reverse song

Chapter 521 Sadness

With the assistance of Yi Tian, William was not hindered. He rushed directly to the war carrier in mid-air. It is also strange that there is no mother ship that should have been protected by many people at this time. The alliance is like sending such a huge thing to its door to destroy people. However, no matter how strong William is, it is not so easy to destroy such a war carrier.

Not to mention that this mothership is built of special metal, and its impact resistance is extremely strong. With such a large volume alone, I don't know how much effort it will take to destroy it, and it may not be able to play a role. William won't do such a thankless thing. All he has to do now is destroy the emitter of the light mask. Only in this way can they get rid of the monitoring of the mother ship and get rid of the siege of the alliance. Otherwise, they will always be monitored by the alliance to fight against the continuous attack of the alliance.

William, who was not hindered by anything, approached the mother ship at a very fast speed. According to his understanding, there should be another layer of protection around here. But unexpectedly, there was no protection at all, even if he did not encounter any obstruction when his feet landed on the hull, not to mention the shield, not even a single person appeared.

This situation is extremely abnormal, which also makes William feel a little uneasy. He doesn't know what the league is playing. Such an important war carrier did not have any protection after it was sent out, and there were no defenders. He even doubted whether he had fallen into some trap.

Standing where he dared not make any changes, William felt that the alliance would definitely take some action. However, he stood for nearly a quarter of an hour without seeing any change, let alone anyone appear.

"That's it?" William's face was full of puzzled, but the more abnormal it was, the more uneasy he felt. This is really not like the style of the alliance. He even doubts whether he is dreaming now.

He didn't dare to stay any longer. He knew that staying here for one more moment would give the alliance more time to react. Maybe the people in the mother ship haven't found that he has come up, so all he has to do now is find the launcher and destroy it as quickly as possible. At this time, William put all his worries behind him and looked for the launcher on the hull at a very fast speed.

A large mask released outward is generally equipped with an external mask, and in William's experience, it is not difficult to find such a transmitter. If Yi Tian came to do such a thing, it may not be so easy. Although Yi Tian's strength is stronger, Yi Tian doesn't know much about the alliance's scientific and technological weapons, or Yi Tian doesn't know much about the world's scientific and technological weapons. The only thing he is good at is to use his strength to solve problems.

William did not spend much effort and soon found a launcher, during which he did not encounter any obstruction. A small shield appeared around the transmitter without accident. Such a shield is not aimed at people, but is set to ensure that the launcher will not be damaged by something else. The defense is not particularly strong.

Raise your hand and split a silver light, and a green light flashed, and then it shattered, and the protective shield set outside the transmitter was destroyed. Without stopping, William slapped again and directly destroyed the launcher. After a flash of lightning, there was a sudden explosion on the transmitter. A burst of smoke mixed with flames appeared, and the burning flames completely destroyed the launcher in an instant.

There was damage to the hull, and immediately there was a sharp alarm sound, which made people's hearts tremble. The sound was really too unpleasant, and William's heart was beating and he hurriedly unfolded to find another transmitter. He must destroy more than half of the launcher before the people inside the ship appear, otherwise it is impossible to break the outer mask.

Now that the alarm appears, people who want to come to the alliance will soon find someone invading. At that time, it will not be so easy for him to destroy it.

The body turned into a silver light and ran quickly on the hull.

The connection between the transmitter and the transmitter is very close, and the distance is not too far. After all, it is necessary to form a connection to maintain the operation of the mask all the time.

Before the people in the warship came out, William destroyed three launchers in a row. Hearing that the alarm became more and more harsh, it was obvious that the damage of the four launchers was already a great damage to such warships. William took time to take a look at the top of his head and found that the light over the sky flashed a few times, and the light became dim. He knew that as long as one or two more transmitters were destroyed, he should be able to break the mask.

Dare not neglect or stay at all, William turned around and rushed to another launcher. At this time, no one appeared in the warship. William was very sure of this, because he didn't hear a sound at all, except for the damn and extremely harsh siren.

It seems that this is an airship, but if so, who is controlling this warship? It is impossible for such a huge warship to use self-driving, otherwise there will definitely be a big problem. William doesn't believe that there is no one in it, but he doesn't know what the league is doing. Since the people of the alliance will not appear, he will speed up to clean the launcher and try to get out of this strange mask as soon as possible.

William has a very bad feeling, which has existed since he was trapped, but so far he has not figured out what's going on. The news was so blocked that he didn't know anything.

When William destroyed a transmitter again, the mask above his head flashed a few times, and the originally dim light gradually dissipated, and finally the mask completely disappeared.

As soon as the light mask broke, the originally quite depressing feeling immediately dissipated, but the uneasiness in William's heart became more obvious. Before he could take a moment to take a moment's view of the situation around him, he found that the communicator in his pocket began to vibrate violently. The sudden shock made William more uneasy, and he instinctively felt that there was some bad news coming.

took out the communicator, and a line of information flashed on the screen. What was written on it was very simple, only one sentence, but this sentence made William feel like falling into an ice cellar. His whole body was cold all over his body, and the already weak muscles began to tremble violently at this time. In the end, William couldn't control his body, and his whole body began to tremble violently.

The information displayed on the communicator is:

The city was broken and Al died in battle.

In a word, he said everything clearly, but it was also the last news William wanted to see. He trembled, connected Yi Tian's headphones, and repeated the information on the communicator in a trembling voice. How he didn't want to say this, but William knew that he could not hide such information. He didn't know what would happen when Yi Tian found this information himself. He is willing to have a situation that he can control.

Yi Tian is pestering those people. He doesn't need to kill these people, just pestering them to prevent them from finding trouble with William. While he was playing cat and mouse games, there was a noise in the headphones, followed by William's trembling voice through the headphones.

Yi Tian didn't hear clearly what the previous sentence was. He was busy dodging the other party's attack, but he heard the latter sentence clearly.

"...Ail died in battle."

Such a cold and ruthless sentence came out of the headphones. At the moment he heard this sentence, William only felt that his mind was blank, and then what he thought was impossible, absolutely impossible. Al's strength is very clear, so it is impossible for Al to die in battle.

"Don't joke." Yi Tian instinctively answered William's sentence. He chose not to believe it. He thought William must be joking.

"The news came from Xiu that the city was broken and Al died in battle." William repeated the message and said the name of the sender. He knew that Yi Tian's reaction must be like this, and he would rather be a joke, but he believed that Xiu could not joke about it. After all, he and Yi Tian are in the alliance, and even if they joke, they will not take human life.

When Yi Tian was about to shout "nonsense", he heard William's voice trembling and trembling violently when he spoke. He knew that William was not joking, but he didn't want to believe it.

The look on his face suddenly changed, and Yi Tian roared: "It's impossible." A circle of silver light suddenly burst out, forcing several people to retreat. At the same time, he reached out of his communicator and quickly looked through the information above.

A simple sentence is clearly displayed on the screen. Yi Tian felt that death was smiling at him on the screen. The smile was cold, ruthless and ruthless.

Blank, the mind is blank, and the muscles of the whole body begin to tremble violently.

Yi Tian did not believe in such information, but it seemed that everything was true. He once thought that the unbreakable city had really been broken, and Al was still dead in such a battle.

At that moment, the picture from the beginning of meeting with Al has been circulating in my mind without stopping. Al is the first person to follow Yi Tian. He is the person who has been with Xiu since the same period. Not to mention how much he has helped Yi Tian, the time alone has been so long that it can't be calculated. But such a person suddenly said that there was nothing left.

A strong sadness appeared in his heart. Yi Tian only felt that his chest seemed to have been cut out fiercely, which was a little more painful than when he saw Bailian's body. He once vowed never to let the people around him fall into danger, but what about now? Al is still dead, dead, just like that.

The flowing eyes of the silver light became red in an instant, red as fire, red as blood, indeed as blood, and blood tears flowed out of his eyes. Tears slowly slid down his cheeks, leaving two bright red marks on his face. His hands suddenly bombarded his chest, and the turbulent energy immediately rushed into the body, making Yi Tianwow spit out a mouthful of blood.

There were blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and Yi Tian's originally withered figure suddenly stood up. He looked up, his face was pale and his eyes were blood red. At first glance, he was extremely frightened, and a ferocious smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"Death. You are all going to die!" Saying this in a cold tone, Yi Tian suddenly turned into a silver light and shadow and rushed towards those people. There is a faint red light in the silver light.

William was above the air. He quickly left the warship after passing the message to Yi Tian. He needs to determine the situation on Yi Tian's side, and he can fully understand the feelings between Yi Tian and Al. If Cook had died in the war, he would have gone crazy, so he felt that Yi Tian must have gone crazy at this time. He must stop Yi Tian and take him back. If Yi Tian is allowed to go crazy in the league, Yi Tian will be killed by the people of the league in a few days.

But when William flew down from the warship, Yi Tian had begun to go crazy. He rushed at those people crazily, and the energy on his body was released without any restraint. William didn't know that Yi Tian had self-harmed once before. William just saw Yi Tian rushing to those people with a faint red light. When he saw such light, he only felt a burst of pain at the corners of his eyes, as if he had been burned by the flames.

The crazy roar broke out from Yi Tian's mouth. He was almost crazy and completely uncontrollable about energy. The originally stable energy was completely disordered at this time, and angry and unclear words burst out of his mouth. In his eyes, those people are no different from the dead, but he still wants to tear these people to pieces completely.

Puff, Yi Tian's hand accurately penetrated a person's chest, and his broken hands struggled to tear towards each other, and he heard a sound of eating, as if the cloth had been torn. The man was torn in half by Yi Tian, and the bright red blood sprayed out, and the internal organs fell directly from the air.

Bloody and violent means have always been Moore's favorite means, but at this time, they are used in Yi Tian's hands, which gives people another shocking feeling. William knew that it was not good as soon as he saw such a situation and hurriedly caught up with him. He wanted to stop Yi Tian, but as soon as he approached, he saw Yi Tian suddenly look back at himself.

What kind of look is that? Full of regret and anger, as well as deep self-reproach. The violent breath in the red eyes could not hide the strong sadness.

William was looked at by Yi Tian, but he did not dare to come forward again, but stayed where he was. He knew that he could not stop Yi Tian, at least not now. Not to mention the convenience of ability, the emotions that Yi Tian burst out at this time have deeply infected William. He would have done the same.

Yi Tian's violent means immediately shocked the other people and scattered them like birds and beasts. Only then they thought of escaping, but it was too late. Yi Tian would not let them go at all. He made a ferocious laughter, harsh and sharp laughter, which made people feel cold and ferocious laughter. No one saw how Yi Tian acted, but he soon caught up with the person who had escaped the farthest, and then stretched out his hand to split the man in half. There was no possibility of living.

With a broken body, Yi Tian caught up with another person and killed another person with the same straightforward means. After Yi Tian flashed several times in a row, he killed all those people. The smell of blood did not drift away with the wind, but condensed in the air, as if it had been frozen and had not dissipated for a long time.

Yi Tian hovered in mid-air, fixed there motionless, hanging his head, and the blood stained on his body was falling drop by drop, and each drop of blood fell on the ground for a long distance. Yi Tian hovered there without any movement, as if he could no longer move.

William wanted to go forward, but he didn't know what he could say. He could feel the vitality of Yi Tian and knew that there was nothing wrong with Yi Tian. But at present, this mysterious atmosphere made William, who had just suppressed his sadness, feel sad again.

Yi Tian hovered there for a long time, and there was no movement for a long time, as if it had been completely petrified.

For a long time, I don't know how long it took, Yi Tian's shoulders suddenly trembled, as if they were laughing, but everyone knew where Yi Tian might laugh at this time. His body was still trembling, spreading from his shoulders to his whole body, and then he suddenly attacked his body, and the dull sound from his mouth suddenly amplified.

"Al!" He roared and pierced the clouds and cracked the stone, but the sadness contained in it was difficult to eliminate.

As soon as the name was called out, Yi Tian burst into tears without any cover-up, no longer like a peerless strong man. At this time, he was like a child, crying unscrupulously. Yi Tian himself is not good at expressing his emotions. At this time, he can only cry to vent the sadness in his heart, and the crying is shocking.

The figure that had been hovering in mid-air also began to slowly land, and finally fell back to the ground. Yi Tian knelt on the ground and covered his face and cried bitterly. He didn't care that he was full of blood at this time. He only knew that he needed to vent his sadness and then avenge Al.

William suddenly heard Yi Tian's crying in mid-air, and his heart suddenly trembled. He suddenly felt the sadness in Yi Tian's heart. Unconsciously, his eyes were also wet. Then he saw Yi Tian fall to the ground and cover his face and cry. He also slowly lowered his body and looked up at the warship above his head to prevent his tears from flowing out. At the same time, he also paid attention to the changes around him, so as not to be taken advantage of by the alliance.

At this time, William wants to ensure the safety of both of them, otherwise don't say revenge for Al. I'm afraid that both of them have to explain themselves here and wait for others to avenge them.