reverse song

Chapter 614 Purpose of Speculation

Chapter 614

The next day, the sun rose as usual, and the dead had long disappeared, but the living fled far away and did not dare to approach here at all. Overnight, the marginal city changed from a fragrant meat to a ghost city that people are afraid of. At this time, those who coveted marginal technology completely dispelled all kinds of bad ideas. Now they don't even want to look at the marginal cities, and no one is willing to joke about their lives.

Of course, there are also extremely exceptional forces, among which the most exceptional ones are the people of the alliance. After getting the news, the name quickly gathered his training staff and sharpened his knife to prepare to enter the marginal city. It's just that Bai Nian and the others haven't come back yet, so he didn't act rashly. Suddenly getting the news of the ancestors is extremely important for the unknown and others. If you can release the ancestors before the arrival of the general, I'm afraid you can get a lot of benefits.

The situation was so unexpected that everyone was overwhelmed. Although the name gathered his own manpower at the first time, he hesitated when he really wanted to take action. He knows very well that actions in this extraordinary period will attract great attention. Everyone regards marginal cities as monsters, but if he is so close there, he will undoubtedly expose his whereabouts.

The name knows very well how much his identity is**, and he also knows that Yi Tian and others have been looking for their traces. If they jump out now, they are likely to jump into the trap of Yi Tian and others. After hesitating again and again, Animyo finally decided to wait and see. He now knows where his ancestors were imprisoned, so there is no need to rush for a moment. And the nameless believes that this matter is so big that the people within the alliance will definitely receive the wind, and there is no need to rush to die.

As soon as the nameless gave up the idea of going to the marginal city, Bai Nian withdrew to the headquarters and brought back the worst news. The sickle disappeared.

Not everyone saw the scene of the sickle being killed by Yi Tian, and even those who saw this scene did not know the identity of the sickle at all. Everyone knows that people who enter marginal cities want to see how marginal cities will deal with Hydra, but no one expected such a change in marginal cities. What's more, after the incident of the giant, who is still interested in the survival of a small capable person? After all, the people in the city at that time, except for Yi Tian and William, have all turned into ashes, and it is impossible for anyone to convey what happened inside to the outside.

So when Bai Nian brought the news of the sickle's disappearance to the unknown, the nameless face was stunned, and then he thought of the sickle's defection. He didn't know why the sickle defected, but Arthur and all three left, and leaving the sickle himself was a great question. Perhaps the sickle stayed that day to dispel the nameless idea of chasing Arthur and others. After all, if the four of them leave at the same time, the nameless is likely to send people to hunt down the four of them, and the situation will become different after the sickle stays. After the matter is over, the sickle will find time to escape from here.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was wrong, which made him extremely angry. He didn't expect that he would still be fooled in the end, and the feeling of being humiliated made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Did the sickle say anything before he left?" Looking at Bai Nian without a name, it was quite rare for him not to blame Bai Nian for his negligence. After all, the two went out together and supposedly should take care of each other. As a result, Bai Nian let the sickle escape silently.

"No. He escaped on the way back. Bai Nian thought for a moment, "Before he came back, he confirmed that Arthur's partner was Hydra."

"Can he be sure?" Nameless is very surprised. Although the news came a long time ago, the nameless was doing something else at that time, so he didn't care much about the news. Now when he hears Bai Nian mention this again, he feels a little strange. The sickle was able to be so sure of Arthur and others to cooperate with.

Bai Nian nodded to say that the sickle at that time was very sure of this.

"It seems that he is looking for Hydra." He sighed namelessly. How could he not know how mysterious the Hydra organization was? Since the sickle goes to find them, it will become difficult for the nameless and others to find the sickle.

Knowing that there is no hope of finding a sickle, the nameless person has given up the idea of looking for a sickle. After all, they are still of the same clan. Even if they are not in the same team at this time, the general will definitely come together in the future. What's more, as long as he can release his ancestors, the sickle and others will naturally come back to him. The only thing that worries the nameless is whether the sickle and others will expose their whereabouts, thus attracting the pursuit of those people. Of course, it is useless to worry about this. It is impossible for him to arrange everything seamlessly, and for the nameless and others, if the sickle and others expose their whereabouts, it is not a good thing. At least it can reduce the attention of Yi Tian and others to the unknown and others, which is convenient for the unknown and others to act. .

After all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, the nameless made Bai Nian go down to rest, and the white-haired man left at this time.

"It's better not to act for the time being." As soon as the white-haired man came in, he said such a sentence, obviously to stop the unknown to find his ancestors.

The nameless looked at the white-haired man unexpectedly, but he didn't expect that the white-haired man would come specially. He raised his eyebrows gently and motioned the white-haired man to go on.

"The marginal city is at the forefront of the storm, and if we go now, we will undoubtedly die. What should be done now continues to lurk, and wait until this matter is completely over before going to find the ancestors. He explained the reason directly and didn't mean to beat around the bush at all.

No one nodded and said, "You're right. There's really no need to rush out to be a bird now. This time it's a little strange. Why did the ancestors suddenly appear and Yi Tian happened to be present? Didn't the intelligence say that Yi Tian had left the marginal city? Why did it suddenly appear there again? As the thinking unfolded, he found more and more doubts, and he could not get a good explanation at every point, which made him more suspicious that this matter was premeditated.

When the nameless and white-haired people guessed the intentions of the marginal cities, Wu Lao and others finally received the latest news. Their intelligence update was really slow, and they got last night's war news when all the forces chose to shrink. Just seeing the video, Wu Lao and others suddenly changed their faces. Yan Ze and others may not know, but Qin Mo and the five people are very clear about what the giant represents.

"What's going on?" Yan Kun's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect to see such an old monster in the past few years.

"Isn't everything clear? The guy wanted to break through the seal, but he was beaten back. Lan Ze said lightly that he was not too panicked when he knew the result. If such an old monster really runs out, he will also have a headache.

"I mean, why are there such old monsters living in this world? Didn't you say that all such guys were killed?" Yan Kun expressed his doubts.

"Aren't we also alive?" Lan Ze said such a sentence lightly. This is a very powerful statement, at least Yan Kun can calm down for the time being.

"Some things are wrong." Qin Mo said slowly. He always felt that something was wrong. Things changed so suddenly that he suddenly couldn't figure out what was going on.

"What do you say?" Li Zhen looked at Qin Mo.

"It should be impossible to suppress that guy with Yi Tian's strength." Qin Mo said the biggest doubt. Although Yi Tian was very strong, it was impossible to suppress such a big guy with Yi Tian's extremely unstable strength. However, Yi Tian was able to suppress the old monster back without surprise.

"You mean this is a trap?" Li Zhen tried to interpret what Qin Mo wanted to express.

"That's right." Qin Mo nodded, "This person appeared too suddenly and was suppressed too suddenly. It is very likely that it is a false information released by Yi Tian and others to make us believe the existence of foreigners.

"That's indeed a foreigner." Lan Ze's tone was still faint, and he didn't want to participate in the conversation between Qin Mo and Li Zhen, but he couldn't help reminding them of such a fact.

"He has been sealed and can't run out at all." Qin Mo said slowly, "It is likely that Yi Tian deliberately released it to attract our attention, otherwise he would not have sealed the man so easily." Qin Mo felt that his guess was very reasonable. According to the past, if they knew the existence of such an old monster, they would certainly panic and rush there as quickly as possible to solve this hidden danger, but now they will not do so, at least in the current situation, they will not do so.

"What should we do?"

"Let Yi Tian and others deal with this matter by themselves. We just need to watch." Qin Mo had no intention of interfering at all. Indeed, even if he wants to intervene, he still needs that opportunity. At present, it seems that he really doesn't have that opportunity.

"There is no need to discuss this matter for the time being. Let's talk about how to develop these people first. Su Qing has recruited a lot of people for us, and the rest is screening and training. Qin Mo interrupted the topic just now and reopened a topic about whether their troops would be strong in the future. At the beginning of this topic, it was difficult for them to stop their discussion.

Hydra, supposedly a place of chaos, is quiet and scary at this time. The bodies of Hu and Tianxin have been successfully retrieved, and the next step is burial. However, there is another more important thing that the governor needs to deal with, which is about the changes in marginal cities.

No one could imagine that there was such a thing under the marginal city, but the governor and others were obviously not surprised. It can even be said that they seemed to know that such a thing existed in the marginal city for a long time.

"It's God, our God." The drummer said slowly, "That damn guy has put our god down." When he said this, his tone was fierce, and he meant to smash Yi Tian into ten thousand pieces.

"Calm down, no matter how angry you are, it's useless. At present, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the information we have collected. God is indeed sleeping in that place. The governor said slowly, and his voice was reassuring for no reason, "Let's bury the fox and Tianxin first. Let's talk about God's matter slowly. This miscalculation of marginal cities has cost us a lot of manpower, and God's early awakening has also disrupted our plans. We need to adjust our pace.

The governor was not too panicked. He knew that panic was useless. The only thing he needed to do was to calm everyone down and condense into one piece. After removing the fox and Tianxin, there were only seven people left, but even so seven people could not work together, which made the governor extremely troubled.

Looking at the happy picture on the seat, the governor's heart twitched. If it hadn't been for his strong suppression and Ning Yu's cooperation, I'm afraid this small group would have collapsed long ago. However, it is only one step away from the collapse now. As long as there is any small accident, they will definitely collapse immediately.

"If there is anything, just arrange it directly. Let's listen." Because of the matter of Hu and Tianxin, I guessed that the governor has not been forgiven until now, and his attitude towards the governor will naturally not be much better.

The governor didn't care about Chachai's attitude. He just glanced at the others and wanted to determine what others thought. At present, the army is unstable, and it is difficult for him to blame. After all, he was afraid that these people would unite to put pressure on him, so he was happy to see these people in conflicts. Now, at the critical moment, he can't unite these people together for his own use.

No one cares about the governor's eyes. These people care more about Ning Yu's attitude. Although Ning Yu is not here at this time, they all know that Ning Yu is very likely to replace the governor. It is enough to say that those masters around Ning Yu are enough to change the whole situation. Therefore, there was no action on the Hydra side for a while.

In the camp, Yi Tian and others were in the camp. After telling them what happened last night, the rest of the people looked at Yi Tian and William in a frenze. They always felt that these two guys were lying, but everyone saw such a big move last night. Although they were all sent away by Tang Mu at the last moment, none of these people was a master, and naturally saw what happened in the city.

They know that what Yi Tian and William said is true, but it is really difficult for people to believe this kind of fantasy.

"Let's not talk about this. Shall we track the Hydra?" Long Feiyun looked at Yi Tian and wanted to determine what to do next. After all, the person most likely to interfere with them now is Hydra.

"No need for the time being." Yi Tian lowered his head and frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something. Just now, when he was repeating what happened last night, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, making him notice something quite wrong, but for a moment he didn't know where to start to find this inspiration.

When Long Feiyun mentioned the Hydra, Yi Tian's entangled mind suddenly opened up, and what he had never understood before was suddenly completely understood.

"I see." Yi Tian suddenly patted his thigh and shouted, with joy on his face.

"So that's why they planned the city." Yi Tian looked at Long Feiyun and others, "There is no need to find the Hydra. They will send it to the door by themselves, and there should be others who will follow."

The rest looked at Yi Tian in surprise. They didn't understand why Yi Tian suddenly shouted so neuroticly. However, Tang Mu's reaction was very fast, and he understood the meaning of Yi Tian's words at once.

"You mean that Hydra people have something to do with foreigners?"

"It should be like that, otherwise they can't plan for marginal cities, and they are very likely to know that there is a seal under the city early on, otherwise they can't bite the city like this. This incident was an accident that let us know the existence of the seal. I don't think the Hydra can leave this matter alone. As long as we are patient, we will always wait for them to arrive. What's more, there must be some people who know about this side. I'd like to see what happens when the people on both sides meet together.

"Who else will come? Is it the five guys?" Tang Mu looked at Yi Tian in surprise. He was very sure that the Hydra would come, but if there were other people, he would not know who it was.

"Alliance." Yi Tian slowly spit out these two words, "They should not be able to stand it, but I want to see how long they can stand it." A sneer appeared on Yi Tian's face.

"As long as they are provoked, they should fight a lot." Yi Tian looked at the information in his hand and said, "The nameless people will definitely not give up such an opportunity to find their ancestors. This is the best way to make their blood vessels purer. If they still want to restore their former glory, they will definitely come to the city."

"What should we do?" Tang Mu looked at Yi Tian. Although Yi Tian said a lot, Tang Mu still did not hear what Yi Tian wanted to express.

"We wait, wait for them to come, and then give them a fatal blow. As long as they can be killed, the world will be basically peaceful. Yi Tian felt that the huge stone pressing on his heart began to loosen, and he felt that he was about to be completely liberated. At that time, as long as he finds Dolly, he will take her to find a place to live in seclusion and never ask about the world.