reverse song

Chapter 584 Shock

Chapter 584

There is no sound coming from the place filled with smoke and dust, but such a silent state is more frightening than sound, especially when people present can't see what's going on inside. The smoke covered everything, and even the huge lion transformed by Fran was completely covered.

Suddenly, the smoke and dust dissipated, as if they had never appeared at all. The blood light suddenly appeared, but a figure stood on the ground, looking forward coldly, and the man held a head with wide eyes in his hand.

The blood rain fell all over the sky, crackling, as if it was endless. When the red blood fell, there was also a thick fishy smell, which was almost disgusting, but no one could really vomit. Everyone's eyes were attracted by the man with his head. His eyes were wide and his face was unbelievable. The previous premonition turned into reality in a blink of an eye and appeared in front of him.

Those who were on the attack stopped their steps and looked at the person who was carrying Fran's disclosure. They saw the indifference on the man's face and the horror on Flem's face.

What happened in just a few seconds? Why is there no sound at all? Why is there only one head left in Flanne all of a sudden?

Fear suddenly spread, because everything just now lingered in the hearts of those people like a mystery, making them feel that the person bathed in blood is as horrible as a demon. As fear spread to anger, Flem, who led them out, was suddenly killed, and not even a whole body was left.

You should know that there are many of Flem's cronies among those who followed Flem. In this way, anger inspired their courage.

Grief and indignation spread, and Fran's adjutant suddenly roared and rushed out. He even forgot that there were so many people behind him who could be mobilized, and they had so many weapons to use, so one person rushed out.

Xiu, bathed in the blood rain, stared coldly at the people in front of him, looked coldly at the adjutant who rushed out, raised his left hand and pointed gently. An invisible wind stirred out of his hand and rushed directly to the out adjutant.

The invisible and colored wind wrapped the adjutant in an instant, and I saw the adjutant roar, and his body suddenly split apart, and the internal organs mixed with blood scattered on the ground. The sudden change made people unable to understand what was going on. The change happened too fast. They just saw the adjutant rush out and then turned into a ball of meat in an instant. The man standing in the bloody rain did not seem to move.

"Those who dare to attack will be killed without mercy." The cold words came out of Xiu's mouth, and he completely became murderous. In the past, he would not have killed a person so fiercely, at most he would have repelled these people. But now it is different. He must protect the city, which forces him to make the most cruel choice.

A day ago, he was making a choice, and then today he gave the answer, a person's unexpected answer. Xiu's strength showed that everyone expected, and even Situ Hao in a coma would never expect such a change. The four vultures looked at Xiu in horror. Xiu, who stood in a bright red, seemed to see Yi Tian in that night.

"I didn't expect this guy to have such strength." The white wolf sighed in a low voice. He really didn't expect Xiu to have such strength. The daily cultivation is just a little stronger than ordinary people, which can be regarded as one of the top masters in the world, but there is really a little distance from standing at the peak. However, the strength shown just now is absolutely beyond those peaks in the world.

"Don't forget who he is following. No one has understood what kind of power Yi Tian has until now. It is reasonable for Xiu can have such power, but we have never cared about him. The vulture whispered, and there was a faint light in his eyes. Originally, he thought that if the city could not survive this disaster, they would take action. This was also the purpose of sending children to deter Jones, but no one expected that Xiu would suddenly burst out such amazing power.

"Then didn't I do it for nothing?" The child complained with dissatisfaction. Originally, he thought that his deterrence could play a role, but Xiu suddenly showed such power.

"It may not be useless, but in this way, the coalition forces can no longer hide their strength, and those potential practitioners should also come out." The lazy cat slowly said, "When the troubled times came, those people were ready to move, and now is a good opportunity. But I'd like to see what kind of identity those people will appear in this world.

"The chaos has arrived, and who can stay out of the matter?" The vulture suddenly sighed, and an unbearable look flashed on his face. Whenever chaos occurs, people in the world will fall into it, especially those with their abilities. A long time ago, the chaos almost annihilated all the capable people in the world. Now it has just regained a little vitality, and the chaos has come again.

"This is not something we can stop, and it's useless to think about it. In troubled times, it is rare to protect yourself, let alone protect others. The lazy cat spoke in a lazy tone, looking at the people outside the city. When he saw Xiu standing there motionless, saying such words, with a small voice and boundless murderous intent.

"It's okay if Xiu can deter them, otherwise we will stare at the edge everywhere. How can we have the energy to deal with those who want to take advantage of us." Taking a breath, the vulture had to admit that the practice of repair was very effective, at least for now.

Those people with grief and indignation were shocked by the sudden change in front of them, and their faces turned pale in an instant. Any emotion will become pale and powerless in front of absolute power, even if many of them are just ordinary people. Ordinary people are almost looking up at those who have the ability. Now they see that the usually high adjutants are torn to pieces without any resistance. How can those ordinary people not be afraid? What's more, these ordinary people are not soldiers of the alliance or other countries, but soldiers composed of coalition forces. The tacit understanding between them still needs to be greatly run-in. At this time, in the face of such changes, they are unable to exert their supposed combat power.

Jones, who was hiding in the camp, stared at Xiu on the screen with a gloomy face. He had wanted Fland to start today's first battle, but before the war broke out, the leader of the army was killed in an instant. This is undoubtedly a major blow to the coalition forces and has greatly affected their morale.

With his hands clenched into fists, Jones thought uncertainly for a long time, and finally said, "Go on and let those people back. Today's truce." He had to issue this order, otherwise those people would all be damaged by the man opposite him today. He finally understood why the man dared to provoke all the spiring forces that day, and the man had the strength to provoke those forces. If that person is a free person, I'm afraid that many forces will recruit him, but this person not only has a force to support him, but also a force that no one knows the depth of it.

So far, no one knows how many masters there are in marginal cities. Not to mention the two alliances, there are three people Jones knows alone who have unfathomable power. One is the person in front of him, one is the young man he met that night, and the other is the teenager. Jones began to feel embarrassed, and none of the three men made him helpless.

After the order went down, those people quickly retreated. Xiu did not chase those who retreated. He just looked at them coldly. When everyone disappeared in front of his eyes, he turned back to the city. At the same time, he threw up the head he was holding in his hand and hung it on a tall building accurately, shaking gently in the wind.

Fran's eyes were not closed after all, and he always stared at the world so big.

"What's going on?" Thomas looked at the replay and couldn't figure out what was going on. He only saw the smoke and dust all over the sky, and then the picture of repairing Fland's head. "What kind of power does that man have?"

Jones shook his head. He couldn't figure out what was going on, but whispered, "This is no longer a war where the number of people can decide the winner." He knows very well that once the high-end combat power reaches a certain level, the advantage in terms of numbers will no longer be an advantage. Although it is unknown how many high-end combat power there are in marginal cities, it seems that there will never be fewer masters in the marginal cities than any other, and their number of masters may be larger.

"Do you want to invite those guys out?" Thomas's face became ugly. He found that he could not see through this person at all. He didn't think that such a master would be unknown in the world, and he didn't think that the man in front of him was really the hidden guy. There is no hidden guy in the world who is not famous at all.

"We have to ask them out, otherwise we can only choose to retreat." Jones said helplessly. They have just besieged the marginal city and were attacked by each other one after another before they could launch an attack. If it goes on like this, they don't have to go to war at all, and their men will collapse directly.

"None must retreat." Thomas couldn't tolerate his failure. He looked at the screen with a gloomy face and then said, "Sent someone to invite those people out. If you don't come out, all forces will be destroyed. Let people send a message to the contact that they can no longer hide behind their backs, otherwise we will not reach any cooperative relationship.

The command was transmitted as fast as wings, and then there were some changes in the coalition camp.

A sneer appeared on the face of the child who had been paying attention to the changes in the coalition camp and said, "Finally, can't you stand it? I'd like to see who is planning a marginal city. Although he said so, he didn't keep up, but stayed still and continued to watch the changes in the camp, as if he didn't care about those who left at all.

On the other hand, the alliance, which had made some moves as early as the coalition operation, finally settled down. Similarly, they are also studying the battle between coalition forces and marginal cities in recent days. It is said to be a battle, but there are only a handful of conflicts that really broke out. Compared with the coalition, the alliance has a greater interest in marginal cities. They are not people who know nothing. They clearly know who built the marginal cities, otherwise they would not have spent so much power to attack such a city, but to their surprise, marginal cities could be there. It is well preserved under the bombing, and the loss of manpower is almost negligible.

"What a terrible place." As the leader of the alliance this time, Mute couldn't help sighing. He was also afraid of the strength of the coalition army, but he never thought that the marginal cities would only send a person to come and kill a leader of the other party on the spot in such a short time.

"I really don't know where to find so many monsters in the marginal cities." As Mut's adjutant, Fick answered naturally, "I really want to play with Xiu. I didn't expect that this guy who used to hide in an underground city had such strength.

"If you go, you will only die." Mutt did not hesitate to hit Fick. He knew very well that even if he went up, there was only one dead end, not to mention Fick, who was worse than himself.

"Don't hit people like this." Fick said dissatisfiedly that although he thought Xiu was very strong, he didn't think he had a chance to win.

Mutt just shook his head and did not answer.

Fik immediately changed the topic when he saw that Mut did not answer: "When will we launch an attack?" He has always remembered this.

"We don't attack either side this time, we just want to observe the situation." Mutt remembered the secret order he received and asked him to stand still and look at it. It was not like the order on the surface, asking him to come here to pick up cheap ones. He valued this secret order very much, because it undoubtedly saved his life.

As soon as Fick heard this, his face couldn't help but look stagnated. Originally, he thought he could go to the battlefield, but he didn't expect that the situation would suddenly change so much. He looked at Mut in disbelief and thought what was the significance of their sending troops this time?

Muter had no intention of explaining at all, but knocked on the table and said, "If you have nothing to do, just go down." I want to take a break." He was obviously ousted, and Fick was embarrassed to stay here.

Leave Mut's tent sadly, and Fick muttered in a low voice as he walked.

In the color of Fick's departure, Mutt immediately contacted the alliance headquarters. After a flash on the screen, a figure with his back to the screen appeared. The man shook and turned around. It was nameless.

"What's going on over there?" He looked at the screen namelessly, with a faint red light in his eyes.

The coalition has suffered a temporary setback and has not had any fierce reaction at present. There are no more troops on the edge, and both sides are quiet. Mutt reported the results of his observations these days to unknown, and he must reply to them.

"Did Xiu show such a strong combat power?" Looking at the picture information that Mut just sent to him, he really didn't expect such a change. The people under Yi Tian are really not simple. If the marginal cities continue to develop like this, I'm afraid it will become more troublesome.

"Very powerful. So far, he is the only one who has fought in the marginal cities, and no one else has appeared. Mutt felt that the response methods of the marginal cities were very strange. Such a large-scale attack was that only one person appeared on the battlefield and detered the coalition forces with one person's strength.

"Just watch and don't interfere in the battle between the coalition and marginal cities no matter what happens. If you find any changes, retreat immediately. Nameless is now more and more like a manager. He will think about things from many angles and understand that he needs to rely on the power of the whole alliance now, otherwise he will not be able to cope with so many changes at all.

"I understand." Mut bowed and nodded, understanding the nameless order. He doesn't know much about the nameless. At most, he knows that this is a person who occupies a high position in the league, but he doesn't know what position he has reached, but he agrees with the anonymous management method, at least for now.

"Very good." Wu Ming also appreciates Mut's subordinates. He has no words or doubts. He will carry out orders wholeheartedly and conscientiously implement each order, and he can also be flexible. Many times better than his people, he is a little reluctant to sacrifice Mut on the front line.

"Go ahead and contact me if you have any news in the future." Without a name, he unilaterally cut off the communication, and he needed to sort out the information he had just received.

As for Mut, he immediately started to prepare for other things. He needs to know more about the causes of the war between the coalition and marginal cities. Although there is no reason for any war in troubled times, it is worth thinking about why so many forces form a coalition to attack marginal cities.

Mutt always feels that the actions of the coalition forces are a little strange, and from his understanding of those forces, it is impossible to form such an effective coalition in such a short time. There must be some people in this, or contribute to the waves, otherwise such a situation could not be formed at all. But what is the purpose of organizing the coalition to attack marginal cities? This is a problem.