reverse song

Chapter 573 Ambush

Chapter 573

After entering the canyon, it was like entering another world. The original noisy sound disappeared in my ears in an instant, and the wind blowing from my side became cold. Even the ubiquitous sunlight seemed to be covered with a thick black cloth, and became dim and cold when it fell into the canyon.

There is a cold smell in the air, which makes people feel cool, but then there is a cold, penets the cold that penetrates the heart. Those people shivered with excitement, and even the system of the capable people couldn't help sucking their noses before they sneezing. Fran looked up out of the window. The sky was slightly dark, not because it was getting dark, but because there was not much sunlight in the canyon.

The surrounding walls are covered with shady vegetation, making the cliffs on both sides of the canyon look mottled and dirty, with an inexplicable strange atmosphere, which makes people wonder if there is anything else under these vegetation. There is no need for Fland to remind them at all. Those people are energetic and look carefully at the surrounding environment for fear of any changes.

And Flem still looked at the narrow sky above his head, and the walls almost towering into the clouds gave him a rather depressing feeling. He felt that if he was not a capable person, he was likely to be driven crazy by the environment here. No wonder Jones will pay attention to this canyon. This is indeed a good place for ambush. Once someone arranges an ambush near here, he will definitely be able to fight back.

However, Fland, who had been reminded by Jones for a long time, not only cheered up his men. A group of wind-capable people immediately came out of the car and then took to the cliff to observe the surrounding situation. If someone really has to ambush on the cliff, it will definitely be discovered by these wind capable people.

In this way, it is foolproof, but the environment here always makes Fran feel depressed. He thought that his men must have the same feeling, but they must not be able to move quickly in this environment, which will miss a lot of details. Often a small detail will put them in danger.

In a quiet environment, almost everyone heard their powerful heartbeat. Such a sound made the nervous people more nervous. From time to time, they looked around and felt that there were enemies there when they saw some strange scattered lights and shadows. After a long time of surprise, these people gradually adapted to the environment here.

In fact, the wind system ability in mid-air does not suffer much. I don't know what's going on with the wind that penetrates this canyon. It rushes directly into the air from the canyon. If you are in the canyon, you can't feel the strong wind at all, but once you go up to mid-air, you have to bear the strong wind.

In such an environment, it is impossible for anyone to ambush around here, but Fleland doesn't pay attention to such a situation at all. He believed that there would be an ambush, so those with wind ability must stay in mid-air to observe the situation. This is a pain for those who have the ability to not only observe the situation around them, but also have to resist the strong wind. Generally speaking, people who control the wind will not be affected by the wind, but the direction of these winds is too chaotic. Even if these people can control the wind, they can't control themselves well.

"Although this guy Jones hates a little, he is really good at arranging these things." Even if he was out of the way with Jones, Fland still praised Jones very generously. Of course, he just praised him behind his back. It was impossible for him to praise Jones face to face.

But it's true to thank Jones, otherwise they would not have come to this place so smoothly. Although Fland does not pay attention to marginal cities, this does not mean that marginal cities do not have the ability to ambush them. On the contrary, such forces are more likely to launch an ambush. However, with Jones' arrangement, it is impossible to encounter any ambush.

While thinking about this, Flem was basking in the sun happily. Although he could only rest for ten minutes, this time was enough for him to relax.

Hidden in the dark, a trace of excitement flashed in the eyes of Xiu and others staring at Fran's vanguard army. They only arrived a little earlier than Fland and others, which was enough for them to make arrangements.

After some observation, Xiu roughly knew that the other party was resting at this time, just as Wu Ming predicted before.

"What a good time." Xiu sighed a little, "It's a pity that our Lord Flem doesn't know anything." When he said this, a fierce light flashed in his eyes. Long before, they had made arrangements, and at this time, he could attack immediately with an order.

"Now is not the time to attack." Wu Ming reminded that although he proposed to come here to ambush the other party, now is indeed not the time to take action, at least not yet.

"When will you do it?" Xiu looked at Wu Ming. He has never known much about the masters of these underground cities, of course, except for the flamboyant guy Duguliang.

"When they start marching." Wu Ming said slowly, "Let Qi Yang take action first to trap them, and then Zhou Chu will immediately launch a fire attack. I don't think how powerful they are, I will never expect anyone to dare to ambush them in such a place." With a frightening smile, the murderous spirit released by Wu Ming made people feel afraid.

The ten-minute waiting time is not too long, and it is not difficult for Xiu and others. They have long been used to waiting, and this little time is nothing. When the sound of the car started, the motionless group of people lying on the ground immediately raised their heads, and their eyes flashed with excitement. It's finally time to do it.

"According to the plan just now, launch an attack as soon as they start to act." Wu Ming ordered and stared at Fran and others. Everything before is as he predicted, so the next situation should not change much.

The car moved slowly. When the car Fland was riding passed in front of them, Wu Ming suddenly shouted and started. Suddenly, Liu Qiyang's body flashed earthy yellow light. His hands suddenly pressed on the ground, followed by a series of dull sounds from the ground, making the ground tremble slightly. Although the sound was also a little loud, it was like the roar of the car itself when it reached the ears of the people in the car. The ground began to shake, and the people in the car seemed to be unaware of it.

When a thorn suddenly pierced into the car, those people suddenly realized that someone was ambushing them here. How can these people who have been relaxed for a long time react at the first time? When a stunned look flashed on his face, the whole convoy, except for the first few to open, were all stabbed by the earth. Some unlucky people were torn in half by earth thorns.

The capable people in the car opened their mouths and couldn't say a word, and some people saw a red light flash around them before they could say anything when they reacted, and hot flames appeared around them out of thin air, covering them like waves. In their eyes, the last color in the world is as bright as fire.

"Enemy attack!"

Finally, someone reacted and roared, but the whole team had been swallowed up by the flames. Those who had not had time to protect themselves were all swallowed up by the flames. Although they would not lose their lives for a while, the blazing flames were still burning. They shouted in pain and were in pain. When the pain came, they seemed to forget that they were capable and able to resist these flames.

Hearing the sound behind him, Fland changed and realized that his vanguard army had been attacked by the enemy. His face flashed with surprise, and the position chosen by the other party was too strange, which was completely beyond his expectation. And according to Jones' arrangement, it is impossible for anyone to know their actions. So what's the matter with the attack now?

At that moment, Fland fell into a blank. When the bright red light appeared in front of his eyes, he completely woke up. At this time, he should have organized his men to resist.

"Everyone obeys the order." Rushing out of the car, Flan roared, and a red flame appeared on his body. His eyes were red, trying to find the person who attacked them.

But Xiu and others have no intention of show up at all. At this time, even if Fland burns the sky against each other, it is impossible to find them.

"Is that Flanne?" Xiu looked curiously at the guy with flames all over his body in the air. They restrained their breath immediately after launching the attack and did not launch any sneak attacks. They still stay here, just to not expose their whereabouts.

"Yes." Wu Ming looked at the information in his hand and confirmed the identity of Flem.

"The power is indeed very strong, but it's a pity that it's a step behind." Xiu said stupidly, "It seems that there can't be anything cheaper to pick up. Everyone is ready to retreat and be careful not to attract the attention of the other party. He didn't want to attract the other party's pursuit when he retreated. Looking at Fland's crazy appearance at this time, he knew that once the other party found his whereabouts, he would definitely be attacked the most violently.

Under Xiu's order, Du Guliang and others began to slowly retreat. They try their best to make any noise to themselves, and of course they can do this with their ability. However, if you retreat like this, you can't see any hustle and bustle. Originally, they also wanted to see the bustle of Fland and others. After all, Fland led the vanguard of the coalition. If we can greatly attack the momentum of the vanguard army, we will be able to attack the coalition forces to a certain extent.

"What a pity." Dugu Liang couldn't help sighing when he retreated. It was really a pity that he couldn't see such a bustle.

"There is nothing to regret. I will meet them again soon." Xiu looked coldly at Fland in mid-air, and he was very careful not to show any murderous spirit. He knows very well how murderous a master like Fland is, especially at this time.

After taking a look at Fland, Xiu turned his head and took people back in the direction of the marginal city. At this time, there must be no hesitation, otherwise it will attract the crazy attack of those crazy capable people. He knows how horrible crazy people are. Yi Tian once performed this scene for him very real.

"Can we arrange some surprises for them on the way?" A burst of inspiration for no reason in Dugu's mind actually wanted to arrange something on the road that Fland and others must pass through.

"Yes, but we don't have much time to set up large traps." Wu Ming felt a pity that if they had another half a day, they could arrange better things.

"Then hurry up." Dugu cool roared excitedly. He couldn't take action just now. Next, when setting the trap, he must make a very deep impression on those people of Fland. He is such a person.

"Don't worry too much. We can't make any stay here." Xiu opened his mouth to stop him. He felt that something was wrong. As for what was wrong, he could not say clearly. In short, he felt that if it was delayed any longer, there might be some danger.

Du Guliang couldn't help but be a little dissatisfied with Xiu's opening his mouth to stop his action. But he didn't dare to say anything. The command of this operation was Xiu, and naturally all arrangements had to be arranged according to him.

However, just as they continued to evacuate, Fran, who was constantly mobilizing people in mid-air, suddenly noticed a strange energy fluctuation, and his face changed slightly. He immediately turned his head to look in the direction of Xiu and others retreating.

"Finally, I found you." A ferocious smile appeared on Fran's face, and suddenly urged him to move and chased in the direction where Xiu and others were. He undisguisedly released his violent breath, as if to startle Xiu and others.

As soon as Xiu and others who were evacuating later noticed the breath released by Flet, their faces suddenly changed, and then Xiu said to the people around him: "You withdraw first and leave it to me here." He stood up without hesitation and gave others a chance to speak. It's not that he doesn't want others to take action, but that others don't have his speed. He didn't want to fight with Fland, just planned to buy a little time to retreat for Du Guliang and others.