reverse song

Chapter 592 The Dark Coffin

Chapter 592

Zhou was in trouble. On Tuesday, it was like beating chicken blood. His strength suddenly increased, and the means were extremely fierce. Every blow on Tuesday will definitely smash a bone around the body. The broken bone pierced the skin around, with blood, ** outside. Zhou made a roar and said with extreme pain. Even in this situation, he still did not faint.

Tuesday made a deep laugh and launched a constant attack, but there was no intention of killing Zhou Chu in one fell swoop. He is simply treating the people around with a cat-playing and mouse mentality.

The roar of pain came from a long distance from the abandoned area where the roar kept coming. When the coalition soldiers who were demolishing the abandoned area heard the painful roar around, they couldn't help shivering. The soldiers looked in the direction of the sound of pain, turned their direction, and did not dare to walk there at all. They don't want to leave their lives there.

Liu Qiyang, who was fleeing from the woman's pursuit, heard Zhou Chu's roar and his expression suddenly changed. He, who was running towards the city, immediately turned around and ran in the direction of Zhou. He can't let Zhou Chu get into trouble. Although the two of them usually keep bickering, this is actually a sign of their good relationship.

Liu Qiyang saw the woman who was catching up as soon as he turned around. He saw the woman with frost on her face and the murderous intention spewing out from the woman's eyes.

At this time, the woman did not have the previous excitement, and there was only a strong murderous intention in her eyes. She wants to kill the person in front of her without mercy.

As soon as she saw Liu Qiyang running in her direction, a surprised expression flashed on her face, and then she approached without hesitation. Although she didn't understand why Liu Qiyang suddenly returned, the woman would never let go of this great opportunity. She stared at Liu Qiyang, shook her body, and quickly approached Liu Qiyang.

At this time, Liu Qi* had no intention of entangling with the woman here. He knew well that Zhou's nature and strength could force Zhou to make such a painful roar. The man's strength could be predicted. If he went too late, he would be torn to pieces. Seeing the woman approaching, Liu Qiyang's face suddenly became cold, and he opened his mouth and roared, "Get out!"

With a roar, the sound wave swept around, and the earthy yellow light suddenly launched. The surging light immediately attracted the free energy in the air. The ground suddenly trembled violently, and the flat ground suddenly surged like the sea when the storm hit.

The rumbling sound kept coming, and then quickly spread towards it, and a series of soil thorns broke through the ground, blocking the approaching woman from the distance. The smoke and dust covered the realization of the woman, but it could not affect Liu Qiyang's actions. He still ran in the direction of Zhou without changing the direction.

At this time, Liu Qiyang is safe and has no intention of retaining it.

In the smoke and dust, a red light suddenly appeared and broke through the smoke and dust all over the sky. The woman shouted and approached again. The thorns rushing out of the ground could not affect her actions at all. Although she was surprised that Liu Qiyang would suddenly burst out such an amazing force, it was just a surprise. Her speed did not slow down at all, but she still approached Liu Qiyang quickly.

A red light appeared in the smoke and dust all over the corner of his eyes. Without looking at Liu Qiyang, he knew that the woman had approached. His eyes were cold, and his right hand poked out in the direction of the woman. As soon as he grasped the void, the earthy yellow light suddenly burst out, followed by the earthy yellow light around the woman suddenly surged up and quickly condensed towards the woman.

The woman who was attacking only felt that the pressure around her was heavy, and the speed suddenly slowed down, and her whole body fell to the ground.

The surrounding smoke and dust condensed towards the woman under the control of Liu Qiyang, and the pressure suddenly increased by nearly half. The woman only felt that her body was getting heavier and heavier, and her movements were getting slower and slower. She knew that she could not stay here, but her body was so heavy that she could no longer move at all.

All the smoke suddenly condensed to the woman and suddenly synthesized a huge earth ball, trapping the woman in it.

The woman trapped in the earthball snorted and opened her mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, but she was unwilling to be trapped here. She stimulated the energy in her body and wanted to break through the surrounding earth walls. But the more the woman stimulated the energy, the stronger the pressure around her. She immediately rushed back to her body. Her fragile body could not withstand the strong pressure around her, and immediately made the woman hum again. The fragile part of her body made a direct cracking sound. Her legs crackled directly, and the whole body fell directly to the ground.

Liu Qi* did not pay attention to the situation on the other side of the earth ball and still rushed in the direction of the surrounding area. He is not interested in the situation of the woman at all now.

On the other side, Du Guliang, who was entangled with the rock, also heard the roar of Zhou Chu. His face suddenly changed, and he knew that the real master appeared. For Zhou Chu's ability, Du Guliang knows what kind of master he will be able to push Zhou Chu to such a point.

shook his body and immediately opened the distance from the rock. Du Guliang smiled and said, "If there is something at the last moment, I won't play with you." After saying that, he turned into a green light to leave the battlefield.

As soon as the rock saw that Du Guliang wanted to get out of the war circle, he snorted coldly, "Do you want to leave like this? Don't dream."

Before the words fell, the rock suddenly jumped into the air, and the whole person rushed directly into the air. It's hard to imagine that he can jump so high as a heavy man and a native capable person. As soon as he rose in mid-air, he stretched out his hand. The earthy yellow light stirred out, and the free energy around him was immediately stimulated. Fist-sized earthballs suddenly appeared in mid-air. With the movement of the rocks, those earth balls immediately flew towards Dugu Liang.

"How can you smash the earthball like a child?" A trace of dissatisfaction flashed on Dugu's face, and his body shook repeatedly, avoiding the attacking earth balls. Then he reached out a little, and a blue light spewed out from his fingertips and went straight to the rocks in mid-air.

You should know that other capable people who do not have the wind ability can change their bodies at will in mid-air. Du Guliang's move is to force the rock back.

Obviously, the rock had long expected such a situation. It took a deep breath and punched directly, hitting the earthy yellow light fist and the green light. The green light broke, the rock hummed, and the body immediately fell to the ground.

Dugu Liang didn't look at the rock and ran in the direction of the surrounding area. As soon as he left the battlefield, anxiety appeared on his face. At this time, he had to be anxious. Originally, the city was in trouble. If the city's combat power was lost again, the city would become more and more troublesome.

After all, the speed of Duguliang is faster, so he also took Liu Qiyang first to the place where Zhou was.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, before he could see what the scene was like, Du Guliang rushed directly to the place where the blue light flashed. There is no need to think that he knows that this blue light is the opponent of Zhou.

On Tuesday, when he was abusing Zhou, he heard the bad wind behind him and immediately turned around and punched him.

The blue light flashed, and I saw a wave nearly five meters high appearing out of the air and directly covered the place where Dugu Liang attacked. I have to say that Tuesday's response was very fast and the attack was very fierce. I dared to launch such an attack without seeing the enemy.

He punched out and immediately retreated on Tuesday. As he turned around, he saw a touch of green light appear in the air. He guessed that the person came was a wind capable person, so he quickly distanced himself from the other party.

Duguliang, who rushed to Tuesday, only saw a huge wave cover him. His expression changed. As soon as he reached forward, a huge wind blade came out and swept towards the covered wave. The wind blade instantly split the huge wave head in half, while Du Guliang rushed directly and quickly approached the surroundings. He didn't pay attention to the retreat Tuesday.

As soon as he saw the situation on Zhou's body, Du Gu's heart twitched fiercely and stared at Tuesday fiercely. If Zhou Chu was killed in one fell swoop on Tuesday, Du Guliang would not be so angry, but Tuesday would insult Zhou Chu with such a torture, which would not feel good on anyone.

"Is there a helper coming so soon?" Tuesday gave a ferocious smile and patted his hands on the ground, and a series of waves appeared on the ground, rolling towards Dugu.

Du Guliang picked up the seriously injured Zhou and retreated. Now he doesn't want to be entangled with the other party. After all, the top priority is to treat Zhou, not to avenge Zhou. Just as Du Guliang wanted to retreat, he heard heavy footsteps from the other side. Such a heavy footsteps shocked Dugu's heart. If there is a helping hand from the other party at this time, it will be troublesome. Thinking of this, he rose up without hesitation and was about to leave here.

"Are you in such a hurry to leave?" On Tuesday, a strange voice suddenly appeared behind Du Guliang. I don't know when this guy suddenly appeared behind Duguliang.

In his heart, Du Guliang was about to rush forward, and immediately felt a sharp pain in his back, and his whole body staggered forward.

Tuesday's attack will not end so easily. If Du Guliang's action is blocked, he will trap Dugu Liang. The blue light in his hand dispersed, and the cold air was immediately stimulated and quickly wrapped around Dugu Liang and around. On Tuesday, he wanted to trap Duguliang and Zhou Chu with ice.

A green light flashed in his eyes, and Du Guliang opened his mouth and let out a clear roar. A dazzling blue light suddenly broke out around him, quickly scattered around, and quickly pushed his body forward. When he rushed out, Du Guliang heard a low and angry roar.

When the sound appeared, the ground began to vibrate. Tuesday, who was about to chase Duguliang, only felt that his feet were unstable, and his whole body staggered and went down to the side. With a roar, he suddenly turned his head on Tuesday and looked at the man who blocked his action.

Liu Qiyang, who set out first, finally arrived here at this time, and as soon as he appeared, he helped Duguliang.

"This way!" He opened his mouth and roared. Liu Qiyang was not stupid enough to stay here to attack him, and immediately turned around and ran away in the direction of the city.

Duguliang, who was running away, heard the roar and naturally chased the direction of the sound. When he saw Liu Qiyang, Du Guliang suddenly accelerated and caught up with Liu Qiyang and rushed to the direction of the city.

Tuesday, which had just been hindered by Liu Qiyang, roared angrily, but at this time it was impossible for him to catch up again. The speed of the wind ability is the fastest of all the ability. Even if the lonely person is with two people at this time, the speed has not slowed down at all. Even if you want to catch up on Tuesday, it is impossible to catch up.

In the city, Situ Hao, standing on the wall, narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't look very good. He already knows what happened in the abandoned area. So far, except for Xiu, Cook, Giles and Du Guliang, who have maintained intact combat strength, the rest of them will not be able to exert much strength in a short time even if they return from victory

"We have been tricked." Situ Hao sighed gently. He knew that even if he knew that there was a trap at present, they would still step in, otherwise the city would completely fall into the passive.

Although the situation has improved, the final result remains unchanged. They are still very passive, and now they are afraid that what they can do is to hold on. Of course, if the vulture and others are willing to take action, it will be another situation. But will the vulture really take action? Situ Hao is not sure at all.

While thinking, Situ Hao saw Dugu Liang rush into the city with Liu Qiyang and the seriously injured Zhou, and there was no stop at all. Du Guliang rushed to the treatment center with Zhou. This situation can't be delayed.

After the return of Duguliang and others, Xiu and others also quickly retreated, and the coalition soldiers outside the city also quickly retreated outside. After all the ordinary people retreated, the helpers of the coalition rose up into mid-air and looked coldly in the direction of the city.

Looking at those people without giving way, Situ Hao felt a heavy pressure coming.

"Fringe cities? Very good!" A middle-aged man standing among the group looked at Situ Hao gloomfully and whispered, with undisguised murderous intent in his eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took people back to the direction of the coalition camp.

The virtual world is still a quiet virtual world. Those strange beasts by the lake lie quietly by the lake. Occasionally, there is a snoring sound but I don't know the sound made by the beast after falling asleep. There is no one by the lake, and even the old man who usually fishes here can't be seen at all. In the middle of the lake is a coffin, a dark coffin.

A faint silver light occasionally flashed on this dark coffin, but I don't know what exists in it. The coffin occasionally sinks to the bottom of the lake and floats on the water again after a few seconds. The swimming fish in the lake swim near the coffin, showing a rather intimate appearance.

When the coffin sank to the bottom again, there was a sudden distortion over the lake, and the old man suddenly appeared there. With a faint silver light flashing in his eyes, the old man stretched out his hand and pulled the sinking to the bottom of the water into mid-air. He reached out and patted the coffin, making the sound of the frame, and a rather strange smile appeared on the old man's face.

"Kid, are you still comfortable here? It's time to wake up after lying down for so long. The old man continued to pat the coffin with a smile, but he had no intention of opening the coffin.

"Come out, little guys." While patting the coffin, the old man said to several huts by the lake.

As soon as the words fell, I saw several streamers rushing out of the cabin, and the streamers stayed beside the old man. It was William and the three who followed Yi Tian to escape into the virtual world.

At this time, the three were intact, not like before, but they did not see Yi Tian.

"How's it going?" William and the old man were familiar with him and asked naturally.

And Tang Mu seemed a little restrained. He looked at the old man respectfully, but there was no extra words.

"It's okay." The old man said with a smile, but he still didn't mean to let Yi Tian come out. "For so long here, your injuries should be almost healed."

William and the other two nodded, but did not speak. They didn't know how to answer, and the old man's words obviously meant to get them out of here. But Yi Tian hasn't come out yet. How can they leave here?

"In that case, let's leave quickly. Old man, I'm used to being quiet. You are always noisy here, which disturbs me to have a bad rest. Leave quickly while you're all here now." He had no intention of leaving William and others here.

What about Yi Tian? How is he?" William asked again, because he had not seen the shadow of Yi Tian so far.

"He? Very good." The old man still said with a smile, "Don't worry so much. It's all right. Get out of here quickly." With that, without waiting for William and others to answer, he directly waved his hand and sent William and others into the exit passage, and even the dark coffin followed them into the passage.


After writing for so long, I finally pulled it back to Yi Tian. This chapter is quite difficult to write, and I feel that my head is about to cramps. Thank you for your appreciation.