reverse song

Chapter 418

Anger cannot devour what is in front of them, at least before these people act, but it can fully express their mood at this time and stir up their murderous spirit, just like the real murderous spirit. It was like a layer of transparent red veil passing in front of their eyes. The people present only felt that the original Qingming world was covered with a faint layer of blood, shocking blood.

When this blood appeared, the soldiers of the alliance felt a sense of crisis for no reason. They knew where these senses of crisis came from, so they did not panic much. Compared with completely unknown dangers, this predictable danger cannot make people panic. Even knowing that the people opposite were fierce, the soldiers of the alliance still stood there extremely calmly, facing those who had the ability to spit out anger in their eyes.

In order to protect their homes and their families, they will not hesitate to sacrifice on the front line. This is their belief, the simplest belief.

obeying the command, these soldiers launched the attack in an orderly manner, with a very consistent rhythm. Soon the pace of the battlefield was controlled by the alliance. No matter how angry those people were, there was nothing they could do to break through the fire network in front of them. Those light bombs are not as simple as they seem at all. How can they be so simple if they want to break through the past?

Suddenly, these people felt that they had been cheated a few days ago. Because before that, they had also encountered such light bomb attacks, but those light bombs were absolutely not as powerful as these light bombs, and there were not so many strange things in it. When they thought that they were at a disadvantage and Tang Mu was looking at him in the back room, they were upset.

If the performance is not good, even if you win back, you will inevitably be blamed by Tang Mu. It may be okay to just blame, but if there is anything else, it will be troublesome. Thinking about this, those people's hearts became more and more flustered. When he panicked, the attack rhythm was chaotic in an instant. Originally, there was excellent cooperation, but at this time there was no tacit understanding of cooperation at all.

They were originally at a disadvantage, but at this time, they were even more forced to retreat.

The fire network is getting stronger and stronger, and it is becoming more and more difficult to resist. Those people are crazy and really going crazy, because they have never encountered such a situation. You should know that they are only facing ordinary people, a group of ordinary people who are just ants in their opinion. And they were suppressed by such a group of ordinary people without backhand. What's the situation?

Don't talk about the people outside, that is, Tang Mu and others in the room. At this time, they are also in an almost dull state. They have never seen such a strange situation. Tang Mu is better, but his men are not so calm. They have never encountered such an embarrassing situation even in the face of a large group of powers when they follow Tang Mu's battle, but now, they have seen such an embarrassing scene.

Restlessness, absolutely restlessness, they are so restless, but without Tang Mu's order, they dare not go to war at all. Because acting without permission is equivalent to ignoring Tang Mu's order, which is equivalent to ignoring Tang Mu. They can't bear such guilt, which will make them lose their lives. However, the unfavorable situation outside makes them constantly restless, and pride makes them unable to accept failure, or unacceptable to fall into the control of ordinary people.

Dugu Liang, standing beside Tang Mu, is completely different from his mind. He has always been on the opposite side of the alliance, which makes them pay great attention to the weapons of the alliance. It is precisely because of this that the weapons placed by the alliance at this time make them care more. If it was only because one person went to war that he was suppressed by fierce firepower before, then this time is completely different. More than a dozen people are not many, but if these a dozen people are masters, it will be a completely different situation.

These dozen people have been suppressed and have no power to fight back, and the fierce firepower of the alliance can be seen.

Even if he knew that the situation outside was very unfavorable, Tang Mu still stood motionless and looked at the situation outside. He had no intention of ordering his subordinates to go out to support, as if he had not heard the restless sound around him. He seemed to live completely in his own world, looking at the battle in front of him with his own unique eyes.

It can be said that Tang Mu knows very well the weakness of their group, that is, he knows too little about the world, and thinks that he can run rampant in the world just by relying on his ability far beyond ordinary people. In fact, this is not the case. When he first saw the weapons of the world, he already knew what kind of world he was going to face, but his people may not be able to see this, so he needed to make them understand that he was not invincible, or at least before he understood the world. We are not invincible.

The roar outside is still coming without interruption. Those people still can't take half a step forward. It's not easy for them to deal with those spires. The people of the alliance finally formed those spires, and how could they be easily destroyed? The people on both sides fell into a strange stalemate, which was indeed a stalemate. Those people can't break through the fire network, and the fire network of the same alliance can't completely suppress these people.

Anger burned in the eyes of both sides, almost completely burning what was in front of them.

There was a roar, followed by a mass of water-colored light suddenly bursting out, without the heat of flames, without the arrogance of wind, without the thickness of soil, but with the warmth of water and the madness of water. The sound of water also burst out in the shining light, which was extremely amazing.

The sudden change made the alliance stunned, and then saw that the light bombs all over the sky were swallowed up by a huge wave. They can't describe how horrible the wave is, because even the craziest tsunami in their eyes is not as horrible as the wave in front of them. It seems that they are going to swallow the world. Those people only hear the sound of water, and their eyes are full of water.

At the top of the wave, they saw a man, a very small person compared with the wave, but this man controlled the whole huge wave and fell towards them.

Uncontrollable fear springs up in the hearts of the alliance soldiers. No matter how tough they are, they are only facing people. At this time, they are not facing people, but a huge wave, a wave that can completely devour them. If they don't have any fear in the face of such horrible food, then it can only be said that these people are crazy, not human beings.

People often do unreasonable things when they are afraid. Even those moderate alliance soldiers couldn't help but stop the design and retreat involuntarily when they saw this huge wave that could not be resisted by manpower at this time. This is not to say that they are afraid of death, but because they know too well that the current situation is not what they can resist, unless the powers hidden among them can take action.

Did the powerman take action? No, they quietly hid in the crowd and retreated as the crowd, but they had no intention of moving. Soldiers can retreat, but the people who assemble the steeple can't retreat, and they can't retreat. They must assemble the steeple, and only after assembling the steeple can they have a chance to survive. These people know their situation better than anyone else.

Tang Mu's people don't know what the people of the alliance think. They just managed to get rid of the suppression of the fire network. At this time, the anger in their hearts was completely out of control, making a deep roar. They suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the people of the alliance. Their speed was so fast, and the murderousness in their eyes was so strong, but none of them noticed that the dark spire in front of them had been assembled, and a hidden light was flashing above, and they did not hear the sharp humming sound, because the sound was so small that it was completely watered. The sound covered it, so they rushed forward without hesitation, fearless, and there was no need to be afraid.

Without the containment of the fire network, these people can give full play to their strength. Although they look so embarrassed now, it can't affect their strength, or in this case, they are likely to exert 200 percent of their strength, because they want to wash away their shame.

It is suppressed by ordinary people, which undermines the ability to be proud.

How can they allow ordinary people in front of them to live again? Rushing towards the steeple at a fast speed, the waves in front of them also rushed forward at a very fast speed, with a great momentum to drown the world under the waves.

But as soon as they approached the steeple, they heard a strange hum and strange white light. The reason why the light is strange is that there is a faint blue under the white light, but the light is not strong, or completely inconspicuous, and it does not appear in the form of divergent like any light, but just sticks to the lines of the spire, depicting the lines that were not obvious to the spire, just like a child's edge. The inherent line draws bright colors with a brush.

As soon as the light appeared, the originally inconspicuous black spire became gorgeous, which also fully reflected the sense of technology. The minaret that had not fluctuated at all before also immediately burst into a crazy energy fluctuation. A circle of white light suddenly appeared from the spire, bouncing away all Tang Mu's men who were approaching in front. .

Those people only felt as if they had been punched hard by someone, and their bodies flew backwards completely uncontrollably, and the speed of backwards was much faster than the speed when they approached. The waves that originally submerged the world also shattered in a burst and turned into splashes and dispersed around, but it could not approach the spire at all, and it was even impossible to cross the spire. Around the spire, and even behind it, it seems to form an invisible wall to block everything.

The change does not only appear on a steeple, but also changes in the eight steeple, and there are also changes in various kinds of light at the same time. A thick line of energy fluctuates, which shocks human nature and comforts people. No one knows how these minarets have changed, but these changes have completely fallen into their eyes.

Those who were forced back by the steeple opened their mouths and spit out a mouthful of blood before they stabilized, and their faces immediately turned pale. The reason why their faces changed was not because they were injured by the spire, but because they thought that their bad performance was all in Tang Mu's eyes, which was likely to disappoint Tang Mu.

They can't do such a simple thing well. Even if they return it now, there is no way to explain it. They controlled their bodies at the first time and rushed directly to the spire before they could wipe the blood stains from the corners of their mouths. They have felt the energy fluctuations from the minaret and hedged directly with the minaret, so they know that those minarets must be destroyed, and it is urgent.

But will the people of the alliance give them a chance to destroy the steeple? No, or simply say that they have lost the chance to return the spire when they fly them out. Before these people approached the spire, they saw a light curtain ejected from the spire and connected to another spire, like a huge, transparent and tireless being pulled open and implicated to each spire.

The light of the steeple forms a huge cage, dividing the inside and outside of the steeple into two worlds, completely two worlds. At the moment when the light curtain was completely formed, there seemed to be a slight change in the world in the steeple, but those people did not notice it, because the change was just a flash, and it was gone when they wanted to capture it again.

And at this time, they only have those spires in their eyes. They must carry out Tang Mu's orders, otherwise they can't go back to face Tang Mu.

heard another sound, a dull sound, and then a burst of light. It was those people who attacked the light curtain on the steeple, but when their attack fell on the steeple, it was like hitting cotton, without any effect, but made the light on the steeple change. Before they figured out what these changes meant, there was a shocking scene for them.

The attack they just launched spewed out from the other side of the light and fell straight towards them. The change came so fast that those people didn't have time to react at all, so the attack fell on them without surprise.

Guanghua burst. Fortunately, these people were veterans on the battlefield and reacted at the first time, but they were still extremely embarrassed. In the shining light, they ejected back and were extremely embarrassed.

The people outside are very embarrassed, and the people in the room are very shocked. Not to mention Tang Mu's men, even Tang Mu himself is also shocked. He didn't expect that these spires could burst into such power. Just when the light appeared on the steeple, he remembered something, but this plausible feeling made him unable to be sure that these things were what he had seen in the past, but when he found the role of those things, he completely confirmed the conjecture in his heart. But it's too late, and the cage has been completed. Even if you have the ability to ascend to the sky, you can't escape. The only thing he can pray for is that those things don't have the terrible confinement of those things in the past, otherwise it will be really troublesome.

Dugu Liang and others have no idea what these are, let alone how the league can make such a thing. But the energy fluctuations that just burst out are enough to frighten them. What a horrible energy it is.

When the light curtain was formed, the people outside cheered, and then the people of the alliance stood there, looking at everything inside and looking at the extreme awkwardness of those people. Originally, they came to do such an experiment with extreme anxiety, but they didn't expect that the experiment would really succeed. This means that they will no longer be afraid of these superiors in the future.

The man in black, hidden in the dark, stared at the huge light curtain in front of him, with an unbelievable expression on his face. These ordinary people can make such a thing, but soon he wakes up. He believes that these people can make such a huge cage, but the cage that can trap the capable can not be made by these people. Just look at the engraving on the steeple can know. Although those simple lines are not full of pure seed energy, but replaced by another kind of energy, he knows very well how effective those lines can play.

"The alliance is not easy." The man in black muttered such a sentence.

Tang Mu also said such a sentence almost at the same time as the man in black. He felt that he really underestimated the people of the alliance, but soon, a smile appeared on Tang Mu's face and a faint smile. He did not pay attention to the current embarrassment at all, but looked at the changes outside. When he saw his men rushing to the black spires again, he spoke slowly.

"Come back."

The words from Tang Mu's mouth were orders, so those who were rushing to the minaret stopped their bodies at the first time, and then slowly flew back without any intention of continuing to attack the minaret. This is Tang Mu's influence in this team and the execution power of this team.

Those people came back with a look of confusion, but they did not dare to see Tang Mu. Even if Tang Mu called them back, they did not dare to see Tang Mu, because they did not know what they would face next. They didn't even justify why they fell into such an embarrassing situation, just standing waiting for Tang Mu's departure.