reverse song

Chapter 432 Location 2

Jason's sudden rampage was very favorable for William, at least this situation was guided by him. Although the look on his face has not changed, William's heart has been happy for a long time. If Jason continues to use his terrible speed, William may not be able to do anything to him, but once Jason loses his mind and completely abandons his speed, the situation will be completely down.

Seeing Jason lose his mind and rush at himself, although the speed was still extremely fast, he lacked the previous subtlety, let alone the reason. William didn't dodge and watched Jason rushing. The silver light in his eyes flashed a few times, then turned around and directly passed Jason who rushed in. William is extremely good at small areas, especially for the subtle control of the body.

So even if Jason rushed at William at a very fast speed, and it seemed that Jason had bumped into William's arms at that moment, a sneer suddenly appeared on William's face.

The fist protrud slightly, and the movement was very subtle, but the driving force was great. It's not that William doesn't look like a large movement, but that his body can no longer support a large movement, so he can only minimize physical movements, but maximize his strength. Fortunately, Jason has lost his mind now, otherwise William may not have been able to hit Jason just now.

When the two passed by, William punched three times in a row, each of which was superimposed on the previous punch, and the triple power was superimposed, like a wave, and the power was sharper and more solid than usual.

The sound and light around Jason flashed, followed by a pig-killing howling sound, and the sound was extremely sad. He did not expect that he would suddenly be attacked by William, and in his opinion, William could not have flashed his attack at all. But in fact, William not only dodged his attack, but also gave him a heavy blow.

The silver light on his body was like falling petals, pieces falling, and then his body, which was flying forward, suddenly folded and flew to the side. This is not a change of direction under his own control, but a change caused by the explosion of William's power. Jason's face was full of pain, and he looked as if his internal organs had been cut by a knife.

No one can understand Jason's pain at this time.

William didn't catch up, but it's not that he didn't want to chase, but when he sent out the triple strike just now, the long-depleted meridians in his body could no longer withstand the impact of power and there were some uncontrollable situations. The running energy suddenly stagnated, and William's body shook and almost fell to the ground. Although he supported himself, the scenery in front of him began to darken.

Realizing that his body had suffered a great trauma, William was not panicked. According to his estimation, Jason was not having a good time at this time, and it was impossible to fall back to attack him. After breathing a few times, William felt the pain of tearing his body. He didn't dare to move, so he stood there and pretended to be invincible, but God knew that the scenery in front of him had become dark.

Yi Tian and others still kept roaring, and it seemed that the situation was not good, but William could not see it, and he couldn't even feel it.

Jami, who is entangled with the people of the alliance, found William's situation. What she saw was William standing straight, like a javelin, standing between heaven and earth, and a little away from him, Jason fell to the ground and moved his body with difficulty. Several times Jason was about to get up from the ground, but whenever he supported himself, he suddenly made a cry of pain and then hit the ground heavily.

The situation was very strange. William stood like this, as if he were looking at Jason in pain, and as if he was looking at nothing. Such performance was very similar to William's usual cold and arrogant appearance, but Gami still noticed something wrong.

So she pushed back the capable people around her, then turned into a blue light and rushed to William. Generally speaking, people like William who are in a single-man situation are extremely ** to the changes around them. But when Jiami fell beside him, William still stood there straight as if he hadn't noticed anything.

Jami was shocked and had noticed that William's breath had become a little weak. Although his life was not in danger, it was extremely troublesome for such a situation on the battlefield.

"William." Gami tried to call William, but there was no response. At this time, she panicked and knew that William had encountered a great situation, but she didn't know how to deal with it. If there are any wounds on the appearance, she can also do some bandages and stop bleeding. Although William's whole body is full of confusion, there are really few major wounds. She can only stand beside William and protect him.

"Yi Tian." With no choice, Jiami could only roar. She believes that Yi Tian must have a way to help William. In her experience, in addition to William, only Yi Tian is the most mysterious.

Jimi's sad roar reached Yi Tian's ears, and of course to Jason, who was still sober. If there is a sudden shout, no matter who will pay attention and guess in a specific direction. Jason, lying on the ground, suddenly smiled. He believed that there must be something wrong with William, otherwise Jamie would not have suddenly behaved so flustered. He smiled and smiled with satisfaction. Although laughing would affect his muscles and make him more painful, he was very satisfied. At least he beat William into a serious injury.

When Yi Tian heard Gimi's shouting, his expression twitched, and the situation he was most worried about still appeared. Avoiding the capable person approaching him, Yi Tian suddenly popped up a silver light and flew back. He folded in the air and rushed to William.

As soon as Yi Tian retreated, there was a one-sided situation on the front that could have been deadlocked. Although Xiu and others are also strong, there are too many people in the league, and they are difficult to resist. Therefore, Xiu and others can only fight and retreat at the same time, but their front will not collapse completely. After all, the strength of their party is still quite strong.

retreated to William. Yi Tian just explored William's situation and knew what was going on, but at present, it was impossible to start healing in this situation. If you want, you can only choose a quiet place for treatment. A trace of determination flashed on his face. Yi Tian shook his body and went straight to Jason's side. Without saying a word, he grabbed Jason and told Jamie to take William to retreat. He rushed to the front again.

Jason was raised. At this time, Jason did not fall into a coma, but under Yi Tian, he had no resistance at all. Not to mention that he was severely damaged by William, Yi Tian's wonderful method of man-control alone accused him to death.

Without saying a word, Yi Tian raised Jason and slapped him a few times in a row to push back several capable people who approached him.

The people of the league stopped their movements as soon as they saw Jason being caught. Anyway, Jason is the leader of their group. If anything happens to Jason, they won't have any good fruit to eat. So they naturally dare not launch another attack.

Yi Tian was originally just a gamble. If the people of the league completely ignored Jason's life and death, they could take advantage of this time to suppress Yi Tian and others to fight, but they were worried and hesitated. Yi Tian caught such a change in such a short time, quickly said something to the people around him, and then took a step forward.

It is also strange that those alliance personnel who were still extremely fierce took a step back at this time, as if Yi Tian was not holding Jason, but a nuclear bomb.

Xiu and others have long listened to Yi Tian's words and retreated to Jiami's side.

"Withdraw!" Yi Tian roared, grabbed Jason's hand and threw Jason out.

Jason was thrown out by Yi Tian like a broken sack and directly hit the alliance. If no one catches him in front of him, he is likely to be seriously injured.

The people of the league obviously didn't want anything to happen to Jason, so they gave up chasing Yi Tian and others and caught Jason in a hurry. Yi Tian flew back when he threw Jason out.

The group immediately hid their bodies without stopping out of the ruins. With Situ Hao and Yi Tian, even the people of the alliance can't easily find them. After walking around the ruins, the group retreated into the ruins and found a hidden place to hide.

On the other side of the league, Jason's angry roar came. He was unwilling to let Yi Tian and others escape, especially William, who had always wanted to kill William, but failed in the end.

However, at this time, Jason was also seriously injured all over his body. After leaving some people to chase Yi Tian and others, he was carried to the stronghold. Jason was damaged not only by his body, but also by those modified parts. Those places need some specific instruments to repair.

Until dark, Yi Tian and others relaxed, but William, who was still open, fell into a coma. Yi Tian did not dare to delay and hurriedly began to heal William's wounds. After tossing for half a night, everything was finally settled, and it was quiet outside at this time. They are not afraid that the people of the alliance will return. After all, no one will believe that they dare to stay here.

At dawn, William also woke up from a coma, but his spirit was slightly depressed. After all, he had just been severely injured yesterday, and the wounds in his body did not recover so quickly. After running the energy a little and didn't find any discomfort, William was relieved.

"At present, the people of the alliance are looking for us. Should we continue to go deeper? Yi Tian really wants to find Dolly, but it's really hard to say if so many people take risks with him.

"We have all come here, do you still want us to go back?" William replied without thinking, "The alliance dares to make my replicator, and you have to settle this account anyway." He remembered Jason's replica, which was very difficult for William to accept to have his own replica.

"What about you?" Yi Tian did not say anything about William's statement, but looked at others. He thought that it was not up to them to decide whether everyone would stay or not. After all, both of them now have a common goal.

"Wherever William goes, we will go." Jiami and others immediately stated their position. For William's small team, nothing is more important than them being together. One person's business is the business of the four of them, and they must not be separated.

On the other hand, Xiu and Al also said that they would follow Yi Tian for a journey. The reason was very simple. When they left Yi Tian, they did not know where they were going.

"In that case, let's go to the next place accurately. However, before that, we have set the rules. If we can't find Dolly at the third location, we will withdraw from here immediately. Yi Tian knew that he could no longer be so capricious. Tang Mu had arrived here, and he didn't know how many five guys were here, but the nameless and Bai Nian didn't know where to hide. If they come out to collect the interests of the fisherman after they have a conflict with Tang Mu and others, it will be troublesome.

No matter what, they need to prepare for war, and the only power he can use is Xiao Ruo. I think that the white wolf and the child should have brought the information back, and the old guys over there should also know the seriousness of the matter, and it will be much easier to use their strength to deal with various situations. Yi Tian thought so, but William and others went out to investigate the situation around him.

The people outside the alliance have been evacuated for a long time, and the first location they explored before has obviously been abandoned by the people of the alliance. In this way, they can only go to location 2.

There was no superfluous words. After planning the route, the group rushed to the second place. The sooner they get this done, the more time they have, and the easier it will be to deal with various situations.

According to the previously planned route, the second location is actually not far from the first location, but due to the exposure of his whereabouts, it is naturally impossible for Yi Tian and others to travel so careless along the planned route. The people of the alliance are not fools. Since Yi Tian and others have appeared here, the places where they may appear are naturally monitored by the people of the alliance.

The group of people took a big circle again before gradually approaching the No. 2 site. Although they did not meet the alliance along the way, this strange quiet atmosphere made them a little nervous. After all, it is impossible to completely lose their whereabouts with the strength of the alliance, so this situation only shows that the alliance is gathering people to deal with them.

Although there is such speculation in their hearts, they still have a little fluke mentality. Even if the league knows what they want to do, the league can't judge where they will appear. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the alliance to send too many people to stay hungry in a fixed location, so they still have a chance.

All kinds of thoughts flashed by, and the group still rushed to the second location without hesitation. If it is not illegal on that day, they will also choose to go directly to the third location.

However, it is obvious that there are not many people in the alliance near the No. 2 site as they guessed, but there are only slightly more people than ordinary times.

Location No. 2 is on a mountain, a not high mountain. Of course, there are no obvious buildings on the mountain, so it can be determined that the No. 2 location is inside the mountain. To put it simply, it is to empty the mountain directly and build a building in it.

People stationed in a circle of alliance at the foot of the mountain seem to be a sparse defense circle. In fact, there are many imperceptible masters hidden in it, and the arrangement of those sentries is also very strange. At first glance, they are extremely messy, but they can't find a place to break through. Even if they want to pass through the air, it is quite difficult. As soon as they approach the mountain, they will be found immediately.

"I didn't expect that the alliance would send so many people to guard here." Yi Tian sighed. Originally, he thought it would be like location 1, but he didn't expect it to be much tighter than location 1.

"Can you find a place to make a breakthrough?" Turning his head and looking at Situ Hao, Yi Tian wanted to know if there was a chance to break through unconsciously. Forcing a breakthrough in such a place is obviously joking about your own life.

"No." Situ Hao shook his head. He explored very clearly that these defense circles were not a big deal. The trouble is that the alliance actually arranged a strange energy circle around here, covering the whole mountain in it. As long as it does not pass in a specific place, it will immediately trigger an alarm, and the energy circle itself has a certain attack energy. If it stimulates the attack of the energy circle, it will be extremely troublesome for them to escape.

"There's nothing we can do?" William also asked slowly. He didn't believe that there would be no dead corner in this place.

"Unless the influence of the energy circle can be removed." Situ Hao whispered, "But we can't get close to the energy circle. There are too many people there."

"How sure are you that it will be lifted?"


Silence, a strange silence, only 50% of the certainty is too low. If it is higher, they will take this risk, but if they don't go, will they just give up this place? It's not easy to come here, and it seems a little unwilling to give up like this.