reverse song

Chapter 406 Warning

Standing proudly in front of Su Qing and Yan Ze, the young man said slowly, "Don't think that no one knows what you are going to do. Let me tell you, no matter how well prepared you are, it is useless. If you are interested, go back early to avoid the same clan.

Hearing the young man's words, Su Qing was shocked, but he still looked at the young man in front of him: "What else can we do?" It's just to pass on your own things.

Inheritance? Just like you, it's also called inheritance. The young man smiled and said, "In that case, how about you stand there and I pass on my inheritance to you?" With that, the young man pretended to be going to do it.

Seeing the young man's movements, Su Qing immediately pulled Yan Ze back and opened the distance between him and the young man. However, he soon found that he was more careful, because the young man was just putting on appearance and didn't really mean to attack them.

"Why don't you dare to accept my inheritance?" A contemptuous look appeared on the young man's face, "Since you are afraid of losing yourself, why bother to do those evil things? What's the point if you know that you won't make any progress in what you do and have to go so against the sky?

"I don't believe you are not interested in immortality at all." Su Qing snorted coldly, and his face was disbelief. Immortality is something that everyone is pursuing. Don't you see that none of those mortals yearn for immortality.

"Of course there are interests, but I don't have the fate to enjoy these." The young man looked at Su Qing and Yan Ze, "I don't object to you pursuing immortality, provided that you don't fill in other people's lives."

"They should feel honored to devote themselves to such a great cause."

Is that right? How about letting me experience the feeling of immortality?" The young man looked up and down at Su Qing and Yan Ze, "Let's continue my life based on you two." After saying this, the young man suddenly appeared beside Su Qing, with one hand still on Su Qing's shoulder. As long as he had the intention, he could immediately restrain Su Qing.

Su Qing's quick action shocked Su Qing and didn't have time to make any other reactions. He could only stand there in a daze and dare not move. He was afraid that one of his subtle movements would attract the young man's ruthless attack. People like Su Qing, who pursue immortality, actually attach great importance to their lives. At this time, they are controlled by young people and dare not act rashly.

"How about my proposal just now? Are you interested in participating?" The young man said with a smile, but anyone could hear the bad intentions in his tone. He doesn't have to be polite to Su Qing and others, nor will he be polite to them. Being able to stand here and talk to them now has given them great face.

Su Qing has some scruples, but Yan Ze doesn't. When he saw the young man suddenly appear beside him, he couldn't help roaring, and then he punched him directly. He bombarded the young man's face, but his fist was frozen in mid-air before it hit the young man.

I don't know when there was a bright knife on the swallow's neck. The cold feeling on the blade made Yan Ze have no doubt about the sharpness of the knife. Affected by the cold air on the knife, Yan Ze's forehead was covered with a cold sweat.

The young man is still smiling and looks harmless.

"Do you really think I will come to see you alone?" The young man said slowly, "You can try to punch out and see what the result will be. Su Qing, you haven't answered my question just now. Are you interested in being the cornerstone of my life? This is a question, but it is difficult to answer.

A cold sweat appeared on his forehead, but Su Qing asked another question: "How do you know about the cornerstone?"

"Why can't I know?" The young man smiled and said, "The tricks you played have not been passed down from the same line. How much can change? You said you were interested in being the cornerstone.

Su Qing dares not speak any more, because no matter what he says, now he has no resistance at all and can only be slaughtered by the young people.

The young man had no intention of embarrassing Su Qing. He put his hand on his shoulder, shook his body, and stood back to his original place. After rubbing his hands, the young man said, "Those who are greedy for life and are afraid of death can't even see through death. What about immortality?" The smile on his face was full of contempt.

"I just said that since I let you out, I don't mean to hurt your lives, and our enemies are not you. Of course, if you dare to mess around, we don't mind fighting with you. When it comes to the same clan, I don't think those old guys will sit idly by. The young man looked up at the sky as if someone was looking at him.

"Emy?" Su Qing looked at the young man and obviously didn't know what he was talking about, but he still heard the threat in the young man's words very clearly.

"Yes, enemies, you guys are not enough to be our enemies." The young man spoke slowly. He is very proud, and he also has proud capital. Looking at the two people in front of him, the contempt in his eyes did not mean to restrain at all.

"Who the hell are you?" Su Qing couldn't figure out who else lived until now, and he knew so much about their affairs.

"A person you don't know." The young man stood up and said, "Go back and tell the five guys that we don't care what you want to pursue immortality or something, but if you dare to mess around, don't blame us for being rude. Get out of here!" After saying the last two words, the young man disappeared directly into the air, leaving Su Qing and Yan Ze stunned.

Five guys. The other party even knows the five guys. Who is he? Su Qing and Yan Ze had more and more questions in their hearts, but there was no answer. Looking around, they were convinced that there was no danger before they spread out and flew away into the distance. They know that it is useless to stay here. Since the other party let himself go, there is no need to stay here. After a while, the two disappeared into this mountain forest.

At the same time, in another mountain forest, a dark shadow is running in the direction of the previous horrible energy fluctuation at a very fast speed. This man shuttled through the mountains and forests like a ghost, but the speed was amazing. However, no matter how fast the shadow ran forward, there was no way to catch up with the disappearing energy fluctuations. It seemed that the people over there also knew that they could no longer be so swaggering.

"Daw, how come they came so fast." The shadow roared deeply, and his face was full of unbelievable. Originally, according to his estimation, those people should not have come so soon, but he didn't expect to appear at such a juncture. As long as he is given more than a month, he will find those old guys who are hiding, and the result...

It seems that Yi Tian is also there. Could it be that they have already clashed?" The shadow kept guessing the current situation, but there was no clue. Under such circumstances, he seemed even more panicked. People are often like this. The more they can't get information, the easier it is to be nervous.

The shadow stared at the front, and his body kept moving. After a while, he integrated into the forest.

Yi Tian, who was being talked about by the shadow, stood in front of Tang Mu at this time, looking at Tang Mu for a moment, and Xiu and Al, who were standing next to him, had an unbelievable expression. Even if Tang Mu admitted it, they still couldn't believe that what happened in front of them was true.

The amazing momentum of Tang Mu has been restrained, but the murderous spirit still flows out, which makes the people around him feel a little uncomfortable. Especially those reinforcements from the alliance.

The reinforcements of the alliance surrounded the two groups of people, Yi Tian and Tang Mu, but they did not act rashly. Although they don't know how Tang Mu's strength is, they are not easy to provoke just from the energy fluctuations and the number of horrible capable people behind him. Those commanders of the alliance are not fools. Naturally, they will not be afraid to hit the muzzle of the gun at this time, which is not called heroic but stupid.

Since these two groups of people have not intended to do it for the time being, it is okay to observe and make a decision to attack when they have any action. However, at present, this solemn atmosphere is also extremely difficult to accept. Most of the reinforcements this time are ordinary people. Even if they are trained and hold weapons that can kill capable people, they are still greatly affected by this invisible pressure. Those new recruits who had just come out of the training were standing there with trembling hands, sweat dripping down, which was obviously extremely nervous.

"Don't be so nervous. They haven't meant to attack you yet." The child standing aside turned his head and smiled at the people in the league, and Bai Sensen's teeth gave people a horrible feeling for no reason.

It's okay for the child not to talk. As soon as he spoke, those who had been unable to withstand the pressure were nervous and immediately pulled the trigger, and then a light bullet ejected directly from the muzzle and fell directly in front of Yi Tian and others.

The roared, and the smoke suddenly rolled up, covering the figure of Yi Tian and others.

"Idiot, who fired the gun?" A curse roared from the alliance soldiers, and the commander seemed to think of what would happen next and immediately began to give orders.

"Everyone obey the order and fire!"

At this sound, all the muzzles and muzzles shone faintly, followed by light bullets flying out of them and falling straight towards Yi Tian. These people still subconsciously regard Yi Tian as the biggest demon. Even the momentum shown by Tang Mu, who just appeared, is also extremely amazing, but at least Tang Mu is not notorious in their memory for the time being. However, Yi Tian is different. This guy has been killing in the inner city of the alliance for so long, and has also invaded the research institute building. No matter how you look at it, such a person is a big devil.

When these countless light bombs tore the night sky, it was dazzling, but Yi Tian and others, who had long been blinded by smoke and dust, could not see this scene. They just heard the sharp sound of the light bomb tearing the air, as well as the continuous smoke and dust, and the bombardment of the protective light.

Tang Muke said that he had never seen such an attack. When the invisible wind around him was smashed, his body was directly bombed by light bombs. These light bullets can kill ordinary people. Even when Tang Mu's strength was hit by these light bullets, he couldn't help feeling the sharp pain on his body, and his body retreated uncontrollably.

"What kind of means is this?" Tang Mu was stunned. He did not pay attention to these ordinary people, knowing that at this moment he found that he was so wrong. He never thought that these ordinary people alone could pose such a threat to himself.

In shock, Tang Mu urged the energy in his body, and a circle of invisible air waves suddenly spread around his center. In fact, these light bombs can't cause any substantial damage to Tang Mu's masters. At most, they can't respond in time without being caught off guard at the beginning.

As soon as the invisible wind came out, the smoke and dust that had been shrouded in Tang Mu and others was immediately blown away.

Although there was no light flashing around Tang Mu, there was a real energy fluctuation there. As soon as the people of the alliance saw this situation, they knew that these ordinary weapons could not cause any damage to Tang Mu, but driven by fear in their hearts, even if such an attack could not hurt Tang Mu at all, the soldiers still kept pulling the trigger, hoping that there would be an unparallable miracle.

Unfortunately, the miracle did not appear, but was replaced by Tang Mu's anger.

Tang Mu never thought that he would be so embarrassed by these ordinary people. He roared in anger. Those powers who had already landed beside him also made a low roar in response to Tang Mu's sound. This is a roar containing energy. Although those people have been prepared for it, but when they really face such a roar, they can't help feeling a pressure coming to their faces.

The first to take the brunt is Yi Tian and his party standing opposite Tang Mu and others.

This condenses the roar of all the horses behind Tang Mu, and it is not so easy to resist. There is a flash of silver light around Yi Tian, as if he can't stand it at any time.

In order to resist the pressure that came to his face, Yi Tian also let out a deep roar. The silver light around him suddenly stabilized, and then a silver light flew out like a sharp arrow and stabbed Tang Mu in front of him. However, the sharp arrow was melted by the invisible sound waves before it approached Tang Mu.

"Kill." When he spit out such a word, Tang Mu immediately overflowed with murderous spirit, as if he wanted to swallow the whole world.

This killing was like a switch, directly opening the murderous spirit controlled by the people behind Tang Mu. A stream of murderous air burst out and swept straight around. The already clear sky suddenly fell into darkness again, and there seemed to be a sound roaring in my ears.

After the killing sound, figures shot out from behind Tang Mu and rushed towards the ordinary people in the league. As Tang Mu's subordinates, how can these people not know what Tang Mu is talking about? At this time, it directly responded to Tang Mu's thoughts.

Standing in front of Tang Mu and others, Yi Tian couldn't help shouting angrily when he saw such a situation: "Tang Mu, how dare you!"

However, after he finished speaking, Tang Mu took the lead in rushing towards Yi Tian.

Raise your hand is an invisible wind, as if to tear Yi Tian directly. Now Tang Muke doesn't have as many worries as Yi Tian, and he still has to care about the old feelings or something. When he cooperated with Wu Lao and others, he had completely abandoned all the past and all his emotions. There were only enemies in his eyes, and the people who stopped him were all enemies.

The roar of the wind reached Yi Tian's ears, and the feeling of tearing also made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Go and stop those people." Yi Tian hurriedly told the people around him, but he stepped forward. However, he forgot that he was still carrying a person on his back. If he rushed forward rashly, he was afraid that the person behind him would be directly torn apart in the wind.

As soon as he stepped out, Yi Tian thought of this, and his body shrank back again, followed by a silver light to try to stop Tang Mu's figure. But at this time, Tang Mu was as fierce as a tiger, and it was not so easy to stop him. The silver light that had just been arranged was immediately broken under the impact of Tang Mu, and Tang Mu continued to rush towards Yi Tian without any stagnation.

The situation at this time was a little strange. Yi Tian, who was just about to stop Tang Mu, kept retreating, while Tang Mu kept approaching Yi Tian. Between a flash of pursuit, the two also unconsciously fought more than a dozen times, and each time ended with a change of heaven.

After all, Yi Tian still considered the person behind him, and Tang Mu dared to let go so much because he saw this, otherwise he would not have chased Yi Tian so rashly. After all, Yi Tian's strength is there. Even after Qi Yan's war, his strength has regressed, but some things will not be restricted.

"Daw." Yi Tian cursed in his heart, but he still continued to retreat, and the corners of his eyes were swept away. Some of the people brought by Tang Mu had rushed into the alliance soldiers. After all, his manpower is still a little less, and it is still a little insufficient to block the wolf-like people brought by Tang Mu.

William, who was resisting those people, also saw this and turned his head and shouted at the soldiers: "If you don't want all these people to die here, take action against them. Otherwise, you won't want to go back alive." This roar directly woke up the soldiers who were still in a sluggish state, and then the alliance's counterattack.