reverse song

Chapter 608 Slip away

Chapter 608

The whole team is still advancing slowly, not fast, because it is necessary to guard against the danger of exposing their whereabouts. Although the whole team was operating within the league, Bai Nian and others had to be more careful after the five people suddenly jumped out. After all, the five guys and others are all masters and may run out of an inexplicable place at any time. If you are not careful, you may really encounter some big trouble.

Bai Nian sat in the transporter and closed his eyes to refresh his mind, while the sickle looked around from time to time to determine whether the whole team's route was safe. At the same time, it also constantly accepts information from the headquarters. These are very important things for them. Without the guidance of the headquarters, they are very likely to run to the small city where Wulao and others are located. Their location is not too far from the small city. If they deviate slightly from the route, they will enter the scope of the small city.

At nightfall, the whole team stopped. Even if there are transport vehicles, and they are still in their own territory, Bai Nian and others are still very careful when marching, not to mention that there are many beasts in the wilderness, and those rebels alone are enough to give them a headache. I don't know where those rebels came from. They are not only fully equipped, but also have many masters. When the alliance's small troops met the rebels, they had to avoid their sharpness.

The team stopped to camp, and Bai Nian quickly hid in the tent and was unwilling to walk outside. Instead, the sickle kept running forward and arranging things until nearly midnight. It was also at this time that the whole noisy camp was completely quiet. At this time, only the night patrol was still active in the camp, and the rest hid in the camp and prepared to rest.

The sickle was also in his tent, and turned off the lights completely early in the morning, but he did not sleep, but sat on the chair, with a faint red light flowing in his eyes. At first glance in the darkness, I saw two red lights flashing in the dark, which was very scary. No one knows what the sickle is thinking at this time and why he sits motionless in the dark.

But soon, the sickle, who had not moved at all, began to act. He gently walked to the position of the door, observed the situation outside, and then quietly drilled out. With the skills of a sickle, no one can find him outside Bai Nian in this camp. However, Bai Nian was not in the mood to pay attention to whether the sickle was still in the camp at this time. He just wanted to return to the headquarters early, as long as there were no mistakes during this period.

Without any obstacles, the sickle left the camp smoothly and rushed towards the set goal at a very fast speed. He is not a person who knows nothing now. He has a very deep understanding of the world, so after a slight turn of his mind, he determines the direction of the marginal city and runs in that direction without hesitation. Fortunately, the direction of the marginal city is just opposite to the small city where Wulao and others are located, otherwise the sickle will need to pass through the small city. In this way, the chance of exposure will be greatly increased.

Riding the night attack, the sickle let the night wind roar in his ear. He saw the surrounding scenery retreating at a very fast speed, and an unprecedented pleasure spread all over his body. The energy operation in his body was unconsciously increased a little. The speed suddenly increased, and he turned into a streamer and quickly disappeared. In the dark.

After confirming that Arthur and others's partner was Hydra, Scythe wanted to meet Arthur and others. At this time, with the news of Hydra, how could he easily let it go? Through the night and the night wind, the sickle flew freely like a big bird breaking through the cage and quickly rushed towards its goal.

The sickle rushed to the marginal city, hoping to get some clues. On the other hand, Ning Yu, who had a secret talk with the governor, also came out of the hut. There was no change of expression on Ning Yu's face, which was a little scary. He didn't care at all about the tense atmosphere outside the house, even if the fierce eyes of Pas, drums and beautiful women were completely ignored. At this time, he was thinking about something else.

When the governor came out with a tired face and felt the gaze of the three Pass, he waved his hand and signaled that he had nothing to do, but he did not say anything with Ning Yu. He just slowly walked to his seat and sat down, and then motioned the others to sit down.

"Sit down." The governor's voice was a little low, and the slow tone made people feel a little uncomfortable after listening to it, especially his tone was full of fatigue, which made people feel more uncomfortable. It seems that Hu and Tianxin were suddenly killed, which hit him a little bit.

The rest hesitated for a while before slowly sitting down. Even the fat man and others standing at the door sat aside at the motion of Ning Yu to listen to what the governor wanted to say.

When everyone sat down, the governor spoke slowly.

"It's really my fault that the thing happened between the fox and Tianxin. I rushed them to negotiate before I figured out the attitude of the marginal cities, and it was still in this ** period. Our miscalculation of the strength of marginal cities is also a great oversight. But in any case, things have reached this point. We now have two choices, one is to fight against marginal cities, which is not difficult for us; the other is to avoid marginal cities and never contact them again. I want to hear your opinions." The governor seemed to struggle with all his strength to say these words, so as soon as he finished his words, he was completely silent, and even his originally energetic eyes completely darkened.

No one expected that the governor would say such a thing at this time, but it is also normal to think about what kind of organization Hydra is. With their strength, they never have to be afraid of any force. A small marginal city is a joke in their eyes. It is normal for the governor to say so, but it is strange that the governor did not choose to carry out directly, but proposed two options.

"War, never die." Chachai made a choice with a fierce look. He didn't think too much at all and answered immediately as soon as the governor's words fell.

The roar of Chachai echoed in the room, which made people's eardrums hurt, but no one dared to take his words. Fighting is not a trivial matter. It is a key matter involving the survival of the whole Hydra. If they rush out, their whereabouts may be exposed. I don't know how many forces in the world are curious about where the Hydra organization is built, and some forces hostile to the Hydra are eager to know the location of the Hydra headquarters earlier to destroy the Hydra in one fell swoop.

If there is a war, it is definitely impossible to borrow the power of external forces. Only by using their own strength can they control the war well. For the Hydra, which is used to hiding, it is obviously not a good choice to go to war.

But now no one dares to refute the guess, because Ning Yu is here, and the most important thing is that there are three masters behind Ning Yu who can fully control the situation. There is no doubt that Ning Yu is on the same front line as Chacha. After all, Fox is an indispensable member of Ning Yu's team.

Even the governor who gave the choice had no intention of speaking at this time, and everyone was weighing the pros and cons of starting a war with marginal cities.

"It's too early to start the war now." After all, someone spoke, but the person who said this was a little surprised. He was one of the three mysterious people standing behind Ning Yu.

Everyone knows that it's a little early to start the war. Even Ning Yu knows this very well, but he can't say this. However, the mysterious man who cooperated with him actually said such words, which undoubtedly represents Ning Yu's meaning to a certain extent.

Chachai, who proposed to go to war, turned his head and looked at the mysterious man who was talking, with a bad look on his face. Rao is a rather amazing means to see the other two mysterious people just now. Chachai still has no fear, and death is nothing to him at all.

"Don't stare at me like this. I can understand your anger, but this is not a reason to support your war." The mysterious man was not frightened by Chachai's angry eyes, and his face was indifferent. "If you want to fight with me, I advise you to save some energy and think about why you can't go to war now." He actually reprimanded and guessed rudely.

Being reprimanded by the other party, he couldn't help but guess, and then patted his hands on the seat and rushed to the mysterious man. However, before Chachai approached the mysterious man, he was blocked one by one and rushed directly into his meridians, freezing all the energy in his body and restricting Chachai's action.

"If you want to die, I can do it for you." Ning Yu looked coldly at Chachai and said without any emotion. When the fox was killed, his mood was extremely bad, and Chachai was still so reckless to provoke a fight. He forgot how reckless and reckless his performance was just now.

The movement was restricted one by one, and Chacha could only stare at Ning Yu angrily. He didn't understand why Ning Yu, who was still standing in the same boat as him just now, suddenly changed his attitude. Is it the governor? Angry and sad people are always suspicious. Any slight change will cause them to have many delusions and excessive speculations. Now the guess is obviously over-guesed. He believed that the governor lodged Ning Yu and asked him to give up the idea of revenge for the fox and Tianxin.

He turned his head and stared at the governor fiercely. Chachai did not hide his anger and murderous intent, even if he was restricted from moving at this time.

"Br bring back the bodies of the fox and Tianxin first. Let's talk about other things later. Ning Yu finally said what he said in his heart. He didn't want to watch the fox and Tianxin expose their bodies on the wall.

"It has been picked up." The governor said slowly, "The matter with the marginal cities is not so easy to end. Sooner or later, this battle will be fought."

"I know without your reminder. In that case, I will say goodbye first." Before he finished speaking, Ning Yu had already stood up and motioned to take the reckless guy away one by one, and then he took a step ahead out of the room.

The rest of the people looked curiously at the governor. They wanted to know what happened to the conversation between the two just now and why Ning Yu's attitude suddenly changed so much. However, it is obvious that the governor has no intention to explain, so no one dares to ask what is going on.

The infighting of Hydra is over, leaving too many questions.

In the deep mountains, the sky is gradually bright, and the qi in the mountains gradually fades. The morning sun passes through the clouds and falls through the leaves, bringing the first ray of light to the mountain forest and bringing warmth to the world. Yi Tian and others, who had rested in the mountains for a day, came out of their rooms lazily.

The unsipated sleepiness on his face was immediately dissipated by the cool air in the mountain. He fought a chill, and opened his mouth and let out a long low roar, which shocked the birds and beasts lying nearby fled one after another. For a while, it was lively and gave people a pleasant feeling.

Looking at the birds flying far away with wings all over the sky, a rare relaxed smile appeared on Yi Tian's face. When he turned his head to look at others, he also found that they all had similar smiles on their faces.

"It's a good day." With his mouth open, he said such a sentence. Yi Tian looked at Tang Mu, "Get ready, we're leaving here. If it weren't for something to do, I really didn't want to go back to that messy world.

"Waiting for things to be understood, I spent a lot of time here." Tang Mu answered with a smile, "Where is the first goal?" He didn't mean to delay and asked directly.

"back to the edge city." Yi Tian said without thinking, "I think the Hydra should have sent someone to pick up the body. I'm really curious about what they will do.

"Have you arranged it?" Tang Mu looked at Yi Tian without any surprise. He knew that Yi Tian had many strange means to do some tampers on the body, even Hydra people must not be able to detect it.

"It's kind of. Seriously, I don't want to fight with Hydra. It's not unreasonable for such a force to exist for so long.

"It's a pity that I don't commit crimes, and people commit me first." William sighed, "It is basically impossible to live a quiet life in this world unless you are completely separated from the world."

"Depart from this world? Is it possible?" Yi Tian smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense. It's time to go. I can't wait to think of what Hydra's headquarters will look like.

The rest of the people answered with a promise and rose up one after another and chased Yi Tian. This time, Yi Tian came prepared. If he is not as before, he can only passively defend. He has decided to take the initiative to attack, so he will definitely make the most effective choice. He is fearless, even if he knows that the road ahead is bumpy.

Tang Mu's subordinates originally chose the place at the border of the alliance. This is a three-indifferent zone, and the land is dangerous, and no one is stationed here at all. Therefore, such a vast group of people as Yi Tian actually left the scope of the alliance very smoothly. Enter the chaotic area.

This place is quite far from the marginal city, but this distance is nothing for Yi Tian and others. It's just that I saw quite cruel scenes along the way. In troubled times, large and small forces want to take advantage of such a chaotic situation to get more benefits, and only ordinary people suffer.

Looking all the way, Yi Tian sighed, but he did not know that such a huge team flew through the sky without hiding his traces, which had shocked all kinds of forces along the way. Soon the news of Yi Tian's reappearance spread to the headquarters of various forces, and it was especially important that those forces showed that Yi Tian had a strong team at this time.

This is undoubtedly bad news for the major forces. After all, they have been coveting marginal cities before, but no one expected that the marginal cities after Yitian would develop so rapidly and develop undisguisedly. All the forces felt the ambition of the marginal cities, which frightened them. After frightened, they realized that it was impossible to suppress the marginal cities again. This seemingly weak city has unconsciously grown to the point of fearing them.

The new coalition, which had just been withdrawn from the marginal cities, originally planned to attack the marginal cities again to get some face, but they didn't expect Yi Tian to appear with a team of capable people, which was a bolt from the blue for them, enough to completely collapse. However, they had no other choice. The people of the coalition decided that Yi Tian would find trouble for them as soon as possible, because they had caused trouble in marginal cities before.

"The marginal city must be destroyed anyway." As the commander of the new coalition, Ma Du's face was blue and he was almost in a state of collapse. He didn't expect that the marginal city would become so tricky, and what made him even more angry was that the Hydra completely pulled out and disappeared clean at this time.

"Damn Hydra, if I had known that I shouldn't have cooperated with them." Cursing angrily, Ma Du walked around the room uneasily, and he didn't even notice that the smoke in his hand had burned out. He is now thinking about how to deal with the counterattack of marginal cities. He has seen the power of Yi Tian from the video, which is an extremely horrible force that he can't resist at all. Even those who are potential practitioners in the coalition may not be Yi Tian's opponents.

The more panicked he was, the more Ma Du had no choice. He felt that he was about to go crazy. He couldn't figure out why he met such a difficult opponent. Why did such an opponent not die quickly, but kept appearing in front of him, bringing him all kinds of uneasiness. No one can relieve Ma Du's uneasiness, no one.