reverse song

Chapter 536 Calculation

Chapter 536

A fight broke out in the city occupied by the five guys for almost no reason, and although not many people watched the fight, it was quite crucial. The unknown and others who are hiding are watching the situation in the city through satellite at this time. Because the five guys really don't know the technology of the world, they don't interfere with what happened to themselves at all. Otherwise, even if the unknown people have satellite technology, they can't peep at the situation here. But the situation is different. Everything that happened in this city has fallen into the eyes of the seven unknown people, which is extremely dangerous for Wu Lao and Yi Tian and others, but for the unknown and others, they have undoubtedly got excellent news.

"Wow, they actually have an internal sect." When the name saw Yi Tian fight with Wu Lao and others, he clapped his hands happily. "It's better to kill a few people, so that it can save me a lot of trouble." He said viciously that his face glowed red because of excessive excitement, and his eyes burst out with a strong light, as if he had seen Yi Tian and others corpses in the wild.

"Death is unlikely." The white-haired man said lightly. He knew very well how difficult it was to kill the other party at Yi Tian's level. At most, the two sides lost both sides. Of course, if Yi Tian can't resist the attack of those five people, it may be another situation.

The new sickle and others are staring at the screen. At present, this situation is extremely novel to them. They have never seen such a high-tech thing, so they are very curious. However, when he saw Yi Tian and William's figures appear on the screen, a trace of fierceness appeared on the sickle face that had been severely damaged by Yi Tian, as if he was about to jump on Yi Tian. Fortunately, Bai Nian beside him grabbed him, otherwise, the sickle might really rush up, so that the screen would be completely scrapped.

"Quiet, this is just a means of monitoring. What you see is just some images." Bai Nian scolded in a low voice. He didn't expect the sickle to be so impulsive, and he actually showed an extremely fierce murderous spirit. Fortunately, the nameless only looked at the picture on the screen and didn't notice the changes on the sickle, otherwise he didn't know what would happen.

"Do you know that man?" Although Bai Nian knew that the sickle had been severely damaged and roughly guessed that the sickle was most likely to be injured in Yi Tian's hand, it was a guess after all. At this time, when he saw the sickle's reaction, he was sure of the speculation in his heart.

"I must kill those two guys." The sickle said angrily, and his eyes showed fiercely. Obviously, after Yi Tian and William suffered losses, he hated those two people.

"Kill them? Then you also need this ability." Bai Nian snorted coldly, "If there is a chance, I will definitely smash the two of them into ten thousand pieces." Bai Nian was also a person who suffered losses on Yi Tian and William, so when he saw them, he was also quite angry.

"You two had better tell me to restrain yourself, or don't blame me for being rude." The nameless voice came without much emotional change, but just this tone made Bai Nian shiver involuntarily. He was a person who knew the nameless means. At this time, when he heard the nameless warning, he naturally restrained the murderous spirit just revealed in his body.

However, this stunned young man knows nothing and does not hide his murderousness and breath at all. He still looks at Yi Tian's figure on the screen wildly, as if it is Yi Tian himself standing in front of him at this time.

"Do you listen to my words?" Nameless still felt the murderous spirit behind him, and an unhappy look appeared on his face. He randomly turned his head and looked back. A touch of evil appeared between his eyebrows, as if he was about to hurt people.

The nameless does not hide the murderous spirit in his body, which is aimed at the sickle. The person standing beside the sickle also felt the murderous spirit released from the nameless body. His face couldn't help changing, and his figure retreated uncontrollably. They didn't expect that this seemingly inconspicuous person would be so murderous.

Although the general had told them to follow the nameless instructions when he sent them here, it was quite difficult for them to suddenly listen to the words of a person they had never met. Even if they feel the murderous spirit released from the nameless body at this time, even if they are shocked, they have no intention of giving in at all. Especially the sickle, he snorted coldly and suddenly took a step forward. The already quite arrogant atmosphere became more obvious, and the murderous atmosphere was obviously much stronger, obviously to fight against the nameless.

"If you do this again, don't blame me for your action." I didn't expect that the sickle dared to resist himself. He didn't expect that the people of a clear class would resist. It seemed that he was affected when he integrated other people's bodies. He is very clear about this, because he has also been affected by similar effects.

"Your excellency, it seems a little inappropriate for you to do this." Arthur spoke boldly, with no fear on his face. Obviously, he thinks that the nameless behavior is quite nonsense.

"Isn't it appropriate? What's wrong?" He stood up nameless, "Don't forget your identity. Are you going to offend me?" He was very rude, but his breath did not strengthen. He knew that many people were looking for his traces, and if he leaked even a little breath, he was very likely to reveal his whereabouts.

"I dare not. My subordinates just think that adults are a little indiscriminate. Arthur put on an attitude of fighting against the nameless. Although he had seen Yi Tian's methods and also saw the methods of the five men from the picture back, he did not think that the seven of them would not be able to deal with these infighting people.

"Indiscriminate?" With a nameless sneer, how could he not know what Arthur was talking about, but is it useful to explain it to them? At most, you will be regarded as making excuses for your cowardice.

"I know what you're thinking, and I know you don't understand why I'm hiding. If you think you can deal with any of these people, I can leave you alone, but it's better not to implicate me, otherwise don't blame me for ignoring my family. The nameless finger pointed to the screen behind him, which still flashed the picture of the city, and the scene of the fight had also turned to Tang Mu and others.

When speaking anonymously, it was when Tang Mu suppressed Yan Ze. Although the satellite could not transmit that kind of pressure back, the situation on the picture was enough to make these people guess how terrible the pressure appeared at the scene. When he saw such a picture, Arthur couldn't help jumping. He didn't think he could deal with such a horrible guy as Tang Mu.

"Is this a joke, my lord?" Arthur said slowly, and he felt that the nameless was pushing himself to death. Ask him to deal with enemies like Tang Mu. Damn it, are they strong enough to fight against these top strong men?

"Are you kidding? Let me tell you, we are going to face such enemies and people with strength at this level or higher. If you take what I said as a whisper, you'd better disappear here now." He said namelessly and rudely, "My task is to wait for the general to come, not to die."

Arthur has nothing to say. In fact, he is not speechless, but he doesn't want to die for no reason. Although they came here with the determination to die, it does not mean that they don't cherish their lives. On the contrary, he cherishes his life very much, to the point of almost pervert. If possible, he hoped that he would better not encounter any disaster. But unfortunately, as soon as they came to the earth, they saw masters like Yi Tian and William. Although they only glanced at that time and did not shock them much, they also made them understand that it was not so simple to get along in this world.

"I know you don't accept it. It's useless even if you don't accept it. You have to listen to my arrangement here and do everything as I say, or you will die. Unknown knows that he must stand up, otherwise sooner or later these four people will cause him more trouble. It is enough for him to have a Bai Nian who is so good at causing trouble. If there are four such figures, he and the white-haired man will die at the hands of these people sooner or later.

"You." Nameless pointed to the sickle, "Retend the breath of your body immediately. If you don't restrain yourself, don't blame me for being ruthless. Bai Nian took the four of them to confinement and remember that he could never let them out. Unless they figure out what I said. Because of the relationship with the sickle, the nameless decision to let Arthur and the three also go to the confinement. He didn't want the other three to stay outside to cause trouble for him, because he had something to do immediately. If the three people caused him any trouble in his absence, it would be too difficult.

When Arthur and the three heard the nameless arrangement, they wanted to resist, but they didn't expect that Bai Nian immediately took action to restrict their energy operation and put a strange circle on them. As soon as these circles fell on them, they completely restricted their energy operation.

"Remember what you said without a name, and it's better to think about everything." Bai Nian whispered, "We'd better keep a low profile on this planet, otherwise it will cause great trouble sooner or later. Remember, we must keep a low profile before the general arrives. This is our only way to save our lives. Bai Nian knew that these four had not seen the scene of shouting and killing, otherwise they would definitely understand the nameless words. You should know that Bai Nian was killed by Yi Tian mercilessly because he showed a little foreign breath. Fortunately, Bai Nian saw the opportunity quickly at that time and his soul was able to escape, otherwise his soul would have been scattered long ago.

Because their power was limited, Arthur and the four could not resist. Although they heard the words of Unknown and Bai Nian, they did not go to their minds, because at this time they were angry that the nameless dared to really limit their movements. This is very incredible for them.

Seeing Bai Nian taking Arthur down, the white-haired man said, "Sooner or later, these four will be a scourge." He saw the indomitable color hidden in Arthur's eyes, and naturally understood what the four were thinking, so he said so.

"Even if it's a disaster, we can't kill them." It is very clear that they can't kill their own people. Once the general comes and knows about this, the three of them will definitely be killed by the general. "The same clan, you should know what kind of punishment will be."

"Do you really want to keep them?" The white-haired man doesn't think that the lives of the four people can be compared with the safety of the three of them. "You should know that if they ruin the general's plan, we will also be implicated."

"You can't take action against them for the time being." He shook his head nameless. He knew what the white-haired man wanted to say, but he really couldn't do that. Although he just behaved very tough and had an attitude of killing Arthur at any time, it was only a way to scare people, and it was impossible for him to do it.

The white-haired man sighed: "If one day we are in danger because of the four of them, I will definitely kill them." He was very resolute and did not hesitate at all.

"At that time, even if you don't take action, I will take action." A trace of determination flashed in his nameless eyes, and after all, he could not give his life to others. After all, he has been like this for so many years.

"Do not talk about them. Let's talk about the situation now. What do you think we should do?" Nameless, he put on a discussion. He knew that it was difficult to do things with one person, and among these people, the only one who could discuss things was the white-haired person.

"Are you talking about the infighting between Yi Tian and others?" The white-haired man's eyes moved to the screen, and the light on it shone. Those people still fought hard, but so far there have been no casualties.

"Third, I know you have some ideas." Nameless did not hide what he thought at all.

hook the corners of his mouth. Although he didn't understand the meaning of doing this without a name, the white-haired man knew that he and the nameless were in the same boat. If the nameless were in danger, he would not be safe, so he still decided to say his ideas.

"We are not sure what happened from the picture. However, Yi Tian and others will have internal sfighting, obviously because of Long Feiyun.

The nameless and others have long figured out Yi Tian's interpersonal relationship. When they saw that Long Feiyun belonged to the side of the five guys, they knew that this infighting was definitely related to Long Feiyun.

"It should be the five people who threatened Yi Tian with the life of Long Feiyun. Because they can't talk for a while, Yi Tiantian will take action against them. Unfortunately, we got the news too late. If we can know which side of the conflict first, it will be better to analyze. However, according to the current situation, although there is a big gap in the number of people between the two sides, the strength is not far from each other. The identity of those five people is very mysterious. So far, we don't have any information about them, but it's not too bad to suppress Yi Tian. I think there should be some damage in this internal sfighting. If there is no accident, there will be no death. The white-haired man said very firmly.

"Accident? What kind of accident?" Nameless is an unexpected analysis of white-haired people. Although he also saw some things, it is definitely not as thorough as white-haired people, as if he had seen it at the scene. He also knew that the white-haired man did not say all the guesses, but it was enough.

"Third-party forces intervene." The white-haired man did not say any plan, but said such a sentence and stopped talking.

The nameless person understood the meaning of the white-haired man very well. A sneer appeared on his face and said slowly, "Is it an accident? Then we will make a little accident for them. I hope it can bring us unexpected surprises. Notify people immediately, concentrate on that city, and remember to mobilize long-range attack weapons. I don't want any damage. If possible, catch them all. Even if you can't kill them, you have to give them some suffering. It's okay to do this kind of thing behind your back. Anyway, you don't have to rush to the front by yourself.

"Are you interested in going there? Maybe you can get some useful news." After issuing the order to mobilize manpower, the nameless man said such a sentence to the white-haired man. If Bai Nian was also present, he would certainly not have said such a thing, but now that Bai Nian is not here, he can safely say this boldly. He knew that the white-haired man is an extremely calm person. If they act together, even if they can't get any benefits, there is no problem for them to retreat.

"Let's go. I think we still get too little information. If we can know the relationship between them, it may be beneficial for us to act. A strange smile appeared on the white-haired man's face, "However, it's better to be careful not to be discovered by them, otherwise, no matter how big the conflict they have, they will choose to work together to deal with us first."

Foreigners are like street mice in the eyes of Yi Tian and others, and they naturally know their identity**.

"When am I a three-year-old child? Anyway, you have to be careful." He sneered and randomly walked out of the house, looked at the dark night overhead, and then rose up and flew in the direction of the city. Behind him is the white-haired man.

Two figures flew towards the city at a very fast speed, with different purposes.

The city is still bustling. The silver light reflects half of the city, like a small sun shining in the night, and the moonlight is also covered by silver light and cannot emit brilliance. And Yi Tian and others in the fight did not know that they were being calculated. Even if they knew them, they had nothing to do. After all, they were facing five people and others, not ordinary capable people.