reverse song

Chapter 526 Evacuation

The night is as cold as water.

The atmosphere is too quiet and makes people feel uneasy. In a dark environment, it always gives people a sense of crisis. Yi Tian still knelt on the ground, and his deep crying had stopped long ago, but he did not stand up. He still knelt there in silence. William sat aside. Although he closed his eyes, he still felt the changes around him.

William doesn't want to look at the surrounding situation with his eyes for fear of making a wrong judgment because he is too nervous, but if he feels the change of the atmosphere around him, it is different. In this way, the surrounding changes can be clearly distinguished. Of course, if the attackers take the means of hiding their breath, that's another matter.

Quiet, only quiet, there is no sound of wind and grass. It seems that everyone in the world has died, but only the two of them are here. The warship that had been parked above the two people's heads had already withdrawn from here. Yi Tian's anger was not so easy to bear. In order to save the warship, the alliance finally chose to recall it.

The news from the city was very bad, but William didn't know what happened and how much damage it had suffered. However, judging from the news, it is not optimistic. After all, there have been casualties. Similarly, William began to worry that the alliance would use some unconventional measures. In particular, the two are in the wilderness at this time. Although William used means to cover up their bodies early, making it impossible for the alliance to accurately capture their positions, if the alliance uses indiscriminate attacks, the two still can't escape such a embarrassment.

The thoughts in my mind are quite chaotic, and it is difficult to sort out a clue for a while. William felt a little pain in his head, did not rest for many days, and fought repeatedly, which consumed not only physical strength, but also a great mental consumption. Similarly, he was injured. Although he has recovered a lot after short treatment, the injury is still an injury and cannot be cured immediately.

While William was thinking, Yi Tian, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly sat up with a flat face, and the previous fierceness completely disappeared. It looks plain, as if nothing happened. But the more abnormal the behavior, the more worrying it is. Suddenly, no matter how tough the person is, he can't recover so quickly.

If Yi Tian looks fierce after standing up and threatens to destroy the alliance, it will not be surprising at all. But his performance was too calm, so calm that it made people feel cold.

William, who had been paying attention to the changes in the surrounding situation, naturally found that Yi Tian stood up. He opened his eyes and looked at Yi Tian, just as he saw Yi Tian looking at himself. After looking at Yi Tian's extremely calm eyes, William shivered for no reason. He found that it was not calm, but indifference without any emotion. Although he knew that this indifference was not aimed at himself, he also felt extremely uncomfortable.

He stood up in a hurry, and William was worried that Yi Tian would do something too impulsive. As a result, unexpectedly, Yi Tian's reaction was very flat, as if nothing had happened. When Yi Tian looked at William, the indifference in his eyes was gradually fading, but it did not disappear completely, but converge. It converes to the deepest part and is imperceptible.

Looking into the depths of darkness, Yi Tian slowly exhaled a breath, which seemed to have been accumulating on his chest. At this time, he was spit out, just like spitting out a stone pressed on his heart.

"Let's go back." The faint tone, without any waves, and the expression on Yi Tian's face also did not change. He is just talking about a very simple thing.

William didn't react and looked at Yi Tian in a daze. He heard Yi Tian's words, but he didn't understand what Yi Tian meant. Does he really want to go back?

"Go back. You can't do anything here. It's better to go back and make plans with them." Yi Tian is very calm, not like a person who has just suffered a blow. His face was so flat, and his behavior was so calm that it was frightening.

"If you don't leave, the people of the alliance will come." His eyes still fell in the depths of the darkness, as if there were some monsters in the dark. "If you want to meet the people of the alliance, it's another matter."

"Let's go, let's go." William finally reacted and knew that Yi Tian was not joking or testing, but really wanted to go back. But such Yi Tian made William afraid for no reason. He had never seen Yi Tian look like this, let alone how to deal with it. William is even thinking about whether this is the attitude that a person who has just been hit should have?

"We are too big to let the alliance take advantage of the loophole." Yi Tian's tone was still faint, "Since you have been beaten, then hit it back and hit it back fiercely." Yi Tian suddenly thought of what happened in the orphanage. If it hadn't been for Bai Lian at that time, I'm afraid he would have been killed by those people. Of course, even if he is beaten, he will not make those people happy. He will always bite those people fiercely to let them know what it's like to be beaten.

William didn't expect Yi Tian's idea to be like this, but he would do the same. In his opinion, he has never swallowed his anger. Now that he has decided to do it, he always has to do it thoroughly, just like he betrayed the alliance. Knowing that he would be hunted down by the alliance after betraying, he still defected from the alliance and became the enemy of the alliance.

Knowing that Yi Tian had made a decision, William naturally had no intention of objecting, but he saw that Yi Tian had been staring in one direction, as if there was something there.

"Have you found anything?" William tried to ask. After all, they are still in the league, and there is no reaction from day to night. At this time, it is not surprising if there are some people around here. However, tonight's night is quite dark, and the moon above the head has never appeared, which greatly affects people's eyesight.

"People have come." Yi Tian said lightly, not seeing any fluctuations in his mood. Generally speaking, Yi Tian's current reaction should be that he would attack desperately as soon as he saw the people of the alliance. As a result, this guy was just a plain reaction, as if he was okay.

"Go or fight?" William saw that Yi Tian had never intended to take action and asked for advice again. He doesn't want to take action rashly, especially because he consumes a lot, and he hasn't eaten since the day. Once he fights, it consumes too much and can't last too long at all.

Yi Tian seemed to see through William's idea and casually threw something the size of an ordinary pill and said, "Swallow it." He didn't explain what the hell was the use of this thing.

William did not doubt that Yi Tian had any sinister intentions. He took it and threw it into his mouth without looking at it. After entering the mouth, the thing immediately turned into a cool fluid and slid down the throat. After falling into the abdomen, it immediately turned into a warm current circulating in the abdomen, and then flowed to the limbs and bones. William only felt that the warm current turned, and all the fatigue on his body just now was swept away, and even the hidden hunger completely disappeared.

This feeling made him feel quite comfortable, and he took a strange look at Yi Tian. He didn't expect such a magical move in Yi Tian's hand. However, seeing that Yi Tian was silent, he did not speak.

"Let's go." Yi Tian didn't mean to attack those people at all, but chose another direction to run out.

William, who had just recovered, felt that his whole body was full of strength, and his movements would naturally not be too slow, although he still had injuries. The two are like two leopards, shuttling quickly in the dark. Because it is in the wild, there are no buildings or anything like that, and it is also a flat river, and nothing will block the way for the two. However, this is not a good thing for the two. Their figures are quite clearly exposed to each other, and no matter how they act, they will be caught by each other. Unless they can now find a place that can hide their figure.

The two moved, and the alliance, who had been hiding in the dark waiting for the opportunity, also reacted immediately. Originally, when they were stared at by Yi Tian, they had a sense of danger, as if they were targeted by a poisonous snake. While they were tense and ready to fight, the other party chose to retreat without hesitation. This situation surprised them.

When they watched the two vigorous figures walk quickly through the dark, they finally realized that they should catch up.

The leader cursed in a low voice and immediately chased after him.

"Stay close and don't let them run away." The man roared in a low voice. They thought they could take the opportunity to pick up some cheap ones, but they didn't expect that the two would suddenly escape. Such a situation was greatly beyond their expectations, especially the speed of the two was beyond their imagination. Without any warning, it was extremely difficult to be suddenly distanced by them.

Fortunately, this place is very wide and flat, and the two people will not be lost for a while. If you lose these two people like this, I'm afraid even the skin will be peeled off when you go back.

As soon as the people of the alliance moved, William noticed the changes behind him. Previously, he had been detecting the changes around him, but he didn't expect that there would be an alliance of people lying in ambush so close to him. Fortunately, those people didn't do it, otherwise, the two of them would be difficult to react. In this way, the people in the alliance are also quite afraid of both of them.

"I really don't give up." William couldn't help sighing. How could he not know the idea of the alliance? But no matter how many people are sent, if there is no way to surround him and Yi Tian, no matter how many people are.

"Ley them alone." Yi Tian didn't look back at all and didn't want to look back. It seems that the people behind them are just clowns, and it is impossible to catch up with them. The reason why we can still follow them now is because of the environment. As Yi Tian ran forward, he ejected the obscure silver light into the soil under his feet.

Those people still came after them and didn't mean to relax at all. They have been ambushed there since night. With their instruments well covering up their breath, they have always had the opportunity to launch attacks, but because Yi Tian and William have no action, they dare not act at all for fear that a wrong decision will lead them to the ground. Prison.

The notoriety of Yi Tian and William has long spread throughout the alliance. If it hadn't been for the pressure from the upper class, I'm afraid no one would have been willing to come out and touch these two people.

Seeing Yi Tian and William running farther and farther away, the night was dark at this time. If they were run away by these two people, I'm afraid it would be difficult to find their figures. Seeing that the two figures became blurred, the leader couldn't help shouting in a low voice, "Hurry up, don't lose it." With that, he accelerated the speed under his feet.

The group suddenly accelerated and tried to catch up with Yi Tian and William. However, as soon as they caught up with the road between Yi Tian and William, they found a silver light and a faint light under their feet, and a faint energy fluctuation also appeared. These people are all capable people. When the light appeared, they knew that they were in an ambush, but the silver light appeared so fast that they could not react at all.

When horror appeared on the faces of the group, they heard a dull sound.

The explosion is not powerful, but it is enough to stop them and make them embarrassed. The not dazzling silver light is quite dazzling in a dark environment. Those people only felt the silver flashing in front of them, and then their bodies were thrown up. In the case of a sudden attack, they could only protect themselves, and then watched Yi Tian and William disappear into the night.

Hearing the sound behind him, William was shocked and thought that the other party had launched an attack and hurriedly responded. As a result, a burst of silver light flashed in the distance, and then dozens of figures flew into the air.

"Ireherely, let's go." Yi Tian's voice was still flat, as if nothing had happened behind him. His bland performance and the arrangements he had just made made made William feel chills. He thought that he would never be able to compete with such Yi Tian. Fortunately, the two of them had already turned into jade, otherwise Yi Tian would really be a headache opponent.

Without a tail following him, the two still ran towards the distance without any intention of slowing down. As long as they find a stronghold, they can leave the league smoothly, and William's leg injury can be better treated.

The two figures were introduced into the darkness and completely disappeared.

On the other side, Unknown and others had just rescued the sickle. When they were about to ask, they immediately welcomed Andy and the other three. The emergence of four clans in a row made an involupable shock and joy. I was shocked that there were so many people here, and I was happy that there were so many people here.

However, when they saw Arthur's situation, the nameless and others couldn't help but be speechless. This guy's body has been greatly damaged. Although he has repaired the injured body with their ability, it always gives people a strange feeling. And the nameless also saw that these three were three of the four villains he sent, but the other one didn't know where to go.

Although he had known for a long time that the four villains could not stop Yi Tian and the two, he never thought that these people would be swallowed up by their own people. After secretly saying in his heart that the world was really wonderful, he began to understand how the four people came here. He doesn't think that these four astringent guys will stay in this world, and they obviously have marks left by the general, otherwise it is impossible to find him.

"Did the general send you here?" He sat down nameless, and his face finally returned to normal. When he saw Arthur and others before, he was really excited, but now he has calmed down that excitement.

"Yes, my lord." Arthur seems to be the head of the four, but the sickle looks depressed now and can't say anything, and he naturally calls him an unnamed adult.

"Is there any news?"

"The channel is about to be opened, please hold on for a while. The general sent us to join you first to enhance the combat effectiveness of this side. I just don't know what's going on here. The general has never received any news.

"Those people appeared, so we dare not act rashly. However, since the passage is about to be opened, we will soon have to hide. It's just that I have to wrong you during this period and hide first. He looked at the sickle with a depressed look, "I don't know if you met anyone when you came here?" He is still worried that these four people will expose their whereabouts. You know, the world is much more dangerous than before, and a careless person is likely to be followed. In particular, Arthur and the three are the people he sent to deal with Yi Tian. If they are found by Yi Tian, they will be in trouble.

Without waiting for the four people to answer, he said again, "We still have to move quickly. It's no longer safe here." Although he doesn't believe that it will be exposed here, he would rather be careful, otherwise they may be killed before the general arrives. In this world, no familiar person leads the way, and it is extremely easy to be killed by those people.

As soon as they heard the nameless say so, Bai Nian and the middle-aged people immediately began to pack up and clean up the traces where they had stayed here to avoid being tracked. In less than half an hour, they were ready to retreat.

"Let's wait until we get to a safe place." Without a name, he took a group of people out of the door, then boarded a car and drove into the distance in the night.