reverse song

Chapter 475 Probe the Edge

After all, he couldn't stand the days of isolation from the world. At the same time, in order to explore the reality of the five guys, Bai Nian sneaked out alone without telling the nameless and middle-aged people. He came out in the middle of the night, but the sky was already bright, and soon it would be completely bright. After sucking the cool air quite pleasantly, a rather comfortable expression appeared on Bai Nian's face, and he muttered, "This is the taste of freedom." After saying that, he let out a cheer and suddenly accelerated and rushed into a city.

He is not afraid of causing attacks by capable people in the city. He has a special logo on his body. When those people see it, they will naturally know that the neurotic young man in front of him is his own. Bai Nian didn't care about the eyes of the people around him. He rarely slipped out from under the eyes of the two unknown and middle-aged guys. Naturally, he wanted to find something happy to do. Of course, he will not forget his main purpose and explore the reality of the five.

Speaking of which, Bai Nian still doesn't believe whether the five guys are really so powerful, although the energy fluctuations and pressure that day were extremely amazing. But after all, it is an illusory thing. Without really facing the five guys, it is impossible to determine whether the five guys are really as powerful as the legend. What's more, he didn't know the existence of the five guys. He only thought that those people were aware of their existence and came specially.

However, after such a long time, there was no sound at all, and Bai Nian began to doubt whether those people just appeared to scare them. This possibility is not without, but extremely low, so he needs to come out to find out about the situation. Of course, he also knew that it was absolutely impossible for unknown and middle-aged people to agree to do so, so there was only one way to steal.

After entering the city and wandering around, the sky finally darkened. Bai Nian did not contact the people of the alliance, and he was not used to getting information from these people, although it was the most convenient way. If it is unknown, it will rush to the alliance as soon as possible to get the latest and most detailed information and understand the current situation, so as to judge whether those people have really come. Unfortunately, it is Bai Nian, a guy who looks down on ordinary people at all.

The only thing he likes ordinary people is that they really know how to enjoy. Even in these troubled times, they can make so many tricks without being affected by the atmosphere of troubled times. Looking at the red men and green women on the street, the drunken appearance really makes everyone feel intoxicated.

Entering the crowd with a smile, Bai began to restrain his breath and try his best to make himself look like an ordinary person. Even the logo on his body was put away. Although he looks down on ordinary people, he is not stupid enough to expose himself to the public, especially his identity is undoubtedly a lighthouse in the dark for those people, dazzling.

Mixed into the crowd, Bai Nian breathed a sigh of relief, and then as the crowd walked slowly, all kinds of sounds filled his ears, making him feel as if he were in an unreal world. It was also at this time that he thought about what he would do next. I was busy sneaking before and didn't think about it at all.

Now that he thinks of this, Bai Nian realizes that he has no clue. It's okay to have a name around before. There will always be someone to give him some advice and ask him to do something. Now the situation is different. Everything depends on him alone, which is a big trouble for him. If there is no news, nothing can be done.

Thinking about it, he squatted down on the roadside with a sad look on his face. On the street where this person came and went, Bai Nian squatted on the roadside so abruptly, which was very eye-catching, but the city was indifferent, so those people had no other expression after just looking at it. However, several women saw Bai Nian's handsome appearance and wanted to talk to him. Unfortunately, as soon as they approached Bai Nian, there was an inexplicable pressure, which made the women have to retreat.

Bai Nian unconsciously released a circle of body protection energy, so that the people around him could not get close to the range of his body at all. Bai Nian didn't mean to do it. If he did it on purpose, I'm afraid no one can appear on this street at all. On the streets where people come and go, a strange scene appeared. Those people were far away from Bai Nian, which made him look so abrupt.

This situation naturally shocked the capable people of the city. It is better to suppress this situation as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to explain it to the above once there is any special situation.

As soon as the capable person appeared, the energy fluctuation shocked the meditative Bai Nian. He looked up blankly and saw several people coming towards him in a circle, and those people had weak energy fluctuations. Shocked, Bai Nian didn't pay attention to where he was at all. With a flash of red light in his eyes, he rushed directly to one of them.

Bai Nian's strength was so strong that he was caught off guard. It was impossible for the man to react and was knocked out at once. After hitting one person, Bai Nian turned over and flew into the air, looking at the people in front of him fiercely.

"Who are you?" Bai Nian forgot that he was in the league. As long as he took out the logo, no one would embarrass him at all. However, he just fell into thinking and was suddenly awakened. Naturally, he did not have the intention to think about where he was and how to deal with these bad guys in front of him.

"Why are you making trouble here?" When those people saw that Bai Nian suddenly launched and the power that exploded was so horrible, they couldn't help but be a little afraid, so they opened their questions, but the people behind did begin to contact hands. Obviously, they are not enough to fight.

"Haunted? When did I make trouble?" Bai Nian had an inexplicable expression. He has been sitting obediently. When did he make trouble? However, he soon remembered where he was and took out his identity from his pocket and threw it to the person opposite. "This is my identity certificate." When he said this, his tone was cold, like the frost in the twelfth lunar month.

The man took over what Bai Nian threw in one hand, just glanced at it, and his face suddenly changed. Then he reacted and said, "I don't know if you are coming, please forgive me." His attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees, which was so strange in the eyes of several others.

"It's an adult sent by the headquarters." He turned his head and whispered to several people around him, so that they would not act indiscriminately and offend Bai Nian, a senior official. As soon as he said this, the faces of those people also changed suddenly, and they began to nod and bow.

Bai Nian had no feeling about their attitude towards these people. He just looked at them coldly, and then an idea flashed in his mind. Why didn't he know how to take information with these people? Looking down at those trembling people standing there, afraid that a small action would offend his own people, Bai Nian's face appeared with a sneer and said, "What's unusual here recently?" The tone is cold.

"No." The leader held the sign symbolizing Bai Nian's identity in both hands and handed it out respectfully.

Bai Nian didn't look at it. As soon as he grabbed the void with his right hand, he took back the sign and said, "But what new forces appear?" He knew that the alliance had been fighting outside, which was also instigated by the nameless and middle-aged people, in order to control the world of ordinary people before the arrival of the general, and then they could capt all ordinary people.

The man thought about it, clarified the information in his mind, and then said, "There is no new force, but something happened on the edge. Someone led the people on the edge to occupy a city."

"Edge?" When Bai Nian appeared, the edge had long been suppressed by the league and was powerless to resist, so he had no impression. At this time, when I suddenly heard such a news, I was heartfelt and felt that there must be something strange about that place. After the red light circulated in his eyes, he already had an idea.

Without the intention of continuing to listen to the man's report, Bai Nian directly interrupted the man's words, asked the direction of the edge, and then flew directly in the direction of the edge without even greeting. Those people were relieved when they watched Bai Nian leave. They were glad that the adult did not blame himself for his unreasonableness, and the group did not dare to delay and immediately returned to the stronghold, but there was nothing else.

Bai Nian just asked the direction, but he didn't know how the so-called edge existed. He knows from the population that it is a city, but there are so many cities in the world, how can he know which one it is? Especially now that the night is dark, he can't tell which city it is.

Thinking of this, Bai Nian suddenly landed from the air and found a random place to lie down. This guy also acted strangely. After a casual night outside, as soon as the sky came up, he immediately got up and recognized the direction and set off again. At night, he can't recognize the appearance of the city, and he can't see anything during the day.

He was not in a hurry, just flying in the air. Yesterday, he had made it clear that the cities occupied by the edge were not in the alliance at all, so he immediately sped past the alliance and did not stop. Except for the league, he immediately slowed down and looked at the city below. After about half a day, I finally saw some sparse people, but most of them were dressed as refugees and didn't look like masters at all. Bai Nian didn't care about the refugees, but flew away in the direction of the refugees, and soon arrived near a city.

This city is quite strange. There is basically no one around it. Except for the clean streets, no one can see it. After the outer circle, I saw a circle of walls, which surrounded all the inner cities. Even if he didn't know what the marginal city was like, when he saw this strange city, Bai Nian wanted to go down and explore it.

Worried about his whereabouts being exposed, Bai Nian carefully landed on the periphery, and then covered up his figure and walked slowly towards the city. He didn't know what was strange about this place, but just on the periphery, he felt that this place was not simple, but a few looming energy fluctuations in it already made him a little worried. There seems to be a rather familiar energy fluctuation.

Bai Nian didn't know, but as soon as he appeared on the outskirts of the city, he was already targeted. William and others have been planning here for so long, how can they not arrange anything? I don't know how many people from the alliance who came to spy on the situation were repulsed by them. No matter how wonderful a Bai Nian is, he still exposes his body.

William and his party stood in front of a huge screen and watched Bai Nian walk in the outer city. When they saw Bai Nian's face clearly, William couldn't help exclaiming.

"I didn't expect it to be him." Of course, William recognized Bai Nian. The first strange guy he met when he entered the research institute with Yi Tian was the demonic young man on the screen. But he remembers clearly that this guy was destroyed by Yi Tian that day. Why did he suddenly appear here?

I don't want to figure out anything, but William knows that this guy is a foreigner. Yi Tian had already told William and others about these things so that they could make a decision when they encountered something. But William never thought that foreigners would appear at this time, and there was only one person.

"It's weird. Why did he come alone?" William didn't understand, "Is it here to explore the wind?" There are several important things in the city. Anyway, you can't miss the wind, otherwise it may attract other forces to rob them.

"Let me have a look." Du Guliang took out his black mask and walked out.

William wanted to go alone, but he was worried and followed himself. The two put on a mask at the same time, left the people in the monitoring room and flew out.

Bai Nian, who was walking in the outer city, became more and more shocked. This place looked peaceful, but after he really walked in, he found that it was not the same thing at all. Every time he fell, he was frightened for touching something. Even if he knew that what was under his feet had not been completed, he was still afraid at first. He couldn't figure out who made such a big place to be the seal, and it was specifically for those with ability. And the buildings next to it look ordinary, but they are full of various organs. As long as you are not careful, you will be sifted by those organs.

"The people who decorate this place are so vicious." Even if Bai Nian is a capable person and feels the power of those organs, his heart can't help trembling. Those things can kill people. He is still a human being, not a god. Naturally, it is impossible to escape death.

After continuing to walk a distance, Bai Nian almost retreated. After all, the deeper the place is, the more strange it is, but it also makes Bai Nian doubt the identity of the builder of the city. Among them, the layout is quite quaint, especially the huge seal under the feet, which is obviously from the hands of some old guys. This made him feel as if he had touched something.

Are those people in this city? Bai Nian thought to himself that his pace was unconsciously accelerated. As long as he could get the news of these people, the three of them would be a little easier. However, this is just his personal opinion, and more things still need time to determine.

Since he knows that this place has something to do with those people, Bai Nian seems to be more careful. You can't accidentally expose your whereabouts, otherwise it will be a disaster of murder. Sometimes, he was worried about something. As he was walking forward, he heard the sound of breaking the air, followed by two figures flying through the air. The speed of the two seemed to fly out, but they didn't expect that their bodies suddenly folded strangely and rushed directly to the ground.

Bai Nian was scared to hide in the dark, immediately restrained his breath, and watched the two figures fall motionless. He also did not dare to stare at the two people all the time, for fear that his eyes would attract the attention of the other party. He just looked at them secretly and listened to whether there was any movement between them.

A long time passed, and there was no sound. He doubted whether the two had left, but he did not hear the sound of them leaving. Bai Nian heard the sound when hesitating whether to go out or not.

"Friend, I don't know what's going on here?" It was Du Guliang who spoke. There was a smile in his eyes, but his eyes fell on Bai Nian's hiding place, as if he had seen Bai Nian. William on the side did not speak, but looked at the front faintly, as if he didn't care.

As soon as he heard the other party's words, Bai Nian's heart skipped a moment, and then he thought that his whereabouts could not be exposed, so there should be someone else. But he gave up the idea. If there were others, it was impossible for him not to find it, unless the person's strength was above him.

"Don't you want to come out?" Du Guliang opened his mouth again, and his tone was light, as if he didn't care about Bai Nian.

But Bai Nian couldn't stay beside him. He knew that his whereabouts were exposed. But he doesn't know when his whereabouts were exposed. Is it possible that all the people here are so strong? The sudden appearance of Du Guliang and William put great psychological pressure on Bai Nian and made him constantly recall his actions.

After a stalemate, Bai Nian finally came out of his hiding place, with a gloomy face, but there was no energy flash on his body, just so faint, like an ordinary person. He has figured it out and must not reveal his identity, otherwise he will definitely be in big trouble. While thinking about this, he had already stood in front of William and Duguliang.