reverse song

Chapter 564 Suddenly turned against

Chapter 564

After the jungle is a large plain, and a little further away is the intersection of heaven and earth. Such an empty place does make people feel relaxed, but it can also make people feel inexplicably flustered. Because everything is too empty, it looks quite desolate, and once you walk here, it is easy to lose your goal, so that you don't know where you are going.

Arthur and the three who escaped from the nameless are facing such a situation at this time. After almost crazy escape, the three of them walked out of the endless mountains and forests. For fear of being monitored by nameless, the three of them were so pitiful that they did not dare to fly, but walked purely on their legs in the rugged mountain forest.

Although I met some beasts along the way with the strength of the three, there was no danger. What's more, the nameless selection of places is indeed very remote, as if seeing a person is completely a luxury. So during this period, Arthur and the three of them didn't even see a personal figure and had to rush on their way. The advantage of this is that they would not be stopped by others and could hide their bodies as much as possible.

But the situation makes it a little difficult for the three of them to choose. The division between the mountain forest and the plain is quite fierce, just like the two landforms are cut together into one piece after being cut with a knife. The sudden change to the extreme was that Arthur and others saw the endless plain as soon as they walked out of the forest.

Even if they swallowed some memories, Arthur and the others still don't know much about the situation of the planet. They just looked at the plain that suddenly appeared in front of them, just thinking that if they walked in such a place like this, it would be easy to be found. Arthur's doubts were very serious. Although he hid his traces very well along the way, he still felt that he was monitoring himself without a name. The reason why he had never taken action was that he had not reached the right place.

Arthur has a hunch that once he enters this plain, he will definitely be hunted down without a name. But where can they go if they don't enter the plain? Go back to the forest and find another way? Arthur doesn't think he has a way out. It seems that the road to retreat has long been blocked by the nameless, and the nameless will definitely force them into the plain.

"What should I do?" Taylor sat weakly on the ground. This situation was very unexpected. She expected many kinds of things after the forest, but she didn't expect such a plain to appear in front of her.

"Let's take a break first." Arthur gritted his teeth and finally couldn't make a decision. Indeed, the situation has disrupted all his arrangements, and he doesn't know what to do.

Andy didn't say anything, but he kept staring at the plain in front of him. Occasionally, when the wind blew, there was a special breath that was not available in the forest. He felt that he should enter the plain, but because Arthur did not speak, he did not dare to act rashly, so he sat on the ground and looked at the empty scenery outside. This empty environment made him feel very comfortable. After walking in such a nearly closed place in the forest for so long, he couldn't stand it.

The three sat outside the forest for a long time without saying a word. Arthur has been frowning and thinking about something. He feels that the nameless must be looking at him somewhere now. This feeling of being watched makes him feel almost crazy. He felt that he could no longer stay here. After weighing it, he gritted his teeth and decided to go into the plain. The way back is definitely not feasible. It's better to gamble in the plain.

Standing up, Arthur gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "Let's go into the plain." With that, he rushed out first.

Turning into a vague figure, Arthur quickly took a few hundred meters away. When he looked back, Taylor and the two caught up. Under Arthur's leadership, the three of them rushed on the plain at an amazing speed, but none of them had any goals. As mentioned before, it is easy to get lost or bored in such a place where almost no target can see. Because you don't know where you're going or where to stop. All the way, nothing has changed except for the changes in time. This kind of boring forward is easy to break down.

The three of Arthur are extremely tough in nature, and it is completely impossible to bear it under such circumstances. When they entered the plain, it was noon, when the sun was still hanging high above their heads, but when the sun was west and set almost red light, the scenery around them remained unchanged.

The speed of their attack is not fast, but even so, they still didn't see anything along the way. There is no animal, no one exists, and of course, no village exists. They are just running, running expressionless. When the cold night wind hit, Taylor finally couldn't stand this boring rush.

He stopped, and Taylor shouted, "Stop!"

"What's wrong?" As soon as he stopped, Arthur turned his head and looked at Taylor with a dissatisfied face. He is now eager to get rid of the nameless surveillance, and Taylor actually stopped them at this time. What should they do if they are caught up by the nameless?

"We can't escape so aimlessly." Taylor looked at Arthur with a dissatisfied face without any fear. She was not afraid of Arthur at all. The reason why she came out that day was just because she didn't like the superior attitude of nameless people. But now it seems that Arthur is not much better. Since they came out, they have been running for their lives crazily, as if there were really a pursuers behind them.

" aimless? You should know that we are getting rid of anonymous surveillance, not sightseeing. Arthur was very dissatisfied. Taylor dared to say that he was running away from anonymous surveillance. He had never been afraid of nameless people or anyone. He had never been afraid of any difficulties, and Taylor actually said that his behavior was aimless. Aren't they getting rid of anonymous surveillance? How can this be aimless?

"Are we going to run like this all the time?" Taylor stared at Arthur.

"Remember that we are not running for our lives, but getting rid of nameless surveillance." Arthur was disgusted with Taylor's escape to describe their behavior.

What's the difference? Let me ask you, where are we going now? How to get rid of anonymous surveillance? Taylor can't stand Arthur's self-abuse imagination.

Taylor's three questions choked Arthur, making him completely speechless. He really doesn't know where he is going or how to get rid of the nameless surveillance. He just felt that he should keep escaping until he could no longer feel the gaze from behind him. When he couldn't answer the question, Arthur's face suddenly changed, and his original dissatisfaction immediately turned into anger. Then he waited for Taylor to say, "If you don't want to follow me, get out of here. I don't need a timid person here."

He almost said this with a roar. In such a quiet night, Arthur shouted such a sentence with all his strength, and his voice immediately spread around. It's just that in such an empty place, his voice will not attract any recollection, but he looks a little lonely.

The cold moonlight scattered from mid-air, with the cold temperature, which also made the atmosphere between Arthur and Taylor drop to the freezing point in an instant.

Andy, standing aside, Andy didn't know what he should say at all. He just stared at the two people who suddenly became so tense and didn't know what to say. Andy was completely out of the situation, or from the moment he entered the plain, he had been enjoying the feeling of freedom brought by this emptiness, so he did not notice the changes in Taylor or Arthur at all. He just instinctively followed Arthur on the road, but did not realize what was going on the way. Changes.

Andy's failure to say does not mean that the relationship between Arthur and Taylor will suddenly improve, and some will continue to stalemate. Of course, if someone is willing to take a step back, the relationship will also improve in an instant. Is it just that anyone is really willing to tolerate it?

Taylor is obviously not the kind of person who can tolerate. She stared at Arthur and said word by word, "I'll go!" After spitting out these two words fiercely, Taylor turned around and was about to leave here.

Just as Taylor turned around, Arthur suddenly convulsed and shook his body to block Taylor's way: "Come if you want, come if you want to leave. Do you really think I don't know if you want to get along with the unknown and then come back to catch me back?" There was a sneer on his face, which was the kind of sneer that saw through other people's conspiracy. He thought he had seen through Taylor's thoughts.

Taylor looked at Arthur with an idiotic look. She knew that Arthur had a conjurehension, but she didn't expect that this guy's conju conjugation had reached such a point, and looking at his appearance, it seemed that she had long believed that all the people who did not follow him were against him. According to Arthur, the whole world will be his enemy.

"I don't have time to waste time here with you. Get out of the way." Now that a decision has been made, Taylor will not be too polite to Arthur.

But the tougher Taylor's attitude is, the more Arthur feels that there is something wrong with it. He has put himself on the opposite side of the nameless and feels that he must have become an invisible stumbling block to be monitored by the nameless all the time. He has always thought so, since the day he saw the nameless.

"Are you in such a hurry to report my situation to the nameless? Do you think I will really give you a chance to do that?" Arthur's sneer became clearer and clearer on his face, and his murderous spirit gradually emerged.

When he finished saying this, he suddenly rushed towards Taylor. He started quickly, but Taylor reacted faster.

When Arthur blocked his way, Taylor was prepared to prevent Arthur from doing something to him. Sure enough, as Taylor thought, Arthur's imagination has reached the point of self-abuse, and no one can be allowed to violate his will at all, so once such a person appears, he will choose to erase it and erase it mercilessly.

When the red light and shadow rushed to Taylor, Arthur had urged all his strength.

But when he approached, he found that Taylor, who had stayed in front of him before, suddenly disappeared, and he couldn't catch Taylor at all. This unexpected situation made Arthur slow down, and then he noticed a bad wind around him. This made his heart faint. Just as he was about to dodge, his waist suddenly hurt, and his whole body flew backwards.

Taylor suddenly appeared where Arthur had just stayed, with a sense of evil on his face.

"I didn't expect you to be so cruel." She slowly spit out such a sentence, and her face became colder. Arthur's murderous spirit just now was so strong that he didn't seem to be treating his own people at all.

Wipe away a trace of blood from the corners of his mouth, Arthur stared at Taylor fiercely and said viciously, "If you want to reveal my whereabouts to my nameless enemies, I will kill all enemies with my own hands." As he spoke, he had already rushed towards Taylor. He is so fast, with a long red light and shadow, and there is a gorgeous feeling in such a dark night.

Taylor will not sit back and wait for death. She knows that unless Arthur is seriously damaged today, she will have no chance to leave. Of course, there is another option to stay. However, after seeing Arthur's situation, Taylor had no intention of staying at all. The only choice was to hit Arthur, who was seriously injured and he was able to leave safely.

Andy didn't expect that the two would suddenly fight. Before he realized it, Arthur and Taylor had already made more than a dozen moves, and each move was almost exhausted. Every move was so fierce that it was completely a way to kill each other.

Andy wanted to stop the fight between the two, but he couldn't intervene at all. The strength of these two people is similar to his, and it is still a little difficult to intervene in this level of struggle.

Arthur, who was fighting with Taylor, noticed a slight change in Andy and immediately said harshly, "Andy, do you also want to betray me and be my enemy?"

Arthur's words completely dispelled Andy, who had hesitated to take action. This scene became a little strange. The three people who were still with each other suddenly began to fight, and one of them was still standing aside watching. Anyway, it's quite a strange situation.

However, there is nothing strange about this situation in the eyes of Arthur and Taylor. They only have the movements of the other party. They must take action before the other party, otherwise they will give the other party an opportunity. In this kind of life-and-death struggle, any small mistake is enough to make them lose their lives.

"Do you only have this level?" Arthur smiled and wanted to stimulate Taylor with words, but obviously his move had no effect. Taylor ignored Arthur's verbal stimulation at all, but looked at Arthur coldly.

"I have notified the nameless. As long as I pester you for a while, he will arrive. At that time, I will see how arrogant you are." Taylor grasped Arthur's scruples. She knew very well that Arthur was afraid of nameless people, so when Arthur began to stimulate words, she also opened her mouth and stimulated Arthur with words.

Compared with Taylor, Arthur is much more neurotic. To be more precise, he has scared himself for a long time, which makes everything true. When he heard Taylor's words, Arthur was like a cat trampled on its tail. Suddenly, he blew his hair, roared angrily, and suddenly scolded: "Bile, I knew you had contact with unknown people early in the morning, and I knew you would betray me. If I had known that I would have killed you when I was in the forest.

When he was angry, Arthur's attack suddenly became fierce, and his moves became more fierce and tricky. If Taylor showed weakness before, there is still a little room for turning back, then there is no room now. Only a desperate struggle can completely eliminate the feud between the two. Of course, it is quite strange that people who should have fought side by side will suddenly turn against each other.

Arthur's move became extremely fierce, and Taylor was suddenly suppressed. Unbeware, her shoulder was punched by Arthur, and her whole body flew back. A sour feeling spread to half of her body, making Taylor's body run a little slow.

Arthur suddenly roared after a blow and quickly approached to completely end the matter. Of course, this is his wishful thinking. In Taylor's opinion, Arthur's behavior is not much different from death.

The right foot touched the ground gently, and a red light suddenly appeared at Taylor's feet. The red light quickly spread and opened, turning into a circle and spreading around. When it spreads into a circle with a diameter of three meters, the silk red lines appear in the circle, which is complicated and simple, looking quite beautiful but with an evil smell.

When the circle appeared, a cold smile appeared on Taylor's face. She bit the tip of her tongue, opened her mouth and spewed out a sheer of blood fog, and then her body was shrouded in blood fog, while the circle under her feet suddenly burst out red light, which was not strong, but suddenly saw red light in the dark. For eye-catching.

When he saw the red light on the ground, Arthur's face suddenly changed. When he was about to turn back and exit, it was too late. He had been shrouded in red light and fell into the circle.