reverse song

Chapter 385, etc.

A powerman who came with a kick came. Al sank and dived directly to the ground. The huge wind pressure formed a transparent pressure circle around him, forcing the air around him to fall to the ground. Before Al fell to the ground, great pressure came first. The fragile building on the ground quickly collapsed under pressure, and then the people in the building roared in pain, and the whole person was almost twisted under the pressure.

Puff, the person who could not withstand the pressure opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of bright red blood, but his body immediately softened and fell directly to the ground. Al landed, and the invisible pressure dispersed, turning the compressed air into transparent air bombs and shooting around. The shrill sound burst out, and then blood springs burst out.

Even if they were prepared, when the transparent air bomb hit, it still made those powerful people feel unpreventable. They only felt that the light around them trembled, and then their bodies suddenly spewed out a pillar of blood directly. The huge pain made those people howling. I have to say that Al's hands are very beautiful.

Jami, who also controls the wind, does not have such an exquisite means as Al, but she has another special effect when she cooperates with Giles.

After a period of chaos, the powers of the alliance have set up and begun to resist. Because such things have broken out many times in internal cities, they have been prepared for a long time. However, they still underestimated the strength of Yi Tian and his party. When their Bai Hao formation is ready to fight back, there are not many people left.

This is still in the case that Yi Tian and William did not take action. If both of them also took action, I'm afraid that they would have been annihilated if they didn't even have time to react.

Seeing that the other party has set up a formation, the speed of Xiu and others' attack also slowed down, and they seemed to be waiting for something. The group gathered together and stimulated the energy in their bodies, and the manic energy fluctuations made people uneasy. Looking coldly at the few powers left in front of him, Xiu suddenly burst into a sharp roar from his mouth and rushed out first.

Just as Xiu rushed out, Al also followed closely, followed by Cook and the three. Various streams of colors suddenly appeared and crashed into the alliance powers. Such behavior is no different from death in the eyes of others, but it is another scene in the eyes of alliance powers. The pressure emanates, making those people dare not meet the sharpness of Xiu and others at all.

But they can't escape, because the pressure traction makes them unable to move their bodies. Seeing several wolf-like people flying towards him, those powers were so shocked that they were about to fly. After all, I heard that it was completely different from personal experience. At first, they only felt that the people who attacked the residence of the alliance's powers were small guys, but when they really met, they found that they had no resistance at all.

The sharp sound of breaking the air flew by, and then those people found that their bodies were light and could no longer feel any pressure. At this moment, they all felt relieved.

flew back to Yi Tian and William. Xiu and others were just a little short of breath, and the actual consumption was not big. After such a period of sneak attack, their strength has risen rapidly.

"I think the reinforcements of the alliance should be here soon." William looked at the no-living residence and said such a word lightly.

"It's almost done." Yi Tian looked at the sky and seemed to feel something ordinary. "Let's wait for them outside the city. It's better to end the things you have to face sooner or later.

"It's the same. It's not fun to attack these powers every day. A faint smile appeared on William's face, looking like he didn't worry about the alliance's reinforcements at all.

"I'm leaving. You can have a rest after another fight." William shouted a word to Cook and others around him, and then urged him to fly out of the city.

After making a strange cry, the group also flew out of the city. The stream of Taoist light flew through the air, shocking the ordinary people in the city to hide in the house one after another. After Yi Tian and others left, they got out of the house. They just thought that Yi Tian and others were going to attack ordinary people, but they didn't expect that they just flew by here.

As soon as Yi Tian and others left, ordinary people immediately exploded. They had heard the noise over there just now, but they didn't want to be affected so they didn't go to see the fun. Now that everyone is gone, they naturally have to go to the scene to see it. People nearby ran to the vicinity of the station and took a look. At a glance, those people continued to have all kinds of nightmares for the rest of their lives. But the people who left don't know what kind of nightmares they left for the people here.

The wild wind flew by, blowing hair, making clothes hunting ring, blowing the grass and trees on the ground bowing down, blowing the clouds in the sky to cover the moon. In the dark night, Yi Tian and others slowly fell to the ground, stood up, looked ahead, and looked at it for a moment.

Situ Hao, who followed William and Yi Tian, looked ahead with a solemn face, as if there were some beast crawling there in the unknown darkness. Although he knew that the strength of this group of people was very strong, he couldn't help worrying. After all, the reinforcements of the alliance are not so simple. What's more, this is already the internal city of the alliance, and the people who come are even more masters.

But when he saw the confident expressions of Yi Tian and William, Situ Hao couldn't say anything more. He just stood there quietly, feeling the changes around him for fear of missing something. Xiu and others stood side by Yi Tian and William lined up, with calm eyes and murderous bodies. Just after a killing, the murderous spirit in them had no time to restrain, let alone disperse it, and they could only release it so arrogantly.

A murderous atmosphere has the advantage of being able to scare away the surrounding beasts.

"It's really slow." Yi Tian looked ahead. When he was still in the city just now, he already felt that the reinforcements of the alliance had arrived. As a result, those people had not arrived yet.

"It's testing us." William answered faintly, but the silver light in his eyes began to become stronger. "I don't know who it is." He has a little expectation.

"Everyone comes the same. Anyway, I'm not going to annihilate them all. Yi Tian still looked ahead, waiting for those people to come.

Half an hour has passed, and the people of the league have not yet appeared.

An hour has passed, and the people of the alliance have not yet appeared.

Two hours have passed, and the people of the league have not yet appeared.

"It seems that we overestimated the courage of those guys." Yi Tian smiled and said, "In that case, I'll go." With that, he retreated in the opposite direction and had no intention of touching the alliance reinforcements at all.

William seemed to mean the same thing and turned around and followed. Others also turned around and left, completely ignored the alliance's reinforcements.

"What a pity. I was sent to rescue the station that had already died at night." Cook smiled, but saw that Yi Tian and William, who were leading the way, were blurred and disappeared directly in place. There was no surprise on his face, and he still flew forward, and the rest of the people's faces did not change at all, and they flew forward.

About half an hour later, Yi Tian and William caught up with them from behind. Their bodies were stained with blood, their breath was also a little rapid, and the murderous spirit that had not yet converged on their bodies made people tremble. This situation is to use my toes to know what the two of them have gone, but it is surprising that the two of them have only gone for such a little time.

Situ Hao looked at Yi Tian and William in horror. In just half an hour, he could no longer feel the atmosphere of the reinforcements of the rear alliance. What kind of means did these two use to deal with those people and have done such a terrible thing in such a short time.

Without too many explanations, Yi Tian took a group of people to find a dilapidated house in the suburbs and stopped. After entering the house, the group of people lay down on the ground and fell asleep regardless of whether it was clean or not. These people's heartless behavior made Situ Hao laugh and cry. He has never seen anyone dare to be so careless in the enemy's hinterland. How long did he plan to escape from the alliance, and then how many times did he hide in fear before he escaped? As a result, the very powerful people in front of him were lying here sleeping as if they had no brains.

"Go to bed early. I may not have to sleep in a while." Seeing that Situ Hao was still awake, Yi Tian couldn't help reminding him. His words are not scary. Anyway, he and William did not kill the guys in the alliance just now. It is estimated that the second wave of reinforcements will soon come to encircle and suppress them.

This period is too smooth, and they also need to be more vigilant, so attracting a small-scale encirclement is the best way to remind them.

Situ Hao didn't understand what Yi Tian said, but just answered vaguely and fell asleep. The so-called red is close to Zhu, and close to ink is black. Situ Hao follows such a group of nervous guys, and it is difficult not to be nervous.

It was not stable for a long time. Situ Hao felt that there seemed to be a slight energy fluctuation outside. In shock, he hurriedly got up from the ground, but happened to see Yi Tian walking outside with people, while Jia Mi stayed to accompany Situ Hao.

"What's the matter?" Situ Hao was a little confused about the situation and asked Jiami beside him in a low voice.

"The reinforcements of the alliance have arrived." Jiami said lightly and went to the window to observe the situation outside.

At this time, it was already late at night, and the moon in the sky was covered by thick clouds, so it was also dark outside. Fortunately, those people in the alliance were carrying lighting tools, so the room was surrounded by a bright area. Several hairs of Yi Tian and others who had just walked out were clearly illuminated.

He slightly covered the dazzling light with his hand. When his eyes adapted to the light, Yi Tiantian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the person hidden behind the light and said slowly, "I thought you didn't dare to come." With that, a smile appeared on his face, a cruel smile. Since Yi Yun's death, Yi Tian's heart began to become cold, especially against the people of the league.

"If you are obedient, we can save your life." The cold sound came from behind the light, which was cold and scary.

Is that right? Can you make a decision on such a thing? Yi Tian looked at the direction of the sound with a smile and was slightly surprised. Because of the influence of the light, he could not see the man's appearance clearly, but roughly saw that it was a middle-aged man.

"I don't know what's alive or dead." The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and his tone became more and more unfriendly. However, they are not here to talk about friendship in the first place, and there is no such thing as friendship or unkindness.

"Are you fierce?" Yi Tian saw that the question just now did not get the answer he wanted and asked another question.

The man did not answer, but waved his hand, signaling ten superpowers to go forward to catch Yi Tian and others. After receiving the order, ten powers rushed out silently. These powers did not want to be like other powers, but wore light armor-like clothes. There was no sound and no light flash during their actions, but there were hidden energy fluctuations.

"Be careful, this is the armor developed by the research institute, which can hide breath and resist a certain degree of attack." William recognized the work of the institute as soon as he saw the light armor.

"It's worthy of the alliance. Such things have been made. To what extent can you resist a certain degree of attack? Yi Tian asked curiously. It's not that he hasn't seen anything similar. He has used his ability to condense a layer of armor around him before, but it's too energy-consuming and really not cost-effective.

"That depends on the level of armor." William can't judge the level of these armors, so he can't give a definite answer.

"It seems to be really good. I'll restrain them later. Hurry up and pull out their things. With a hey hey laugh, Yi Tian took a step forward, and his body naturally emitted a solemn breath. The silver light around him slowly turned into an earthy yellow light, and then an earthy yellow aperture dispersed in the shape of an umbrella.

Where the earthy yellow aperture is shrouded, the weeds on the ground bent down one after another, as if there were invisible things pressing on it. The ten powers who just jumped out all felt that their bodies sank, and their original fast bodies also became slow. Although it was much slower than before, they did not stop moving forward.

"That's right, it can withstand five times the gravity." Yi Tian smiled, his eyes looked cold, and then snorted coldly, "Ten times the gravity."

It was like being bombarded by an invisible hammer. The ten superpowers only felt dizzy and fell directly to the ground. The huge gravity made them completely unable to move freely.

Seeing the embarrassed appearance of those people, Yi Tian sneered: "It's not bad. Xiu and Al went up and took away the things on them and threw them out.

Xiu and Al rushed in in a hurry when they heard the words. As soon as they entered, they felt that it was extremely difficult to move. However, when a silver light caged on them, the heavy feeling immediately disappeared. The two of them ran to the ten people who could not move and removed their armor three times. The two held their armor happily, raised their feet and kicked those people up.

Unfortunately, the gravity in the yellow aperture was too large. Those people were just kicked up to stop vomiting, and immediately fell back to the ground and smashed them fiercely. When Xiu and Al finished these things, Yi Tiantian withdrew the yellow aperture and watched the ten people get up from the ground awkwardly with a smile.

"Do you still want to fight?" When asked this question with a smile, Yi Tian naturally burst into an extremely cold murderous atmosphere.

After the strange situation just now, when asked by Yi Tian again, the ten people retreated. The middle-aged man stared at ten people fiercely and cursed, "Fraceful things, get out of here." He didn't expect these ten pioneers to be so humiliated, and he didn't expect that Yi Tian's tricks would be so wonderful. What Yi Tian showed just now is the ability of the earth system. I didn't expect that there would be such a usage.

"Sure enough, heroes are teenagers, but you have good skills." The middle-aged man spoke in a rather admiring tone, with a very admiration.

"Let's be sloppy. It's just a means to deceive children. Hearing the other party praise himself, Yi Tian showed a very humble appearance and completely showed his lack of ability. He is not really modest, just to disgust the middle-aged man.

Sure enough, the middle-aged man was angry and snorted by Yi Tian's humble attitude, but he couldn't say a word. He was afraid that if he opened his mouth again, he would make Yi Tian spit blood directly.

"No more words?" Seeing the silence of the other party, Yi Tian couldn't help tilting his head and looking at the middle-aged man, "Are you going to stand there and chat with me until dawn? If you don't plan to act, then we will do it." With that, Yi Tian still shook his hands a few times, looking like he was moving his muscles and bones.

William and others also moved a few times, looking eager to try. They did not hide their fierce murderous spirit and fighting spirit. Their originally calm eyes also reflected a fing light, and they looked like they were about to rush out to fight. As soon as these people's posture changed, the posture also changed dramatically, and the momentum emitted made the dazzling light inexplicably dim a little.

"Are you ready?" The smile on Yi Tian's face became ferocious, and it was even more horrible under the light.