reverse song

Chapter 410 For the glory of the past

The light intensity in the room is just right, and occasionally a cool wind blows by, bringing bursts of water vapor. The sound of birds sounds outside the room, which is very crisp and makes people feel calm for no reason. The first thing you can see when you wake up is the roof made of bamboo, and you can also see the light leaking from the cracks.

With a moan, the white wolf opened his eyes. He was sober that he knew that he was not dead, but he didn't know where he was. Because I just woke up, my mind is still a little chaotic and I can't make things clear. It took him a little time to figure out what had happened. Originally, their group fell into the siege of Tang Mu, but at the last moment, a mysterious person appeared to rescue them.

As soon as they were involved in a strange energy field, the white wolf and others fell into a coma and didn't know who saved them.

I don't know what happened to others. The white wolf sat up while thinking about it. He was the only one in the room, and the window was a little higher. Unless he stood up, he could not see the situation outside. At this time, the white wolf was not in a hurry to see where it was outside. No matter whether the person who took them away was malicious or not, they had fallen into the hands of the man, and it was useless to struggle no matter how much. The white wolf is very clear about this, so he can behave so calmly.

Before the white wolf stood up, he heard the sound of footsteps outside the room, and the bamboo door was suddenly pushed open. A figure appeared at the door, which was the child. However, at this time, the child's face was in a hurry, as if something had happened. When he saw the white wolf, the child's face obviously eased a lot.

"I finally saw a living person." Taking a breath, the child sat on the floor with a relaxed smile on his face. "I thought you were all sacrificed heroically." As soon as he opened his mouth, he had nothing good to say.

"Get out of here." As soon as the white wolf heard the child's words, his face couldn't help twitching and roaring.

The child ignored the roar of the white wolf and still sat there with a smile. He looked up at the white wolf and said, "Do you know where this is?"

"I don't know."

"Have you checked it?"

"I just woke up. How can I check the situation around me?"

"Are you an idiot? What is your power used for? The child looked at the white wolf with contempt. Obviously, he looked down on the white wolf, a dead brain that only knows how to fight with energy.

"Have you checked it?" The white wolf raised his eyebrows and still didn't care about the child's words. "Then can you tell me where this is?"

"I don't know." The child spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders, saying that he didn't know anything. "There is no way to investigate here. You can find out where you can see with gas, but you can never surpass this room.

The white wolf looked at the child, and he knew that this guy must have something to say.

"So I think we are under house arrest. There are many rooms in this room, but only you and I are here, and no one else can't even see a shadow. Where do you think they are going? The smile on the child's face gradually convered. "The most important thing is that there is no door to go out in this room. If we want to go out, we have to destroy the walls here. I don't know if you have tried. Anyway, I can't smash the wall.

The child's helpless hand knocked on the wall made of bamboo behind him, making a banging sound. Obviously, it was just a wall made of bamboo, which could be so hard.

After listening to the child's words, the white wolf still did not change, without any angry look or sad face. He just sat on the edge of the bed and said after a while of silence, "If that person wants to be unfavorable to us, do you think we can still live?"

"Bah, everyone knows that the living are more valuable than the dead. Are you in the water?" As soon as the child heard the white wolf's words, he jumped up from the ground and pointed to the white wolf's nose and roared. He felt that the white wolf's brain must have been mudd, otherwise how could he not even understand such a simple truth. As they are, they must know a lot of secrets. As long as they are still alive, these secrets may be leaked at any time, and if they die, there is no need to say anything.

The white wolf was stunned by what the child said. He didn't think of this possibility at all, or he didn't think about it at all. Under the condition that his own safety is not threatened, the white wolf will not think too much at all, which is due to his nature, so he can't be blamed. This is also why the vulture let the child follow Yi Tian and others, not the white wolf, an obviously more powerful guy.

"You mean that man is going to force us to ask?" The white wolf's face changed, and he finally stood up to see what the outside world was like. However, when his eyes fell out of the window, he found that he could not see anything clearly. It's not the kind of real can't see clearly, but a feeling, a feeling of being masked. Outside, the birds are fragrant and the breeze is gentle, but there is no one, let alone anything distinctive to show. He can't see the scenery farther away.

The white wolf naturally wanted to explore the surrounding environment with gas. When the energy was released, everything in the room was clearly reflected and felt, but when the energy touched the wall, he found an invisible force blocking his energy from continuing to explore.

What's going on? Uneasiness came out of the white wolf's mind. If he had mentioned the previous incident, he might not care too much about these things, but now the situation is different. What he didn't understand was why he locked them in the same place and isolated William and others.

"You just said that there are only two of us here?" The white wolf looked at the child, and he already knew how bad his environment was. They can't know what's going on outside and get out of here. They are already veritable prisoners.

"Yes. Yi Tian and others don't know where they have been locked up. The child looks solemn, and it is rare to see such an expression on the face of this always hippie smiling guy.

"Do you think they are safe now?" In the case of insufficient information, the white wolf can't guess at all. This is his weakness, but the child is different.

"It should be fine for the time being. If that person is smart, he should regard Yi Tian and others as a bargaining chip to threaten us. The child looked out of the window and said, "After all, we are with Yi Tian. Of course, if he can get the information we know in another way, then Yi Tian and others are not important at all. Under such circumstances, even if something happens to Yi Tian and others, we can't help.

"What do you mean?"

"Let's wait here for the master to appear." Children also have no idea. This situation is very special. If they can know the situation outside, or if they can go out, they will not have no clue at all. But now it's completely different. They can't know anything that happened outside.

"Daw." The white wolf punched ** fiercely and made a dull sound. Originally, his punch should have been able to smash the bed, but he couldn't even leave a punch mark.

It's useless to get angry. Think about how to deal with that person. The child looked up and looked at the light leaking from the roof, but began to care about what to do.

"Are you more sure than the people who can trap us?" The white wolf may not have a clear mind on some things that have nothing to do with combat, but once the matter is involved in the battle, he can immediately see the key points. It is more difficult to trap people at their level than to kill them. Since the owner here can create such a place to trap white wolves and others, he is not an ordinary person.

The child didn't say anything this time, because he knew that what the white wolf said was true, and it was because it was true that made him frustrated. They don't even have the strength to resist.

When the two sat in the room speechlessly, they heard footsteps in the corridor outside the room, which was not dense, but as soon as they heard it, they knew that there were several people appearing together. Their faces changed at the same time, and they immediately rushed to the door and stood up to prepare for the change.

The two just stood up, the door was opened, and then a figure rushed in. The two didn't even see who the man was, so they immediately closed the door back. The child pressed against the door, and the white wolf silently rushed at the man.

The two are extremely tacitly compatible, and their timing and use of the environment are also excellent. Although the room is made of bamboo, its toughness is far beyond their imagination. With the strength of both of them, they can't break the wall, so these people should not have the ability to do that. Although the person who built this house is a master, such a master can't be here at any time.

Use the toughness of the room to resist these people, and then catch turtles in the urn by their familiarity with each other.

It can be said that the cooperation between the two is seamless, and the tacit understanding is even better.

The dark shadow that rushed in only heard the door close with a bang, followed by a tightening neck, and was caught. The man didn't even resist, but he was already restrained by the white wolf.

The white wolf did not hurt the man's life. After all, he had to rely on this hostage to exchange with the other party. However, when he saw the restrained person clearly, he couldn't help shouting.


The white wolf never thought that it would be Al who rushed in, but then he remembered something. He forced Al to the corner and looked at Al with a murderous look and roared: "Say, what's the purpose of bringing us here?" When he said this, there was a fierce breath on the white wolf.

Al was strung by the white wolf, and it was already a very good thing to be able to breathe. How could he say something at this time? He just looked at the white wolf and kept shaking his hands, signaling the white wolf to relax. But the more Al did this, the harder the white wolf was, because he felt that Al was resisting and trying to attack him.

Poor Al has not said a word since he entered the house, but he was almost strangled to death by the white wolf.

"Relax your hands." The child roared behind the white wolf. He had already felt that the people behind him were attacking the door panel, and the huge force kept coming through the door panel. If the child had not been weak, he would have been attacked long ago.

"Hurry up and make it clear." The child roared again. The white wolf showed such a manic side when it encountered a battle, and it was really a big mistake for him to force a person to ask.

Who the hell are you? Who sent you here? The white wolf loosened his hand slightly, allowing Al to breathe and speak freely, but could not move.

"What's wrong with you?" Al knew that this guy must have been trapped here, so he said so.

"Answer my question." The white wolf roared loudly, almost breaking Al's eardrums.

Al was dizzy when the white wolf yelled like this, and he had long forgotten the question the white wolf had asked before. He looked at the white wolf and shouted.

"What's wrong with you? I'm Al. Don't you recognize me?" He was also angry. Why did this guy suddenly become so crazy?

"What exactly are your purposes?"

"What's the purpose of my mother?" Al showed no weakness. "If I want to trap you, do you think I will come here to talk to you?"

This is directly on the point.

Yes, since you are here to ask, it is naturally the best way to separate yourself from them. There is no need to put yourself in such a dangerous situation. The white wolf's heart is electrocuted, and the strength in his hand is much smaller.

"Be careful not to be fooled by him." The child shouted loudly. He wanted to rush up to help, but the damn door had no bolt. If he walked away, the door would be broken in the first place. At that time, they will fall into the encirclement.

"He is lying to us. Let's relax our guard."

"Tar to paralyze you!" As soon as Al heard this, he became angry and couldn't help cursing. He didn't expect the two people to go crazy at the same time.

"If it's not good for you, I've already tied you up and waiting for you to arrest me." Al scolded and struggled. He felt that there was no way to communicate with the two. The generation gap, a deep generation gap, appeared between the two sides.

"You still want to lie to us." The child shouted, "If we had been tied up, we would have found out your purpose long ago. White wolf, don't listen to the boy's nonsense, tie him up first.

"Damn it, you guys are serious." Al knew that the two were not joking when she heard the child's words, and she couldn't help but be anxious. He also knew that these two people completely regarded themselves as enemies, otherwise they would not be able to listen to anything. He also knew that the more he explained the situation, the more he couldn't explain what was going on, so he simply stopped talking.

Al gave up the struggle, and the white wolf quickly tied him up and threw him aside. Then the two of them pressed against the door and shouted to the people outside.

"Listen to the people outside, your people are already in our hands. If you want him to live, listen to us obediently.

This shout was nondescript, which made Al almost laugh, but he was very wise not to laugh. After all, he is now a hostage. God knows if these two madmen will suddenly tear up the tickets.

People outside couldn't help but be stunned when they heard the white wolf's shouting, wondering why these two living treasures were doing and suddenly make such words. Although he didn't understand what this meant, Al was extremely clear in their hands.

"White wolf, kid, you two calm down." Xiu began to shout, and his voice was a little vague, but he could still hear it clearly.

"We are very calm. Go and get your heads." The white wolf just shouted this sentence and thought it was wrong. In case their heads came, wouldn't the two of them have no chance to resist at all, so he immediately changed his mind, "No, you stand outside and answer my questions. As long as the answer is good, I will let Al out. After saying this, he felt wrong and let Al go. Who will be their hostages? At that time, they will not be trapped here.

"Okay, you ask." Xiu didn't pay so much attention.

"Who the hell are you?" The white wolf has always remembered this problem.

"We can't answer this." Xiuxin thought that they really didn't know who they were. If they didn't belong to any force in the world, they could only be regarded as a marginal group.

"Answer honestly." The white wolf roared and punched the wall with a muffled sound to vent his dissatisfaction.

When people outside heard this muffled sound, they closed their mouths and wanted to hear what would be heard inside, but it turned out to be quiet.

"Answer the question quickly." The roar of the white wolf came out again.

A wry smile appeared on Xiu's face, and then began to make up nonsense: "We are a senior sent out to search for inheritance." This is really too white, but when it comes to inheritance, Xiu and Al really got the inheritance of Tang Mu.

"What's the purpose?"

"I hope to restore the glory of the people in the past." At the beginning, the nonsense naturally began to make up smoothly. Without thinking about it, Xiu answered the white wolf's question like this.

Xiu didn't expect that his words were crooked, which just made the white wolf and the child inside stunned and said, "Restore the glory of the clan in the past?" After saying this, their faces suddenly changed. Instead of relaxing at all, they became more and more nervous.

The white wolf roared: "You are with them." As soon as the words were spoken, the white wolf and the child burst out with amazing murderous atmosphere at the same time, making people feel like falling into the ice cellar.

The murderous atmosphere overflowed from the room, which shocked the people outside and changed their faces. They didn't understand why the white wolf and the child suddenly changed so much.