reverse song

Chapter 485 Tu

The carefully arranged traps were suddenly destroyed, and they were destroyed very thoroughly, and the anger of those in the alliance burned to the extreme in an instant. When the light receded, they saw a young man isolated in front of them, and the breath released from that person was like a king. A cold and ferocious smile appeared on the man's face, and the murderous intention spewed out. No one would doubt the murderous intention of the man, but no one would choose to retreat because of the murderous intention of the other party.

Approaching step by step, the people of the alliance will not give up the attack because the other party is strong, not to mention that there is only one person on the other side. Of course, the premise is that people in the city will not come out. If you say that the person in front of you has nothing to do with the people in the city, they won't believe it even if they are killed. This person appeared too timely, and as soon as he took action, he attacked the mask, not them, which showed a lot of problems.

Although the strong breath of the other party dares not rush up, there is still no problem to slowly surround him. What's more, they still have so many people, and their weapons are extremely advanced. Even if they can't kill this person, there is no problem to force him away or hurt him. Who knew that the person in front of him had no intention of leaving at all, but looked at them with a cruel smile.

glanced at the approaching person, and the smile on Yi Tian's face became colder and colder, and the silver light in his eyes became stronger. He is not afraid of these people. Even if these people gather around, he has a way to get out without being trapped here. But he can't escape now. Behind him is his own place, and where can he escape? However, Yi Tian did not move around, but stood there and looked at the people surrounding him.

The people in the league did surround it, but the speed was very slow. They were not like the guy who angered Yitian. People who had the ability to break the light mask were very terrible. What's more, this guy does not hide his murderous intentions at all, which makes the people of the alliance even more afraid. These people are not without seeing masters, so they are not too afraid of Yi Tian.

When approaching the ten-meter range of Yi Tian, the people of the league suddenly stopped and dared not take another half. It's not that they don't want to move forward, but if they continue to pass so rashly, they are likely to anger Yi Tian and let this guy take action immediately. That will be troublesome. In the case of different combat effectiveness, they'd better be as careful as possible. What's more, they have just notified the masters of the league to come.

As soon as the people of the alliance stopped moving, the sound that still existed suddenly disappeared completely. The two sides were deadlocked, as if they had been pressed the pause button, and they dared not move.

Yi Tian did not move, and the people of the alliance did not move. Xiu and Du Guliang, who responded, also lay there quietly and had no intention of taking action. Such a situation is very interesting, and they don't want to break this rare balance.

In the city, William and others just saw the light flashing on the hood, and then they saw the transparent mask above their heads cracking in an instant. Although I don't understand what happened, it is true that the mask was broken. William and others did not dare to act randomly, but observed the situation outside the city. It's not difficult to understand what's going on outside the city by their means. So they soon found that Yi Tian was in a stalemate with the people of the alliance.

As Al, who had been following Yi Tian, as soon as he saw Yi Tian come back, his face immediately became excited. He immediately went to help Yi Tian, but was pulled by William.

Shaking his head, William stopped Al's action and said, "Don't go there. Let's see what's going on. Yi Tian will have no problem there. William felt strange that Xiu and Du Guliang, who went out with Yi Tian, would not be there. According to the strength of those two, it is impossible to have any problems, so the only explanation is that they hide aside and observe the situation.

In this stalemate, people with a little common sense know that the people of the alliance are waiting for the arrival of reinforcements, otherwise it is impossible for those people of the alliance to be deadlocked with Yi Tian alone. William doesn't want to break this situation immediately, but it's really troublesome if a master comes to the league. Just as William was still distressed, Yi Tian over there had a ferocious smile on his face, and his legs suddenly kicked on the ground, and his whole body had already leaped out.

There was no omen, and even there was no energy fluctuation before launching. Yi Tian crashed directly into the crowd like a cannonball. The closest to Yi Tian was an ordinary soldier. Such a strong capable man rushed into it, and the wind just rolled up during the sprint overturned dozens of people. Before those people could react, he suddenly let out a roar and a wave of air suddenly swept out.

Ordinary soldiers can only roar in pain and throw their bodies around. Generally speaking, capable people will not take action against ordinary people, which is a rule, even on the battlefield. However, Yi Tian simply abided by this rule, because those ordinary people have offended him. However, he did not kill, and just relying on the waves just now was enough to make these ordinary people suffer.

As soon as the nearby soldiers were rushed out, Yi Tian's legs suddenly bent and shot out again. The goal is very clear, that is, the ability to approach. The capable people of the alliance are more afraid of death and put ordinary soldiers ahead, because they know that the capable people generally do not kill ordinary soldiers, especially those who are self-proclaimed like Yi Tian. But their behavior is even more annoying.

The ferocious expression that had just disappeared appeared again, and his body suddenly crashed into the group of capable people. This time, he did not retain his strength, but directly stimulated the energy in his body. Immediately, a silver light flashed on him. He quickly sketched his hands, and the simplest rune appeared in front of him, followed by One shot.

The rune broke, and the energy condensed in it also burst out in an instant, ferocious and violent, just like a huge storm. Before the power of the rune broke out, the momentum swept around first, and at the same time, there was a strong pressure. Those capable people around Yi Tian just felt that their bodies were stiff, and then felt a strong force rushing directly into the body. The qi and blood in the body were disordered, and the energy began to move uncontrollably.

Affected by the strength, the capable people nearby could not move, and then saw a silver light flashing in front of him, just like lightning. Without any feeling, they only regarded it as the most ordinary light, but when their hearts were cold, they found that they didn't know when there was an extra blood line in front of them, and the bright red blood was constantly pouring out.

The incredible expression appeared on the faces of the capable people. They didn't know what had happened, and they didn't even know why it happened. They just felt that the energy in their bodies was rapidly losing, and even their strength dissipated quickly, and when they wanted to When I urged the energy to attack Yi Tian, I realized that I could no longer move.

With a cold look on his face, Yi Tian did not underestimate the enemy by killing dozens of capable people because of his blow, but shook his body, flew out again, and rushed into the group of capable people gathered together. Only in this way can he catch the other party off guard, and only in this way can he get the greatest opportunity to attack.

When Yi Tian started, Xiu and Du Guliang, who were lying aside, also moved. They acted immediately without thinking about it. Now is the best opportunity for them. The previous stalemate was just to relax the other party's vigilance. Now everyone's attention is attracted by Yi Tian. If the two of them take action again, they will definitely achieve incredible results.

The wind roared, and the flashing cyan light suddenly appeared in mid-air. The alliance, who had been frightened by Yi Tian and almost collapsed, never thought that there would be an ambush around him. They were more afraid that the people in the city would take advantage of the chaos to attack, so most of their attention was on Yi Tian and the city, but they did not notice the ambush around them.

A gust of wind swept past, and several capable people were involved in the strong wind unprepared. Of course, they are not really defenseless, but they are not prepared for the sneak attack.

With sharp laughter, Du Guliang flung randomly in the air like a madman. His hand spit out the green light, and the constantly rotating wind condensed on the light, like a huge sword. He flew randomly in the air with the wind sword, and the wind sword in his hand kept dancing and making a whist sound. Occasionally, dozens of forearm-long wind blades burst out and flew around. This guy is not worried about hurting his own people at all, because there are too many capable people in the league here, and there are only three of them. The people in the city have not come out yet, or have not yet reacted to come out.

After a burst of screaming, Du Guliang suddenly found that there were several more bodies in front of him, and the speed suddenly slowed down, but the wind sword in his hand directly split horizontally. He didn't see who was blocking the way at all, and he knew that those could not be his own at all. When the wind sword cut across, he immediately lifted the connection with the wind sword. His feet were empty and another blue light flashed. He seemed to have lost energy and swooped to the ground. When he fell, the green light condensed in his hand again, and the roaring wind appeared again.

The wind sword thrown out by Duguliang cut towards those people. The wind strength did not weaken because it was out of Duguliang's control. On the contrary, because Duguliang deliberately retreated at the last moment, the speed of the wind sword could almost scare people to death.

When the blue light flashed, the wind sword came to those people. The unpleasant sound of the wind tearing the air burst out at this moment, and almost even the air began to tremble slightly. Those people's faces suddenly changed, but they didn't expect the other party's attack to be so sharp. But at this time, it's too late for them to escape.

If you can't escape, you can only resist, but they still underestimate the power of the wind sword. Several people joined hands to issue a barrier. When they wanted to be the next wind sword, they found that the wind sword was extremely sharp and extremely powerful. Although they had been ready for a long time, they were still beaten in a mess. When the barrier broke down, the wind sword also collapsed in an instant.

The wind sword collapsed and immediately turned into small wind blades and flew around. Such a change was extremely sudden. When those people joined hands to block the wind sword, they didn't expect such a change at all. In a hurry, they couldn't resist it at all. They suffered dozens of wind blades, and their bodies were also opened several huge mouths, and bright red blood gushed out as if they were money.

Hearing the roar from above, Du Guliang knew that he had done it. He couldn't help laughing strangely. His right hand suddenly waved, and the blue light quickly passed, bringing a light and shadow, forcing back several capable people to approach. And he took the opportunity to climb high in the sky, and the crazy color on his face became stronger and stronger. But anyone who has seen Du Guliang's crazy expression will not help shivering, and the idea of not messing with this guy comes to mind.

The madman's idea is never unpredictable, so no one knows what the madman will do next, and no one will provoke him. But a madman is a madman. If others don't provoke him, he will find trouble for others. As he climbed high, Dugu Liang swung up the wind sword in his hand and began to attack randomly. Blue light swept through the air, and occasionally the wind blade burst. The originally very orderly battlefield was messed up by him after several times, and the formation of those people in the alliance was messed up by him, and there were no rules at all.

For this situation, Du Guliang has no consciousness, and he will not have this consciousness.

The more chaotic the scene is, the more beneficial it is for Yi Tian and the three people.

Xiu and Du Guliang came out at the same time, but he was not as arrogant and domineering as Du Guliang and attacked Zhang Yang. He was very low-key, and every time he used the least strength to achieve the greatest results, and he also rushed to Yi Tian's side at the first time. He must ensure Yi Tian's safety. Although he knows that Yi Tian is stronger than himself, he still does so.

Like a ghost, Xiu accurately launched attacks with the help of the chaotic situation on the battlefield, and retreated every time he won. He was like the shadow of Yi Tian, and sometimes appeared and sometimes disappeared. After killing nearly ten capable people in a row, Xiu's whereabouts were finally discovered by the people of the alliance.

It's one thing to find out, and whether it can be caught is another thing, not to mention that it is slippery like a loach. His own strength is so strong that no one can catch his figure at all. From time to time, Yi Tian, who was next to him, helped him cover up his figure, and those people were even more unable to catch him.

A rather strange smile appeared on his face, but Yi Tian's eyes were full of coldness. He didn't care about these capable people at all. He cared about the masters who rushed to the top of the league. But so far, the masters of the league have not come, which makes him have to doubt whether there are really masters in the league.

It is understandable that Yi Tian has such an idea. In terms of his history of dealing with the league, there are really no masters in the league except William. Of course, those who transform people can only be said to be monsters, not people. Yi Tian was still thinking nonsense and heard a few roars from the city, but William and others came to help.

When they heard the roar, the people in the league were frightened and turned pale in an instant. Those ordinary soldiers don't even have the idea of resisting. They turn around and leave, but those who have the ability can't leave. Yi Tian and the three of them have dragged down so many capable people, which looks quite strange.

Al met Xiu at a very fast speed. The two have always acted together, and naturally it is a tacit understanding to cooperate. As for William and others, they blocked the way of those capable people and forced them to abandoned places. For them, it is not difficult to force these chaotic people to have no way to go.

When they found that they could not resist Yi Tian and others, those capable people rushed into the abandoned place without hesitation. In the panic, they had long forgotten the previous horrible scene.

When they rushed into most of the journey, someone finally touched the trap, and the streamers flashed, giving them no time to react at all. Then screams came. Those people were sprayed with blood in consternction. Before the warm feeling disappeared, they also had a sharp pain on their bodies. I found that the whole world seemed to start spinning crazily.

Of course, there are also those who have not entered the abandoned place, but continue to fight against Yi Tian and others. But in the face of absolute strength, any strong mind is useless. For the people in the alliance, Yi Tian will not have any hesitation, even William.

The scene of almost slaughter appeared, and those capable people did not give themselves any hope of survival even if they resisted.

When the remaining alliance capable people gathered together, the look on their faces completely changed, turning into despair and madness. They roared and wanted to rush to fight, but the strong smell of blood reminded them that these people in front of them were all demons and that they were not opponents at all.

In the cracks, there was no possibility of survival. They could only roar crazily, and then desperately watched Yi Tian and others approaching little by little. They only felt that the sunlight in front of them was suddenly completely swallowed up, and the darkness fell on the world, completely crushing all hopes and leaving no hope. Give them the light.

As he approached those capable people who had collapsed, Yi Tian's heart suddenly jumped, and then his face was on one side, turning his head to look in the direction of the alliance.