reverse song

Chapter 383 Separate Action

The dark night, the cold night wind, and the pale moonlight still have a cold breath when they fall on people. Yi Tian and William, standing on the roof, stood face to face, but there was an inexplicable shadow on their faces, making them unable to see their expressions. A very peaceful atmosphere emanated between the two, and there was no swordsmanship that enemies met, but there was still a hint of coldness.

The coolness dissipated, and it seemed that even the air condensed. The two stood there quietly, looking face to face without saying a word. They all seem to be brewing something and waiting for what each other will say. The cold atmosphere has not dissipated between the two for a long time. If there was really a third person present, I'm afraid I couldn't stand this atmosphere and fled far away. But these two people are not ordinary people at all, and they don't have much feeling about this atmosphere.

I don't know how long these two people have been standing. Anyway, when the moon climbed directly above his head, William slowly said, "Find me out. What's the matter?" He also asked knowingly, but if he didn't speak, it was estimated that the two would be so deadlocked until dawn.

Yi Tian didn't feel much. He just looked at William and said, "I'm wondering if you are worth believing." This is very abrupt and rude.

To be honest, no one will be too happy to hear this, especially when he is questioned like this, but William doesn't feel anything. He just looked at Yi Tian and replied after a slight silence, "Even if I say it's trustworthy, will you believe it?" He was very direct and answered Yi Tian's question like this. Originally, according to the relationship between the two of them, even if they were not stiff, they could not be too good. However, they also became each other's helpers when they became enemies.

Bo both knew that without each other's help, they would not have come to this point. However, the past relationship between the two has led to the inability of both sides to fully trust each other. This is a very contradictory situation, but it seems so harmonious.

After listening to William's answer, Yi Tian tilted his head and looked at him and said, "I don't believe it." He knew that he could not believe what the other party said, but now he didn't believe it, but no one else could believe it. William knows best when it comes to the situation of the alliance. To save Bailian, you really have to rely on William.

"In that case, why do you still ask me this question?" William really doesn't understand. Yi Tian doesn't look like a fool. How could he ask such a stupid question?

"I wonder if you are worth cooperating." Looking at the man in front of him, "If it's not worth it, we will go our separate ways and have nothing to do with each other. If possible, we will go down.

"Cooperation? What kind of cooperation? William looked at Yi Tian unexpectedly. They had been acting in the form of cooperation, but no one broke this layer of window paper. That's how the cooperation continued until the two sides could no longer maintain such a way of cooperation. He didn't expect that Yi Tian would break this layer of paper first.

"Attack Alliance."

"Aren't we doing this all the time?" William was a little surprised. Since they chose to follow Yi Tian, they have been following Yi Tian to attack the alliance, which is what they have been doing.

"Indeed." Yi Tian nodded, and his face hidden in the dark slowly appeared. "I think you have been with us for so long, and you should also know why I attacked the alliance. I don't hide the purpose from you this time. I guess the people of the alliance should have already guessed that we are doing such a thing. I'm afraid even my purpose was seen through by them early.

After a short pause, Yi Tiantian continued, "I want to save Bai Lian. But I need your help."

"Are you not afraid of our counterattack?" William, who also showed his face, looked at Yi Tian in front of him with a smile on his face and asked in a strange tone. So far, he has not fully understood the true meaning of Yi Tian, so he can only ask this question.

"A counterattack?" Yi Tian looked at William and said, "Will you do this? Even if you are like this, the alliance may not believe you. Yi Tian smiled faintly and had no worries at all.

"You will regret believing me so much."

"What about regret?" Yi Tian looked at William and said, "Can we change the status quo?"

"Interesting." William smiled and said, "I agree to cooperate with you." He stretched out his right hand and wanted Yi Tian to shake hands.

Yi Tian also stretched out his hand, and the two held each other heavily, with a faint smile on their faces. But no one can understand the deeper things behind the smile.

A simple conversation laid the foundation for the cooperation between the two, but the specific cooperation and action content need to be discussed separately. The two got together on the rooftop and began to talk about the current situation and way of action. It was not until dawn that the two returned to the house and took a rest.

They all woke up after sunset. The group sat lazily in the room and looked at the situation outside through the window. Life in the cities within the alliance is still very comfortable, and the residents are not as panicked as the people in the front-line cities, but still live the usual life, as if they have not been disturbed by the war at all.

"These people are really comfortable." Al looked at the leisurely pedestrians outside with a little envy.

"Reat ease? If the alliance does not start a war, their life can indeed be regarded as comfortable. Giles also lay on the window and looked at the pedestrians outside. When he saw the children, a strange look flashed in his eyes. "If they were elsewhere, the life of these children might be better. When they reach adulthood, I don't know how many people will disappear inexplicably. What he said was very vague, but everyone present knew that he was talking about the killing plan.

Yi Tian was the one who narrowly escaped her life under the killing plan. If Xiao Ruo hadn't appeared, she would have turned to ashes long ago.

"Each place has its own rules. Even if life is not easy, we still have to stick to it. At least they still have hope of growing up." Al looked a little gloomy. He couldn't imagine how those people took action against these children. Obviously, he was a person who had not committed a crime, but was going to be erased because of genetic problems. What a cruel act.

After a chat, the group also began to be busy. Yi Tian went out with Xiu and Al, and William came out with Cook and others. Looking up at the dark sky, there is no moon to see tonight. If you are willing, you can take advantage of such a night to attack the Union's residence, but their purpose tonight is not here, and naturally they will not stay here more.

The two groups of people stood opposite each other, and the two leaders Yi Tian and William looked at each other, but there was no change in their eyes. William just nodded and said to Yi Tian, "I'll go first." There are not too many emotions in a sentence, but Yi Tian understands the emotions contained in it.

"Be careful on the road." In a light reply, Yi Tian took Xiu and Al to fly out of the city first. The three of them were very fast, but disappeared in the eyes of William and others in a short time.

Watching Yi Tian and others disappear, Cook and others look unclear.

"What's going on?"

"We have our own things to do." William looked at Yi Tian and others disappearing in his eyes and said slowly, "Let's go, too." Without finishing his words, he turned around and flew in the other direction, which was uncomparable compared with Yi Tian and others.

Cook and others didn't get the answer they wanted, but there was no dissatisfaction on their faces. The boss did whatever he said. This was a tacit understanding naturally formed by them, and they would not question too much. Seeing William leave, they also hurriedly chased after him. A group of people roared over the city.

"Is it okay to let them go like this?" Xiu is also full of doubts. In his opinion, the safest way is to stay with William and others and stare at them. After all, William and his party used to be members of the alliance, and they are not trustworthy anyway. However, Yi Tian's behavior was so abnormal that he said goodbye to William and others, as if he was not worried about William and others revealing their whereabouts at all.

"It doesn't matter." Yi Tian answered faintly and let the wind roar by. He knew that he was really risky, but the risk was worth taking, and he also believed in William. This is a very strange directness. Although the two were enemies before, Yi Tian believed that William would not betray himself because of this.

What Yi Tian said, Xiuhe has nothing to object to. Anyway, even if William and others do not inform, their dangerous situation will not change much. After all, they have gone deep into the hinterland cities of the alliance. If they go further, they will reach the headquarters of the alliance, which is really a place where tigers and hide dragons. And the real purpose of their trip is the headquarters of the alliance.

Sometimes when I think about it, Xiu feels that they are really crazy. Even those countries dare not provoke the alliance. They dare to do so, and they also do very well. Every city destroys the residence or strongholds of the alliance. These are the guys who have offended the league to death. However, they are fearless. It is rare to have a madness in life, even if they fail in the end. What's more, they have never failed to follow Yi Tian.

All the way, they finally went out of the scope of the city and entered the uninhabited place again. Xiu slightly distinguished the surrounding environment and knew that they were going deep into the hinterland, and some more would be the headquarters of the alliance. If the three of them attack the headquarters of the alliance alone, the result is really self-evident.

At the thought of this crazy behavior, his whole body trembled, which was a kind of madness that trembled his body naturally generated from the bottom of his heart.

When they reached the next city at their speed, the sky was already slightly white. Early people in the city also walk around on the road, buying vegetables or taking out garbage. Yi Tian and the three of them lowered their bodies and then hid in the city. If you do more of this kind of thing, you will naturally do it well.

Quietly entered the city, and they still quietly found an empty room to hide in as previously arranged, and began to rest again. Although the overnight flight does not consume too much physical strength and energy, it consumes a lot of spirit. After all, they have to always pay attention to the situation around them.

As soon as they entered the room, the three fell to the ground casually and fell asleep, completely ignored whether it was clean or not.

William and his party also stopped in a city at this time, hid in an empty house, and began to rest. But their destination is not this city, and they still need to continue to walk forward. Cook and others didn't know where William was going or what to do, but they didn't dare to ask and could only follow without saying a word. But this feeling of being led away without knowing anything is really difficult.

After a rest, they marched towards another city again, and when they arrived at the third city, they heard shocking news. Another city in the alliance was completely destroyed, so the powers were slaughtered.

If this news had happened before, Cook and others would not have paid attention to it, because they did it. However, at present, this situation is not the same at all. They did not participate in this matter, and with their understanding of the alliance, they naturally know where the city that was attacked is located and what kind of strength it has. But those people were slaughtered like this.

The means of acting are very familiar, that is, what Yi Tian and others have done, but what shocked them is that Yi Tian and the three of them can slaughter those powers. From this, we can imagine that the strength of Yi Tian and others has reached that point.

Cook and others were shocked, but William didn't change his expression. He just glanced at the time when things happened, and then closed his eyes and rested.

After resting for a day and a night, William called Cook and others up again. Leaving Gilles to protect Situ Hao, William himself took Cook and Jiami out of the house. After following a few streets, he arrived at a brightly lit but noisy place, which was the power stationed by the alliance.

Although this place is extremely noisy, there are many people patrolling. After all, recently, several union city stations have been attacked, and those powers have been slaughtered without exception. This situation is enough to make these powers more vigilant. Although enjoyment is important, life is more important.

Seeing William bring himself to the Union's residence, a bad feeling flashed in Cook's heart. He looked at William with his eyes as heavy as water and whispered, "What are we doing here?" Although he asked this question, he knew what to do next.

"Be careful not to be found." William whispered, "Cook, you attack from there, and Gami, you go that way. I attracted their attacks from the front. Be safe." After a few whispers, William quickly arranged their action plan. This plan came up temporarily, but it is not difficult for the three masters to do such a thing. It is rare to leave all those people here.

The news during the day clearly revealed a piece of news that all the powers were going to be slaughtered. This is the most difficult part of this matter, but since it has been agreed to Yi Tian, it must be done anyway. William also knew that he could no longer reserve it this time.

The body was close to the ground, adjusted the breathing, and spread the energy of the body to every part of the body. Then the body bowed slightly and ejected directly, so fast that people could not react at all. It was just a sound of breaking the air, and then several figures went straight down. Until death, those people didn't make a sound. William did not stop at all. After borrowing on the ground, his body suddenly turned and rushed to the other side again, and several figures fell silently.

When nearly 20 supernatural people lay down, the people in the station finally found something wrong and made a shrill roar to remind their companions. However, the roar was like the horn of death. As soon as it appeared, a thunder suddenly appeared in the originally clear sky, followed by dozens of thick thunder lights from the water tank directly from mid-air.

The person who couldn't dodge was directly burned after being struck by lightning. The people around me who were affected by lightning also fell to the ground, and they didn't know whether to live or die for a while. The sudden thunder shocked those who had just raised their vigilance, but they saw a figure in front of them, constantly attacking them.

Enemy attack. Almost everyone's mind flashed such a word, but no one realized what to do. Everything happened too quickly. Just as they were stunned, a whirlwind rose from the ground, sucking some powers into it and tearing their bodies. Another sudden attack.

These powers noticed the fierce figure in front of them, but did not notice the other two figures hidden in the dark. They only thought that the thunderlight just now was from the figure in front of them, but they didn't expect such a terrible wind at this moment. They were shocked and hurriedly broke out of the perimeter.

"Beware of sneak attacks!" I don't know who shouted.

The sky seemed to respond to the man's roar. A thunderbolt fell directly and exploded in the station, and the whole place was shining with electric light. Thunderlight kicked off a battle.