but there was a slight wave in his heart. Yi Tian knew that these people followed him because he was worried about himself, and he didn't want these people to follow them so as not to implice them. After all, he has to face not only those in the league, but also more troublesome guys. It's just that those people haven't appeared yet.

"If we were afraid of death, we wouldn't have come over." William raised his eyebrows slightly, "Even if we don't follow you, we will be hunted down by the league. Instead of waiting for death, it's better to make a scene. Even if I die, I will bite the league fiercely." A fierce smile appeared on his face, and William's harsh mood was revealed at this moment. The three Cooks who followed him were taken for granted.

Xiu and Al just looked at Yi Tian and said nothing more, but the firm look on their faces made their meaning obvious.

Seeing everyone like this, Yi Tian didn't know how to feel. He intended to go to the alliance to find Bailian, completely cut off his mind, and then single-mindedly did what the old man explained. However, he has long been not the fledgling little guy of that day. How could he not know that it is difficult for a person to achieve? Especially after seeing the methods of Tang Mu and others, but he didn't know where to find someone to help. Vulture and others are undoubtedly the best helpers, but those four guys are like ghosts, sometimes appearing, sometimes disappearing, and completely traceless. Even if he wants to find someone, it is unlikely.

At this juncture, William and others followed and showed such an attitude. Yi Tian didn't know how to express his position. He looked at the group and after a tour, he found that he could not persuade them to go back. He could only sigh and say in a hoarse voice, "In that case, let's go."

Yi Tian expressed his position, and Xiu and others were also slightly relieved. Originally, even if Yi Tian did not make a statement, they could follow him, but they also knew Yi Tian's means. You can get rid of them at any time and disappear completely. Just like last night, if Situ Hao hadn't found out earlier, they would have lost the trace of Yi Tian.

After making Yi Tian nod and agree, they naturally would not miss such an opportunity and hurriedly catch up with Yi Tian, who had already gone away. Yi Tian has always been forced to respond to the current situation instead of taking the initiative. Until now, he has embarked on the road of his choice. But where this road will lead is unknown.

"Where are we going?"


"What do you do?"


From beginning to end, it was a cold answer. Yi Tian was like a person who completely lost his emotions and treated everything coldly in front of him. The group walked in the direction of the alliance, and under the sunlight, their backs showed the tragic look of the soldiers rushing to the battlefield. No one knows what they will encounter, but what the alliance will encounter can be guessed.

Gradually, their figures melted into the light and could no longer be seen.

A few days later, the city on the border of the alliance was attacked by a group of people, and the strongholds arranged there were completely destroyed. None of the powers of the alliance survived, only ordinary soldiers were still alive. However, the people who survived were almost dull and could only speak the words of demons. All the equipment in the stronghold was destroyed, leaving nothing intact.

No force has been responsible for this matter, and no one knows who attacked the alliance's stronghold. The group of people suddenly appeared like ghosts, and after slaughtering the power of the stronghold, they suddenly disappeared. For a while, there was a storm inside the alliance, and people were panicked. The senior officials of the alliance were even more shocked. At this juncture of the war, their city was actually looted by people. How could they not be angry?

People who are also shocked by other forces have attacked the stronghold of the alliance, which means that another force they don't know has emerged. And judging from the fierce methods of this force, those people are definitely not simple people. In this case, various forces also quickly sent personnel to find out the news of the mysterious force.

However, nothing has been achieved. The force seems to be completely non-existent, and there is no trace at all.

The only person who knows the truth is silent about this.

"Is it really done by that boy?" Looking at the white clouds floating slowly outside, the vulture asked the child lazily.

"There's nothing to lie to you, boss." The child sat on the ground with a dissatisfied expression on his face. If you want to know that he came back to tell them the news, he will continue to stare at the little guy Yi Tian for a while.

"What do they want to do?" The vulture didn't understand why Yi Tian and others suddenly attacked the stronghold of the alliance. You know, Yi Tian has never done this before, and such an abnormal behavior makes him very curious.

"I don't know. Maybe he wants to make chaos within the alliance so that he can find Bailian. The child answered casually. It is no secret that Yi Tian wants to find Bailian. This is also the only reason why Yi Tian will find trouble for the alliance.

"It's not that simple." The white wolf threw the dagger in his hand, and there was also a trace of doubt on his face. Yi Tian's situation is really strange. Just a few people dare to go to trouble with the league. Even if they are all masters, what can they do? In case they are trapped in the city inside the alliance, even if they have wings, it is absolutely impossible to escape. You should know that the cities within the alliance do not want to be as fragile as those outside.

"Look at them first. If something goes wrong, stop them immediately. The vulture couldn't guess Yi Tian's idea, so he could only arrange it like this. "This matter can't be spread."

"I know." The child got up from the ground and ran out again. It's too uncomfortable for him to stay in one place. It's better to watch Yi Tian's group of people make trouble everywhere.

As soon as the child left, the lazy cat who had been sleeping in the corner with his eyes closed woke up. The first sentence he said when he opened his eyes was a little inexplicable.

"They moved."

This was for no reason, but it made the vulture and the white wolf change their faces at the same time. They immediately walked to the lazy cat and prepared to listen to what the lazy cat was going to say next. But after saying this, the lazy cat closed its eyes and fell asleep again, allowing both of them to wake up. This situation made the faces of the vulture and the white wolf more and more solemn.