reverse song

Chapter 501 Tall and Low Freak

After avoiding several groups of searchers, the whereabouts of Yi Tian and William were finally found. At this time, they are facing a group of strange people. The reason why they are strange is that these people do not have the characteristics of capable people, but there are some strange things about these people. Naturally, they don't know that their old nest is in great trouble. Of course, even if they know it, they may not be able to rush back. In this short period of time, they have penetrated into the city within the alliance. Although they have not received any information, they still have no intention of giving up.

"What are these?" Yi Tian looked at these strange people in front of him, and of course, if some of them could still be called human beings.

"Transform people." William said lightly, "Birds created according to genetic technology can be regarded as human beings, but there are basically no human characteristics. You don't have to treat them as human beings.

"Transform people? I think it's almost the same as an orc." Yi Tian saw that some of them had long tails, which was obviously not what people should have. "The alliance is really disgusting to make such a thing."

"Disgusting? You haven't seen anything more disgusting." William said lightly that he had been in the league for a long time and naturally had a deep understanding of some of the research and means of the league. In his opinion, the reformers in front of him who blocked their way could only be regarded as defective products, because none of them had powers. Such a reformer can only be used as cannon fodder, at most to delay the time.

William's surprise was that the alliance only sent such a weak force. Originally, according to William's conjecture, the alliance had to send some masters out, but there are only so many people at present. He forgot that the five guys were also in the alliance. Most of the fighting power of the alliance was sent to deal with the five guys, and it was difficult to allocate other combat forces for a while, so they let them face these defective products.

"Don't talk nonsense, you still take action or me." The more Yi Tian looked at those transformed people, the more disgusted he felt. He really couldn't stand it any longer. He couldn't imagine what would happen when these things were in action, and he didn't want to see them, so he couldn't help taking action.

"I'll do it." William had no intention of saying no. As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed out. During this period, he also endured extremely uncomfortable. Although he entered the alliance in order to search for information, he had to act as low-key as possible, but he got nothing in such a low profile. It's better to let the other party's senior officials come out directly. Forced news is the most important thing.

Suddenly turned into a silver light, and William rushed directly into the crowd. Unlike Yi Tian, he is better at close combat. At this time, he rushed into this group of defective reformers, which was really like a tiger into a flock of sheep, tearing a mouth in the transformation crowd. The intellectual development of these defective reformers is not very high. Seeing someone rushing into their own group so fiercely, they are not afraid at all. Instead, they rushed to William fearlessly.

The roar of a beast came from the transformed population, full of beastishness and wildness. The transformed man rushed to William like a tide. Even if they are defective, these modified people are monsters with beast genes, so they show far more power than ordinary people, and can even be compared with the lowest ability. If an ordinary capable person rushes into such a transformed person, he will definitely be torn to pieces, but William is not an ordinary capable person, and his power is not ordinary at all.

The silver light exploded from William, and he was like a huge meat grinder. All the transformations approaching him were directly torn into pieces and scattered to the ground. The bloody fight did not frighten those reformers. These intellectually deficient guys will only pounce on the target in front of them. They rushed to William like bloodthirsty beasts, but their attacks are so powerless that they can't bring any trouble to William at all.

The fight, or massacre, only lasted for half a day, and 80% of the reformers who surrounded William had disappeared, and the rest were all injured and inconvenient to move. Even so, those reformers still dragged themselves to William.

William has been a little tired of killing and doesn't even want to take a look at the reformers who rushed to him. His body shook, directly out of the circle of war, and then suddenly punched his right hand. A silver light came out of his hand and immediately burst when he entered the crowd. Fierce and frightening.

"You can come out after watching it for so long." When he fell to the ground, William spoke slowly, and the silver light on his body quickly convered, as if it had never appeared. He looked coldly at a place where silver light flashed, and there seemed to be a vague figure in the center of the explosion.

"It's really William. I thought you couldn't find me." The joking voice came out, and the man was obviously not afraid of William. Slowly coming out of the shining silver light, it seems that the surging energy can't affect him at all.

Yi Tian also found that someone was peeping at them, but he was too lazy to find the other party out. Since William forced the other party out, there was no need for him to take action. However, he still looked curiously at the person who came out of the silver light and whispered, "Although I don't know who it is, he seems to be very powerful and can come out of such an explosion."

Although his voice was not loud, the people present were all masters, so naturally they heard his voice. William couldn't help twitching on his face when he heard this and almost laughed out loud. And the man who pretended to be handsome came out of the silver light suddenly found that there seemed to be no point in pretending to be handsome, but made the other party laugh.

His heart flashed, and the laughing expression on the man's face also restrained in an instant. He took a cold look at Yi Tian and said slowly, "Where did the wild child come from? He actually talked here randomly." He rudely scolded Yi Tian as a wild child. Although he knew Yi Tian's appearance, in his opinion, Yi Tian was just a person who didn't enter the stream.

Being called a wild child by others, Yi Tian's face suddenly sank and shouted in a low voice: "Damn it!" As he spoke, his body suddenly became blurred, and then it became clear again.

When Yi Tian's figure came clear, there was a crisp sound in the air, which was very crisp, that is, the sound made when a person was slapped by a life. Then a man made a painful cry, and then the whole person flew directly as if he were powerless. The man who suddenly appeared was even pumped out without even seeing who hit him clearly.

His face was hot and painful. After all, he was not an ordinary person. When he flew up, he turned over and fell back to the ground. Even so, he still took several steps to stabilize his body. This shows how powerful Yi Tian's slap is. This is still Yi Tian's hand without murder. Otherwise, in the situation just now, this person will have been in a different place.

William naturally saw Yi Tian take action, but he didn't understand why Yi Tian was suddenly so angry. However, after seeing that Yi Tian did not kill, they were slightly relieved. After all, this guy is the only capable person they have seen in the alliance for so many days. If they are killed by Yi Tian like this, they will have to find another one.

The man didn't know if he had few tendons. After being slapped, anger appeared on his face, and his forehead was full of blue veins, followed by a roar: "Who is it?" As soon as the words fell, a red light appeared on his body, and he was actually a fire capable person.

Looking at this person's irritable performance, William felt that Yi Tian should have slapped this person to death just now. He shook his head helplessly and took a step forward and shouted, "Don't be so ugly. Come here and answer my question." His tone is also not polite at all. This man is obviously their enemy, so naturally there is no need to be polite.

"You!" The man followed William's voice, and his anger suddenly broke out, along with the red light on his body. The flame immediately exploded from him. At this time, he looked like a hairy cat, and his teeth and claws seemed to bite people. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a clear understanding of his strength, let alone how strong William is. He was just angry that someone dared to hit him, but he didn't expect that he didn't see who hit him at all. A slightly sober person knows that the two people in front of him are not easy to mess with at all, but he still bumped into them like this.

Seeing the man bump into him, William couldn't help whispering, "I don't know what's alive or dead." He didn't even bother to stimulate his energy, so he punched him directly, blocking the opponent's attack based on his physical strength.

The red light exploded in an instant, and the flame attached to the man seemed to have been hit by something. In an instant, it scattered, and William's arm to the bombardment was directly and strangely twisted. The muscles burst, and bright red blood was oozing out of the wound. Before the pain reached his brain, the man had already roared, because he saw that his arm had become so terrible.

The scream stopped abruptly as soon as it appeared. This time, it was Yi Tian who took action. He felt that this guy was too noisy and directly broke the man's neck.

"It's too noisy." Yi Tian said such a word lightly and threw the person in his hand out.

When the body fell quickly in the air, it suddenly stopped and then fell to the ground.

"After watching the play, it's time to come out. Aren't you afraid of losing the face of your league if you let such an idiot come out? Yi Tian said lightly, with silver light flashing in his eyes. Obviously, he had long found that there were still people beside him to say so.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you." A rather cheerful voice came, and then a big man with a beard appeared. The big man is nearly two meters tall, and what is more abruptly, there is a short man who is only about one meter tall standing next to him. It's extremely strange for this tall and short to stand together.

Although William also sensed that someone existed, he did not know who the other party was. At this time, as soon as he saw the other party's figure, he couldn't help showing the difference.

"I didn't expect you to come out." William naturally knew the identity of the two tall and short, but these two were legendary characters in the alliance, or characters who existed in the dark, and did not appear on the surface like the four kings.

"Do you know both of them?" Yi Tian is quite curious about these two strange people.

"I don't know, but I've heard of it." William said slowly, "They are the characters in the dark of the alliance. The tall one is called the dwarf, the short one is called the little tall, and no one knows their real names. The two of them have always acted together, and the joint attack is also extremely powerful.

"Big dwarf? Small and tall? What's the strange name?" Yi Tian frowned slightly. He didn't know these two figures at all. Of course, it was normal for him not to know, "Are they very powerful?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen them. The legend is very powerful." William really didn't see these two people, but he felt that they were quite similar to the legendary description, and naturally thought of those two people.

The dialogue between William and Yi Tian was not hidden from each other, and naturally reached the opposite two people's ears. The dwarf grinned and said, "I didn't expect that our two brothers had been in seclusion for so long and anyone would know our names. It seems that the alliance's publicity is still good. With that, he laughed proudly.

The tall man did not laugh, but cried with a face. Although he was not tall, his face looked like a little old man. At this time, his sad face made people feel a little pitiful. If he changes to an ordinary place, his appearance will naturally win a lot of sympathy, but this is not the case on such an occasion.

"It seems to be really awesome." Yi Tian couldn't help sighing that he was not afraid of the two people in front of him. Although he can detect that the other party has great strength, it is worse than him.

"Are you from the alliance?" Yi Tianming asked knowingly, "So I have some questions to ask, but I don't know if I can answer them." He didn't mean to go to war with the other party, because he didn't notice the hostility of the other party, so he could try not to fight without starting a war.

"Let's talk about your problem first." This time, it was a small tall person who opened his mouth. He still had a bitter face and his voice was quite unpleasant, just like the sound of two pieces of sandpaper rubbing together.

"Do you know where the people arrested by the research institute are locked up?" Naturally, the news he wants to inquire about is Dolly. He believes that foreigners will never reveal their identity to these people.

Research Institute? What is it? A trace of doubt appeared on the little tall sad face, and the expression did not look like pretending.

"An agency of your alliance." Yi Tian answered the little tall question and then replied, "No, I want you to answer my question, not my question."

"I don't know. We haven't been outside for a long time. I don't know what kind of changes have happened to the alliance. The dwarf replied, and his voice was still loud and cheerful, "I heard that you two are the destroyers of the alliance. Since you have met here, can you please get out of here?" As long as you leave now, we will not embarrass you. He doesn't seem to have the intention of going to war. After all, after living in seclusion for so long, his murder has basically disappeared, and naturally he will not take action randomly.

"You let us leave the league?" Yi Tian didn't expect the other party to be so talkative. "This seems a little difficult. We need to find a person who has been captured by the alliance." He can't let Dolly go in the league. He doesn't want to have a tragedy like Bailian again.

"Aren't you leaving?" The dwarf frowned slightly and looked distressed, "This is troublesome. I don't like to fight very much. But if you don't leave, we have to kick you out.

"I don't want to fight with you, but our companions were captured by your people. We can't leave our companions alone and run away by ourselves." Yi Tian felt that these two people did not seem to be unreasonable, so he tried to reason with them so that they could reveal some information within the alliance.

"You really can't leave your companions, but we still want to ask you to get out of here. Otherwise, we won't be polite." The dwarf seemed to have few roots and still decided to let Yi Tian and William leave here. When he said this, he always felt as warm as water and did not show any murderous spirit.

"This is troublesome. Do we really have to fight?" Yi Tian also showed distress. He was not really distressed. He just wanted to see if the big dwarf and the little tall man pretended to be like this. After all, there are many tall people in the world, and it is not difficult for him to meet one or two.

"If you don't leave, we will do it." The tall man opened his mouth again, and the sound was still difficult to hear, like the sound of sandpaper rubbing, making people feel a series of goose bumps.

"It seems that we can only do it." Yi Tian said in a rather regretful tone, as if he was unwilling to do something with these two people. However, as soon as his words fell, he had taken the lead in rushing out, because he found that the other party's breath had suddenly changed greatly.

The murderous atmosphere, the strong murderous atmosphere, which is definitely the murderous spirit of the people who come out of the killing field, is turbulent, gloomy and bloody, like a physical object on the shoulder, which is unbearable. Even if Yi Tian was ready, he still felt heavy, and his original fast speed suddenly slowed down. Then he saw the little tall man standing opposite him suddenly appear in front of him, and his sad face was still sad.