reverse song

Chapter 438 Rune

Tang Mu moved. Naturally, the people who were still beside him just now had no reason to stand still. The light flashed, and those people also rushed towards Yi Tian. Duguliang and his party, who were mixed in Tang Mu's team, retreated and directly hid their bodies and watched, but they didn't know why they did this.

On the contrary, Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun had nothing to do at this time. At this time, the performance of the two is not the same as before. In the past, when they see Yi Tian being attacked, they will inevitably be furious, and they will attack those people without hesitation. But now, they hovered there and looked at Yi Tian and others trapped in the besieged, looking completely indifferent.

Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun looked aside and didn't help, but William and others would not just look at it. After all, they stood in front of Yi Tian, and Tang Mu's men rushed towards them. Seeing those people attacking him, William and others did not hesitate to meet them. At this time, they had no way to retreat. Yi Tianzheng and Tang Mu were entangled. If they retreated, it was equivalent to throwing Yi Tian into the fire pit.

Tang Mu, who rushed into the energy vortex, was pushing forward with difficulty. At first, he was able to keep approaching Yi Tian, but when he approached the center by crossing the outer layer of the energy whirlpool, he felt that the tearing force just now suddenly became stronger, which made him have to stop to resist the tearing force.

There is a shining silver light around him, and Tang Mu's own wind is invisible and colorless. It should not be suppressed in this case. However, the rune drawn by Yi Tian was so strong that the surrounding space began to be slightly distorted, making Tang Mu unable to disperse his body, let alone choose to retreat at this time.

In this case, retreat is death, and there is no way to live. Of course, Tang Mu's strength may not die, but the heavy damage can never escape.

Although he can't take a step forward for a while, Tang Mu will never make Yi Tian feel good. He took a deep breath and suddenly stimulated the wind in his body. A small whirlwind formed on him. Although it could not spread because of the existence of the surrounding energy vortex, it sucked in some of the surrounding energy. After adjusting some energy, Tang Mu also began to draw runes.

It is not as bright as Yi Tian, but there will be subtle twisted lines where Tang Mu's fingers cross, and then a transparent stroke appears in front of him. Tang Mu drew it very hard, because in this fantasy, he could not extract too much energy, let alone draw a rune as attentively as Yi Tian. After all, Tang Mu was trapped in the energy whirlpool controlled by Yi Tian at this time, and he did not dare to be careless anyway.

It's very hard for Tang Mu to draw runes, and Yi Tian is not too relaxed.

Because of Tang Mu's intervention, a trace of impurities appeared in the energy pumped by Yi Tian. At the beginning, the rune he had just sketched almost collapsed. That's a rune that condenses great energy. Once it collapses and disperses, not to mention Yi Tian, who is the first to be present, few people present can resist the explosive force. After all, the rune drawn by Yi Tian itself is good at the power of destruction.

Tang Mu sketched the runes in the energy whirlpool, which also caused trouble for Yi Tian, so that he had to inject the mixed energy into the runes. After all, the runes he drew are drawn by extracting energy from the surroundings, rather than simply relying on his own energy. As the runes in Tang Mu's hand gradually took shape, there were more and more impurities mixed in, which made Yi Tian have to spend a lot of energy to separate energy.

All of a sudden, the speed of Yi Tian drawing runes slowed down greatly. Seeing the runes in Tang Mu's hands gradually take shape, once the rules are established, even if Tang Mu is in a disadvantageous position, it is enough to reverse the situation with the power of the runes. Thinking of this, Yi Tian had to inject his own energy to improve the runes in his hand.

The two are competing, competing for who is faster and who is slower. Once it slows down, it will face a devastating blow.

Two crazy mixed energies burst out with extremely impactful energy fluctuations, which shocked the faces of the people around them. William and others, who were resisting Tang Mu's men, hurriedly retreated. They don't want to be involved in that energy, which means that they have to face the energy that can destroy them.

As soon as William and others retreated, Tang Mu's men immediately rushed to Yi Tian. Previously, the picture of those people being torn apart by the energy vortex did not give these people any warnings, or they completely ignored those warnings, because at this time Tang Mu fell into the energy vortex, and they had to save Tang Mu anyway.

How could Tang Mu, who was engrossed in drawing runes, know that his men were rushing to the whirlpool fearlessly at this time? If he sees it, he will probably spit blood in anger.

Different from the previous situation, those people were stopped by two mixed energies before they approached the whirlpool and then crushed. Is it so easy to resist the energy caused by Yi Tian and Tang Mu's energy in their bodies? The body was broken, and immediately there was a smell of blood spreading.

When Tang Mu, who was sketching runes, smelled the smell of blood, a bad feeling came from his heart, but he still couldn't look back at those people. At this time, his rune outlined the most critical time, and how could he be distracted to other things?

Like Tang Mu, Yi Tian has reached the most critical moment and has no time to take care of the surrounding situation. When the smell of flushing nose came, Yi Tian just frowned slightly and did not say anything superfluous.

The two were fighting, but the people around them jumped up in shock.

The people of the alliance are even more worried that one of the two people will blow up their camp to the sky. Some smart guys have long transferred the picture here to the headquarters. After all, the current situation is out of the control of a camp. There must be a higher level of people who can make decisions.

At the headquarters, a trace of fear appeared on the faces of the middle-aged man and Bai Nian who were looking at the horrible picture.

"Are they still human?" Bai Nian took a cold breath and said, his voice trembled a little.

"People? Can the two of them still be called human beings? Middle-aged people snorted coldly, but their faces became more and more ugly. As the leading force, their number was very small. If he hadn't sent the news back early, I'm afraid that even the leading troops hadn't arrived at this time. However, it is not so easy to deal with Yi Tian and others based on the strength of the first team. At this time, it is even more troublesome to add Tang Mu and others.

Fortunately, these two people are in an endless situation, otherwise he really doesn't know how to face these two groups.

"Shall we attack them?" Bai Nian felt that leaving the two dangerous guys Yi Tian and Tang Mu was really a big disaster. If he could take this opportunity to attack them, even if he couldn't kill them, it would be good to hit them hard.

"Do you want to die that much?" Middle-aged people never thought that Bai Nian would have such an idiotic idea. It's okay to kill Yi Tian and Tang Mu. Once they can't do this, it's equivalent to revealing their whereabouts. This is simply forcing Tang Mu and Yi Tian to unite. You should know that the two of them can still fight to the death now. Once they find a real enemy, they can leave behind their common senses and join hands. After all, they are still of the same race.

"Don't we do anything?" Bai Nian really doesn't want to be a shrinking turtle. In his opinion, no matter how powerful Yi Tian and others are, they are just human beings, and there is no way to be compared with them.

"What can we do?" The middle-aged man looked at Bai Nian and said, "In this situation, it is a great blessing for us to protect ourselves. Aren't you satisfied?" He felt that Bai Nian's knowledge was too little. If Bai Nian had seen those strong people with virtual world, he would know that this place was crouching tigers and hidden dragons.

Bai Nian stopped talking, but from the dissatisfied expression on his face, it could be seen that he did not care too much about the middle-aged people's words, but he still respected the middle-aged people's words. In the final analysis, the middle-aged man is still his boss, and he still needs to listen to it anyway.

Middle-aged people also know that they can't let Bai Nian understand how dangerous the current situation is, and he can only do so.

"When the general comes, we don't have to hide anymore." The middle-aged man whispered such a sentence.

Just as the two were talking, Tang Mu and Yi Tian changed again.

The Tang Muren horse who rushed up not only failed to bring Tang Mu out of the whirlpool, but sent his life in vain. After five or six people lost their lives in vain, those people finally realized that they could not break through the energy turbulence of Yi Tian and Tang Mu, but this did not mean that these people would give up. On the contrary, it aroused their fighting spirit and made them bring Tang Mu out of their current predicament anyway.

A capable man suddenly burst into a low roar, and the originally weak light on his body suddenly became strong, and then he opened his hands and rushed in the direction of Yi Tian and Tang Mu. Like all the people before, as soon as he approached the energy turbulence, the man's body began to disintegrate, but before the disintegration, the man's energy fluctuation suddenly became strong.

Then a dazzling light burst out. Because of the influence of energy turbulence, the light was compressed to the extreme immediately after the explosion, and even the energy fluctuation caused by the person's self-detonation was compressed to the extreme.

No matter how compressed the self-detonation is, it is also an explosion of all the energy of an capable person. A slight shock force still appears in the energy turbulence, causing the whole turbulence to stagnate for a short time. This brief stagnation did not affect Tang Mu and Yi Tian, but it gave a great enlightenment to other capable people.

Tang Mu's men are very loyal. Even if they die, they will save Tang Mu from this predicament. After the stagnation of the energy turbulence caused by the self-explosion of the first capable person, more capable people rushed over with no need of life at all. Their idea is very simple, as long as they blow up the energy turbulence and then approach Tang Mu.

The roar suddenly broke out, and the blood-red light flashed in the air. An inexplicable tragic breath emanated from Tang Mu's body, shocking William and others with a dull face. Dugu Liang and others hiding in the dark were even more shocked.

"Are these guys crazy?" Du Guliang couldn't help screaming. Even if he knew that these people were loyal to Tang Mu, he didn't expect these people to be so loyal. That's a self-detonation. It's a self-detonation that doesn't want to kill at all. Even if Tang Mu is rescued, they will all die.

The self-detonation of one or two people is nothing, and the energy emitted is nothing, but once the quantity hides, it will change from quantity to quality. Originally only a slight stagnation finally showed a large-scale reaction, and the energy turbulence finally showed a crack.

And this crack immediately shocked Yi Tian and Tang Mu. They were shocked. Tang Mu was about to open his mouth to stop them, but he saw several people approaching, and then a dazzling light flashed. That kind of crazy action, that kind of crazy energy fluctuations, that kind of crazy loyalty finally led to the result they expected.

The energy turbulence caused by Yi Tian and Tang Mu was completely blown up, and the heavy pressure suddenly collapsed. Then everyone felt a sense of comfort in their hearts.

Others feel better, but Yi Tian and Tang Mu feel bad. The rune, which was about to take shape, suddenly lost its energy support and immediately began to flash, followed by a collapse. The runes they drew could have triggered great energy fluctuations, so that the runes could not be dispersed with external pressure, so that they could better complete the runes. However, as soon as the external pressure dissipated, the huge power condensed on the runes began to disperse and began to eat back.

Yi Tian and Tang Mu snorted almost at the same time, and a trace of blood immediately overflowed from the corners of their mouths. However, at this time, the two did not dare to relax at all. They hurriedly accelerated their movements to complete the runes, but without the support of external energy, how could they complete the runes? The runes in front of them shone strangely, and the air was strangely distorted.

Seeing this situation, Yi Tian hurriedly cut off the connection between himself and the runes, and then pushed out the runes that had not yet formed. However, he retreated quickly, and at this time, he didn't even have time to ask others to dodge.

On the other hand, Tang Mu also cut off the connection between himself and the rune like Yi Tian, and then pushed the rune out. He can't even blame his subordinates, and he knows it's useless to blame. These people don't understand his fighting methods at all, and how can they understand that he didn't encounter much danger just now.

But now, the real danger is about to break out.

After the runes were pushed out, they flew forward, and the two runes flew each other. It was about to touch together, but during the rune flight, the whole scene fell into a strange quiet atmosphere. No one could explain what kind of tranquility it was, but everyone felt that peace, as if all the voices in the world were suddenly swallowed up. Everyone's eyes were also attracted by the two runes, watching the two runes fly away while flying.

Then, the two runes gently touched each other.

melted, and the two runes began to melt into each other. The silver light and colorless air ripples entangled and merged with each other, just like two close lovers hugging each other. However, everyone knows that this is just an abnormal situation before the great change.

Yi Tian still retreats, and he just wants to retreat as far as he can. William and others also retreated far away and did not dare to stay at all. Even Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun, who had previously hovered in mid-air, flew away in the distance. No one just stayed nearby, even the most dast person.

Tang Mu also took his own people back and kept retreating.

But these people's eyes are still on the two melting runes.

A very small sound suddenly cut through the tranquility of the scene. The sound was very small, but when it reached the ears, it roared like thunder. Some people close to the rune only felt a heavy hammer in their heads, followed by a muffled hum, opened their mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Situ Hao looked at the two runes with a pale face and looked at the two runes in fear. With Situ Hao Jiami's face, it was also difficult to see the extreme. Her seven orifices had blood flowing out, and she was obviously injured by the sound just now.

After a small sound, the two runes that were originally intimately entangled together began to break free from each other and constantly devouring each other. No one can tolerate anyone and wants to devour anyone. The beep sound came, and waves of energy fluctuations burst out. It was not strong, but it was continuous. People around them who wanted to mobilize energy felt that the energy in their bodies were stagnant and almost fell from the air.

"Go to the ground." Yi Tian roared and was the first to rush to the ground. He knew that if he was still in the air, he was most likely to be impacted by energy and airflow. Sure enough, as soon as everyone fell to the ground, a circle of energy airflow burst out. The mountain where the No. 2 site is located disappeared in an instant under the impact of energy flow, and there was not even any residue left. Although the whole mountain was cut off, there was no sound.

Such a scene could not attract the attention of the people present, because everyone looked at the two runes above their heads in horror, because a huge pressure had enveloped the surrounding environment, so that they could not move freely and could only stay here.