reverse song

Chapter 429 Explosion

The ruins are indeed ruins, the kind of ruins that everyone can imagine, desolate, lifeless, and occasionally a sad wind blows by. When Yi Tian and others saw the ruins in front of them, they couldn't help thinking, did the alliance people put aside the convenience of the city and go to such a desolate place to build a research institute?

"Are you sure this is the place we are looking for?" Yi Tian looked at William, hoping that he could give himself a clear answer. In his opinion, even if the people of the alliance want to find a hidden place, there is no need to find such a ruin. The alliance of large and rich resources find a place that is more hidden and the environment is better than here.

William nodded and said with great certainty, "This is the place we are looking for. As for whether Dolly is here or not, I don't know." The alliance chose the alternate addresses of several research laboratories, and William didn't know a palm index, so he could only take Yi Tian and others to try his luck.

When the group walked on the ruins, they found no difference at all. This place is as desolate as all the ruins, with a sad atmosphere.

"There seems to be nothing special." I walked around and didn't find anything. Yi Tian also knew that the research room could not be built on the ground, otherwise they would have seen it as soon as they came. However, the present situation is that he can't find any difference underground at all. Has the alliance also created a technology of isolation and exploration? It's impossible to think about it. After all, judging from the base of current capable people, it is strange that there are occasionally some capable people who are good at exploring. It is normal for the alliance to develop something specifically for such capable people. After all, scientific and technological exploration alone has become inconceivable before the capable people.

William also didn't find anything special. Although he was very sure of the information he had, if he couldn't find the entrance, his information would be useless even if it was accurate.

This research institute of the alliance is different from the research institute built on the ground. As long as the people in it do not come out, Yi Tian and others can't find them no matter how hard they try.

"What should I do?" The current situation is a little difficult for them, and Cook couldn't help asking such a question.

Yi Tian turned his head and looked at Situ Hao beside him, and he pinned his hopes on this guy. If even Situ Hao can't find any trace, they can only go to the second suspicious place. After all, they can't waste and stay in one place for too long. After all, the people in the alliance are looking for them.

Of course, they appeared here at this time, which undoubtedly exposed their whereabouts. By means of internal communication of the alliance, I am afraid that they have been found as soon as they stepped into the vicinity of the ruins, and the research institute is likely to release the news of requests for reinforcements as soon as possible.

If Yi Tian and others stay longer, they will only let the people of the alliance catch it. However, after leaving like this, Yi Tian and others felt a little unwilling. They finally found the first place. It was likely that Dolly was here. How could they give up easily? In fact, this is a wonderful idea. Obviously, I know that I will be here, but I still insist on hitting the south wall before I choose to believe it.

Situ Hao found that Yi Tian's gaze and could only shake his head helplessly, because he also found nothing. This situation is normal, so Yi Tian did not have any disappointment on his face. Looking at William next to him, Yi Tian said, "Let's go. I guess the people of the alliance are coming soon." He estimated the time, and if the reinforcements of the alliance rushed this way from the beginning when they were found, it would be almost there. If you don't leave, just wait for trouble.

William and others also understood the urgency of the matter and hurriedly urged them to leave the ruins. Just as they were moving, the ground suddenly trembled, followed by bumps around Yi Tian and others. On the surface, those bumps looked like pillars of soil, but when a mechanical sound came, the black cannon mouths were aimed at Yi Tian and others.

When he saw the things around him, a wry smile appeared on Yi Tian's face and spread his hands and said, "It seems that it's not so easy for us to leave." He didn't expect that the people of the research institute chose to attack or deter them when they found out that they were about to leave. This is extremely unwise for the people of the institute, because Yi Tian and others did not realize the exact location of the institute, and once the people of the institute launch an attack, they will undoubtedly reveal their whereabouts.

"Situ, it's up to you." Looking at the things around him, Yi Tian said coldly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Situ Hao just answered, and a faint silver light flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, Situ Hao's temperament changed dramatically. Situ Hao seemed to suddenly lose all his biological breath. A strange metal feeling emerged from his body, and the silver light flowing in his eyes covered a pair of emotional eyes.

Cold, now Situ Hao can only be described by the word cold. He stands there like a robot with no feelings at all. Except for the silver light flashing in his eyes, there was no other light on his body, and no other light appeared.

The mechanical sound finally stopped, and a total of more than 20 thick metal pillars rose from the ground, about one person high, all with turrets of adult arms. The cold metal feeling came, and there was a great pressure. The light condensed on the mouth of the gun, which made people afraid.

When they saw these metal pillars, Yi Tian and others did not panic at all. To be more precise, they did not even plan to escape. They stood there fixedly, and all kinds of light appeared on their bodies, and Situ Hao would become protected like a robot. There was no extra word, and there was no sound.

When it was silent, a pressure naturally flowed among the people. At this time, if someone else is present, it will inevitably be forced by the pressure emitted by this person, and naturally there will be a sense of fear. That's a very strange pressure, which will make people feel scared before they do it.

Yi Tian and others did not move, and the surrounding muzzle naturally did not emit any rays. Obviously, the people of the research institute don't want to force Yi Tian and others to leave. They just want to drag them here to wait for reinforcements to arrive. After all, it is not enough to attack such a group of fierce guys with the power of the research institute. This is not to say that the strength of the people in the research institute is very poor. On the contrary, it can only be said that the people in the research institute are too good at thinking about it.

The research institute did not launch an attack, and Yi Tian and others were not in a hurry to launch an attack. Everything will be done after Situ Hao.

The strange quiet atmosphere is still continuing. Yi Tian and others have no patience. They have long thought that such a situation would happen. It seems that suddenly, they are not worried about the arrival of alliance reinforcements. At this time, Yi Tian and others were completely Situ Hao's bodyguards, standing there to protect Situ Hao's life.

After about half an hour, the surrounding metal pillars condensed and the light began to fade, followed by the rustling sound that had just disappeared. This time, it was not something rising from the ground, but the metal pillars around it slowly falling down. Seeing this scene, Yi Tian and others did not have any expression change on their faces. They still stood beside Situ Hao and guarded Situhao, and they were not in a hurry to act.

When all the metal pillars sank, Yi Tian and others finally breathed a sigh of relief, but just as they relaxed, another rustling sound came. The sudden sound shocked them, but then they saw a big pit suddenly appear on the ground, and a straight staircase appeared in the hole.

There is no doubt that this sudden pit is the entrance to the research institute. After the entrance appeared, Yi Tian and others whispered, and then turned their heads to look at Situ Hao.

The silver light in Situ Hao's eyes dissipated, his eyes were a little lax, and his blood-colored face suddenly turned white. Shaking his body a few times, Situ Hao almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Jiami beside him reacted quickly and held him.

"How's it going?" Jiami asked. She didn't know what had happened just now, but she also roughly guessed that these things were all related to Situ Hao.

With a pale smile on his face, Situ Hao said, "It's okay. Just take a break." While talking, his breathing became a little short, obviously due to excessive energy consumption. Situ Hao's situation is very special. He can't use his energy to attack, but he has more wonderful uses than Yi Tian and William. He can contact the chips in the minds of those who can implant the alliance and invade electronic instruments. It can be said that Situ Hao's ability is a god-like existence in the world of science and technology. However, the premise is that he can find an entrance to the electronic network.

If the people of the research institute just now do not reveal those hidden forts, maybe Yi Tian and others will not be able to find the entrance of the research institute, but once a gap is exposed, they will be ruthlessly invaded by Situ Hao. If Situ Hao is strong enough, I'm afraid he will take over the whole research institute, and no one can find it. However, it's a pity that Situ Hao has not thought of how to improve his strange ability until now.

After Situ Hao rested for a while, the group walked down without hesitation.

The sound of footsteps echoed on the empty stairs, which was a strange sound. Metal stairs, metal walls, and white cold light scattered down, reflecting the already cold atmosphere more cold. Yi Tian and others walked down carefully. It seems that people in the research institute have not noticed the abnormal movements of Yi Tian and others, but this situation is obviously impossible. Situ Hao is not strong enough to blind others.

So there is no doubt that when they walk this staircase, they will definitely meet the people of the research institute, and they will be reinstalled and waiting for them. It is also possible that they will go in, and then the alliance reinforcements will arrive, and they will become turtles in the urn.

Although all kinds of conjectures flashed in his heart, Yi Tian and others still walked down the stairs without hesitation, like a brave warrior who was not afraid of death. They can't be fearless of death, but they are sure that they won't let themselves die.

The stairs are not long. When you get to the ground, there is an extremely strange hall, which is empty, nothing, and no one is standing there. It is slightly different from the picture of the expected research personnel who are full of waiting, but this strange situation makes Yi Tian and others smell an unusual smell.

"No." William's face changed, and he grabbed Situ Hao and retreated without thinking about it.

Yi Tian, who was also walking in the front, suddenly reacted, raised his hand and blocked a silver light in front of him, and then roared at the rest, "Withdraw!" As soon as the words were finished, a burst of fire suddenly broke out in the strange hall, followed by a violent shock.

At that moment, it seemed that the whole world was trembling violently, but Yi Tian and others were not in the mood to pay attention to the trembling world. They just didn't want to be buried alive here. If it's just the soil collapsing, it's a small matter for Yi Tian and others, but the problem is that God knows what mess the people of the alliance will make in these mud. If they are really unlucky to meet something strange, then they don't even know how they died.

The group did not hesitate at all, but it can be said that they tried their best to run in the direction of the exit. But just now, it was such a short staircase, but at this time it seemed to be endless, constantly extending, which means that the light of the exit has never appeared in front of them.

What makes them feel a little safe is that at least the people of the alliance have not been vicious enough to blow up this staircase, otherwise they will really have no way to escape. Just when this idea appeared in his mind, Yi Tian and others felt a violent tremor under their feet, and then began to fall down the dust in front of them.

You should know that this channel is made of metal. At this time, there is obviously a problem with the loss of soil powder. But Yi Tian and others did not dare to stay and could not stay. Because once it stops, it is likely to be buried here. They can only keep speeding up and running outside.

Rumbled, and the fire tongue swept from under the stairs, like a monster opening its mouth and biting at them. What a frightening scene this is, but Yi Tian and others completely ignored it. They just thought about how they could pay attention to the situation behind them when they fled for their lives. Yi Tian roared, and the silver light on his body suddenly broke out, followed by more than a dozen silver rays in a row.

As soon as the light appeared, it immediately entered the collapsed wall. The wall that was still falling off the soil stopped all the noise at that moment. After Yi Tian and others passed, it roared and completely fell down. The flame that had just swept up was immediately smashed by the falling soil.

William, who opened the way in front of him, also had a hard time. He also took Situ Hao with him. He tried his best to run. Unlike Yi Tian, William doesn't have so many strange methods. He is better at condensing energy into his body and then bursting out. So he could only blow away the falling soil so as not to be blocked.

This time, I really don't know how long they have been attacking. They finally saw a little light, which is different from the cold light above their heads. This time they saw the sun. When he saw this light, William couldn't help cheering, but before he was happy, he saw that the light was decreasing little by little. Obviously, the exit is shrinking and shrinking, but it is unknown what is because of the shrinkage.

William let out a roar, and the silver light on his body suddenly burst out. The sky was a punch, and the energy condensed on his fist burst out in an instant and quickly flew forward. He will never let the exit be blocked, otherwise they will be trapped here.

The silver light melted by the fist immediately flew in the direction of the exit, and then heard a roar, as if the explosion echoed in the whole space at that moment. William and others just felt a strong light suddenly appeared in front of them.

They didn't dare to stay at all. They immediately ran outside. As long as they got out of that, they could get out of this danger.

Wow, hoo, hoo, a group of people burst out of the hole one after another, and then everything in front of them was swallowed up by the strong light. For a moment, they couldn't see the situation around them. In a short period of blindness, they heard a huge roar under their feet, and then it was as if something had collapsed, causing the whole ruins to fall.

Yi Tian and others have finally fully recovered their eyesight. The ruins under their feet are still ruins. The difference is that they have become more desolate. The dust raised by the explosion has not completely disappeared.

Suddenly out of danger, Yi Tian and others laughed after being silent, with a feeling of escape from death. Everyone smiled, and the whole ruins echoed their laughter.

There was also a sound of palm clapping mixed with laughter, but Yi Tian and others did not clapping their hands, so they stood there laughing.

"It's really Yi Tian. I didn't expect that I couldn't bury you alive like this." After the sound of clapping, there was a cold voice. A man suddenly appeared on the edge of the ruins, raised his head, and looked at Yi Tian and others with burning eyes. The rest of the man was still standing, all of whom were reloaded and looked like they were waiting.