reverse song

Chapter 547 Breaking through the shackles

Chapter 547

The clear sky is suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the thick clouds are constantly pressing down, and they will fall heavily on everyone's head, completely crushing them into pieces without leaving any trace. Although there was no pressure, everyone unconsciously broke out in a cold sweat.

This situation is really too strange, but it was just dawn, and there was no sign of rain before that. However, under such circumstances, the weather will suddenly change dramatically. What's more disturbing is that no one knows who urged all this to change. This also shows that this terrible enemy is hidden in the dark, where the people present do not know. Such a powerful and hidden enemy is very terrible.

No matter what kind of mind the people on the battlefield are, that heavy mood really exists in everyone's heart, and no one dares to ignore that invisible pressure. The originally chaotic scene suddenly became silent, and everyone looked up at the sky, as if there was a majestic god in the dark clouds.

A dull sound came out of the clouds, and the dull sound was completely covered up. This sound is not loud, but in such a quiet environment, no one will ignore such a sound at all.

It's obviously a dull sound, but when it comes to everyone's ears, it feels like a heavy hammer hitting the chest, and the heart beats violently for no reason. The qi and blood in the body almost did not go backwards under the influence of the sound, and the breath is also choked in the chest, which makes people feel good. Unable.

Under the surge of qi and blood in the body, the energy immediately lost control, and the accuracy of the aircraft was also lost. The alliance men and horses who were originally suspended in mid-air fell to the ground one after another. This scene was quite spectacular. Hundreds of people fell from the air, just like dumplings. When the human body fell on the ground, it made a bang. Fortunately, these people are not far from the ground, and they are strong, and there will be no casualties. Otherwise, it is estimated that nearly 100 people will be killed or injured just now. Of course, there are also some unlucky guys. When they landed, their heads first came into close contact with the ground, so that no matter how strong their bodies were, they would be hit hard.

Just a muffled sound made the people in the air fall to the ground, and the people on the ground changed dramatically. If you want to do it again, it will not all have to be explained here.

As if in response to the thoughts of those people on the ground, as soon as such an idea appeared in their minds, there was a loud noise from the thick clouds, like a huge black curtain being torn open by a huge opening, a bright, flashing purple thunder in the public. The top of the person's head is twisted and flashing, with the strongest majesty between heaven and earth.

Just now, a muffled sound had made everyone feel like they had been hammered, and this undisguised loud noise seemed to tear the whole sky apart, making everyone's heartbeat stop for a few seconds in an instant. No one remembers a few seconds, but when everyone turned back, purple thunder was constantly rolling in the dark clouds. The thunder light with the thickness of the adult's arm was constantly twisting and flashing. From time to time, there were one or two thunder lights coming out of the clouds, making crazy roars, like choosing someone to eat. It's like a beast.

Shocking. Only shock.

People on the ground are staring at the sky, forgetting to fight and forget their existence. In front of the power of heaven and earth, who still remembers his existence?

A loud roar suddenly came out, breaking the cover of thunder and waking those people from their dull state. A person with purple light suddenly rose to the sky, not in the crowd or falling from the sky, but suddenly rushed out of the dusty city ruins, rushed into the sky, and rushed into the clouds, like a fearless warrior.

The man rushed into the clouds with an indomitable momentum, and then everyone seemed to hear a soft, very soft sound.

A sound is as clear as the sound made when pulling out the glass plug. In the chaotic thunder, the sound was so clearly transmitted to everyone's ears. A small hole appeared on the thick black cloud, a negligible hole. As soon as the hole appeared, the thunder that had been rolling between the clouds and roared wildly suddenly began to surge violently. It felt like seeing a pot of boiling water.

The originally stable clouds suddenly began to surge, immediately making people on the ground feel uneasy. Because when the thunder and lightning surged, a pressure suddenly spread away, and they could hardly resist it. In particular, the heavy black clouds fell heavily on their heads, giving people a feeling that they would collapse at any time, and the thunder light with teeth and claws was like a beast, which could burst out the greatest power at any time. Yes, burn the people on the ground to ashes.

No one wants to die here, especially at this time, but they can't move around. When the thunder and lightning rolled, lightning fell around, surrounding all the dark clouds, so that the people here could not escape from the thunder and escape from here at all.

The roar kept coming from the dark clouds, and all the thunder was rushing crazily towards the small hole like an iron block attracted by a magnet, as if to completely strangle the man who rushed into the cloud. As soon as the thunder moved, the purple light of the whole dark world began to shine, suddenly disappearing, and the expression on the person's face was also uncertain.

Everyone's heart came to their throats, and no one knew what was going on, but some people faintly caught something and realized that the lightning should be related to the person who rushed into the clouds. But will these completely uncontrolled thunders really be attracted by that person?

The thunder is still the same, but the thunder in the dark clouds is decreasing crazily. The hole is like a bottomless hole. No matter how much thunder comes in, it doesn't leak out, and even the dark clouds around it don't flash any lightning. Some people are thinking that the hole should not be a passage to another world. Such an idea is too crazy, but it is not impossible.

When all the thunder poured into the hole, the world was shrouded in dark clouds all day and fell into darkness. Without the starlight and moonlight at night, there is also no light. The darkness covers the earth, the silence is spreading, and a gust of wind gently sweeps it, giving people a creepy feeling. Even if you are in the dark, no one rushes energy and emits even a little light to see the things in front of you, no one dares to move, for fear that a little action will lead to irreparable consequences.

Darkness and silence fall on this world at the same time, making people feel as if they have entered another space.

I don't know how long it took, a loud roar suddenly burst out, not in the dark, not in the crowd, but from the sky, from the thick dark clouds. At first, the sound was very dull, like the sound made when someone's mouth was covered. Gradually, the voice began to become loud, and the tone suddenly changed. All those who heard the sound only felt a pain in the eardrums, and then saw a dazzling purple light suddenly appear in the sky.

The light flashed away, and then the world returned to darkness.

The roar appeared, followed by a strong wind. The whining wind made the person's shape a little unstable, but those present were all masters. Even if they were injured, they would not be completely unstoppable. However, the wind seems to blow from all directions. There is no fixed direction at all, which is elusive. Even a master is difficult to stand firm under such a situation.

The roar changed again and became like a beast roar, full of wild atmosphere, and a strong pressure suddenly fell from the sky. The pressure appeared, and the dark clouds condensed in the sky were suddenly blown clean and swept away. The strong sunlight suddenly appeared, making the people in the dark only feel bright, and then fell into the darkness.

The sudden light made people fall into a temporary blindness. Even if the light appeared for a short time, these people still saw a figure in mid-air, a figure wrapped in thunder. The discomfort of blindness gradually faded. Everyone looked up and saw that the figure was still hovering in mid-air, and the whole body was shining with thunder.

Li Zhen, the man who fell in the center of the bombing, hovered in mid-air at this time, with thunder shining all over his body, emitting the power of ghosts and gods. The expression on his face was not happy or sad, and a pair of eyes would spit out nearly a foot long thunder light between opening and closing. As he looked into the distance, there was a sudden thunderbolt in the distance, and a huge thunderbolt fell from the distant sky and fell directly to the ground. With a loud noise, a small hill in the distance turned into powder in the thunder.

Then, Li Zhen slowly withdrew his eyes and looked at the people on the ground. He did not lower his body or emit lightning. But with the power of the blow just now, no one will doubt Li Zhen's strength. He looked at the people on the ground so lightly and didn't say anything, but everyone seemed to hear Li Zhen's words, like thunder and lightning with the power to make people submit.

Except for Qin Mo and others, no one thought that Li Zhen would come out of the ruins unharmed and greatly increased his strength. They just felt that Li Zhen seemed to be too lucky.

Zhuyue looked at Li Zhen in mid-air like a ghost, and couldn't say a word.

"Finally broke through the shackles?" Qin Mo said lightly, and a trace of excitement appeared on his face. This is a very important thing for them. Since coming to the world through that channel, their power has been completely limited, and they can't exert 100% of their strength at all. Now Li Zhen's performance is obviously that he has broken through the shackles and can fully control his strength.

When Qin Mo opened his mouth, the thunder around Li Zhen suddenly closed, and the pressure also dissipated. Li Zhen turned into an ordinary young man who could no longer be ordinary. He looked at the people on the ground so lightly, and then looked at Qin Mo and slowly clicked a little. Head, answered Qin Mo's words.

After receiving Li Zhen's answer, the excitement on Qin Mo's face finally spread, then gradually spread, and finally turned into a crazy smile. He laughed uncontrollably. As soon as the terrible laughter dissipated, the people around him had a creepy feeling. This is a more horrible feeling than seeing Li Zhen. They don't know what Qin Mo is laughing at all, but they feel the danger in Qin Mo's laughter.

In Qin Mo's laughter, the alliance, who had just been forced to fall to the ground, rose again and quickly surrounded Li Zhen in the middle. The alliance looked at Li Zhen unkindly, as if they wanted to smash Li Zhen's body, but they did not dare to approach Li Zhen, for fear that Li Zhen would smash them into ten thousand pieces as soon as he took action.

"Retired and wait for a life." Li Zhen opened his mouth slowly, sounding like thunder, which was a pity.

The alliance who had just gathered around only felt numbness and almost fell from mid-air. But soon they stabilized their bodies and looked at Li Zhen coldly.

"Leave our country, invaders." The same cold voice is a little weak for no reason, and then the resoluteness contained in the tone is completely unquestionable.

"Intruder?" Li Zhen grinned, and a slight thunderbolt ejected directly from his fingertips and quickly shot at the man who had just spoken.

The lightning speed was very fast. Before those people could see what was going on, they saw a burnt figure falling from mid-air. After making a person burnt, the thunder did not disappear, but quickly flew towards another person like a poisonous snake. When 20 burnt figures fell from the air, the alliance began to panic.

They were shocked to find that the person in front of them did not listen to other people's words at all and was unreasonable. Looking at the smile on Li Zhen's face, their hearts were cold. They are all soldiers who would rather die than surrender, but in the face of people like Li Zhen, these soldiers who would rather die than surrender had a retreat at this time.

One person retreats, followed by another person. One by one, they quickly opened the distance between them and Li Zhen. They looked at the plain Li Zhen and suddenly found that the distance between themselves and this person was as insurmountable as the distance between heaven and earth.

The alliance is unwilling to stay here any longer. Li Zhen alone can annihilate them all. What's the use of staying here? It's better to bring back the situation here.

Watching the alliance flee in a hurry, Li Zhen turned his eyes to several people month by month. He didn't care about William and the other three, but looked at each month. He wondered how Yi Tian could hide such a guy month by month, and looking at the means Yi Tian had used before, it was not a month by month's ability at all. How could this guy get month by month?

"Month by month." Li Zhen grinned and slowly lowered his body. "I didn't expect you to be dead."

"You are not dead. How could I die?" Zhu Yue smiled and took a step back quietly. He sensed that Li Zhen was very dangerous at this time. Zhuyue knew very well that he was not the opponent of Li Zhen in his heyday at all. Now, if there are those floods and famine beasts as the backing, he is confident to deal with Li Zhen, but now he has nothing in his hand, how can he fight with Li Zhen?

"I'm curious about how you got into it." Li Zhen said such a sentence without thinking, "I remember you have fallen a long time ago."

For Li Zhen's question, Zhuyue just sneered and did not answer, and there was no way to answer. Safety is a coincidence that he can sneak into it, which he didn't expect, and with the heavy damage he suffered that day, it is impossible to leave any back for himself.

Don't say? Then I'll call until you say it." His right hand suddenly grabbed forward, sucked the retreating Yue, and then Li Zhen punched Zhuyue's stomach.

Bang, like the sound of beating drums burst out from the belly of the moon-by-month, and a slight electric current also quickly dispersed, instantly covering the body of the moon-by-month, making the moon-by-monthly, who was still struggling, numb and completely lost the power of resistance.

"How do you feel?" Li Zhen grinned and said that Bai Sensen's teeth looked so terrible in the bright sunlight, just like the teeth of a beast, with a bloody smell.

With a muffled hum, there was no way to answer Li Zhen's question. Now his tongue is numb, how can he open his mouth to speak, but his breathing is surprisingly unaffected.

"Wasn't it great just now? Why doesn't it work all of a sudden?" Li Zhen still smiled, "Now try my 20% strength. I don't know how much power you can withstand me. Li Zhen smiled happily. He finally broke through the shackles and was finally able to freely exert his strength. This refreshing feeling was very refreshing. What's more refreshing was that he could beat people and beat a person who had always wanted to beat.

William and Long Feiyun next to him finally reacted at this time. Although Li Zhen beat Zhuyue, his body was Yitian. If there is any damage to the body, I'm afraid that Yi Tian will also suffer, so the two will rush towards Li Zhen without hesitation.

As soon as the two of them moved, they were gently touched by Li Zhen, and their bodies were numb to the ground, and they could no longer move at all. They could only look at Li Zhen angrily, and their faces were full of anger.

"Wait, it's your turn in a minute." Li Zhen grinned, with incomparable sunshine and incomparable brilliance, like a naive child.