reverse song

Chapter 516 Strange Surround

"It seems that I really caught a big fish." A strange smile suddenly appeared on Yi Tian's face, who was flying forward with William. He found that the sickle suddenly stopped, and his breath seemed to begin to become stronger. But soon the mark disappeared, obviously because of some changes on the sickle. Yi Tian had long expected this. In order not to let the other party find himself tracking, he deliberately left such a small means that once the sickle's situation changed, it would disappear immediately, so as not arouse the other party's suspicion. Otherwise, if the tracking mark is found, it will alarm the other party and let the other party evacuate from the current place.

Hearing Yi Tian's words, William's face appeared puzzled and asked, "What a big fish?" Did you do something?" He suddenly thought of what Yi Tian might have arranged on the sickle.

"When your injury heals, we will go and have no name for them. I think they should be surprised." The smile on Yi Tian's face became stronger and stronger. Before, the nameless people seemed to have disappeared from the world. There was no news. Now he is not afraid of losing the trace of each other.

"Are they still hiding in the league?" William's face showed a clear color. He didn't have any good impression on the nameless and others, and of course he didn't have any bad feelings. After all, he did not have the experience of Qin Xu and others, nor did he know as much as Yi Tian knew. He just regarded the nameless and others as a threat, a threat that would destroy his life.

"They can only hide in here." Yi Tian smiled softly. He didn't think where the nameless and others could hide anywhere. "But if foreigners come in again, it means that there may be something wrong with the channel, otherwise the sickle will not come in."

"Do you know where the channel is?" William actually had no idea about the isolation of foreigners. In his opinion, those foreigners were likely to be driven to other planets, but the meaning of Yi Tian's words did not seem to be the same, which made him a little confused.

"You may have to go back and ask Qin Xu about this." Yi Tian felt very helpless. Originally, he could ask the old man about this, but he probably didn't know about it. After all, driving away foreigners was the work of Qin Xu's generation, and the old man's generation of foreign talents had just split up. After all, they are still of the same origin as foreigners.

"Are you going there?" William is uncomfortable at the thought of going to that country. Maybe he really doesn't want to step into that country.

"No, just contact me." A strange look suddenly appeared on Yi Tian's face, "But we have to be able to go back." As soon as his words fell, there was a roar around him, like the roar of a machine.

William, who heard this sound, also changed his face and looked around: "I didn't expect the league to move so fast this time. We just left there, and they sent people to sniper." William knows his condition. After the emergency treatment just now, the injury on his leg is nothing, but now he is a little tired because he consumes some energy.

As for Yi Tian, there is no consumption, but it is very unwise to play a war of attrition with the league within the league. He didn't want to pester the alliance, but judging from the sound from the surroundings, it was obviously not one or two people sent by the alliance to sniper them, but a group of people, including some lethal weapons.

"The alliance really looks up to us." A wry smile appeared on Yi Tian's face. He had seen a huge dark shadow in the sky, which was a huge air war carrier. The defense and destructive power of this thing are amazing, but no one expected that the alliance would come up with such a thing to deal with Yi Tian and William.

Yi Tian and William are as small as ants compared with the huge hull. It's too useless to deal with such a huge war machine against two people, and it can even be said to have no effect at all. After all, the radar above can't scan the two people, so the big lethal weapon on it can't work. However, the appearance of such a huge thing can be used to scare people.

Obviously, the alliance's hand scared Yi Tian and William, and the two of them stared at the huge war machine above their heads. A murderous atmosphere emanated from the hull, and a strange pressure emanated from the hull. Before the two reacted, the war carrier emitted a soft light, and then enveloped the surrounding space. Yi Tian and William were wrapped in the light.

"Wow, we seem to be trapped." Under pressure, Yi Tian fell to the ground with William. When he saw that the surroundings were surrounded by light, he couldn't help saying such a sentence, but his face did not change much. He understands that such a war machine is not to deal with people. If such a sharp weapon is used to attack the city, it will be completely useless to deal with people in a moment, unless it is a indiscriminate overlay attack. But that would be too wasteful.

William did not accept Yi Tian's words, but looked around. So far, only the war carrier has appeared, but nothing else has been seen. However, the roar around has not disappeared and continues. He couldn't figure out what the alliance was playing. Was it going to trap the two and starve them to death? The alliance should not be stupid enough to think that such a light curtain can trap them.

"It's too strange. I don't know how the senior head of the league grows." William thought about the essentials for a while, and the situation at present was really strange. Even if the alliance wants to kill them, it doesn't have to be so extravagant. This is completely the behavior of a prodigal son.

"Maybe their heads were caught by the door." Yi Tian laughed. He is skilled and bold. He is not afraid of such a siege as the league now. If he can't beat it, he can't run. At most, it's just a little trouble. Now he is not in a hurry to run, but wants to see what the league wants to play, or what the nameless and others want to play. He doesn't think that anonymous people will not take control of the alliance, especially at this time.

The recent changes of the alliance are obvious. Even if Yi Tian is not good at situation analysis, he can clearly feel that the alliance's way of action has become different, more vigorous and popular, and every order is executed clearly. This is not like the result of a group of people commanding, but more like a person manipulating. The alliance seems to have suddenly become a huge toy, which is precisely controlled by people.

"It's not good." William said such a sentence inexplicably, but nothing changed on his face.

The alliance's intention is not good, so William just said so.

"Of course it's not good." Yi Tian took it casually, and a smile appeared on his face, "Finally, can't you come out?" As he spoke, he turned his head and looked aside. The place where there was nothing suddenly rolled up a piece of smoke, followed by a figure appearing there. No, it's not one, but dozens of them. Those people slowly walked through the smoke, steady and dull, without any panic, indicating that the psychological quality of the people is excellent, or they can make such a form in order to show a strong look.

"It's really good. I specially made smoke and dust, and it seems to be very strong." When Yi Tian saw this situation, he couldn't help saying such a sentence, which was really not like him, who was usually silent.

As soon as the words fell, those people had already passed through the smoke and appeared in front of Yi Tian and William. These people wear uniform clothes and a unified hairstyle, even with the same expression. If it weren't for the different faces and skin tones, I'm afraid they would be regarded as clones. Such a group of people suddenly appeared, and the originally good atmosphere suddenly became condensed, and the faint murderous atmosphere circulated in the air, as if to stir up people's murderousness.

"It seems to be really awesome." Yi Tian opened his mouth again, still in a joke tone. He didn't expect such a strange person to appear in front of him, but before he asked which faction it was, footsteps came from the other side.

It's not as good as those people who deliberately covered their bodies with smoke and dust before. This time, the people who appear are much more ordinary, that is, jumping off a small spacecraft. It is also the same clothes and the same hairstyle, and the facial expressions are equally stiff in the same position. It seems that even the appearance is somewhat similar. Of course, it is only because of the illusion caused by their dress. If you look closely, you can find that these people are completely different.

"A group of people come again." Yi Tian said in a surprised tone, and the smile on his face suddenly stopped. Two groups of people have appeared successively, and the number of people sent by the alliance has reached 30, and they are all masters. The condensed atmosphere on their bodies cannot be disguised, even with extreme help.

Judging from the sense of coordination between these people's actions, these people are extremely good at cooperation, but I don't know whether the two teams have the same tacit understanding. If there is also a tacit understanding, it will be troublesome.

Without waiting for Yi Tian to think about it carefully, there was another sound. This time, it's not the sound of footsteps, but the sound of the machine's operation, which easily reminds people of high-tech things.

Turning his head, all kinds of gorgeous light appeared, followed by bursts of sound. Fifteen huge special boxes suddenly appeared on the empty ground. The box emits colorful light, corresponding to the color of each department's ability. Use your toes to know that these boxes contain the energy of various abilities.

However, just as Yi Tian thought so, there were bursts of machine sounds in the box, and then the box began to deform, just like a transformer. People in armor slowly appeared from the box, and the previous box turned into the armor and weapons in their hands.

"Deformation? This is too ridiculous." Yi Tian couldn't help roaring. He had never seen that person turn into an iron box, but the scene in front of him clearly told others that he could turn into a box.

"There's nothing strange about this. These can't be regarded as human beings at all." William has only heard of the existence of such people. He has seen a lot of ordinary reformers, but he didn't expect that the alliance would really have such an ultimate reformers.

"Not a person? What is that? Monster?" Yi Tian didn't understand the meaning of William's words.

"Transform people. They have human thinking and ability, but the same body has been transformed into machines, and their abilities have been adjusted to effectively play the abilities of various departments.

"Transform people? Isn't that some defective products?" Yi Tian remembers that there are great defects in transforming people.

"We are so lucky that the alliance has sent the most extreme reformers. I don't think there will be more than 100 such reformers in the whole league. Unexpectedly, we will see 15 this time. A wry smile appeared on William's face. If he is intact, then there is no need to be afraid of such a monster when working with Yi Tian, but it is difficult to say now.

The two are still lamenting the power of transforming people, and another group of people appeared there silently. These people appeared very suddenly and did not make a sound. If it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of slightly heavy breathing, I'm afraid no one would have found their existence.

This group of people looks even more strange. Although they look like human beings, their breath is not like human beings, full of wildness, and their eyes are also full of aggression, just like beasts.

"Is this also a transformation?" Yi Tian looked at these people and felt a strange breath. He felt that this breath was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it for a moment.

"It is also a transformation, but unlike mechanical transformation, these can only be regarded as beasts, absolute beasts." William's face is getting worse and worse. He originally thought that three waves of enemies were the greatest fighting force of the alliance, but he didn't expect that the alliance would send these beasts to transform people. These are monsters mixed with the fierceness of beasts, real monsters.

"These beasts seem to be more dangerous than the other three waves. Look at the way they look at people. Tut, it seems that people are going to be eaten. The alliance is really powerful. Even such strange things can be found out. I don't know if Yi Tian is sighing or something. His expression, which just seemed serious, disappeared again and he looked like laughing again. "Beasts transform people with the characteristics of beasts. I don't know if I can control them." Yi Tian's mouth made a strange tone, as if he was humming some ballad, but it didn't look like it when he listened carefully. There is a strange power in this ballad, but it has no impact on people.

The right index finger scratched a few times in front of him, and the silver light passed in front of him, and then condensed into a changing rune. Those shapes sometimes looked like birds and sometimes like beasts. Anyway, there was no fixed shape. As the ballad spread in Yi Tian's mouth, the silver runes slowly dissipated in the air, turning into a little silver light and flying away into the distance.

William doesn't know what Yi Tian is doing, but he believes that Yi Tian will not aimlessly. However, it is not the time for Yi Tian to do these strange things. He needs to pay attention to the dynamics of the other three parties. However, before he could see what those people had done, he heard another sound.

"Damn it, how many people haven't appeared?" William couldn't help roaring. There are already 60 people in four waves of people, and they are all masters. Even if he and Yi Tian have the ability to reach the sky, they should be careful when facing these people. If there is another wave of people, they can only wait for the opportunity to escape.

"Don't be nervous, they may not be able to cooperate well." Yi Tian smiled faintly and said to William, who seemed a little nervous. At the same time, he turned his eyes to the latest wave of people.

The same fifteen people, the same clothes, the same hairstyle, the same expression, but these people feel more like ordinary people. They don't have any breath on their bodies, standing there like dead people. However, the more abnormal it is, the more horrible it is. Even Yi Tian feels that the breath of the 15 people is very strange. The reason why it is strange is that these people seem to restrain all the breath.

"I thought there were no masters in the league, but I didn't expect that there would be seventy-five masters. I don't know if anyone else will come." Yi Tian's words faintly with a trace of expectation.

"Do you know the existence of these people?" Yi Tian refers to the last 15 people who appear. There is no breath in these 15 people, which makes Yi Tian very concerned.

"I haven't heard of it." William has indeed never heard of the existence of such people, and even those who live in seclusion do not have such a situation.

"That's weird." Yi Tian tilted his head and said, "I don't think they are alive. Well, let's just let someone test it.

"To be tested? We are two people here. Is there anyone else here? William caught the problem in Yi Tian's words.

Yi Tian smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't worry, someone will help us test it." He didn't say anything, and then stopped paying attention to the last fifteen strange guys.

"What do you mean?" Yi Tian opened his mouth and obviously asked those people.

"You are good at alliances and disturbing the order of alliances. You deserve to die." The first wave of people spoke, and their tone was the same. They were depressed and impassioned. If there were other people here, they would definitely be infected by the tone of these people.

"It's even a deadly crime." Yi Tian looked at those people unexpectedly, "It seems that you are not simple. You can even say such words." He still laughed, and then his face suddenly changed.

"That means you are going to kill us." Yi Tian said what he had known for a long time, his face was extremely cold, and his breath also changed greatly in an instant.