reverse song

Chapter 498 Unremitting

The scream behind them shocked Duguliang and Cook. Hearing this sound, they knew that Parker and Nicole would not give up. However, the two did not have time to entangle with the two guys, so they still flew forward and had no intention of stopping at all.

"Go back quickly and explain the situation here." Duguliang felt very embarrassed. Obviously, he could fight with the other party, but he chose to run away. "After I make things clear, let's see what you do." He began to be fierce, and he didn't care much about Parker and Nicole behind him. Judging from the previous fight, Duguliang performed skillfully, so he was not afraid of the two of them at all. Even if Parker and Nicole worked together, he was confident that he could escape from the two.

However, the situation is not entangled with those two guys, because he doesn't know how much strength the other party has not been exposed. After all, it is not a trivial matter for the four kings to come out. What's more, there is a Parker who is not less than the four kings, which makes Du Guliang somewhat hesitate about the arrangement of the alliance.

It is rare for Cook to listen to Dugu's words without any reaction because of the provocative scream behind him. Originally, they just chased out of the city, but after a fight, they actually distanced some distance from the city. At this time, it has just crossed the abandoned part and is flying in the direction of the city. By this time, they had seen a layer of light over the city, which was used for defense. As soon as he saw the light mask, Dugu said secretly that it was not good, but he did not see the existence of the enemy.

The two still ran away, and unconsciously accelerated their speed. The two accelerated their speed, and the two who chased behind were not slow at all, but because Nicole wanted to take Parker, there was no way to catch up with the two in front of them.

Slightly narrowing his eyes, Duguliang tried to find the hidden enemy, but still found nothing. As we were rapidly approaching the city, there was a sudden warning scream on the ground. When Du Guliang heard the sound, he only felt a little familiar. He looked down and happened to see Zhou's crazy running on the ground. This guy has been running for a long time and hasn't returned to the city.

Zhou Chu also found that someone was chasing him when he heard the scream behind him, and it was also at this time that he found that there were Duguliang and others above his head.

As soon as they saw Zhou, Duguliang and Cook immediately pressed their bodies, and then the building hid their bodies. It's too easy to expose their actions in the air, and once the other party has any secret moves, they can't resist it. However, it is different in abandoned urban areas. They understand the environment here and there are many traps to borrow. They don't have to worry about each other's secret hands at all.

The three met in one place without any stopping at all, and immediately flew away in the direction of the city. At this time, Zhou Chu was already taken by Duguliang, instead of attacking by himself. After all, the speed of fire capable people is a great weakness, and Cook will not be troubled in this regard. At the speed of three people, they quickly arrived near the city wall and also shook off the tail behind them.

Nicole and Parker did not find Duguliang, but they were not worried, because the three people could only go back to the city, so they went straight in the direction of the city and didn't care whether the three were near here. Of course, the two are still extremely careful. After all, there are too many traps nearby. Even if the two of them don't care, once they fall into the trap, the trouble will continue.

Duguliang and others also know that Nicole and others will not give up easily. Although the previous fight was short, it caused great trouble to Nicole and Parker. It's really strange if the two don't catch up. However, as long as they can go back to the city, they don't have to worry about these people at all.

As soon as the three approached the wall, they felt a slightly pressured energy fluctuation. Originally, they didn't care about the energy fluctuation, but Du Guliang felt a heart palpitation for no reason. This is a very strange feeling, which made him feel afraid in a very short time.

"Are there any masters here?" Du Guliang whispered that although his voice was very low, it was also heard by Cook and Zhou Chu.

"What's going on? I don't think the situation is good." Cook also has that kind of palpitations. He is a person who walks on the edge of life and death and attaches great importance to his own feelings. This feeling of heart palpitations made him feel uneasy for no reason.

"It seems that there are still people." Zhou Chu also said so. He had sensed where the energy fluctuation came from and had locked the completely inhuman place.

There is the sky above the city.

"It seems that there is more than one person." Zhou Chu added such a sentence and frowned slightly.

In the dialogue between the three people, the transparent light mask originally shrouded over the city suddenly appeared a ripple, quite strange, as if something had hit it. A more fierce energy fluctuated around, which was obviously caused by the energy attack, but at that moment, no one saw the light flashing at all.

"They don't know how to cover up their bodies and attacks." Dugu Liang's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he wanted to find the figure in the air, but he didn't find anything. The other party hid very smartly and did not show his trace at all.

"This is a big trouble." Zhou Chu said, "It seems that he is also a guy of the four kings." He only made a judgment based on the energy fluctuations that just appeared and instinctively sensed the danger. After all, he was still a little far from the level of the four kings, so he could feel the pressure.

"That's true." Such an expression also appeared on Dugu Liang's face. He had guessed before that the four kings could not only come to Nicole. I just don't know who the other person is, and maybe not all the four kings will come together.

"Don't worry so much. Let's go to the advanced city." Cook is quite anxious. After being together for such a long time, he has feelings for these people and naturally does not want to see his companions in danger. For outsiders, they may not know how to enter this solid city, but the three of them know a secret road. In this case, they can enter the city unconsciously. The premise is that they don't reveal their whereabouts.

"Let's see who I found." Just as Dugu Liang and the three were preparing to find a secret channel to enter, a strange voice came.

Hearing the familiar tone, Cook's face couldn't help but change, and then he snorted coldly, "The ghost will not disperse." As he spoke, he had turned to look at Parker's sudden appearance.

Of course, Parker also has Nicole around him. After all, these two people act together.

"I didn't expect you to hide here." Nicole also spoke. She locked in Duguliang. She couldn't let this guy escape any more, otherwise the name of her four kings could be lost.

"The real ghost will not disperse." Duguliang also spit out such a sentence, and his expression on his face did not change much. "I didn't expect these followers to find us so soon." He felt quite a pity that as long as they took a step forward, they could enter the secret channel to get rid of these two annoying guys, but now it is impossible. Unless they use secret roads in front of the enemy regardless of the safety of the whole city.

"Who do you think is a follower?" Nicole's face changed sharply when she heard Duguliang's words. She has always been described as high, and her face immediately became quite ugly.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Hit!" As soon as the last word was exported, Cook suddenly turned into a thunderbolt and rushed to Parker. There was no victory or defeat in the battle between him and Parker before. At this time, it is natural to fight again.

Cook moved, but Duguliang and Zhou Chu did not move. Du Guliang was locked by Nicole, so he did not act rashly. Zhou Chu, on the other hand, should act according to the opportunity and dare not act rashly for a while.

"Go and help Cook. Just give it to me." Du Guliang whispered to Zhou Chu, while he took a step to the side and blocked the figure around him.

As soon as Dugu Liang moved, Nicole let out a shrill and rushed to Du Guliang. The long knife she used before had been damaged, leaving only one handle, but because it was useless because it was a waste, it was just lost by her halfway. For a person who is good at using weapons, it is quite troublesome to have no weapons to take advantage of. Fortunately, Nicole's own strength is excellent. Even if she has no weapons for a while, her strength will not be greatly discounted, but she is not used to it.

Because there was no weapon, Nicole was rushing towards Dugu Liang with her teeth and claws. She knew that Du Guliang's methods were quite strange, and she did not intend to give Du Guliang any time to judge the current situation and force the other party to fight with her. In fact, Nicole also knows that although there is no weapon, her strength will not be greatly discounted, but it is still extremely troublesome when facing people of the same level of ability. After all, fighting among masters, as long as one of them is slightly weak, it is likely to become a factor affecting the war situation.

Seeing Nicole rushing over fiercely, Du Guliang snorted coldly, his feet were a little on the ground, and his body immediately flew up. Zhou Chu, who was covered by Du Guliang before, had already left the same place and didn't know where he had hidden. Du Guliang flew up. When he approached the building, his body turned and his feet relayed on the wall and ejected away again. In this short time, he changed his direction three times in a row, making Nicole unable to lock his figure for a moment.

"Cward, don't run away." Nicole roared angrily because she couldn't capture Dugu Liang's body. She didn't want to let Du Guliang escape in front of her eyes again.

"Who said I was going to escape?" Du Guliang said coldly, changing his direction again, and at the same time, he shot several green brilliance in his hand. Those lights are only the thickness of their fingers, but they are not attacking Nicole.

Nicole did not pay attention to Duguliang's behavior. She had been trying to lock Duguliang's body, but every time she locked the other party's body, Duguliang would immediately change direction, making her lock lose its effect in an instant. This situation made Nicole very crazy. She was even thinking that if only she had a long knife in her hand, she wouldn't have to chase Duguliang in such a hurry.

Nicole also knew that she was like this because she didn't have a weapon to take advantage of it, but she couldn't suppress the uneasiness in her heart. She always feels that Duguliang is a little strange, but she can't say anything strange. He can only keep chasing Duguliang and trying to intercept the other party.

After chasing and escaping for a period of time, Du Guliang suddenly stopped, then quickly lowered his body and fell to the ground. His face was indifferent. He looked coldly at Nicole who was crazy and couldn't help shaking his head. How could he not see that Nicole had been in a mess? It was precisely because he saw through this that he dared to do such a move, otherwise he really didn't have time to make any arrangements for him.

With a cyan light ball in his hand, a stream of light extends from the light ball, or a cyan light around it is connected to the photosphere.

Nicole did not notice the changes in Du Guliang's body. She only saw Du Guliang stop and the indifferent expression on the other party's face made her feel sick. With a roar, the wind suddenly urged, and Nicole quickly rushed to Dugu Liang. She wants to tear the guy in front of her into tens of millions of pieces so that she can vent her hatred.

Of course, we don't know where this hatred comes from.

Dugu's cool face is still indifferent, and it is very undesirable for him to be in chaos against the enemy. Seeing Nicole rushing to the death, he had a sense of absurdity, thinking that this guy could not see the changes around him at all? If you can't see it, you can't see it, so as not to destroy your arrangement for a while.

Nico's speed is very fast, but Duguliang starts faster. When he saw the light ball in Dugu's hand, he saw that the light ball began to rotate quickly, and the line connected to it was immediately pulled and began to close to the light ball, which felt as if it was winding around the wool ball.

When the light is touched, the wind begins to appear, which is small but not broken. The continuous wind is like a soft wind in spring, which does not give people too much strong feeling.

Nicole, who was rushing towards Duguliang, finally had a feeling of palpitation at this time. She felt that she was not rushing to Duguliang, but to death. It was at this time that Nicole finally saw the light ball in Duguliang's hand and the light connected to the light ball. The light did not fall on Nicole, but passed around him without exception.

At that moment, Nicole seemed to see a sneer on Duguliang's face, just like when she fell into Duguliang's trap before. This feeling was very bad. Nicole suddenly woke up, turned her head and looked behind her, just saw a big cyan net falling towards her. The net is completely composed of wind, but Nicole has no doubt about the power of this net.

When she saw the wind net, Nicole was finally convinced that she had fallen into the trap of loneliness again. Two times in a row, Nicole fell into the trap of the same person, which gave Nicole an impulse to die, but this was not the time to panic. She looked coldly at the situation around her and found that there seemed to be no way out. The best way is to jump directly to Duguliang's side, forcing him to control the huge wind network.

The look on her face suddenly changed, and Nicole had made up her mind and let out a scream. The blue light on her body immediately burst out. The figure that had been stagnated in mid-air immediately flew to the ground. The target was Dugu Cool on the ground.

Although Nicole felt dangerous when she was close to Duguliang, Nicole did not choose to retreat. At this time, if you shrink back, there is only one way to die. Nicole's face showed a resolute look, and more accurately, she was crazy. She was completely crazy. Even if she died, she had to pull Dugu cool back.

Seeing the crazy color on Nicole's face, Dugu cool without any fear, and a trace of sarcasm appeared on his originally indifferent face. In his opinion, Nicole is looking for death. The movement of his hand remained unchanged. He still controlled the light ball in his hand and did not take a step back. He saw his free hand a little on the light ball in front of him. A light curtain appeared out of thin air, followed by another light curtain.

After five light curtains appeared in a row, Du Guliang waved his hand on the light ball and saw that the light curtain in front of him suddenly broke and turned into irregular fragments and flew towards Nicole.

Although these fragments are not big, they are extremely sharp. What's more frightening is the extremely fast, coupled with Nicole's own speed. If the two really touch each other, no matter how powerful Nicole is, she will be hit hard in an instant.

Nicole didn't expect that Du Guliang had such a hand, and her face suddenly changed. It was impossible to stabilize her figure. She could only pat in front of her, and blue light flew out one after another, smashing the attacking fragments, but it was useless to smash the fragments, unless she could break the fragments into powder in an instant. But in the present situation, how can she do this? Suddenly, Nicole began to miss her long knife. If you have a long knife in your hand, what if there are more fragments?

There were fragments in front and wind nets in the back. At this moment, despair appeared on Nicole's face. She never thought that she would fall into such a situation, let alone die at the hands of an unknown person. So far, she doesn't know who Du Guliang is.

The more at the last moment, the more Dugu Liang dares not relax, because this time is often the most variable. Once Nicole is determined to die and launch a self-destruct, he will also be implicated. After all, the distance between the two is very close. Therefore, at this time, Dugu's cool face actually appeared with a solemn color, and there was no longer any indifferent expression.