reverse song

Chapter 545 Wang Hanyu's arrival

Chapter 545

Hearing Yichen's sigh, Qin Xu looked at him unexpectedly, with a little incredible look on his face.

It seemed to find Qin Xu's eyes, and Yichen put away a little depressed look and said, "It's okay. I just suddenly feel old. Do you think we need to take action?

"There is no need to take action for the time being. Let's see the situation first. However, judging from the situation, foreigners may not be able to stand it. After all, the sudden appearance of the five is enough to make them feel crisis. A smile suddenly appeared on Qin Xu's face, a very faint smile, as if he were calculating something. For him, the current situation is getting better and better, which is conducive to finding traces of foreigners.

When these two chatted without saying a word, on the other hand, the vulture and others who also got the news were completely different. Originally, the vulture and others rushed there because the city of Yi Tian and others was attacked. Unexpectedly, they received such news again before they had dealt with the matter there. The only thing that made them feel relieved was that Yi Tian didn't encounter much trouble, which was undoubtedly a good thing, but it also made them feel uneasy.

Yi Tian's situation is not good. Such a thing can be seen by blind people, and as a person loyal to Yi Tian and Cook and others loyal to William are completely different situations at this time. They showed all their uneasiness, and their colleagues also began to count their manpower and prepare to attack the alliance in order to rescue Yi Tian and William from the alliance.

Originally, Yi Tian and William would not have encountered any trouble entering the league, but the bad is that there are too many changes, which makes Xiu and others more and more uneasy. The city was originally established under the auspices of Yi Tian and William. If something goes wrong with Yi Tian and William, the city will soon lose all cohesion.

Both Xiu and Jiami clearly know that they can't replace Yi Tian or William. They are just temporarily replacing them. If something happens to Yi Tian or William, this seemingly stable city will disintegrate in an instant and return to its previous state. It can be said that Yi Tian and William are already the spiritual pillars of the city.

Lazy cats and drunks are also deployment, and they also don't want Yi Tian to have any problems. The three vulture are influenced by lazy cats and are also actively preparing.

The city has just experienced great difficulties, and many people are sad, but as a power to protect the city, there is no time to be sad. Once a decision is made, they must take action without any delay. The whole city has fallen into a tense atmosphere.

However, in such a tense situation, there is another person who is quite calm. This person is A Xing, who doesn't seem to have much deterrent. He looked at the city's capable people gathering, and next to him stood Situ Hao. Both of them looked happy and sad, as if they had been beyond all the emotions of the world for a long time, but if someone could observe them closely, they would see the glittering light in their eyes.

Neither of these two people are good at fighting, but they have abilities that others do not have. Such an ability is actually more useful under such circumstances.

"It's really busy." A Xing sighed, "But it's too hurried. Without Yi Tian and William here, these people really can't calm down. He spoke quite calmly, and his face did not change much.

"Aren't we the same?" Situ Hao answered slowly, which clearly showed that although the two of them looked calm, they were actually also very flustered, but they were not as obvious as they showed.

"Well, who can not panic if such a thing happens? I just didn't expect that Yi Tian would be against the five guys so soon. Originally, I planned to let the five guys and the alliance collide to attract foreigners first, but I didn't expect that there would really be a civility first. A Xing shook his head and said, "The world is really unpredictable." Speaking of the end, it was vaguely desolate, and the expression on his face was also quite bleak.

"At least it's not too bad from the back situation. I was surprised by the alliance's counterattack. Aren't they afraid of causing excessive emotions among the rest of the people? Situ Hao looked at the sky above his head. When the alliance gradually dawned, it was just night. The moon and stars in the dark sky could not be seen for the time being, and the light could still be seen in the sky, which was the afterglow of the sun, like blood.

"Extreme reaction? They are afraid that their people will not respond. As long as they encourage anti-aggression, Yi Tian will not face the alliance, but those angry masses. Under such circumstances, can you still take action?" A Xing looked at it for a long time, and Li's worried face finally appeared. "If they act rashly, they will definitely be promoted by the alliance. At that time, it will not be so easy to face the pressure of the world.

"But this step still needs to be taken. No matter how the situation changes in the future, we are already in chaos, and it is impossible to get rid of it at all." Situ Hao smiled bitterly. They have indeed fallen into chaos, and even if they are soberly aware of this, they can't change the facts. In any case, they must go on and go firmly, otherwise they will be submerged in this mess.

"I didn't expect to face such a thing after being calm for so many years." A Xing sighed slightly, and then the words turned, "Go and tell Xiu, and say that there are still people coming. Don't be in a hurry to act." He didn't specify who was coming, which sounded as if he deliberately wanted Xiu and others to stay here.

Situ Hao looked at A Xing puzzledly. He didn't expect that A Xing would choose to organize the actions of Xiu and others at this time. After all, Xiu and others have been preparing for a while. If it hadn't been for a disaster, I'm afraid Xiu and others would have set out long ago. Now I have to open my mouth to stop Xiu and others, and I will probably be treated as an alien by them.

"It's okay. As I said, I'm still preparing something good for us. When those things are ready, and then when those people arrive, we can set off. He still didn't say who was coming or what he was preparing. He just asked Situ Hao to inform Xiu.

After Situ Hao left for a while, Xiu and Jiami came to A Xing's side. Although they did not ask A Xing why he stopped them from moving as soon as they opened their mouth, the slightly unhappy look on their faces did tell everything. In their opinion, Yi Tian and William have been in danger in the league, but they still have to waste time here, which is completely pushing Yi Tian and William into the fire pit. If Yi Tian and William can't be rescued, God knows what kind of trouble they will encounter.

"I know what you two want to say, and I don't want to stop you. It's just that the time is not right, and do you think we can really cause any damage to the alliance with this power in our hands? A Xing knew everything as soon as they looked at their expressions, so he didn't wait for them to speak, so he said it first.

Xiu did not speak but looked at A Xing. He believed that A Xing had other arrangements. But what do you have to do? Can't you tell me earlier? They are almost ready. If the situation hadn't been too chaotic now, they would have set out long ago.

"If I stopped you at the beginning, would anyone listen?" A Xing seemed to see through Xiu's inner thoughts and said lightly, "It won't take too long. Someone will help us soon. As long as we bring some more evidence, it will be enough to turn our attack into resistance.

Xiu and Jiami still don't understand what A Xing is saying. They haven't said a word since they appeared, but A Xing has said so many words intermittently, as if they don't care about the two people around them at all.

While the three were still talking, A Xing said that the other two listened, and the sentry arranged outside the city suddenly sent back the news that a large number of people were approaching quickly. Because the other party has nothing iconic, it is impossible to distinguish whether it is an enemy or a friend, and the other party is quite well equipped. If you really want to do it, the tired army here can't be their opponent at all.

After listening to the report, A Xing frowned slightly. Even if he knew that someone would come, he still didn't know which side this unmarked force belonged to. He could only ask the man to investigate the news again and issue a warning as soon as the other party approached the city. You can never do it without figuring out the other party's attitude.

When Xiu and Jiami heard a large number of people approaching, their faces couldn't help changing. They didn't expect that someone would appear at this time, and they still brought a large number of well-equipped people. In their imagination, this place is already a ruin, and even if someone survives, it is impossible to pose too much threat to others. However, under such circumstances, some people will come to this abandoned city.

"Is it unexpected?" A Xing looked at Xiu and Jiami, but his face was unspeakable.

Xiu and Jiami smiled bitterly. If they hadn't relaxed their vigilance, I'm afraid that the brigade would not have been close to them at all, and even if they knew that they were ready to leave, it would not have been possible to organize any effective defense. However, they were quite surprised by A Xing's judgment. A Xing could know that someone would come to this city.

"Don't look at me, I'm just guessing. It's just that this situation seems to be a little different from what I expected. A Xing's face also showed a wry smile. This situation was indeed beyond his expectation. Originally, according to his idea, the coming force should have launched its own banner early in the morning, but he did not expect a completely unknown force.

"Have you identified the other party?" Contact the peripheral detectives, and if you can confirm the identity of the other party, you can make the next step. However, when this kind of vegetation is full of soldiers, a slight strange situation will make people in the city react excessively.

"Not yet, but the other party doesn't seem to be malicious." The personnel in the front gave back feedback on the investigation and made it very clear that the other party was not malicious.

"Whether there is malice or not, first find out the identity of the other party and pay attention to your own safety. If there is anything wrong, retreat immediately. Xiu still doesn't forget to pay attention to the safety of their manpower. After all, they have lost a lot of manpower, and they can't lose any more.

The personnel over there answered and stopped talking. Obviously, they were going to find out the identity of those people.

A smile suddenly appeared on A Xing's face, who was still standing there quietly, and then said, "I'm too careless. Sure enough, it's them. Let everyone outside withdraw. Let's just go out and let Duguliang and them come over. The smile on A Xing's face appeared for a short time, but it disappeared immediately.

After all, this is not the time to be happy. The previous memory is still clearly visible, and the traces after the disaster have not disappeared. How can he laugh?

Xiu's face flashed puzzled. Just now, A Xing said that he didn't know who came from. Why did he suddenly confirm the identity of the other party and decided to go out? However, he also noticed that A Xing just asked Du Guliang and others to come here. There seemed to be only one force, or one person, that the whole world had something to do with Duguliang.

At the thought of that force, Xiu's heart beat violently. He felt uncomfortable, because he suddenly thought of Al. If he sees Wang Hanyu at this time, what should he say and how should he face Wang Hanyu? However, he also remembered that the underground city seemed to have suddenly announced a war against the alliance a few days ago and was immortal. This statement has never appeared in the history of underground cities. You should know that underground cities have always been famous for their low-key. Even if underground cities already have extremely powerful forces, the low-key attitude has not changed. This time, underground cities will choose to fully develop alliances, and their attitude is also extremely Toughness shows how angry Wang Hanyu is.

While thinking about it, he followed A Xing to the outside of the city. When they walked out of the city, they happened to see that the team of unmarked people appeared in sight. Those people slowly approached the city, and the speed was not slow, and the momentum emitted contained a faint murderous intention, but everyone knew that the murderous intention was not aimed at anyone, but naturally emitted.

"Who the hell is here?" Although Xiu had already guessed, he was still not sure which force the team belonged to before he saw the leader of the other party.

"Underground city." A Xing just said these four words lightly. When he saw those people, he was completely sure that he was from the underground city, which was the same as he expected. Al's death must have given Wang Hanyu a great stimulus, which made Wang Hanyu react so fiercely.

First declare war, and then join hands with marginal cities.

In fact, there are many similarities between underground cities and marginal cities. For example, they do not buy alliances, and they are all places where people who advocate freedom gather. It's just that underground cities are darker, while marginal cities are relatively bright.

"They came after all, but they don't know who is leading the team." A Xing opened his mouth slowly. These days, he has been waiting for the reaction of the underground city. Although the declaration of war has long been expected by him, whether the underground city will come to coincide with them is another matter.

Standing next to A Xing's lonely eyes, there was a light of guilt. When he saw this team, he actually had the intention to retreat. It was not that he had done something wrong, but because he really couldn't face these alliances, let alone Wang Hanyu. He once vowed to Wang Hanyu that he would take good care of Yi Tian and Al. As a result, Yi Tian was trapped in the alliance and Al stood to death. No matter which result it is, it is so unsatisfactory.

"Don't be nervous. Since he will send someone here, I don't mean to blame you." A Xing said lightly. He clearly looked ahead, but it seemed that he could look at the lonely mind. "And you have done enough, but we are too weak to have that that will happen."

Compaion with other forces in the world, the marginal city formed by Yi Tian and William is still too weak, which is like the perception between an adult and a child. No matter how strong the child's potential is, he will never be the opponent of an adult until he fully grows up, even one The same is true of a once-in-a-lifetime genius.

As soon as a few words were finished, the people there suddenly stopped. Obviously, they didn't want the people in the city to react excessively, so they stopped at the right place, and then a flag with a strong symbol was raised, which was the flag of the underground city. At the same time, a man slowly walked out of it. The man walked so slowly that it seemed that time began to slow down, but every step of him was so firm, as if he stepped steadily on the ground with a thousand pounds of weight, making people's hearts tremble involutably.

"Will you lead the team in person?" A Xing narrowed his eyes slightly and saw the man clearly. It was Wang Hanyu.

And Dugu Liang, who was standing next to him, trembled slightly, ploped, and knelt directly to the ground, choked silently, and burst into tears. Wu Cong and others also knelt on the ground, with a look full of guilt and a deep and suppressed sobs in their throats. Wang Hanyu didn't come, and they won't be like this, but as soon as they saw Wang Hanyu, they could no longer suppress their sadness.